Saturday 17 February 2024

My Chosen Ones

That chap is pretty tough
God is talking to me and teaching me stuff
Don't yet know enough
Probly finish it tomorrow
Stella by the way
You did screw up
I haven't seen your vid yet
Just going by the title
You know the only guy you should be talking to romantically is me
Well done for fessing up though
Confession is a sacrament
I'm proud of you
The church and Jesus will be proud as well
You can't be holy if you're full of sin
Fessing up gets rid of it and helps you not do it again

Well done Electra by the way!
You're lighting the house up right now!
The Lord has blessed you
You musta been good
So proud
I told ya you could give Stel a run for her money!
Don't let the views blind you 🤑 to following heaven though
God blessed you with that vid partly to reward you and partly to tell Stella not to be bad
So both of you thank God for the guidance
Pray and follow him every day
You might become a star now
Electrifying! Love it

Also have you three seen The Chosen?
My three chosen lovelies
Stella, Elly and Mossy
If you click on Videos in the YouVersion app you can watch the first three seasons
Amazing show
You're chosen so it's meaningful to you
Also read the 5 day reading plan by searching the app for The Chosen
As all of you are chosen, these are two things God wants you all to study
I love all three of you, and hope we can meet together as a family of friends someday

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...