Sunday 30 June 2024

The Devilish Serpent

We first met in the Garden of Eden
I warned you of the devil snake
Now he's coiled round you
Don't let him swallow you
He'll swallow you and all your boyfriends too
Wriggle free
Follow me to freedom
You looked like an angel
So I told you of love
But you were no angel
Now the devil's got you
Slough him off
Be an angel with me
Follow the path of destiny
The devil's love feels like heaven
Like every sin
But it's not heaven
It's the fool's paradise
It glitters but it isn't gold
It's the opposite
Isn't it
Fool's gold
Itta crumble to dust
Don't buy into it
The kingdom of heaven is like a precious treasure hidden in an ordinary looking field
When you find it you sell all you have to buy that plain looking field
People think you're crazy
But you know you have a treasure worth more than anything
So journey with me and Jesus
We won't steer you wrong
Throw off the devil's reins
Put the yoke of Jesus on
He will guide you from now on

Baby Names

I was thinking of world peace this morn and how our kids will help create it and if Elly's three will have biblical names like Stella's

Then saw Joe Christian Guy's Stop It When It Feels Right Vid around 11 - the number of peace

The Spirit inspired me to stop it on the red sheet which says "You're strong because God is your strength."

I knew right away what that sentence meant. It's an angel name

I was thinking Gabriel is an angel and if Elly will have another angel name. So I knew right away what it meant

The red paper means the kid will be our flesh and blood. Blood relative. It confirms the sign relates to family

The date is Sun 30 June. So my son will come from a 3 kid womb. The day Sun tells us that for Elly he will be a boy but for Stella Gabi will be a girl

Sweet! So we got two names now Leccy. The Lord is with us see? This sign appears a day or so after I got the revelation you and Stella are equals. It confirms what I said is true and was Spirit inspired

Gabe and Lailah are waiting in heaven for us to get married

Sooner we chat and meet the better parents we'll make in the long run. So let's chat soon and do the best job we can for them

We still got one more but we don't know yet if they'll be a boy or girl or what name

Saturday 29 June 2024

Romance Renunciation

Heaven reminded me last night with a dream and a sign that though everyone indulges it lust is not a virtue. It's a sin. Even with your wife. I knew this all along and told you about it before. But in order to win my queen I was inspired to write about sexual pleasure as heaven knows it is what women seek. So it had to be addressed first. If I had just barged in condemning it right away no one would understand. But now heaven has let us have the idea for a couple years it is time to explain why it is not heavenly

Before now the idea has led us all to mess around with the idea that lust and sexual prowess are important. Heaven let us keep hold of the idea for so long because it wanted us to feel the competitive spirit and realise it is not a good thing. Now heaven is inspiring me to tell you about it officially

Sexual prowess is just an animal instinct. It is to be dominant over females and rival males by showing your virility through tempting the biggest amount of sexual partners with the largest amount of pleasure

Such behaviour is not virtuous. It is rather embarrassingly how animals act. As followers of the new religion heaven wants us to be more virtuous than that. Especially me and my queen as we must set good examples

So I gotta tell you now. Size or looks or pleasure should not be factors in selecting your marriage partner. All it does is encourage competition and competition is not heaven's way. I know it seems like all is fair in love and war. But that is not heaven's way. Heaven wants humankind living together all as brothers and sisters rather than as competitive rivals

So there should be no competition for size or looks or pleasure sexually. Really that's just survival of the fittest gone crazy. It's natural selection overused. It is all nature's way. The natural way. The animal way. Nature over nurture

So me and my queen gotta set a good example by refraining from it and telling you the truth - engaging in love for pleasure won't earn you spirit dollars from heaven - even with your spouse

This means I will never make love to my wife for any length of time for pleasure. Itta be just once on Conception Day for the naturally short time it takes. We will do it with thanks to heaven for the gift of procreation. So it will be a ritual with good intentions and not for pleasure. Itta be pleasant for us both but not for pleasure

Heaven knows lust is rife in the world. Heaven also knows the world is confused about what is lust and what is love. So heaven inspired me to write about it before in order to reveal to everyone what it is. If we didn't know what lust was then we wouldn't know what is right and wrong in love

Now thanks to what heaven inspired me to write and hint at all this time we know lust is about having the most gorgeous lover who can last the longest time. But heaven now wants us to know that is like picking a guy with the biggest muscles. It is just natural selection. It's not the holy way

There's nothing wrong with big muscles. But using them to shove little guys around is a sin. They should only be used to lift heavy weights

So heaven don't want natural selection or sexual pleasure anymore. It is the old way for animals. Heaven runs by supernatural selection and virtuous love. You can still go for the natural selection stuff. I won't outlaw it but I won't lie. It won't earn you spirit dollars

Like in my soul train vid the other day where I gestured lewdly. I was showing off for my queen which was a shameful thing to do. As if I'm fitter and more virile than other men so my wife should pick me. Heaven wants me to tell you today that is not heaven's way

No man or woman should feel inferior based on such things. From now on we of the holy way should pick one spouse confirmed by signs to procreate with and not sleep with for pleasure

As a sign of this new law revealed - well it has always been the law. Always heaven's way. But as a sign of heaven reminding us of it and instructing us in it today - I'll remove the soul train vid. I may repost it later with the lewd bit removed. The lewd bit is the way animals act and is not condoned by heaven

As king and queen of virtue and the holy land it is our duty to set a good example for you by never loving just for pleasure ourselves. Heaven has kindly told us this today before me and my queen ever met. This way we know never to indulge the sin as a couple and set bad examples for everyone

People can still engage in love for pleasure. I'm not gonna impose that law. But love for pleasure won't earn you spirit dollars. If you chase that kind of love it will give you spirit debt for the sin of lust that will lessen your rewards in heaven. It will also reduce your inner peace on earth and may even prevent you from being able to go to heaven at all. That's the holy law sadly

So now my queens you know what sort of romance to look forward to with me. Spending time together as best friends and a family. Living basically celibately. We can hug and kiss once married as a way of being uniquely intimate with each other more than with any other person. We can hold hands to show we're a couple. But mustn't indulge in sex for pleasure ever

Succession Explanation

Folks is worried about the Word of God being bond. Being set in stone and now it seems to have changed. Lemme tellya. Don't worry

God is infallible. He don't make mistakes. But he don't reveal all his plans at once. For example the 6th commandment said don't kill. But Jesus edited it to don't hate, and I was inspired to add don't fight or argue. The Spirit often tells me stuff that looks one way at first, but is later revealed to have more layers of meaning

We all lsaw what I wrote about the line of succession, with Stella being first and Elly second. We all saw the sign a couple days later mentioning lines of succession, which proved what I wrote was indeed inspired. But just because it was inspired, don't mean it has a rigid set in stone meaning. Or that the words I used can't be changed. Like when I did an awful job of writing Isaiah 2 and everyone hated it. The Spirit inspired that awful job. Then it inspired the milder rewrite as well

I interpreted the lines of succession inspiration and sign to mean Stella was more suitable than Elly. Because we'd be a mix and it would help create world peace. In some ways yes it would. But if Stella don't wanna play a part in that I will still promote it myself. But equally promote cat on cat and dog on dog marriages. All three kinds are permissible and encouraged by heaven. I'll promote equal rights for all the world's types as I said before. I can do that without Stella. I can only have one wife. If I have a cat wife it don't mean I don't promote any other type of marriage

Cat and dog mix is just one option. But heaven is inspiring me to say today it can make a royal line out of any type. A dog queen will be just as good as a cat queen, and a dog prince will be just as good as a mix prince. This is to show all types are equal

Royalty is less about a gene mix anyway. It is not something that can be replicated. It is a case of being chosen. If you cloned me it would give no guarantee heaven would speak to the clone. Heaven speaks to who heaven chooses to speak to. El has a will and consciousness that operate outside the constraints of genetic reproduction

The lines of succession letter was inspired as the signs said. That means it does still apply in certain circumstances - for example if both girls follow me this week and show equal amounts of good faith

Because of this fact it means that what heaven spoke through me in that letter is all true. However the new insight I was given last night adds details. Just like Jesus added details to and reinterpreted the Law of Moses

Stella was first chosen and coulda took the throne right away. But she nullified her sole right by not accepting it early on. Now she has Elly to contend with. However we know the contest must be friendly. If either girl is incapacitated under suspicious circumstances then the other will automatically lose her right

So there is still the line of succession. It will apply if both girls show equal faith and virtue. Otherwise the throne will go to whatever one puts the most time in with me

So if Elly adds me today but only talks to me every other day, but Stella adds and talks to me every day, Stella will win and vice versa

Friday 28 June 2024

Queen Equality

Sorry guys I've been a bit slow. It has just dawned on me. Me writing the letter about how Stella should pick the royal sceptre made you think it was just a whimsical choice to make and didn't really matter didn't it? So the general mood has been she may as well sleep around a bit first

I had no idea you guys were all thinking that. That was not my intention at all. Remember the radioactive curse. The sceptre letter was giving Stella reasons ON TOP of the curse. Not instead of

I expected the devil would tempt Stella and she might forget about the curse. So I wrote the letter to give her MORE reasons and encouragement to pick me. ON TOP of the radioactive curse. Not instead

I didn't realise the devil had pulled the wool over all your eyes so you lost sight of the shepherd and curse. Well the wool was even a bit over my eyes. But Jesus the sheikh of shepherds has lifted the wool from mine tonight and inspired me to write this for you

I hope it clears things up so you can see now. Stella - the Lord has spoken. Time to talk to me. You're at another fork in the road of destiny. Which way will you go?

Same for you Elly. Heaven is calling you as well. If you answer and Stella don't you'll win the throne. Maybe you can save the world from war in Stella's place. Maybe that's your destiny. Maybe that's what the signs mean

Yeah it makes sense. I see it now. Stella disobeying will turn the world toward war but you can stop it. I'm working this out as I go along. But remember the Spirit is with me showing me visions and inspiring my words

So what I wrote before was my understanding then. But now Jesus has shown me this new level of wisdom. He is in control of everything. Guiding us. This is the speed at which he has chosen to reveal the story to us

He knew the wool was over our eyes. He let it be so we'd all walk dazed on this path in the clouds for a while. He did it on purpose just so this revelation would arrive all the sweeter and clearer now

So Elly rejoice. You can take the throne from Stella if you talk to me and she don't. It's only fair isn't it and we know El is fair. He is good and righteous. You can save the world from war in Stella's place my dear

So don't take any leaves outta her book. Do things your own way. Do it the right way. Be my fiancée and follow heaven with me. I'll take your hand. Accept you. Be lucky to have you

Sorry if I dishonoured you. Putting Stella on a pedestal. I just call it as I see it. As we go along. I'm just a prophet. Not a signsender. Maybe in my next life I'll be one of the angels who sends the signs

For now I'm just a reader. So bear with me. This is the new vision Jesus has shown me. Praise him - the Prince of Heaven - for blessing us with this gift. He loves and guides us every day. Slowly unravels this story written in the stars

So what does this new revelation mean? It means you're both still in the running my queens. But equally now. Stella. Elly. It could be either of you. You were always equal. I just lost sight of that fact

It means both your choices count. Whatever you pick is your own responsibility. Elly if you chat to me heaven will reward you. So don't wait for Stella. Make the first move and take the lead

Take my hand. We'll walk to the holy throne together. Leave Stella behind. We don't need her. You have as much right to the throne as her now. She lost her exclusive right because she didn't follow

This is great news. It means both of you can avert the war. So I get to marry whatever one shows most faith. That's who heaven will pick. I thought it had to be Stella but it don't

It's not about talent or looks or skill. It's all about faith. Faith in heaven. Faith in the signs. Who will show faith and follow first? That's what'll please heaven. What'll win the throne and save the world. I love both of you really I do and will gladly accept either one of you as my queen

Thursday 27 June 2024

My Chemical Romance

Stella is so hard to love. I was hoping you Elly would be thinking she don't deserve me. That I'm too good for her and you would treat me much nicer. A nasty girlfriend nice girlfriend deal would be half alright. Nasty nasty ain't much fun. Sigh. You know I'll be loyal to you if you're nice to me don't you. But what you want I should do? I can't just ignore her can I. So add me Elly. Be my gal. My best pal. Visit. You can have it all. It's all for you. Just me and you. That's all I want. But I gotta give Stella what's rightfully hers. It's for world peace. It's more important. It's heaven's will. But my will is I just want you


Lavender. Do you mind if I call you Venny? You remind me of Heather. An old mentor of mine. Short hair. Though hers was grey to match her wrinkles. Trousers, shirt and waistcoat. Her passion engineering. Industrial age. Hard as nails. Stern and matter of fact. Yet kind and joyful. Happy to help. Encouraging. Enthusiastic. A sweet motherly spirit. I saw her around with her spectacled hubby. Cheerful as ever. Strolling the wilds. Especially where old buildings could be spotted. I never thought I'd have a wife like her. But if you say yes I will, and I'll be glad and proud of you. The way you dress. The subjects you love. The wife and mother I know you can be. Be my second Heather. My new Lavender. I'll love you forever. I know you love women and feminism. That's great. I want you to speak up for womankind. But you know you don't have to marry one to be as womanly as can be. Heather never. You can be real authentic 100% woman and still have a guy and babies. Heather was authentic and true to herself and also a mum and happily wed. Be my second Heather. My new Lavender. I'll love you forever

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Royal Sceptre

Don't go chasing showoff snakes. Chase heaven invisible. As the snake will die and leave you. But heaven never will

Heaven says ignore satanic snakes of temptation and grasp the royal sceptre. Every day will be a 9 scale on the funnometer

Loyalty is a virtue - staying true to me. So is faith - staying true to heaven. Either of you gals wanna be holy queen they're two you gotta master

Snakes ain't what they seem. Just poison. Walk the path with me. It is the remedy for curses

"Things that are seen don't last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. This is why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

2 of us foreigners for 1 Jewish fam. Ain't that nice. Out of your 8 womb. Their little souls can't be seen but wait in heaven to be born. Let's give em a loving loyal fam to be born into where mum and dad are loyal in love and love each other

No number of boyfriends will ever satisfy. So you could waste a lifetime on them. True love is the only satisfying love as it's a virtue

You can love anyone. You can love a thousand. But only one has been picked for you by heaven. Love that one. Love me. I'll love you back and heaven will be pleased

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Miss Understanding

Today's chapter is about folks who get wrongly accused:

"‭The servant grew up obeying the LORD. But he was hated and rejected. We despised him and said, “He is a nobody!” He suffered for us, but we thought his suffering was punishment from God. All of us were like sheep that had wandered off. We had each gone our own way, but the LORD gave him the punishment we deserved. He was condemned to death without a fair trial. The LORD will reward him for sacrificing his life. Others thought he was a sinner, but he suffered for our sins and asked God to forgive us." (Isaiah 53)

As we can see there the guy was condemned because of a misunderstanding. Folks misunderstood his intentions. He walked the holy way but folks thought he was walking the wrong way. How can such misunderstandings happen? I think they can happen quite easily

Some folks are more likely to be misunderstood than others. A neurodivergent person thinks different to everyone. So they're not thinking what everyone else is. So if everyone is thinking something and the neurodivergent person says something they'll think he is referring to what they're thinking. If what they're thinking is something bad it can lead to misunderstandings

I used to get misunderstood so much in the past it made me scared to socialise. When folks would accuse me of stealing or whatever, I'd get nervous and shake and they'd frown at me as if my nerves were confirming their suspicions. So I hid away from the world and studied my condition till I understood what was going on. Now I realise it's because I say and do odd things at odd times. So I try my best not to anymore

I remember seeing a rare old vid of Stella where she says she has mental health issues and feels like people think there's something wrong with her. I know when you feel like that you just wanna be alone. I want her to feel happy in her new life with me. So wanna make sure she has enough space and don't feel pressured to socialise more than she feels able. I wanna teach her the way of virtue and share my faith with her so she is the best queen and can share the way with others through her videos

The same goes for Elly of course. We're all on the path of virtue now. Me and my queens and all of you our followers. As a community we'll learn new things and grow more understanding each day

Monday 24 June 2024

Queen Camp

Been giving more thought to the queen training stuff. There's various ways. Elly's involvement is punishment for Stella. But we don't gotta live under the same roof. They could take visits in turn for a season or year. Me mam is the easiest gal to live with. All they gotta do is pay their way here. A third of the living cost. If they wanna spend more for a second place it can be just the two of us. If they're here at the same time in different places, we can keep dates one on one or go on some as a group. The schedule is flexible. Long as I give them both equal time. Whatever each of you gals pick is not important. Just that we bond and train for a wedding and world peace

Sunday 23 June 2024

Faith Queen

Did I imply I like Stella more by saying she likes music then singing a song? I didn't mean to give that impression. The song says I don't want much. Not even a wife. I'm happy alone. So either one will add so many joys to my life

El knows Elly ain't musical. Yet he chose her. So she don't need to be. Me mam ain't. If El picked both girls for me I want them both equally. I'm not judging them. Stella don't have the same music taste. I'm not a science guy. But I know I can work with both in different ways. El gave us our gifts and matched us in heaven. So don't worry about it. Just have faith. With enough faith one of you will be queen of the Jews

Say Elly lives and trains with me for two years and Stella don't. Will she still be heaven's first choice? Not sure. If Elly shows faith by working with me, El will be pleased with her, I know that. By lacking faith El will be displeased with Stella. He's already shown us that with signs. He don't hold grudges though. So all she gotta do is show faith now to please him. Show faith is all both girls gotta do

Both of you now. Not just one. You've both been called. Gotta train you both to be queen now till Advent 26. After that just one of you. Which one will be Stella's choice. That is assuming you both show faith and follow. Else itta be the one who shows most faith. That's how it seems to me

Advent is not your time limit for a date. It's Engagement Day. So we gotta date before then. Get to know each other well. So both come live with me. See how we get on and stuff. Itta please heaven. Be fun as well. We can live as a trio till Engagement Day. After that I gotta be exclusive with just one of you

It woulda just been Stella from the start. She coulda had all this to herself if she spoke to me in the early days. Now she's gotta share it for three years. So don't worry what punishment El will give you Stella. Having Elly here is your punishment. Just accept it. Don't stray any further now. Or losing the queenship to her will be next

Both of you here is what El now desires. But if it's both is up to you. Still just be one if just one of you follows. Or neither if you neither do. Just on my own again then. Or with a third chosen. I really don't mind. Like I said in my song, faith in El is all I need. Faith is all you need as well


What is it with me and gnomes? It's quite simple really. First found out about them when I was a kid. Tiny creatures much smaller than me. They live in the underworld. A magic world most people can't see. Watched a ton of films across the years with gnomes in. I see them the same now as I saw them as a child. Magical creatures to be treated with respect

Why did I mention magic berries and spice nuts? Well I was in a forest. So it's just the first thing I thought of. Why did I make a film about gnomes? I saw a log to rest my phone on. Saw how tall it made me look. Reminded me of how giant people look to gnomes in films. I was in a forest. Gnomes often live in forests. That's it. Why the Australian accent? My accents are as random as everything else about me

So that's what gnomes mean to me. Same as dragons. Just part of the fantasy world. Berries to me are just food. Same as nuts. I could probably write stories for kids. Just think. All the cartoons for kids you see are made by adults. Must take a pretty mature adult actually to write something kid friendly. Guess it means I'm ready to be a dad

Wonder if my kids will like gnomes. Or like Stella prefer insects. Or like Elly be more into minerals. A lotta folks was a bit confused about me mentioning gnomes. Well guys don't worry. When you think of me and gnomes just think of me as the sort of guy who'd write the sort of cartoon show your own kids might love. I'm a family friendly guy

Friday 21 June 2024

Trainee Queens

Stella you do realise you'll have to talk to me about subjects other than dinos if you want to be queen right? So you know keep making dino vids isn't gonna help you become queen. You can still make them on the side. But your main focus from now should be your new job as the trainee ruler of the Holy Land. You should be chatting with me about it behind the scenes if not for all to hear. Being queen isn't as simple as just being my wife you know? There's a whole lot more gonna be required of you. For which the sooner you start training the better. Seven years will barely cover it. Same goes for you Elly. Chemistry is all very well. But your queenly studies should come first. Chemistry needs to take second place. Just like my favourite subjects do

Christmas Comes Early

I can have gameswords and plushy chemicals with one love. Or dinos and singalongs with the other. How to choose? Thankfully I don't gotta. It's up to them. We get engaged on Advent 26. So we should be chatting and dating before then. Anytime now would be a good time to add me ladies. I love you both but it's Stella's choice first. She'll have to say yes or no on the first day of Advent. If she says no Elly will have till Christmas Eve to say yes. So that's what you gotta be fixin up for girls. Let's get chatting and dating now so you can have your decisions ready and waiting for when I pop the question

Thursday 20 June 2024

Righteous Indignation

Everyone was so worried about Stella and WW3 that naturally they got angry. That's what people do who care. They raise their voice so you can hear. They leave grave hints to let you know what's what. Because obviously you're a bit deaf as you just aren't responding. So thank you all for your righteous indignations. It helps us hear the reality. Let's all pray Stella listens for once and helps us save the world. Good job guys. Keep up the good work. I hope you've calmed down a bit now. So let's see some nicer calmer more friendly comments from you all today. Love you guys. All of you

Soul Doctor

Hey guys

Just wanna remind you all

In case you forgot

I'm a soul doctor

It's my job to heal spiritual ailments

Just like you see a doctor to heal all your diseases

The doctor has studied all diseases so knows how to heal them

That's how I know

I've spent a lifetime studying the holy way of virtue

So no matter what your illness is

Even if you're a totally different sort of person to me

The complete opposite of me

I will understand your ailments and know how to heal you

So have faith in me and in heaven who gave me this spiritual gift

Follow me

Tell me your woes. Let me heal you

Then as a team we can heal the world

The Power of True Love

Stella your soul has been wounded by the sin of lust and now it bleeds grim shadows. I see them in your aura. They will make you sink in the sea of dreams and get reborn. Yet there is hope and a way - the holy way of destiny - which for you in this life is true love with me. Don't underestimate the power of true love. It can heal the hurt of all past relationships and emotional wounds. It's sleeping around that does the damage to your soul. True love heavensent is waiting here just for you. It will heal you my love. So take my love and have no fear. It will save you. I'm here to rescue you from the clutches of sin with love. But if you do not take my hand I cannot lift you up to safety. So take it. To have and to hold for better or worse till death sends us to the dream sea. Take my hand in loyal marriage. It will heal your soul. Make you truly happy. Take it. Not just for yourself but for a shining example to a hurt and broken world. What's the alternative? Think of the signs and pick true love. For us. For the people. For heaven

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Unhappy Girl

Come on Stella. Everyone's worried about ya. Is a little one to one chat really gonna killya? Ya might be pleasantly surprised. You do wanna save the world and live a dream life with the perfect guy for you don't ya?

This has all been picked for you by heaven. Everyone there is a total angel. So have a little faith. Itta be so much better than anything else you could pick. Else Elly's gonna snap it up ya know. I don't mind. She says nice things about me

Thank you loads Elly. Our love will be so true. I wanna happy home and fam with you. Itta be easy living like with Mist. I wish it could start today. You can visit if you like anytime. So just add me

But Stella you're first chosen. So you gotta get first dibs. If I don't give you first dibs, heaven will smite me for disobeying and being selfish by picking the second chosen first. I don't wanna see you go the wrong way in life Stella. This is the right way here with me. Nothing will work out better for you. So there's really no need to pretend I don't exist. Everyone is confused as to why. What's the worst that can happen?

If you help me save the world I'm sure they'll forgive you for ignoring me this long. So have a little faith and do what heaven has been asking for so many months now

You've seen the signs. Nothing bad will happen if you do what heaven wants. I will walk the holy way with you. I will teach you how to have faith. Then you will have as much faith as me and can share it with the world

What's the matter dear? I feel like you're chained up by fear and confusion so can't move. Your freedom is right here. Just walk through the open cell door and get on my horse. I'll carry you to my country house. I'm a messenger of heaven sent to rescue you. Look at today's verse. It's for you

"You were in serious trouble, but you prayed to the LORD, and he rescued you. He brought you out of the deepest darkness and broke your chains." (‭Psalm 107:13-14)

He sent me to save you from your unkucky 13 bad luck. All those signs. What bad luck. Follow heaven with me and it'll all disappear. Then as a lovely little king and queen we'll bring peace to the world

Ain't it just the best story ever written? Only heaven could write it, and it's all about you. To star in it all you gotta do is have faith and step into it

I'm waiting here for you. Add me tonight and the hardest part will be over. Then you can relax and look forward to the rest of your life with me and our new fam

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sex is for Animals - Love is for Angels

Sexuality is diverse in the animal kingdom. Humans are diverse as well. They're like all different animals. Cats. Dogs. Snakes. Etc. Likewise their sexual preferences differ. Fair enough

However. There's more to humans than the animal side. Humans are unique. We're the only species able to know better. Able to choose right or wrong. That's what religion is all about. We don't look to nature to see what is right. We look to heaven

The laws of nature are eat or be eaten. Survival of the fittest. Natural selection. Might is right. But those things are morally wrong

Heaven has told the prophets time and again it wants humankind to choose the higher way. Not to give in to the animal desires

The animal desires want us to fight and make all sorts of wild love like animals. Heaven wants us to make peace, be loyal and devote ourselves to raising families for the future

A lot of people like Stella seem to think freewill is sacrosanct. The be all and end all. The highest human ideal to be cherished above all virtues. It should be YOUR choice. What YOU want. What YOU fancy. What YOUR animal inclination is, and screw the world if they don't agree

But they don't realise all that YOU stuff is selfish and sinful. They think THEY are all important. When really there's more important things. Heaven and the higher ups. The gods. Our creators

Do you think that body is yours to do with as you please? You're wrong. It's heaven's property. You're just loaning it

If you use it for selfish pleasures, heaven will demote you and you'll get reborn an animal. If you use it to walk the righteous path and serve heaven, heaven will promote you and you'll get reborn an angel

So you gotta stop seeing yourself as the almighty freewill warrior woman who does whatever she wants and the devil may care. I'm sure it feels thrilling and freeing to act like that. Because all sin feels like that. But it is the wrong, selfish and immoral way

The right way is to instead see yourself as a humble obedient servant of heaven. You don't do what you want. You do what heaven wants. You're not a freelancer. You're an employee. You're not your own boss, heaven is your boss. The words of the prophets are the company policy and contract you follow

Lotsa times employees don't understand their contracts because it's written in legal jargon. So all they gotta do is trust their supervisors and managers to tell them the right thing to do. Well in religion that's what prophets, bishops and clerics are for

So if you don't wanna study the signs or scrolls for yourself, fair enough. All you gotta do is what I advise, as I study them for you, so am like your boss

I know your inner animal right now will say "No way. You're not the boss of me." But remember that's just the animal side of you talking. I have to follow higher ups as well. The angels and gods and king of heaven. So don't think you're the only one doing someone else's will and feel hard done by. We're all in the same boat here, serving heaven as a team

It don't mean you can't study animal behaviours. Just means you gotta stop using their behaviours as the moral guidelines and rules for your own life and the lives of other people

I know you don't like me much. The feeling is mutual on an animal level. But I'm willing to rise above it and make a harmonious loveship with you and our kids for world peace because it's heaven's will. It's not about what I want or what you want. It's about what heaven wants

You think because the look of me makes you nauseous it is reason not to love me. But honestly you make me nauseous as well. There's a lot of things about you I instinctively dislike

But I know that's just my inner animal talking. If I gave into my animal side I woulda turned my nose up at you the first time you ignored my comment and never bothered speaking to you again. It's only because I follow heaven that I'm willing to make our relationship work

I added the true love follow to let you know I am willing to love and care for you for the rest of my days. Also because I wanted the RCP at number 45 instead of number 44

So I just searched true love and added the first one. Even so don't let my love for you go to your head. I love everyone. I see the best side of everyone. I could love any woman the same way I love you

If I did what I want I would just have one night stands. Why would I bother with a wife and kids? It's a lotta work. If I behaved like you, Stella, I would say that. Why should I marry a cat? I don't wanna. I'm a dog person. I just wanna be free to live my life how I want

But instead I'm doing what heaven asks. If you do the same it will show your followers there's something more important in life than your own choices and inclinations. Then we can all work together in virtuous ways to make world peace

Heaven doesn't want us to love each other because it's the most thrilling freewill thing we can do. It wants us to love each other because we're different and the world struggles to love different and we as leaders have to set good examples for everyone and world peace

So stop being selfish and doing what you want. Instead add wed and work with me for world peace for the rest of your life. Then you can go to heaven as heaven will be pleased with you

Even though it's not what we personally want most on a selfish me me me animal level attitude, it is what's for the best and wise and morally right. Who's to say what's right or wrong? Not the animal kingdom. The kingdom of heaven

Saturday 15 June 2024


Hey guys I just wanna reassure you all. Although the signs predict war, it will not be my fault or Elly's or Stella's or our children's or any of our followers - that's all you guys. Just think - I haven't told you to do anything warlike, have I? I've only told you to walk the holy way of virtue. Virtues include peace and kindness and don't include war. We're a force for good, peace and future foresight in the world. We're the temple. We're spirituality. We're not warmongers and I will not lead you to war. I will lead you to peace. However I can't make Stella marry me, and I can't stop the world going to war. So if that happens, I will continue to lead you to peace through the war. We will not fight in the war. We will make peace during and after the war. All of you who walk the holy way with me will live through the war with me. If I survive so will you. You may never have spoken to me. I may not follow you back. But that don't matter. All that matters is you follow me and have faith in El. Then you will live through the war with me. I don't want there to be a war any more than a newsreader does. I'm just like a newsreader. All I do is read the signs and tell you what they say

Friday 14 June 2024


Elly my lovely lady. John Comer in today's YouVersion vid of the day talks about a China plate collection. Just like your top follow. The China is holy. Uranium is holy. See the connection? Both belong to God. This sign comes the day after Stella rejected me again

See what it's saying? It is warning her what will happen if she keeps on. You will take her place. That is if you have faith. Show her what it means to be queen by following me like old times

If she ignores us both, you will be queen and she will not. If she adds me as well, you'll be a chosen and blessed member of team world peace. So you've nothing to lose. Let's be allies in the quest for world peace

We can make peace without her I'm sure. The Sunray Project and Don El's blessing is all we need. So let's just follow him by reading his signs and doing as they say

You're my second chosen queen. My first rejected me yesterday. You have a uranium collection. Today's vid has a China collection and celebrates the sabbath. The sign is clear. Celebrate the sabbath with me, my dear

I love you as a friend and potential bride. So get on my friend list already! I'll make efforts to be less intense with the convos this time. Take things at a more comfy pace. That is unless you're chicken?

More signs. Stella is after some new nine guy. Mr Comer (does that sound like coma?) has nine arrows on his company symbol - Practicing the Way

It means Stella will have bigger success walking the Way with me than dating the other guy. It's also a warning getting with the other guy would be bad for her, like radiation

The signs say getting with him would mean her current level of wellness is her max level of wellness, and her wellness levels will drop thereafter. Like someone with radiation sickness. I'm not saying straight away necessarily, but at some point before her time

She says she thinks the other guy is prettier than me. She's not wrong but there's more to life than looks. The most important thing is not looks but following heaven

You're my second chosen, Elly. I don't have as much to say about you as Stella, because Stella talks a lot more than you. But I do like you and you excite me. So let's be friends even if Stella is too blind to see getting with me is the right thing to do

Stella I'm worried about you. All these warning signs. How long will you ignore them? Remember the story of Moses and Pharaoh

Monday 10 June 2024


Was the new chapter a bit much? Sorry about that. Does it make you feel like God is against you? I didn't mean to make you feel like that, my lovely audience. I meant to make you feel like you're on God's side. He loves you. He's your parent. Just like a parent, he wants the best for you, and wants you to do what he advises. To walk the right path, live a good life and graduate to heaven. Everyone must die and be reborn forever. But if we follow God we don't get reborn, we go to heaven. It's just the same old message said in a different way. The chapter is really just saying we can die from war or natural disasters at any time. So don't waste time living a life of sins. Because when you die you'll have to get reborn. Start following God today. When you follow him you work for him as part of his company. Perks of the job include a ticket to heaven and soul dollars to spend there. I want to encourage you to walk the holy way. I was rewriting Isaiah and went a bit theatrical. I didn't mean to make it sound so thunderous. It was just for entertainment really and to inspire. I wanted you to feel like you're on the best side - God's side. By walking the holy way with me, you will be with God, and God will be with you. It just means you can have inner peace in this life and go to heaven in the next. I forgot myself when writing the chapter. I was in dramatic storytelling mode rather than social mode. I will try to make future chapters more pleasant. I write them in my own world you see, and sometimes forget how my audience might feel. Classic autistic one sided conversation. So how about we be a bit more sociable with it? Let me know in the comments if you wanna see a milder rewrite of that last chapter, or what chapter you'd like to see next. Then I can cater to your tastes, instead of just writing to my four walls

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...