Monday 12 February 2024

Spiritual Partnerships

In yesterday's team world peace prayer I used the word divided. I said let all divided countries be united in peace by following God. I also said don't use your talents to promote yourself but to promote the kingdom of heaven

Now today's devotional says the same thing "don't let self promotion divide the family of God." It's a sign what I said was inspired by heaven and is therefore truly heaven speaking to you

The devotional also says "regardless of what your family experience was like, God intends his spiritual family to be loving and caring."

This reminds me of Elly. She is like me. She has had family troubles. But I will give her the loving fam she never had, if she wants that. Partly because I'm loving by nature. Partly because I learnt how to be more loving by walking the holy way

Some folk are spiteful by nature. They have the inner beast of a snake that bites toxic. Like Stella. They have to learn not to give in to the inner biting toxic snake, or they will be reborn a snake

I will likewise love Stella. I'm not sure how sweet and cuddly she will be. She might be less cuddly. Like a snake instead of a rabbit. But that's fine. I will love her for who she is, and teach her how to be a good tame snake instead of a toxic bitey one. If our kids are snakey as well, we will likewise teach them how to be good snakes

Elly shouts at me a lot in an unfriendly way. I used to do that. I used to bark a lot like a dog. So I gotta teach her not to shout threats or hurl insults like that. That is her inner beast. Or she will get reborn a lion or some creature with a loud voice. Instead of a sweet silent or singing angel

Today's devotional is about family, so I'm focusing on my wives. Jon will be like a brother. He shouts like me sometimes, but just for fun, which is good. He is empathic like me as well. So he will understand folk well and be kind most likely, so be easy to get on with, like me. He has mental health issues, but I can help him with those, like his personal psychologist

Either way, if I marry Elly or Stella, we gotta stand together and have a harmonious marriage like today's speakers, Dave and Ashley

It takes work. Marriage ain't easy. Like being easy and loving whoever on one night stands. So all you get is the best of them on show, and never get deeper to their emotions, psychology and spirit

A marriage goes deep to the core, and we gotta work at that so we can raise our kids to be emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy

That's what marriage really is. It's not really about physical attraction. Even animals experience physical attraction. Animals can love a thousand partners. But marriage is a human thing. Only humans can do it

It goes beyond basic attraction. It is a deep spiritual connection, where you stay together loyally even if the attraction wears off. You stay together to raise kids and serve heaven and the community

You put physical attraction aside. You say that's just for animals, like overeating, yelling and being toxic. We're angels in training. We put all that animal stuff aside

Likewise friendships can be lifelong and deeper than just being there when it suits you. You're like family. Brothers and sisters. That's how you're taught to be with members of your church. That's what me and the three chosen should all be like with each other. Likewise teach our followers to be the same

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...