Friday 28 June 2024

Queen Equality

Sorry guys I've been a bit slow. It has just dawned on me. Me writing the letter about how Stella should pick the royal sceptre made you think it was just a whimsical choice to make and didn't really matter didn't it? So the general mood has been she may as well sleep around a bit first

I had no idea you guys were all thinking that. That was not my intention at all. Remember the radioactive curse. The sceptre letter was giving Stella reasons ON TOP of the curse. Not instead of

I expected the devil would tempt Stella and she might forget about the curse. So I wrote the letter to give her MORE reasons and encouragement to pick me. ON TOP of the radioactive curse. Not instead

I didn't realise the devil had pulled the wool over all your eyes so you lost sight of the shepherd and curse. Well the wool was even a bit over my eyes. But Jesus the sheikh of shepherds has lifted the wool from mine tonight and inspired me to write this for you

I hope it clears things up so you can see now. Stella - the Lord has spoken. Time to talk to me. You're at another fork in the road of destiny. Which way will you go?

Same for you Elly. Heaven is calling you as well. If you answer and Stella don't you'll win the throne. Maybe you can save the world from war in Stella's place. Maybe that's your destiny. Maybe that's what the signs mean

Yeah it makes sense. I see it now. Stella disobeying will turn the world toward war but you can stop it. I'm working this out as I go along. But remember the Spirit is with me showing me visions and inspiring my words

So what I wrote before was my understanding then. But now Jesus has shown me this new level of wisdom. He is in control of everything. Guiding us. This is the speed at which he has chosen to reveal the story to us

He knew the wool was over our eyes. He let it be so we'd all walk dazed on this path in the clouds for a while. He did it on purpose just so this revelation would arrive all the sweeter and clearer now

So Elly rejoice. You can take the throne from Stella if you talk to me and she don't. It's only fair isn't it and we know El is fair. He is good and righteous. You can save the world from war in Stella's place my dear

So don't take any leaves outta her book. Do things your own way. Do it the right way. Be my fiancée and follow heaven with me. I'll take your hand. Accept you. Be lucky to have you

Sorry if I dishonoured you. Putting Stella on a pedestal. I just call it as I see it. As we go along. I'm just a prophet. Not a signsender. Maybe in my next life I'll be one of the angels who sends the signs

For now I'm just a reader. So bear with me. This is the new vision Jesus has shown me. Praise him - the Prince of Heaven - for blessing us with this gift. He loves and guides us every day. Slowly unravels this story written in the stars

So what does this new revelation mean? It means you're both still in the running my queens. But equally now. Stella. Elly. It could be either of you. You were always equal. I just lost sight of that fact

It means both your choices count. Whatever you pick is your own responsibility. Elly if you chat to me heaven will reward you. So don't wait for Stella. Make the first move and take the lead

Take my hand. We'll walk to the holy throne together. Leave Stella behind. We don't need her. You have as much right to the throne as her now. She lost her exclusive right because she didn't follow

This is great news. It means both of you can avert the war. So I get to marry whatever one shows most faith. That's who heaven will pick. I thought it had to be Stella but it don't

It's not about talent or looks or skill. It's all about faith. Faith in heaven. Faith in the signs. Who will show faith and follow first? That's what'll please heaven. What'll win the throne and save the world. I love both of you really I do and will gladly accept either one of you as my queen

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...