Saturday 3 February 2024

Divine Debt Settlement

Stella yesterday's chapter was a message to you from God. Thursday with Ye of Little Faith I said you have debts to pay, and said God is the shepherd we follow. The next day he sent you that chapter which also talks about shepherds and debts. In the chapter he said you owe sixty million denarii, but will let you off completely if you start following him now. He sent you the message through me. So to follow him you gotta chat to me. Just letting you know. Don't be like Star. She showed no gratitude for the king's grace. When someone gives you grace you should show gratitude. So show God gratitude for his grace by following him with me, your chosen hubby. You might feel worried because when I saved you before you betrayed me. So maybe now you think God will punish you like Star. But no. Yesterday's chapter said God is giving you this new chance now. So take this chance! If you follow me now, all your debts to him will be paid! Isn't that amazing? This message isn't from me. I'm telling you what he wants me to say. I still want to marry you and make world peace with you and our fam. God wants that and so do I. So don't be like Star and go back to your old ways. Learn from her mistake and add me today. Then your account will be settled with God. You can't put a price on that. Then we'll follow him as a team and a fam for the rest of our lives. Also watch the speaker of the day. You've heard this a thousand times and could just say nah like always. But God is saying now is the time to say yeah. He is speaking to you through Ryan and me, verses, chapters and signs. All you gotta do is listen and follow the call of the shepherd divine

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...