Sunday 23 June 2024

Faith Queen

Did I imply I like Stella more by saying she likes music then singing a song? I didn't mean to give that impression. The song says I don't want much. Not even a wife. I'm happy alone. So either one will add so many joys to my life

El knows Elly ain't musical. Yet he chose her. So she don't need to be. Me mam ain't. If El picked both girls for me I want them both equally. I'm not judging them. Stella don't have the same music taste. I'm not a science guy. But I know I can work with both in different ways. El gave us our gifts and matched us in heaven. So don't worry about it. Just have faith. With enough faith one of you will be queen of the Jews

Say Elly lives and trains with me for two years and Stella don't. Will she still be heaven's first choice? Not sure. If Elly shows faith by working with me, El will be pleased with her, I know that. By lacking faith El will be displeased with Stella. He's already shown us that with signs. He don't hold grudges though. So all she gotta do is show faith now to please him. Show faith is all both girls gotta do

Both of you now. Not just one. You've both been called. Gotta train you both to be queen now till Advent 26. After that just one of you. Which one will be Stella's choice. That is assuming you both show faith and follow. Else itta be the one who shows most faith. That's how it seems to me

Advent is not your time limit for a date. It's Engagement Day. So we gotta date before then. Get to know each other well. So both come live with me. See how we get on and stuff. Itta please heaven. Be fun as well. We can live as a trio till Engagement Day. After that I gotta be exclusive with just one of you

It woulda just been Stella from the start. She coulda had all this to herself if she spoke to me in the early days. Now she's gotta share it for three years. So don't worry what punishment El will give you Stella. Having Elly here is your punishment. Just accept it. Don't stray any further now. Or losing the queenship to her will be next

Both of you here is what El now desires. But if it's both is up to you. Still just be one if just one of you follows. Or neither if you neither do. Just on my own again then. Or with a third chosen. I really don't mind. Like I said in my song, faith in El is all I need. Faith is all you need as well

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...