Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sex is for Animals - Love is for Angels

Sexuality is diverse in the animal kingdom. Humans are diverse as well. They're like all different animals. Cats. Dogs. Snakes. Etc. Likewise their sexual preferences differ. Fair enough

However. There's more to humans than the animal side. Humans are unique. We're the only species able to know better. Able to choose right or wrong. That's what religion is all about. We don't look to nature to see what is right. We look to heaven

The laws of nature are eat or be eaten. Survival of the fittest. Natural selection. Might is right. But those things are morally wrong

Heaven has told the prophets time and again it wants humankind to choose the higher way. Not to give in to the animal desires

The animal desires want us to fight and make all sorts of wild love like animals. Heaven wants us to make peace, be loyal and devote ourselves to raising families for the future

A lot of people like Stella seem to think freewill is sacrosanct. The be all and end all. The highest human ideal to be cherished above all virtues. It should be YOUR choice. What YOU want. What YOU fancy. What YOUR animal inclination is, and screw the world if they don't agree

But they don't realise all that YOU stuff is selfish and sinful. They think THEY are all important. When really there's more important things. Heaven and the higher ups. The gods. Our creators

Do you think that body is yours to do with as you please? You're wrong. It's heaven's property. You're just loaning it

If you use it for selfish pleasures, heaven will demote you and you'll get reborn an animal. If you use it to walk the righteous path and serve heaven, heaven will promote you and you'll get reborn an angel

So you gotta stop seeing yourself as the almighty freewill warrior woman who does whatever she wants and the devil may care. I'm sure it feels thrilling and freeing to act like that. Because all sin feels like that. But it is the wrong, selfish and immoral way

The right way is to instead see yourself as a humble obedient servant of heaven. You don't do what you want. You do what heaven wants. You're not a freelancer. You're an employee. You're not your own boss, heaven is your boss. The words of the prophets are the company policy and contract you follow

Lotsa times employees don't understand their contracts because it's written in legal jargon. So all they gotta do is trust their supervisors and managers to tell them the right thing to do. Well in religion that's what prophets, bishops and clerics are for

So if you don't wanna study the signs or scrolls for yourself, fair enough. All you gotta do is what I advise, as I study them for you, so am like your boss

I know your inner animal right now will say "No way. You're not the boss of me." But remember that's just the animal side of you talking. I have to follow higher ups as well. The angels and gods and king of heaven. So don't think you're the only one doing someone else's will and feel hard done by. We're all in the same boat here, serving heaven as a team

It don't mean you can't study animal behaviours. Just means you gotta stop using their behaviours as the moral guidelines and rules for your own life and the lives of other people

I know you don't like me much. The feeling is mutual on an animal level. But I'm willing to rise above it and make a harmonious loveship with you and our kids for world peace because it's heaven's will. It's not about what I want or what you want. It's about what heaven wants

You think because the look of me makes you nauseous it is reason not to love me. But honestly you make me nauseous as well. There's a lot of things about you I instinctively dislike

But I know that's just my inner animal talking. If I gave into my animal side I woulda turned my nose up at you the first time you ignored my comment and never bothered speaking to you again. It's only because I follow heaven that I'm willing to make our relationship work

I added the true love follow to let you know I am willing to love and care for you for the rest of my days. Also because I wanted the RCP at number 45 instead of number 44

So I just searched true love and added the first one. Even so don't let my love for you go to your head. I love everyone. I see the best side of everyone. I could love any woman the same way I love you

If I did what I want I would just have one night stands. Why would I bother with a wife and kids? It's a lotta work. If I behaved like you, Stella, I would say that. Why should I marry a cat? I don't wanna. I'm a dog person. I just wanna be free to live my life how I want

But instead I'm doing what heaven asks. If you do the same it will show your followers there's something more important in life than your own choices and inclinations. Then we can all work together in virtuous ways to make world peace

Heaven doesn't want us to love each other because it's the most thrilling freewill thing we can do. It wants us to love each other because we're different and the world struggles to love different and we as leaders have to set good examples for everyone and world peace

So stop being selfish and doing what you want. Instead add wed and work with me for world peace for the rest of your life. Then you can go to heaven as heaven will be pleased with you

Even though it's not what we personally want most on a selfish me me me animal level attitude, it is what's for the best and wise and morally right. Who's to say what's right or wrong? Not the animal kingdom. The kingdom of heaven

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...