Wednesday 28 February 2024


Elly I just don't think you need as much help spiritually as Stella. You seem to have more spiritual sense than her. So I give you less attention. But that don't mean I don't wanna connect with you and marry you. I really do. I think you're great. I want you here. I want you to stay here with me forever

I know I'm not the perfect guy. But is anyone? To have and to hold in sickness and health. We gotta love and care for each other's weaknesses yeah? As well as our strengths. I'm totally sweet on you and prepared to accept you for all you are. To have and to hold in sickness and health till death us do part

I know engagement is three years away. But don't feel so threatened by Stella. Yeah she's got catlike looks and autistic brains. Wow. You have great stuff too. Stuff I love more about you than her. I even love Misty and you're smarter than her. You're totally as good for me as Stella. Me and Misty get on great and so will me and you

I will always treat you with respect. We gotta do what God wants though. Not what we want. If it was left to me I'd marry you today if you asked. It's leapday so you can ask if you want. I'd be wowed and say yes!

But if God wants me to marry Stella after all that's fine. Don't worry. Just go with what God wants. We will still be best friends and colleagues all our lives. So have no fear to bond with me and get to know me. We can be sweet on each other and grow fond of each other. But we will never kiss in case I have to marry Stella. Then it won't upset us as much. I don't care if it's you or her. All we gotta do is follow God

Stella isn't very nice to me. But that is not why I give her attention. It is because it's been going on a long time and I keep getting signs and there is just more I know about her. You have shut me out straight away in more ways than her. So it's harder to get to know you than her

Stella has been there from the start of all this. So my bond with her is a lot stronger. So I focus on her. But I want to bond with you. If you add me I will soon bond stronger with you than her and you will take the lead

So don't worry about anything. God has chosen you and I love you. So be my girl and take this leapday chance to leap into my arms. God knows I want you here. On my page and in my life. My future queen and wife. We'll make the best team and have so much fun

I'm bored of Stella's coldness. I don't like your coldness either. So warm and sweeten me up with your love. Then I'll love you more than I do already. You will win in my heart. Then God will most likely bless you for obeying him and give you more honours than Stella most probably. So you will win the competition

Being cold to me like Stella won't win it. It seems more like you're in a competition with each other to see who can be the coldest one. But that's completely the wrong idea. It's who can be the warmest kindest one who will win. And I want that to be you or her. I don't care really. It's really not up to me. It's up to you

God has called you both. Only you can decide if to answer or not. Everyone has freewill. The competition for queen is won only by following God. There's really nothing else involved. It don't matter how smart you are or what you can do or how many followers. All that matters is following God. God wants you to marry me. Ain't that amazing? So just chat to me and let's get this relationship sailing

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...