Saturday 3 February 2024

Shark People

If Stella and me have babies, they will be like beautiful sharks. Sharks are so amazing. Their sharp fins, fast streamline bodies, smooth scaley skin, keen eyes

Only trouble is they stare at fish the way I stare at chocolate cake. With total lust and desire. I cannot help myself. So much cake for me I got fat. How shameful I am

How much do shark people stare at horror flicks and fantasize horrible things? It is just the same as me. They're not worse than me. I'm no better than them. Didn't mean to sound so anti shark yesterday. I was tired and just wrote the story

Reason I used shark is because the story is about a loan shark and Stella posted about shark and it was her number, so a sign. But it's not saying sharks are worse than greedy animals what stare at food all day long and eat and eat till they get really fat like me. Or who drink and smoke and take drugs till they poison themselves

So if you're a shark person, I love you. But the horror stuff especially if delighting in real horror, or focusing on being spiteful, and not just for catharsis entertainment like the walking dead, is a sin like an animal so you should stop. Just like a overweight person should stop overeating

If you're overweight and like horror as well, well that's just two sins you gotta deal with. There's seven so don't worry. You might have all of them. More work for you but that's fine. More heavenly rewards

I know it's really difficult to stop a sin. But on the holy way we're all here to help each other through such addictions, help each other be virtuous and good to each other and not sin, alright?

So yeah Stella what I meant yesterday is if we have shark kids we gotta teach them not to be cruel like animals who stare at people like pieces of meat and attack and bully them is all

Not saying I don't want the kids with you now as they'll be sharks. I do. God chose you, shark girl, so I'm all for it. I'll raise those sharks with you and teach them everything and itta be a lotta fun and I'll be proud to have sharks for kids because they're such amazing animals

You can't really tame a wild shark because they're just animals. But our ones will be human and any human you can tame

So we'll raise them to be the tamest sharks who can help the world with amazing shark skills instead of eating the world. Won't that be awesome? So get on board with me today, Stella dear, and all the shark people, and we'll go save the world together

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...