Wednesday 7 February 2024


Noises I make about the house are just me mindlessly going about my day. They're not hints or aimed at you. Ever been to a farm or zoo? The animals mostly ignore you and just graze. They often make random noises though. That's like me. I'm not attempting to talk to you. I'm just existing. Maybe you're like a hawk, snake or spider. Focused on me. So you think every noise I make is aimed at you. But it isn't. I'm like a grazing animal. Very noisy with no meaning to the noise. I try to be quiet for you. But I have to make some noises, and none of them are aimed at you. I'm just fidgeting or watching shows. Cycling or playing vid games. Reading articles or studying the Bible. I fidget mindlessly. Then I hear you start hinting at me. I roll my eyes and think, not again. I'm frank. If I have something to say to you, I will say it using words. I won't use hints. I have enough of using hints online. When I'm at home I just wanna break from hinting. So try ignoring every noise I make for a day. Remember I have ADHD. So I'm just fidgeting or responding impulsively to urges suddenly without thinking, like going for a wee. I'm not thinking of how me going a wee might be sending you a message. I'm not trying to send you a message or wishing to send you a message. I'm just trying to go to a wee quick so I can get back to whatever I'm doing. Remember I have ADHD. An attention deficit. So I'm rarely ever paying attention to hints. I act on impulse. I don't premeditate things. I'm reading or watching a vid. I feel the urge to wee. I just stand up and wee. I don't check what time it is first or think about you. I just go a wee. That's it. You're always watching me. So always hint. But I don't. I'm just an unintentionally noisy farmyard creature, minding my own business. I never hint. Not by choice. Only to speak to you. But I don't wanna speak all the time. Just wanna mind my own business most of the time, you know? So try ignoring any sounds I make around the house

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...