Thursday 8 February 2024

The Art of True Love

My friend is really annoyed about love. His wife keeps saying he's not enough man to satisfy her. I said dude don't worry. Women CAN'T be satisfied. By anyone. Love is like eating. You stuff your face all day long. You stuff it with a hundred different dishes. Does it satisfy? No. It just makes you sick. Then next day you want a hundred more! That's what it's like with women and love

That's times though he said. What about size? If I was bigger I could satisfy her. I said no dude. Can the size of your dinner satisfy you? If you eat a supersize portion, it satisfies you for about an hour. Then when it goes down you feel hungry again. The portion size was more than enough food for the whole day. Yet still you feel hungry. But if you eat the smallest portion, chew it slowly and taste every crumb, it is more satisfying and healthy. You never have to fill your belly full. It's better to eat less than you can. Love is like that

But my wife wants supersize he whined, and I can't give her it. I said dude. Everyone wants supersize food don't they? But you don't need supersize food and it doesn't satisfy. An hour after you eat it, you forget about it and want it again. Love is no different

A woman can easily love a supersize man. But it won't satisfy her any more than another guy. She is just being greedy. Love is what you feel. Not size. You only need to spend time with her and treat her nice to make her feel love. So focus on that and forget about her greediness

Her wanting to stuff her face with supersize food is just greed and greed is a sin. It will never make her happy any more than a supersize meal will make an overweight person happy. Because it is a sin and sin never makes anyone happy. So just forget it

Girls are selfish. They think it's your job to pleasure them in bed. But it isn't. Love for pleasure is a sin. It's meant for making babies. Nothing more. So instead of more love. You need less love. Love once a month at most or once a year. Never is the best. Like monks and nuns. They're the happiest people in the world and never love

I used to think size made a difference. But when I think back I see that is not the case. Because sometimes they felt it and sometimes they didn't. I realise love is what you feel, not size. No size can satisfy a woman, only love. So make your relationship about that

Treat her nice. Do fun stuff with her and be there for her when she needs emotional support. Then she will love you. She may want every hot new guy she sees in the street. But will any of them marry her and father your kid and be there for her when she really needs support? Be the guy who's always there for her and her kid

Always be good to her and remind her she's just being greedy and wanting what she don't need when she asks for supersize. Then she will realise she already has true love and don't need anything else. If she still leaves you after all that, let her go. Just keep being there for your kid all your life and enjoy the single life. Time spent on video games or whatever. You really don't need a wife to be happy. You can be happy alone

But you should stay with your wife for the rest of your life if you can. As it is a virtue pleasing to heaven. You once swore to be there for her in sickness and health the rest of your days, remember? If you keep that promise but she don't, God will reward you in the afterlife but not her. So just focus on that. Reswear your vows on the same day every year. If you haven't sworn yet then arrange a marriage. It helps you focus your love on heaven's will and the virtue of loyalty instead of on the sin of love for pleasure

If your wife hints she wants more. Just tell her she is like a greedy lady wanting a supersize meal. When it goes down, she will stop feeling full after an hour. Then she will remember the pleasure of the meal and want to eat it all over again. But the more she eats, the less pleasure she will get from it, and the more desperate and addicted she will grow

So never give her it. "The drugs don't work. They just make you worse." As the song goes. Same with love for pleasure. You go up but then always come down. The way to never come down is never go up. Never love for pleasure. Instead stay on the holy path. Going steady with true love. Never using love for pleasure. Love for pleasure is love abuse like drug abuse. It's wrong. It's unholy and heaven does not approve

You could use your strong man arm and a love toy if she was that desperate. But you shouldn't because it's a sin because it's just for pleasure. It may be a thrill but it will soon wear off. Plus heaven won't approve. So don't do that. If you already did it then stop

It's not your fault she wants too much love. It's hers. You gotta teach her to be happy without using love for pleasure like an addict uses drugs. There's plenty of other things to find pleasure from in life. Hobbies. Walks. Days out. Nights out. Conversations. Just focus on those things and never give more than a kiss. A kiss once a week. That will do. The more you do something, the less enjoyable it gets

Marriage is not about pleasure in the bedroom. You don't need marriage for that. You can stay single and do it yourself. Or have a thousand different lovers. You will waste your life. As neither of those things will ever satisfy. Plus they're sins so heaven won't bless you in the afterlife either. Because you cared more about pleasure of the flesh than serving heaven. So you will get reborn in another body made of flesh instead of going to heaven

Marriage is about raising your kid together for the rest of your days, and being each other's family for the rest of your life. In sickness and in health. The ones who support each other with everything. Through all of life's sunny days and storms. Like best friends but closer. It's nothing to do with eating more than you need or loving more than you need or loving the wrong way. All those things are sins

So save this post. Then whenever you're feeling like your marriage isn't working, reread it. It may take years and decades. But eventually you'll master the art of true love. That will satisfy you and your wife and heaven. There's no greater way to win at life than that

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Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...