Wednesday 28 February 2024


Everyone sins. When you sin you're a bad influence on everyone who knows you. If you have a lot of followers, you'll be a bad influence on them all, which is worse. Being followed means you have more responsibility. You're responsible for all of them

If you sin you should feel bad anyway. Even if you don't have any followers and are just a bad influence on yourself. You should still feel ashamed. As God and the angels see. They won't be impressed and you won't go to heaven

But if you have lots of followers you should feel extra ashamed. Ashamed for every one of them you're leading astray

Everybody sins. But the worst thing is when a sinner don't feel guilty or have remorse for their sin or try to make amends or change their ways. If you're stubborn and proud of your sin and refuse to feel ashamed it is obnoxious and folk don't like it

So even if you have lots of followers or just a few friends, the answer is the same. Change your ways and try to make amends by steering people right from now on

I used to steer people wrong with bad language and a bad attitude. That's why I only say nice kind things nowdays

How have you steered people wrong? And what can you do from now on to steer people right?

If you change your ways. That is if you stop walking the wrong way and start steering folk the right way, heaven will be pleased and bless and let you go to heaven

As heaven cares about everyone. It wants them all to walk the right way and go to heaven. So if you steer them right, heaven will be pleased with you

But if you don't steer them right or change your ways. Heaven won't be impressed. So won't let you live there in the afterlife

"People will follow folks who share the light God has given them. Like they follow stars in the sky above. Everyone who leads those followers right will keep shining forever in heaven." (Daniel 12:3)

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...