Thursday 8 February 2024


Earlier I said a lady don't need supersize to be satisfied. I forgot to say though. If you're a supersize guy or your guy is supersize, that's fine. I know it is more fun isn't it to look at at least. Also more practical. I think supersize is great. But what I'm saying is. You know. There's different size people. A skinny guy isn't less of a man compared to a superstrong muscle guy. I'm saying it don't matter what your muscle size is. You're still a precious human being with skills that can be virtuous and serve heaven and go to heaven to live forever. I know being supersize is a fun thing. So it is tempting to use it for pleasure. But I can't say it's okay to sin just because you're supersize. Any more than for a muscle guy to bully smaller guys. Just because he have big muscles, he shouldn't use them to sin, understand? No matter what size a person is, virtue is the way to heaven. So don't focus on what size you're not. Or what size someone else is. Just focus on your own size and make the best of it

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...