Wednesday 21 February 2024

Israel's Hope

Today's verse was spoken through an old prophet thousands of years ago

Yet prophecies don't just get once fulfilled. They may get twice or many times fulfilled at different times in history

As the words of heaven are alive like heaven itself, not dead words on a page

They're the living word through which El continues to speak to us all today

The same spirit who spoke through Zechariah thousands of years ago now speaks through me today

Now El has used today's ancient chapter to send a message for us and the world today:

"The Lord will have his day. Then everything that was ever taken from Jerusalem will be returned and divided among its people (among both Israelis and Palestinians). But first, he will bring many nations to stand against Israel. Israel will panic and in confusion fight against itself (Israel vs Palestine). There will be war and many will die (the war going on today that hopefully won't escalate). Yet many will survive the war. The whole land then will be split in half, forming a border that runs from east to west (forming Galilee in the north and Palestine in the south, two main regions of the united Israel). People will run away in all directions, just as everyone did when the earthquake struck. Then the Lord will make himself known through his angels performing signs, and the appearance of his chosen ones. It will be a bright day that won't turn cloudy or cold, and the Lord has decided when it will happen—this time of unending day (the next hakhel is one date given. Luca will have his own coronation someday also. Both will be bright days, and there'll be days brighter still beyond it, as the sunray system dawns on planet earth). Then in both summer and winter, life-giving streams will flow from Jerusalem in all directions, for everyone. For Israel and for Palestine, standing together, united as one, under new rulership. Then instead of two gods (Yahweh and Allah) it will be known that they are one and the same, and both religions serve the same god. Then it will be known there's only one god who rules all nations, and he will be worshiped by everyone, everywhere on earth." (Zechariah 14:1-9)

So see what we gotta do? We're the chosen ones who gotta follow the god of the world to save Israel and make world peace

Today's vid is 1:28 minutes long. Fancy that on a day with a devotional that talks about the new kingdom of Israel

(kingdom. The future Kingdom Come from Revelation 21, where no one will be sinful, as everyone will believe in El and be taught the holy way from birth in schools and on tv and live in heavensent multiversities that treat everybody equally)

By the vid length God is reminding us he wants Stella to give birth to the new prince of Israel who will one day be king. El is also a king. King of the gods and heaven high. Yet has picked the son of me and Stella to be the little king of Israel. I sent her a private message last night at 28 past. It shows the future-seeing spirit inspired that message, as it matches today's vid length, and holds the same meaning

The date today is Wed 21. See how it's connected? Stella wants it both ways with her magic axe. But she just gotta swing one way, and that's the way of being a devoted mother and princess. The verse ref is 14:9. That means this new king thing will be big news. So big itta change the whole world

Ricky Jackson says "the most powerful king on earth." That is what our son will be, as Jesus, king of the world and king of kings, will be with him. He'll be great at the job. Raised to serve El, heaven and Israel from his first steps and words. Me and his mum will teach him all we know. Then under God's guidance he'll lead the whole world to peace

El has picked his soul for the job already. The reincarnation of St Luke, most likely. He waits in heaven for two loving Taurean parents to get together and make him a loving home to be born in

So don't keep him waiting, Stella dear, or me or the Don, the world or Israel

Israel needs her royal fam, and the whole earth needs the world peace team

This new god we worship, and are just getting to know, has always been Israel's hope since times of old

So let's serve that god and earn our place in heaven. By giving the new united sunny sunray Israel the king and queen it needs

That means no more ignoring me. Get to work with me today. Stella, Electra, Mossy, everyone. He's calling us all to play a part in this world peace revolution

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...