Sunday 23 June 2024


What is it with me and gnomes? It's quite simple really. First found out about them when I was a kid. Tiny creatures much smaller than me. They live in the underworld. A magic world most people can't see. Watched a ton of films across the years with gnomes in. I see them the same now as I saw them as a child. Magical creatures to be treated with respect

Why did I mention magic berries and spice nuts? Well I was in a forest. So it's just the first thing I thought of. Why did I make a film about gnomes? I saw a log to rest my phone on. Saw how tall it made me look. Reminded me of how giant people look to gnomes in films. I was in a forest. Gnomes often live in forests. That's it. Why the Australian accent? My accents are as random as everything else about me

So that's what gnomes mean to me. Same as dragons. Just part of the fantasy world. Berries to me are just food. Same as nuts. I could probably write stories for kids. Just think. All the cartoons for kids you see are made by adults. Must take a pretty mature adult actually to write something kid friendly. Guess it means I'm ready to be a dad

Wonder if my kids will like gnomes. Or like Stella prefer insects. Or like Elly be more into minerals. A lotta folks was a bit confused about me mentioning gnomes. Well guys don't worry. When you think of me and gnomes just think of me as the sort of guy who'd write the sort of cartoon show your own kids might love. I'm a family friendly guy

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...