Sunday 18 February 2024


Stella, you screwed up by flirting with another guy. So today's chap has a message for you: "If you're a wife, you must put your husband first. If you follow heaven, you will win him over by what you do. As he will see how you honor God and live a pure life. Don't depend on things like fancy hairdos or gold jewelry or expensive clothes that make you look beautiful on the outside. Be beautiful on the inside by being gentle and kind. This sort of beauty will last even after death, and God considers it suitable for heaven. Long ago those women who worshiped God and put their hope in him made themselves attractive by putting their husbands first. For example, Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him her master, because he was virtuous and followed God devoutly, so could be trusted to lead her wisely. So make Sarah your role model. You will make her proud if you live right by following heaven's will, and don't let any fancy man deter you from doing so." (1 Peter 3:1‭-‬6)

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...