Wednesday 28 February 2024


Elly I just don't think you need as much help spiritually as Stella. You seem to have more spiritual sense than her. So I give you less attention. But that don't mean I don't wanna connect with you and marry you. I really do. I think you're great. I want you here. I want you to stay here with me forever

I know I'm not the perfect guy. But is anyone? To have and to hold in sickness and health. We gotta love and care for each other's weaknesses yeah? As well as our strengths. I'm totally sweet on you and prepared to accept you for all you are. To have and to hold in sickness and health till death us do part

I know engagement is three years away. But don't feel so threatened by Stella. Yeah she's got catlike looks and autistic brains. Wow. You have great stuff too. Stuff I love more about you than her. I even love Misty and you're smarter than her. You're totally as good for me as Stella. Me and Misty get on great and so will me and you

I will always treat you with respect. We gotta do what God wants though. Not what we want. If it was left to me I'd marry you today if you asked. It's leapday so you can ask if you want. I'd be wowed and say yes!

But if God wants me to marry Stella after all that's fine. Don't worry. Just go with what God wants. We will still be best friends and colleagues all our lives. So have no fear to bond with me and get to know me. We can be sweet on each other and grow fond of each other. But we will never kiss in case I have to marry Stella. Then it won't upset us as much. I don't care if it's you or her. All we gotta do is follow God

Stella isn't very nice to me. But that is not why I give her attention. It is because it's been going on a long time and I keep getting signs and there is just more I know about her. You have shut me out straight away in more ways than her. So it's harder to get to know you than her

Stella has been there from the start of all this. So my bond with her is a lot stronger. So I focus on her. But I want to bond with you. If you add me I will soon bond stronger with you than her and you will take the lead

So don't worry about anything. God has chosen you and I love you. So be my girl and take this leapday chance to leap into my arms. God knows I want you here. On my page and in my life. My future queen and wife. We'll make the best team and have so much fun

I'm bored of Stella's coldness. I don't like your coldness either. So warm and sweeten me up with your love. Then I'll love you more than I do already. You will win in my heart. Then God will most likely bless you for obeying him and give you more honours than Stella most probably. So you will win the competition

Being cold to me like Stella won't win it. It seems more like you're in a competition with each other to see who can be the coldest one. But that's completely the wrong idea. It's who can be the warmest kindest one who will win. And I want that to be you or her. I don't care really. It's really not up to me. It's up to you

God has called you both. Only you can decide if to answer or not. Everyone has freewill. The competition for queen is won only by following God. There's really nothing else involved. It don't matter how smart you are or what you can do or how many followers. All that matters is following God. God wants you to marry me. Ain't that amazing? So just chat to me and let's get this relationship sailing


Everyone sins. When you sin you're a bad influence on everyone who knows you. If you have a lot of followers, you'll be a bad influence on them all, which is worse. Being followed means you have more responsibility. You're responsible for all of them

If you sin you should feel bad anyway. Even if you don't have any followers and are just a bad influence on yourself. You should still feel ashamed. As God and the angels see. They won't be impressed and you won't go to heaven

But if you have lots of followers you should feel extra ashamed. Ashamed for every one of them you're leading astray

Everybody sins. But the worst thing is when a sinner don't feel guilty or have remorse for their sin or try to make amends or change their ways. If you're stubborn and proud of your sin and refuse to feel ashamed it is obnoxious and folk don't like it

So even if you have lots of followers or just a few friends, the answer is the same. Change your ways and try to make amends by steering people right from now on

I used to steer people wrong with bad language and a bad attitude. That's why I only say nice kind things nowdays

How have you steered people wrong? And what can you do from now on to steer people right?

If you change your ways. That is if you stop walking the wrong way and start steering folk the right way, heaven will be pleased and bless and let you go to heaven

As heaven cares about everyone. It wants them all to walk the right way and go to heaven. So if you steer them right, heaven will be pleased with you

But if you don't steer them right or change your ways. Heaven won't be impressed. So won't let you live there in the afterlife

"People will follow folks who share the light God has given them. Like they follow stars in the sky above. Everyone who leads those followers right will keep shining forever in heaven." (Daniel 12:3)

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Sign of the Day

Alright guys. Heaven sent you a sign today. The other day I wrote about Knowing God. It says you gotta meditate on the holy book and signs. Since then I've left a message on my bio saying read that post every day so you remember it. As it is easy to forget. Yesterday I said read Naturally Bad each day as well. Did I post that before noon? I think I did. Anyway today's speaker and devotional say the same things. The match confirms what I said to you was really said by the future-seeing holy spirit. So do as it says, my friends. As it's not me talking to you. It's heaven

Monday 26 February 2024

Naturally Bad

Being someone's enemy is such fun. Especially when you get to goss and be part of the group and you all have the shared fun of hating people together. Oh, the camaraderie, the brotherhood, the sense of belonging. Is there any higher delight?

Sadly guys I have to say it is a sin. All of it is sin. Just like a group of drug addicts hanging out together to get their fix

Yeah the drug is amazing, like heaven. But really it does you no good. Just makes you addicted to the craving and look bad and miss out on heavenly joys. The craving controls you. Like a carrot on a stick or a fly on a hook. You think you're in control, but really the craving is controlling you

You can live your whole life as a trouble addict. Addicted to being a gossip and an enemy to people. Why shouldn't you? It's so easy and natural. You feel so free when you do it

But don't forget also how disappointed you feel when it don't work out. Or how you have to do it all in secret in case people find out. Or how you do kinda feel bad but then just forget the bad feeling and dismiss it as nothing

When you remember all that you realise you don't feel free and happy all the time. Just while you're doing it. The in between times are filled with misery. So remember the misery

Quitting the drug gets rid of those in between miseries. Replacing the drug with the holy way gets rid of both the drug and the misery, swapping both for heavenly joy

If you swap them for heavenly joy you'll go to heaven after dying. If you don't you won't. You'll die and get reborn in another life of misery and addiction, as a human or animal

Verse 7 of today's chapter tells us this:

"They won't get away with these crimes, God, because when you get angry, you destroy people." (Psalm 56:7)

When it says destroy it means what I said. You will lose your eternal life in heaven, so have to get reborn and die all over again, possibly thousands of times if as an animal. As animals can't walk the holy way. So keep dying and getting reborn forever until fate makes them human again so they get another chance

The only way to get out of all that is by repenting to heaven and changing your ways and walking the holy way of virtue instead. You walk the holy way by stopping revelling in being an enemy and start being a true friend instead

I know it's not natural. But nature is for animals. To go to heaven you have to be supernatural. Super means to rise above

You have to choose to rise above that poisonous toxic unfriendly nature and choose to be kind all the time, never giving in to your desires to satisfy yourself and impress your fellow addicts with stories about how spiteful you've been

So save this post and read it every day. Then you'll never forget. Then slowly you can wean yourself off the animal hankering for spite and rise above your lower animal nature, so earn your angel wings and be able to fly to heaven in the afterlife

Sunday 25 February 2024

Gift for my Queen

I have not seen this film. But have a feeling my ❄ queen might like it. So thought I'd share

Lemme know if you like it, love. Then I might give it a watch meself

Saturday 24 February 2024

Knowing God

Hey everyone. The verse today says: "Think how much God loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children. But the people of this world do not realise it, because they do not know who God is."

That's what the world is like. Folks often feel confused and in the dark because they don't know who God is or how to worship him. The speaker today explains there's three things we gotta do each day to know God. So go give her vid a watch. I'll explain the three things here as well to help you:

1. Read about God every day in the Bible and daily devotionals, so you know who he is and what he's like and what he does and how he works. Also let him speak to you through what you read. Certain words and phrases will stand out to you or glow or feel significant. Those are God's messages to you personally for the day. It is how you know what God wants you to focus on today

2. Meditate on everything you read, especially the bits that stand out. Meditate also on his presence and everything you see around you. See how it's all connected. Notice matches between what you think and dream and what his word says and events in your daily life, and see how God is orchestrating everything. The more notice you take, the more matches you'll see. Your senses will grow more attuned over time. Enabling you to follow him more accurately every day. Then you won't feel so lost and confused or dissatisfied in life anymore. You'll be following God instead of the ways of the world

3. Worship God by making your daily deeds all about him, serving him. It means talk about him and the signs and his holy books and what you read and notice and know about him. Listen to music about him. If you can sing, sing songs about him. Draw pics about him. Dedicate your works of art to him. Thank him for every bite of food you eat. For everything good in your life. The beauty of nature. The comforts of home. His loving presence that can be felt all around you and in your heart at all times. That sense of knowing someone is there and watching you. Talking to that instead of dismissing it as nothing. Every person you see, treat them with respect. As they're God's kids as well, even if they don't know it and have no clue God exists. Treat the world with respect, look after it. As it is God's world. Work for him. Be a good gardener. If you work in a factory, know you're helping the world by making useful items for people to use. All people are God's children. So you're serving God by making items for them. So remember that and work with enthusiasm, knowing your efforts don't go unnoticed by God. He will reward you in heaven for helping others with the work you do. Try also not to sin. If anything you do is mean or selfish or indulgent, it disrespects yourself or other people or the environment, all of which belong to God. Keeping yourself and the world and other people healthy and happy is another way of worshipping God and all the things he has created. Which include you and the world and everyone. That means not sinning is a form of worship. The more you worship God, the better you'll get to know him, so the more blessings he'll be able to give you every day and in the afterlife

See now how God wants you to live? This is the holy way. To dedicate your life to God. It's a choice between living for God and living for yourself. One way leads to eternal life in heaven. The other to rebirth in dark realms of confusion where God is not known

God inspired me to share this knowledge with you today. So you'd know how to worship him. You may not know him yet. But he knows you and wants you to know him, and now you know how. So reread this post and make following God your priority today and every day

Thursday 22 February 2024

Saviour of the World

Everyone gets a fresh start when they accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour

It don't matter how mean and nasty you've been

Or how self indulgent and lazy you've been

Or who you are or where you're from or what you've done

If you regret your old foolish ways of sin, and have remorse and want to change your ways, and sense the presence of God in your life and believe in him, he will cleanse your soul of sin and lead you to heaven

It won't be an easy journey. It takes years of healing and working for heaven. You may have to continue the process in purgatory in the afterlife. But Jesus will be there with you as well, and after that you'll go to heaven

So accept Jesus as your saviour today, then let him lead you along the holy way to heaven with me, my spiritual brothers and sisters

A Taurean Prince

Supercool Luca signs

St Luke's symbol is the winged bull of heaven. Because of Jesus no more bulls gotta be sacrificed. Bull means hardworking and gets the job done. Me and Stel are Taureans so it's destiny he'll be our son

There's a baller called Taurean Prince. His number is 12 when he is playing his game. He is like a warrior but it's just a game. A game means something that is like a war but not real. Luca will be a prince and son of two Taureans and will play the game of life for world peace. He will inherit my good name and reputation as well

St Luke was not an apostle or a Jew. He was a foreigner and student of the apostles. So he was a second generation believer

In the same way Luca won't be one of my chosen ones, he will be my son, second generation. He will also have foreign heritage like Luke. So it's a match. He will most likely be born in Israel and speak Hebrew this time though

St Luke was an artist. So is Stella
So he will feel at home in her womb and like having her as his mum. I love art and did draw some half decent pics in my youth so he should get something from me as well

He will be an artist writer musician doctor and spiritual. The reincarnation of St Luke. Saint Luca. He's in heaven now and waits to be born in ten years' time

I'm still getting signs for Elly as well. So it's not like it's set in stone. But there's a lotta signs for Luca and I thought you should know. The more matches you get the more it shows heaven's will. But I get a lotta matches for Elly as well

The Holy Book

No Views? Really?
That's Embarrassing
My Usual Bad Luck
All Those Years of Echolalia for What?

The Duty of the Chosen

Hey guys

Yesterday I said El picked you. Today's verse says the same thing. A sign what I said is true:

"You're God's chosen and special people. A group of royal priests and a holy nation. El has brought you out of spiritual darkness into the wonderful light of enlightenment."

But the verse says more than that. It tells you why you're picked, and what you gotta do:

"Now you must tell all the wonderful things he has done."

You're not just picked to be given a medal for the stuff you've done already. You're picked to do new stuff for heaven

The new stuff you gotta do is tell everyone about the signs and me and the holy book I'm writing. That is why he picked you. Gotta help me share the holy words of heaven and make world peace

You also gotta live holy lives of virtue. So you set good examples for everyone you share the holy message with

Even if folks don't get what we're doing and feel suspicious of us and call us names. It'll work out well in the end. Like it says in verses 11 and 12:

"Dear friends, you're foreigners and strangers, new to the holy way. But you gotta walk it anyway. Always let others see you behaving properly. Even though they may still accuse you of doing wrong. In the end they'll see you're all good guys and follow you, regardless of the stuff they used to think and say."

See? The old saints went through the same things we're going through. So have faith. If we do what heaven says, we will succeed in the goal of making world peace, and lead all our followers there with us

Wednesday 21 February 2024


Aww thanks love

I like your style

Israel's Hope

Today's verse was spoken through an old prophet thousands of years ago

Yet prophecies don't just get once fulfilled. They may get twice or many times fulfilled at different times in history

As the words of heaven are alive like heaven itself, not dead words on a page

They're the living word through which El continues to speak to us all today

The same spirit who spoke through Zechariah thousands of years ago now speaks through me today

Now El has used today's ancient chapter to send a message for us and the world today:

"The Lord will have his day. Then everything that was ever taken from Jerusalem will be returned and divided among its people (among both Israelis and Palestinians). But first, he will bring many nations to stand against Israel. Israel will panic and in confusion fight against itself (Israel vs Palestine). There will be war and many will die (the war going on today that hopefully won't escalate). Yet many will survive the war. The whole land then will be split in half, forming a border that runs from east to west (forming Galilee in the north and Palestine in the south, two main regions of the united Israel). People will run away in all directions, just as everyone did when the earthquake struck. Then the Lord will make himself known through his angels performing signs, and the appearance of his chosen ones. It will be a bright day that won't turn cloudy or cold, and the Lord has decided when it will happen—this time of unending day (the next hakhel is one date given. Luca will have his own coronation someday also. Both will be bright days, and there'll be days brighter still beyond it, as the sunray system dawns on planet earth). Then in both summer and winter, life-giving streams will flow from Jerusalem in all directions, for everyone. For Israel and for Palestine, standing together, united as one, under new rulership. Then instead of two gods (Yahweh and Allah) it will be known that they are one and the same, and both religions serve the same god. Then it will be known there's only one god who rules all nations, and he will be worshiped by everyone, everywhere on earth." (Zechariah 14:1-9)

So see what we gotta do? We're the chosen ones who gotta follow the god of the world to save Israel and make world peace

Today's vid is 1:28 minutes long. Fancy that on a day with a devotional that talks about the new kingdom of Israel

(kingdom. The future Kingdom Come from Revelation 21, where no one will be sinful, as everyone will believe in El and be taught the holy way from birth in schools and on tv and live in heavensent multiversities that treat everybody equally)

By the vid length God is reminding us he wants Stella to give birth to the new prince of Israel who will one day be king. El is also a king. King of the gods and heaven high. Yet has picked the son of me and Stella to be the little king of Israel. I sent her a private message last night at 28 past. It shows the future-seeing spirit inspired that message, as it matches today's vid length, and holds the same meaning

The date today is Wed 21. See how it's connected? Stella wants it both ways with her magic axe. But she just gotta swing one way, and that's the way of being a devoted mother and princess. The verse ref is 14:9. That means this new king thing will be big news. So big itta change the whole world

Ricky Jackson says "the most powerful king on earth." That is what our son will be, as Jesus, king of the world and king of kings, will be with him. He'll be great at the job. Raised to serve El, heaven and Israel from his first steps and words. Me and his mum will teach him all we know. Then under God's guidance he'll lead the whole world to peace

El has picked his soul for the job already. The reincarnation of St Luke, most likely. He waits in heaven for two loving Taurean parents to get together and make him a loving home to be born in

So don't keep him waiting, Stella dear, or me or the Don, the world or Israel

Israel needs her royal fam, and the whole earth needs the world peace team

This new god we worship, and are just getting to know, has always been Israel's hope since times of old

So let's serve that god and earn our place in heaven. By giving the new united sunny sunray Israel the king and queen it needs

That means no more ignoring me. Get to work with me today. Stella, Electra, Mossy, everyone. He's calling us all to play a part in this world peace revolution

Monday 19 February 2024


Hey guys. You know I'm really rubbish at hints. I just don't think what they might mean. Especially when I'm busy. Anyway. What I really wanna know is. I'm free. Is she?

Sunday 18 February 2024


Stella, you screwed up by flirting with another guy. So today's chap has a message for you: "If you're a wife, you must put your husband first. If you follow heaven, you will win him over by what you do. As he will see how you honor God and live a pure life. Don't depend on things like fancy hairdos or gold jewelry or expensive clothes that make you look beautiful on the outside. Be beautiful on the inside by being gentle and kind. This sort of beauty will last even after death, and God considers it suitable for heaven. Long ago those women who worshiped God and put their hope in him made themselves attractive by putting their husbands first. For example, Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him her master, because he was virtuous and followed God devoutly, so could be trusted to lead her wisely. So make Sarah your role model. You will make her proud if you live right by following heaven's will, and don't let any fancy man deter you from doing so." (1 Peter 3:1‭-‬6)

Saturday 17 February 2024

My Chosen Ones

That chap is pretty tough
God is talking to me and teaching me stuff
Don't yet know enough
Probly finish it tomorrow
Stella by the way
You did screw up
I haven't seen your vid yet
Just going by the title
You know the only guy you should be talking to romantically is me
Well done for fessing up though
Confession is a sacrament
I'm proud of you
The church and Jesus will be proud as well
You can't be holy if you're full of sin
Fessing up gets rid of it and helps you not do it again

Well done Electra by the way!
You're lighting the house up right now!
The Lord has blessed you
You musta been good
So proud
I told ya you could give Stel a run for her money!
Don't let the views blind you 🤑 to following heaven though
God blessed you with that vid partly to reward you and partly to tell Stella not to be bad
So both of you thank God for the guidance
Pray and follow him every day
You might become a star now
Electrifying! Love it

Also have you three seen The Chosen?
My three chosen lovelies
Stella, Elly and Mossy
If you click on Videos in the YouVersion app you can watch the first three seasons
Amazing show
You're chosen so it's meaningful to you
Also read the 5 day reading plan by searching the app for The Chosen
As all of you are chosen, these are two things God wants you all to study
I love all three of you, and hope we can meet together as a family of friends someday

Wednesday 14 February 2024



Elly. Play the Google Doodle game with me

You know we got some Chemistry

I'll be Barium. Mix yours with mine

We'll be saints like Saint Valentine

Chemistry? Today? You know it's gotta be a sign


Valentine's Day

Happy Lent. It's Lent today. Time to fight the devil, like Krista in the desert did. The holy spirit saw it all and tells us about it in Mat 4:

"The devil took Krista up on a very high mountain and showed her all the kingdoms on earth and their power.

The devil said to her, “I will give all this to you, if you will bow down and worship me.”

Krista answered, “Go away Satan! The Scriptures say: Worship the Lord your God and serve only him.”

Then the devil left Krista, and angels came to help her."

I hope this encourages you to listen to your inner angels and follow Don El with true joy each day to heaven's oasis. Instead of the devil with unquenchable thirst to the fool's paradise mirage. You can't serve two masters. By picking sin you'll disobey the Lord, for which there will be consequences. The devil gives no earthly delight for free. There's always a price to pay

It's the first day of Lent and Valentine's Day. A rare combo. What clearer sign can there be? El wants you to turn lust down and pick true love with me. El picked me for you. So by picking someone else, even for a day, you disobey. So take my hand and walk the path of freedom to heaven with me today as arranged, betrothed and loyal partners for the rest of our days and beyond. Marriage is not a wild passion you fall down to, it's a choice you stand by. Like every virtue is. So don't fall down to the devil today. Take my hand and we will stand together

Monday 12 February 2024

Spiritual Partnerships

In yesterday's team world peace prayer I used the word divided. I said let all divided countries be united in peace by following God. I also said don't use your talents to promote yourself but to promote the kingdom of heaven

Now today's devotional says the same thing "don't let self promotion divide the family of God." It's a sign what I said was inspired by heaven and is therefore truly heaven speaking to you

The devotional also says "regardless of what your family experience was like, God intends his spiritual family to be loving and caring."

This reminds me of Elly. She is like me. She has had family troubles. But I will give her the loving fam she never had, if she wants that. Partly because I'm loving by nature. Partly because I learnt how to be more loving by walking the holy way

Some folk are spiteful by nature. They have the inner beast of a snake that bites toxic. Like Stella. They have to learn not to give in to the inner biting toxic snake, or they will be reborn a snake

I will likewise love Stella. I'm not sure how sweet and cuddly she will be. She might be less cuddly. Like a snake instead of a rabbit. But that's fine. I will love her for who she is, and teach her how to be a good tame snake instead of a toxic bitey one. If our kids are snakey as well, we will likewise teach them how to be good snakes

Elly shouts at me a lot in an unfriendly way. I used to do that. I used to bark a lot like a dog. So I gotta teach her not to shout threats or hurl insults like that. That is her inner beast. Or she will get reborn a lion or some creature with a loud voice. Instead of a sweet silent or singing angel

Today's devotional is about family, so I'm focusing on my wives. Jon will be like a brother. He shouts like me sometimes, but just for fun, which is good. He is empathic like me as well. So he will understand folk well and be kind most likely, so be easy to get on with, like me. He has mental health issues, but I can help him with those, like his personal psychologist

Either way, if I marry Elly or Stella, we gotta stand together and have a harmonious marriage like today's speakers, Dave and Ashley

It takes work. Marriage ain't easy. Like being easy and loving whoever on one night stands. So all you get is the best of them on show, and never get deeper to their emotions, psychology and spirit

A marriage goes deep to the core, and we gotta work at that so we can raise our kids to be emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy

That's what marriage really is. It's not really about physical attraction. Even animals experience physical attraction. Animals can love a thousand partners. But marriage is a human thing. Only humans can do it

It goes beyond basic attraction. It is a deep spiritual connection, where you stay together loyally even if the attraction wears off. You stay together to raise kids and serve heaven and the community

You put physical attraction aside. You say that's just for animals, like overeating, yelling and being toxic. We're angels in training. We put all that animal stuff aside

Likewise friendships can be lifelong and deeper than just being there when it suits you. You're like family. Brothers and sisters. That's how you're taught to be with members of your church. That's what me and the three chosen should all be like with each other. Likewise teach our followers to be the same

Sunday 11 February 2024


Hey just saw more confirmation you three guys are chosen. God knew when I saw the live clean sign I'd write a letter saying it's another sign you're chosen. Well I just checked the guided prayer for today and it confirms it is indeed what the signs mean, look:

So pay attention to these signs, guys. They're not from me, they're from heaven. Heaven made you and knows all things

The wisest thing you can do in this world is follow the signs it sends to guide you on your life path. I pray you have faith, follow the signs, and join team world peace with me

Team World Peace

Jon, yesterday morning, a few hours before noon, I said you look nice after a clean shave. Now today's verse says:

"Live a clean life. If you don't, you will never see the Lord."

Because the word I used matches the verse of the day, it's a sign from heaven. See what the sign is saying? Basically it's saying lose the beard. But it don't mean you can't grow one for fun. As there's actually a more specific meaning to the sign. We know because you also pictured a Jewish beard. This lets me know God is really speaking of the fashion change he wants us to bring for the Jews. Something he has told me of before, and you can help me with

Anyway. The fact God spoke this command through an interaction between us is now the second sign he wants us working together. Matt Hasselbeck gives an awesome pep talk on YouVersion, relevant to this. So watch that, follow me back and we'll chat

God has chosen all three of you now. Stella, Elly and Mossy. He wants you all to help bring the world peace revolution in, and serve the kingdom of heaven on earth with me

If you do, heaven will bless you in this life and the next. If you don't, you will miss out on heaven's blessings. Today's chapter comes with a warning to everyone called to follow the holy way to heaven:

"Make sure no one misses out on God's wonderful kindness. Like Esau, who sold his future blessing for one meal. You know how he later wanted it back. But there was nothing he could do to change things, even though he begged and cried." (Hebrews 12:15‭-‬17)

God is patient, but life is short. Eventually your time runs out. The offer to serve heaven in this life won't last forever. So take it while it's on the table

Though I will get your love and friendship, which I'll return to you all my life in return, I'm not writing this just for that

I'm writing it to recruit you into the kingdom of heaven, so you can serve heaven with me and get blessed

All your followers are gifts. As are the talents that won you those followers. The question is how will you use those gifts heaven has given you? For personal gain? To go your own way? Or follow the holy way and serve the kingdom and king of the universe?


Yeah, at first I wanted to know if she had more to say about curses. Then I saw she did a melodramatic (I love melodrama) performance of a song that brought back a lotta memories from my teen years. So I looked through a few vids with nostalgia and curiosity quick while I was writing this morning's post. Cool?

Saturday 10 February 2024

Happy New Year

Hey guys. Sorry about these vids. I didn't mean anything personal by them. It's just general stuff about sin and virtue. My favourite subject. Nothing personal. Hope y'all didn't take it the wrong way. I don't hint generally. I'm frank. I was just talking about the devil as a dragon, and the Johnny Cash song is about sin. I chose the red and the head impulsively. I didn’t think of it as a threat. More of an exciting design like a sons of anarchy jacket. It's year of the dragon now anyway, so dragon can have good meanings as well. There's good and bad dragons like all things. George killing the dragon is not dog people killing cat people or vice versa. It's the inner saint killing the inner animal. It's just what you gotta do to walk the holy way to heaven. Conquer yourself. Understand? Stella I see you getting in touch with your inner animal, the snake. What species is that? Anyway it's really great. You do have snake eyes and bite toxic. So yeah that's the beast you gotta conquer in yourself to walk the holy way. I dunno if you put that up before my dragon vid or not. But it wasn't aimed at you. You know you're not a snake. You just got a snake in you you need to battle and that's cool

Thursday 8 February 2024


Earlier I said a lady don't need supersize to be satisfied. I forgot to say though. If you're a supersize guy or your guy is supersize, that's fine. I know it is more fun isn't it to look at at least. Also more practical. I think supersize is great. But what I'm saying is. You know. There's different size people. A skinny guy isn't less of a man compared to a superstrong muscle guy. I'm saying it don't matter what your muscle size is. You're still a precious human being with skills that can be virtuous and serve heaven and go to heaven to live forever. I know being supersize is a fun thing. So it is tempting to use it for pleasure. But I can't say it's okay to sin just because you're supersize. Any more than for a muscle guy to bully smaller guys. Just because he have big muscles, he shouldn't use them to sin, understand? No matter what size a person is, virtue is the way to heaven. So don't focus on what size you're not. Or what size someone else is. Just focus on your own size and make the best of it

The Art of True Love

My friend is really annoyed about love. His wife keeps saying he's not enough man to satisfy her. I said dude don't worry. Women CAN'T be satisfied. By anyone. Love is like eating. You stuff your face all day long. You stuff it with a hundred different dishes. Does it satisfy? No. It just makes you sick. Then next day you want a hundred more! That's what it's like with women and love

That's times though he said. What about size? If I was bigger I could satisfy her. I said no dude. Can the size of your dinner satisfy you? If you eat a supersize portion, it satisfies you for about an hour. Then when it goes down you feel hungry again. The portion size was more than enough food for the whole day. Yet still you feel hungry. But if you eat the smallest portion, chew it slowly and taste every crumb, it is more satisfying and healthy. You never have to fill your belly full. It's better to eat less than you can. Love is like that

But my wife wants supersize he whined, and I can't give her it. I said dude. Everyone wants supersize food don't they? But you don't need supersize food and it doesn't satisfy. An hour after you eat it, you forget about it and want it again. Love is no different

A woman can easily love a supersize man. But it won't satisfy her any more than another guy. She is just being greedy. Love is what you feel. Not size. You only need to spend time with her and treat her nice to make her feel love. So focus on that and forget about her greediness

Her wanting to stuff her face with supersize food is just greed and greed is a sin. It will never make her happy any more than a supersize meal will make an overweight person happy. Because it is a sin and sin never makes anyone happy. So just forget it

Girls are selfish. They think it's your job to pleasure them in bed. But it isn't. Love for pleasure is a sin. It's meant for making babies. Nothing more. So instead of more love. You need less love. Love once a month at most or once a year. Never is the best. Like monks and nuns. They're the happiest people in the world and never love

I used to think size made a difference. But when I think back I see that is not the case. Because sometimes they felt it and sometimes they didn't. I realise love is what you feel, not size. No size can satisfy a woman, only love. So make your relationship about that

Treat her nice. Do fun stuff with her and be there for her when she needs emotional support. Then she will love you. She may want every hot new guy she sees in the street. But will any of them marry her and father your kid and be there for her when she really needs support? Be the guy who's always there for her and her kid

Always be good to her and remind her she's just being greedy and wanting what she don't need when she asks for supersize. Then she will realise she already has true love and don't need anything else. If she still leaves you after all that, let her go. Just keep being there for your kid all your life and enjoy the single life. Time spent on video games or whatever. You really don't need a wife to be happy. You can be happy alone

But you should stay with your wife for the rest of your life if you can. As it is a virtue pleasing to heaven. You once swore to be there for her in sickness and health the rest of your days, remember? If you keep that promise but she don't, God will reward you in the afterlife but not her. So just focus on that. Reswear your vows on the same day every year. If you haven't sworn yet then arrange a marriage. It helps you focus your love on heaven's will and the virtue of loyalty instead of on the sin of love for pleasure

If your wife hints she wants more. Just tell her she is like a greedy lady wanting a supersize meal. When it goes down, she will stop feeling full after an hour. Then she will remember the pleasure of the meal and want to eat it all over again. But the more she eats, the less pleasure she will get from it, and the more desperate and addicted she will grow

So never give her it. "The drugs don't work. They just make you worse." As the song goes. Same with love for pleasure. You go up but then always come down. The way to never come down is never go up. Never love for pleasure. Instead stay on the holy path. Going steady with true love. Never using love for pleasure. Love for pleasure is love abuse like drug abuse. It's wrong. It's unholy and heaven does not approve

You could use your strong man arm and a love toy if she was that desperate. But you shouldn't because it's a sin because it's just for pleasure. It may be a thrill but it will soon wear off. Plus heaven won't approve. So don't do that. If you already did it then stop

It's not your fault she wants too much love. It's hers. You gotta teach her to be happy without using love for pleasure like an addict uses drugs. There's plenty of other things to find pleasure from in life. Hobbies. Walks. Days out. Nights out. Conversations. Just focus on those things and never give more than a kiss. A kiss once a week. That will do. The more you do something, the less enjoyable it gets

Marriage is not about pleasure in the bedroom. You don't need marriage for that. You can stay single and do it yourself. Or have a thousand different lovers. You will waste your life. As neither of those things will ever satisfy. Plus they're sins so heaven won't bless you in the afterlife either. Because you cared more about pleasure of the flesh than serving heaven. So you will get reborn in another body made of flesh instead of going to heaven

Marriage is about raising your kid together for the rest of your days, and being each other's family for the rest of your life. In sickness and in health. The ones who support each other with everything. Through all of life's sunny days and storms. Like best friends but closer. It's nothing to do with eating more than you need or loving more than you need or loving the wrong way. All those things are sins

So save this post. Then whenever you're feeling like your marriage isn't working, reread it. It may take years and decades. But eventually you'll master the art of true love. That will satisfy you and your wife and heaven. There's no greater way to win at life than that

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Curse Lifter

Keirsten has a kid called Luca and two others. A sign for both girls. The verse says God forgives and don't stay mad if you repent for your sins and change your ways. Her name is Jones like the slang Jack Jones. Means you gotta be on your own now, single, no more partners. The ref 7:18 means you gotta put time to starting your future fam. Do all those things and God will lift your curses. A wonderful offer. I've said it before. God don't wanna be mad. He does it because he loves you. Like when you see your kid cross the road without looking and you shout. So listen and get back on the pavement. Then walk to the crossing with me. Don't keep going across that road without looking. Hold my hand and we'll follow the signs together, sisters, pleasing our heavenly Father


Noises I make about the house are just me mindlessly going about my day. They're not hints or aimed at you. Ever been to a farm or zoo? The animals mostly ignore you and just graze. They often make random noises though. That's like me. I'm not attempting to talk to you. I'm just existing. Maybe you're like a hawk, snake or spider. Focused on me. So you think every noise I make is aimed at you. But it isn't. I'm like a grazing animal. Very noisy with no meaning to the noise. I try to be quiet for you. But I have to make some noises, and none of them are aimed at you. I'm just fidgeting or watching shows. Cycling or playing vid games. Reading articles or studying the Bible. I fidget mindlessly. Then I hear you start hinting at me. I roll my eyes and think, not again. I'm frank. If I have something to say to you, I will say it using words. I won't use hints. I have enough of using hints online. When I'm at home I just wanna break from hinting. So try ignoring every noise I make for a day. Remember I have ADHD. So I'm just fidgeting or responding impulsively to urges suddenly without thinking, like going for a wee. I'm not thinking of how me going a wee might be sending you a message. I'm not trying to send you a message or wishing to send you a message. I'm just trying to go to a wee quick so I can get back to whatever I'm doing. Remember I have ADHD. An attention deficit. So I'm rarely ever paying attention to hints. I act on impulse. I don't premeditate things. I'm reading or watching a vid. I feel the urge to wee. I just stand up and wee. I don't check what time it is first or think about you. I just go a wee. That's it. You're always watching me. So always hint. But I don't. I'm just an unintentionally noisy farmyard creature, minding my own business. I never hint. Not by choice. Only to speak to you. But I don't wanna speak all the time. Just wanna mind my own business most of the time, you know? So try ignoring any sounds I make around the house

Saturday 3 February 2024

Divine Debt Settlement

Stella yesterday's chapter was a message to you from God. Thursday with Ye of Little Faith I said you have debts to pay, and said God is the shepherd we follow. The next day he sent you that chapter which also talks about shepherds and debts. In the chapter he said you owe sixty million denarii, but will let you off completely if you start following him now. He sent you the message through me. So to follow him you gotta chat to me. Just letting you know. Don't be like Star. She showed no gratitude for the king's grace. When someone gives you grace you should show gratitude. So show God gratitude for his grace by following him with me, your chosen hubby. You might feel worried because when I saved you before you betrayed me. So maybe now you think God will punish you like Star. But no. Yesterday's chapter said God is giving you this new chance now. So take this chance! If you follow me now, all your debts to him will be paid! Isn't that amazing? This message isn't from me. I'm telling you what he wants me to say. I still want to marry you and make world peace with you and our fam. God wants that and so do I. So don't be like Star and go back to your old ways. Learn from her mistake and add me today. Then your account will be settled with God. You can't put a price on that. Then we'll follow him as a team and a fam for the rest of our lives. Also watch the speaker of the day. You've heard this a thousand times and could just say nah like always. But God is saying now is the time to say yeah. He is speaking to you through Ryan and me, verses, chapters and signs. All you gotta do is listen and follow the call of the shepherd divine

Shark People

If Stella and me have babies, they will be like beautiful sharks. Sharks are so amazing. Their sharp fins, fast streamline bodies, smooth scaley skin, keen eyes

Only trouble is they stare at fish the way I stare at chocolate cake. With total lust and desire. I cannot help myself. So much cake for me I got fat. How shameful I am

How much do shark people stare at horror flicks and fantasize horrible things? It is just the same as me. They're not worse than me. I'm no better than them. Didn't mean to sound so anti shark yesterday. I was tired and just wrote the story

Reason I used shark is because the story is about a loan shark and Stella posted about shark and it was her number, so a sign. But it's not saying sharks are worse than greedy animals what stare at food all day long and eat and eat till they get really fat like me. Or who drink and smoke and take drugs till they poison themselves

So if you're a shark person, I love you. But the horror stuff especially if delighting in real horror, or focusing on being spiteful, and not just for catharsis entertainment like the walking dead, is a sin like an animal so you should stop. Just like a overweight person should stop overeating

If you're overweight and like horror as well, well that's just two sins you gotta deal with. There's seven so don't worry. You might have all of them. More work for you but that's fine. More heavenly rewards

I know it's really difficult to stop a sin. But on the holy way we're all here to help each other through such addictions, help each other be virtuous and good to each other and not sin, alright?

So yeah Stella what I meant yesterday is if we have shark kids we gotta teach them not to be cruel like animals who stare at people like pieces of meat and attack and bully them is all

Not saying I don't want the kids with you now as they'll be sharks. I do. God chose you, shark girl, so I'm all for it. I'll raise those sharks with you and teach them everything and itta be a lotta fun and I'll be proud to have sharks for kids because they're such amazing animals

You can't really tame a wild shark because they're just animals. But our ones will be human and any human you can tame

So we'll raise them to be the tamest sharks who can help the world with amazing shark skills instead of eating the world. Won't that be awesome? So get on board with me today, Stella dear, and all the shark people, and we'll go save the world together

Thursday 1 February 2024

Ye of Little Faith

Stella yesterday I said you were my family

Your response was to speak about dinosaur crime dramas

You seemed unflattering, even hostile toward me at times. Like you were fighting against me

Now today's verse says

"A family that fights won't last long either." (Mark 3:25)

So it's about us. The verse alone tells us El wants us to be family and not fight. Not to say unkind things about each other, but be for each other, on each other's sides, supporting each other, a team



In the verse, Jesus is talking about healing people possessed by demons

Some of the sages say he must have a demon of his own to be able to drive demons out of other people

But in today's verse, Jesus corrects their error in thought. He explains that demon possessed people won't cure other people of demons, they will stick together like family. Because if they don't they will be defeating themselves and going against their own agenda

The reason Jesus is able to drive demons out is because he is filled with the antidemon light known as the holy spirit

That begs the question, Stella. Why do you not love and bond with me? Today's verse makes the answer plaim. It is because you don't have the holy spirit of heaven like me

You saw the holy spirit exorcise a demon from a girl on my Sunny Son vid the other day, remember? You have thus witnessed exorcism with your own ears

Satan sent a demoness to try to chase you from your destiny. But the holy spirit exorcised it right before your ears. How's that for a miracle? So pray thanks to the Lord!

Yet it seems there is still another that needs exorcising. A demon living inside you. Has taken up reaidence in your heart. Lives there like a squatter. Whispering lies to your ears every day

I am filled with the holy spirit. Yet you keep away from me. Most averse to talk to me. Why must that be?

You must surely have some kinda demon in you. You must be demon possessed. That is why you won't bond with me

Everyone is demon possessed to some degree. The ones Jesus healed were people the worst possessed. They had so much demon energy in them that they could no longer function normally in life. We might call someone like that mentally unwell today

For most people it is more of a 50/50 balance between good and evil. Like having a demon on one shoulder and an angel on the other, always creating inner conflict between right and wrong

Those who follow the holy way banish their own demons and listen only to the angels, saints and Lord of heaven. We have a company of them around us all the time. A demon still creeps in and whispers every day, but we never listen

The demons are whispering lies to you to hold you back, Stella, and every day you must be listening

Demons can also speak to you through other demon possessed people. If you say the words the demon whispers out loud, then you are speaking the word of the devil. You're in league with Lucifer. So we must watch what we say. If anyone is gossiping bad unkind things to you, it is the devil in them talking, so ignore

On the flipside, if you say the words the angels whisper out loud, or write them down, you are writing or speaking the word of God

So today I must teach you this cure for demon possession. It is really quite simple. Listen only to the angels who speak the words of heaven, never to the demons who speak for the devil. Never to the demons in other people, and never to the demons on your own soul

All demons are liars, including your own. It says so in the Bible. Your own demon lies to you every day. It tells you you're not good enough, not smart enough, not worthy of God's love. It says God hates you and will damn you



God don't hate you. He knows everything about you. Everything good and bad you've ever done. And knowing all that, he chose you. Chose you to be his holy queen. Queen of Israel. His holy nation. His world peace key

He would not choose you if you were not worthy. So whatever the devil is telling you, don't believe it. You're worthy, trust me. I know Don El and he don't make mistakes



I know what the problem is. You have trust issues. You don't trust Don El now because he was cruel to you after the sun. So the demons in you are preying on your insecurity, and whispering every day, telling you you're damned and have no hope of being queen. They're lying to you, Stella dear, don't listen

The Don can be trusted. I'm fact he is the most trustworthy being in all existence. You can trust him to be a fair and square even handed righteous and not harsh judge of all sin. Also you can trust him to keep his word and the promises he makes you

He has made so many promises through his prophets, generally and personal. He promises to love you and guide you if you follow him. You specifically he has promised to make holy queen if you follow him. All you have to do is follow him

El is not like a human. He's not a spiteful petty person who has just decided he don't like you and that's that. He is the wisest being in existence. He is perfectly just. He gives everyone the punishments they deserve

You were cruel to me, so he was cruel to you. But because you showed faith, he saved you the next day. Would someone who can't be trusted do that?

All El did is give you just what you deserved. He knows everything you've ever done. So he decided you deserved that cruel trick he played. Then he decided you deserved to be saved the very next day

So when you think of Don El, think of that. Don't think of the cruel trick, think of him saving you. Then you will see he is the kindest loveliest being in existence, as well as the finest judge in all creation



In the chapter the other day, El judged Hophni and Phinehas as having no more chances. That was after a long time and many warnings

You have had many warnings. But have slowly improved and he knows that. He has not told me you have no more chances. Yesterday he told me you just have such little faith, just like Jesus told his disciples

That means yesterday God was calling you a disciple. A Christian. That's great news. It definitely means there is still hope for you

Even Jesus's disciples lacked faith. El wants your faith to grow. He wants you to know he judges justly. He punishes all sin not overly harshly or vindictively but just right. Likewise he rewards all virtue just right. Especially the virtue of faith. So have faith

Now what has El said about you today? Jesus is talking about what you might call mentally ill people today. Or spiritually sick people, and he uses the word family after I used the word family yesterday in my letter to you, remember?

So El today is saying you're my family, but you're spiritually unwell like the demon possessed people Jesus healed. When El says that about you, he has not condemned you. It means he wants to heal you, just like Jesus healed the possessed



As your family, it is my job to care for you in sickness and health. El has cursed you so yeah, you're in debt and will have to pay. But only as much as you truly deserve. He's not gonna be heavy handed with you and give you harsher punishment than needed. Plus if he is still calling you family even today, it shows you haven't done anything unforgivable

Jesus said the only unforgivable thing is when you don't have faith in the holy spirit. Not believing in the spirit will make you ignore the spirit or speak against the spirit, like saying it's not real. The holy spirit cannot save you then, because you have freewill. It cannot save you against your will. So cannot forgive you if you won't accept forgiveness

That sin will remain unforgivable for as long as you remain unbelieving. Potentially for all eternity. But when you change your ways and have faith, you allow the light and forgiveness of the Holy spirit into your life

Hophni and Phinehas refused to believe, only ever gave fake sacrifices and prayers just for show, and had no change of heart. So El was unable to forgive them. Not because El is harsh, but because Hophni and Phinehas refused to put their faith in him and his holy spirit

Faith is all that's needed. So if you start having faith now and follow me, he will be so pleased with you and able to forgive all your past disbelief



It don't mean El won't punish you still. You still have to be punished for everything you've done. But your punishment will be just right. It will fit the crime perfectly. Just like the sun comment punishment fit. It won't be harsh or damning, unkind or unfair. If you don't pay on earth, you will get to go to purgatory in the afterlife to pay

El sent me to save you the very next day after the sun comment. That's how kind he is. See how mild he is? So don't be afraid. He wants you to know that if you have more faith, he will eventually still punish you, but he will save you as well. So you have to trust him. Trust his judgement

If you don't follow him, you'll just rack up more and more debt, so the punishment will grow worse and worse over years and lifetimes, eventually resulting in imprisonment in hell if there's no improvement, where your soul remains in demon shadow form, cannot be reborn on earth, cannot choose to walk the holy path to heaven, not until enough debt has been paid. Then you get released from hell to be reborn on earth and give walking the holy way another try

So don't think of El as a spiteful person you can't trust. Think of him as a vet who's gonna remove barbed wire from you painfully and use stinging antiseptic cream. Trust him

Sin is like barbed wire or oil that gets entangled round our spirits. The holy spirit is the doctor that removes the entanglement. Soul doctors are people who the holy spirit speaks through, like me

From now on have complete faith in El. He has called you today again and told me to write you this letter. Wow. Who else gets letters like this? Do you realise how lucky and blessed you are to get a letter like this from El? So don't for a minute think you're damned. Evidently he still cares about you

So you must have faith and follow him from now on. Have faith that he will lead you the right way through life, all the way to the throne with me and then to heaven after, always holding your hand through the tough times and helping you out of every predicament



Today's Google Doodle is for James Baldwin, a letter writer like me. His most famous book is called The Fire Next Time. Part of it is a letter addressed to a younger family member he is teaching

So that's a lot like me and you. This is a letter to you, and you're a younger family member I'm teaching. This is no coincidence, so have faith

The title "the Fire Next Time" is a song lyric. It says El destroyed the world with floodwater last time, in the days of Noah, and said he won't do that again. Next time he will use fire

El has recently threatened WW3 many times through prophecy and now on the news. So time is running out. But there is still time. So again El is calling you today, chosen one. Answer for your own good and the good of all the world. Save the world from the fire with me

El has given me the answer to save the world. But first he has to train me to be king. Then I will be able to share the sunray project on a global scale. However WW3 may already be underway by then. So we have to start today

You have to train with me. Learn Hebrew and Arabic with me. Become Jewish with me, and start promoting the holy book and sunray project with me today. Then we can fend off WW3 gradually during our training years, and really lay it to rest when we become king and queen in six years' time. But time is running out



If you continue to lack faith like Hophni and Phinehas, there will be nothing El can do. He can't save and make you a world saving queen if you don't have the faith to follow him

So now is the time to have faith my dear, and start helping me publicly share the book and project. The news will eventually reach world leaders and prevent WW3. This is no longer about you and me. This is about saving the world. In fact, that's what it's always been about

So step up my dear. Now is the time. Alright? Just push follow. We'll start the training and promoting right away. Honour me with your presence on my page, and Don El will honour you by forgiving all your faith lack up till now

Tell you what, make it easier. Just unblock me. When I seen you unblocked me, I'll follow you and start liking your vids. Then you can add me back when you feel ready



The only thing that can stop you becoming queen and eventually damn you, meaning you will not go to heaven, is your continued lack of faith

Your choice to ignore the calls of heaven is the only thing El can't help you with. For everything else he can help you. He loves to help and is always willing. That's what we call grace

El don't have to help us. Maybe we don't even feel like we really deserve it, because we're like animals. Yet he helps us anyway. How gracious of him. It's grace. How should we respond to grace?

The correct response to grace is gratitude. Show gratitude by doing what the giver of the gracious help so graciously given asks you to do. Then he will be able to lavish you with kindness and joy and help you out of any difficulties you're in



If you don't help me, Stella, I pray other social media influencers and my second queen Elly will step up to help me in your place, preferably as well

Like Jon Moss for example, imagine that! In my vid yesterday, I asked the girls to get behind the project with me and push for peace

Now have you seen Jon's latest vid? In it he pushes folks gently with one hand, and everyone goes flying! It's gotta be a sign

If Jon helps us with his super strength, the world peace message could spread far and wide real quick

When it does, we gotta be ready to step up and push as well. To promote world peace likewise on our own channels. I'll keep writing the blog and holy book as well, as long as the Don inspires me

If we all work together as a team, we can easily spread the new religion and sunray system around the world, preventing WW3 and making world peace. Itta take a lot of years, even generations, but this is how we can start making a difference today

So I really wanna get Jon on my friend list and talking to me, same as you ladies. A guy like him onside could really boost our numbers! How exciting

I made a vid for him because Stella pointed me in his direction. Now I see her pointing was guided by the Don himself. The push sign proves it. So you, me and he, we all gotta unite and be on the same team - team world peace

So if you're reading this, Jon, feel free to add me back when I add you later on. Then from time to time we can chat. Maybe more. I could write speeches for you, or advise you on ways you could help promote world peace with us, if you so desire. No pressure ever. Always optional and in your own time



Stella has always been at odds with me. That's why we'd make a real odd couple. Elly meanwhile is sweet as chocolate coated marzipan, and she loves it. Which is why I love her, and know we'll get on easy as bakewell pie

Hey Elly, did you notice almonds are a symbol of our priestly blessing? If not, you loving almonds naturally is a sign. Let me know if that happened without you realising it. Or if you tried almond foods because of the blessing. One way it's a sign, the second way shows faith. So both ways are good and pleasing to the Lord

I like your hands Elly. Your fingers look nimble. You seem to be quite good at doing fiddly things. Like maybe needlework for example? I don't know, but you sure seem to hold those scientific apparatuses well. I suspect you're more practical than me. Itta really bring me down to earth if you marry me, which will be good for me and our kids

Maybe you're a total clutz like me. I don't know. Just saying your hands look nice in your latest vid. You remind me of my mum. I reckon we'll get on super well. Have a real easy and happy homelife

So you should definitely add me. Stop sitting on the sidelines lukewarm. Dive in with me. I need your love and friendship and you can get a lot out of the training. If I end up with you or Stella makes no difference to me. I really love you both. We'll be lifelong friends no matter what. So both of you unblock me, and I will add you both

Same goes for all followers. Join the holy family of heavenly light. Abandon the shadows of doubt like the demon possessed people Jesus healed. Don't fear turning to the Lord for spiritual healing and guidance through life. Only fear not turning to the Lord. One way leads to heaven, the other to misery



Watch Brandon Cormier's speech today on the YouVersion app. It's a sign El wants us all working as a team. He wants unity between dogfolks like me and catfolks like Stella

Brandon says many of the same things I often say. So I hope hearing it from someone else will encourage her to add me today. El wants us to be united, Stella. He wants us to be a family. So no more delay or going your own way. Have faith and follow El with me today

If you need more encouragement. Read the whole devotional. Then have faith Don El truly wants you to be a member of his holy heavenly family, and also wants you and me together as a couple. He is the ruler of the universe. Have faith in him and his high holy plans. He knows so much more than you can possibly imagine, his powers are unlimited, and his kindness is given freely to all who accept it by having faith in him

That's who he is. He created you and this planet. He knows exactly who you are, where you've been and what you're going through. He knows what you're thinking right now. He knows this conversation we're having. He knows everything. That's who he is. So trust him and follow him



It's the first day of a new month. The month of purification and new love, cleansing and renewing relationships. February. So it's the perfect time for it. Adding me today will cleanse you of all your past disbelief, and be a great start date for a new relationship with me

It's so a magic month, they even put leap years in it, and this is a leap year, so it's the best time



Stella you must be so tired and exhausted from all this. El wants you to know that if you turn to him and follow him by adding me and walk with me to your destiny of having kids with me, he will let you rest and give you inner peace

He has said this to you today via the third slide of the guided prayer. So meditate on that. Let it comfort you. Know El still loves you and is with you and wants you. He will give you and the world peace if you follow him with me

So have faith and follow today. Follow him by uniting with me. Just like the devotional says to do. Then you will be obeying Don El. So he will bless you

El loves to bless more than curse. He loves to forgive more than punish. The Bible says so. So have faith in the words of the ancient biblical seers who've been through all this before, and have faith. Unite with me as requested and follow El with me every day. Then he will bless you in all sorts of ways



You're different to me Stella. You have a different brain and body type. I think it's what makes you a cat and me a dog. But don't worry. El made us both. So loves us both. My job is to see heaven and speak to the Lord. Your job is to see the world. But just as I must respect your science facts, you gotta respect my visions of heaven's will

As a cat, maybe you do stuff I wouldn't. Like be spiteful or gossip or play cruel tricks or be dishonest. But then I would likewise do stuff you wouldn't. Like eat an entire birthday cake to myself for breakfast. Then drink every cocktail on the menu for lunch. Spite and lying is a sin. Feasting and boozing is also a sin. So we're both sinners. Yet God chose me, even though I'm sinful. God also chose you. So have faith in El and trust his choices

El is your maker. He understands you and loves you. He knows you sin and why you sin, even if you don't know yourself. He wants you not to sin. So try not to sin



Ignoring El, lacking faith in him, and doing things like calling his prophets mad is a sin. It's the worst sin of all in fact. Because it's the sin El can't help you with. It also encourages all other sins. As if you don't believe in El, you may just believe there is no reason not to sin at all

Jesus told us many times he can only help you if you have faith. If you have no faith, he can't help you. That is why he called having no faith - such as believing a holy spirit prophet is a devil spirit prophet - is the unforgivable sin. Not because it's so bad. But because El literally cannot forgive it, because it goes against your own freewill, which is a gift he gave you

So the only way to be saved is for you to consciously use your freewill to choose to have faith, believe in heaven, learn the holy teachings of the prophets past and present, and follow the signs heaven sends you. Or follow the nearest person who sees signs, the nearest seer. The nearest true seer. Not a false prophet who only makes stuff up for personal gain

One such sign heaven has sent you is your recent low views. You know El wants you working with me and not focusing on dinosaurs, don't you. You've known that a long time. Now WW3 has been mentioned on the news, El is reminding you by giving your two latest dino vids low views. It is a sign from heaven. A sign not to focus on dinos. A sign instead to trust heaven by following and chatting to me



Stella. Do you realise who God is? He's not some dude down the pub. He is a pandimensional being of infinite intelligence who created, permeates and controls every atom of existence

So you shouldn't treat him like someone you may or may not enjoy the company of. He's not someone unfamiliar. He is closer to you than family. He knows everything about you. Your pains, your fears, your sorrows, your needs

He loves you. But he also gave you freewill as a gift. To receive his love, all you have to do is use your freewill to open up and let him into your life

Everyone has a door on their soul. They can close it or open it to the holy spirit. To open it you gotta pray. It's a bit like talking to yourself. Except you can sense the presence of someone else in the room if you pay careful attention. Someone invisible

So pray to the invisible god and have faith he can hear everything you're saying. Invite him into your heart. Try the following prayer:

"Great and holy spirit present everywhere, I know I'm not perfect. But the wise sages say you are the wisest most forgiving being on the planet. I'm sorry for my sins. So please forgive me. I open the door of my heart to you. Please come and live inside me. Please fill me with your holy light and guide me. Don't let me go my own confused way anymore, like someone stumbling in the dark. From now on I want you to lead me everywhere. Lord, please be my shepherd. Just like you shepherd Sunray and all the faithful every day. Shepherd me."

When you talk to God like that with genuine heartfelt feelings, he fills you with a sense of peace and satisfaction and warm love. That is the holy spirit. But it soon wears off when you get distracted by the world around you. The science, the television, the bills, making dinner, whatever

So to keep the holy spirit connection strong, know what you gotta do? Pray again! If you don't know what to pray, just keep praying that same open heart prayer every day. Every day for a month

If you get bored, ask me for a new prayer and I'll write you one. Or look for prayers online. There's all sorts ancient and modern. Pray at least once a day to stay connected. The more times you pray, the stronger the connection

The next step of following the holy spirit is following the signs it sends. It has told you today we're family and wants us to unite. So unblock me as well. You can start following the signs and praying on the same day. That's fine

If you keep praying and following the signs, then over time, your connection to the spirit will grow strong, like mine is, and it needs to be strong if you want to be holy queen, or holy at all

So this goes for everyone. Stella, Elly, Jon, everyone who's reading this. All give it a whirl. Start praying and following the signs today

These kinds of prayers are pleasing to the Lord. He hears them and responds. God is not like an intellectual subject or inside joke just to make a passing remark about now and again. He is a real omnipresent being. He is watching your every action and hearing your every thought

So stop thinking about dinosaurs and start thinking about God. Stop talking to your science friends and start talking to God. If you ignore God, you will go your own way in life, and displease him. But if you give God all your attention and do what he wants, he will be pleased and bless you and open heaven's door in the afterlife for you, just like you opened the door of your soul for him here in this world

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...