Saturday 24 February 2024

Knowing God

Hey everyone. The verse today says: "Think how much God loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children. But the people of this world do not realise it, because they do not know who God is."

That's what the world is like. Folks often feel confused and in the dark because they don't know who God is or how to worship him. The speaker today explains there's three things we gotta do each day to know God. So go give her vid a watch. I'll explain the three things here as well to help you:

1. Read about God every day in the Bible and daily devotionals, so you know who he is and what he's like and what he does and how he works. Also let him speak to you through what you read. Certain words and phrases will stand out to you or glow or feel significant. Those are God's messages to you personally for the day. It is how you know what God wants you to focus on today

2. Meditate on everything you read, especially the bits that stand out. Meditate also on his presence and everything you see around you. See how it's all connected. Notice matches between what you think and dream and what his word says and events in your daily life, and see how God is orchestrating everything. The more notice you take, the more matches you'll see. Your senses will grow more attuned over time. Enabling you to follow him more accurately every day. Then you won't feel so lost and confused or dissatisfied in life anymore. You'll be following God instead of the ways of the world

3. Worship God by making your daily deeds all about him, serving him. It means talk about him and the signs and his holy books and what you read and notice and know about him. Listen to music about him. If you can sing, sing songs about him. Draw pics about him. Dedicate your works of art to him. Thank him for every bite of food you eat. For everything good in your life. The beauty of nature. The comforts of home. His loving presence that can be felt all around you and in your heart at all times. That sense of knowing someone is there and watching you. Talking to that instead of dismissing it as nothing. Every person you see, treat them with respect. As they're God's kids as well, even if they don't know it and have no clue God exists. Treat the world with respect, look after it. As it is God's world. Work for him. Be a good gardener. If you work in a factory, know you're helping the world by making useful items for people to use. All people are God's children. So you're serving God by making items for them. So remember that and work with enthusiasm, knowing your efforts don't go unnoticed by God. He will reward you in heaven for helping others with the work you do. Try also not to sin. If anything you do is mean or selfish or indulgent, it disrespects yourself or other people or the environment, all of which belong to God. Keeping yourself and the world and other people healthy and happy is another way of worshipping God and all the things he has created. Which include you and the world and everyone. That means not sinning is a form of worship. The more you worship God, the better you'll get to know him, so the more blessings he'll be able to give you every day and in the afterlife

See now how God wants you to live? This is the holy way. To dedicate your life to God. It's a choice between living for God and living for yourself. One way leads to eternal life in heaven. The other to rebirth in dark realms of confusion where God is not known

God inspired me to share this knowledge with you today. So you'd know how to worship him. You may not know him yet. But he knows you and wants you to know him, and now you know how. So reread this post and make following God your priority today and every day

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...