Monday 26 February 2024

Naturally Bad

Being someone's enemy is such fun. Especially when you get to goss and be part of the group and you all have the shared fun of hating people together. Oh, the camaraderie, the brotherhood, the sense of belonging. Is there any higher delight?

Sadly guys I have to say it is a sin. All of it is sin. Just like a group of drug addicts hanging out together to get their fix

Yeah the drug is amazing, like heaven. But really it does you no good. Just makes you addicted to the craving and look bad and miss out on heavenly joys. The craving controls you. Like a carrot on a stick or a fly on a hook. You think you're in control, but really the craving is controlling you

You can live your whole life as a trouble addict. Addicted to being a gossip and an enemy to people. Why shouldn't you? It's so easy and natural. You feel so free when you do it

But don't forget also how disappointed you feel when it don't work out. Or how you have to do it all in secret in case people find out. Or how you do kinda feel bad but then just forget the bad feeling and dismiss it as nothing

When you remember all that you realise you don't feel free and happy all the time. Just while you're doing it. The in between times are filled with misery. So remember the misery

Quitting the drug gets rid of those in between miseries. Replacing the drug with the holy way gets rid of both the drug and the misery, swapping both for heavenly joy

If you swap them for heavenly joy you'll go to heaven after dying. If you don't you won't. You'll die and get reborn in another life of misery and addiction, as a human or animal

Verse 7 of today's chapter tells us this:

"They won't get away with these crimes, God, because when you get angry, you destroy people." (Psalm 56:7)

When it says destroy it means what I said. You will lose your eternal life in heaven, so have to get reborn and die all over again, possibly thousands of times if as an animal. As animals can't walk the holy way. So keep dying and getting reborn forever until fate makes them human again so they get another chance

The only way to get out of all that is by repenting to heaven and changing your ways and walking the holy way of virtue instead. You walk the holy way by stopping revelling in being an enemy and start being a true friend instead

I know it's not natural. But nature is for animals. To go to heaven you have to be supernatural. Super means to rise above

You have to choose to rise above that poisonous toxic unfriendly nature and choose to be kind all the time, never giving in to your desires to satisfy yourself and impress your fellow addicts with stories about how spiteful you've been

So save this post and read it every day. Then you'll never forget. Then slowly you can wean yourself off the animal hankering for spite and rise above your lower animal nature, so earn your angel wings and be able to fly to heaven in the afterlife

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...