Sunday 30 June 2024

The Devilish Serpent

We first met in the Garden of Eden
I warned you of the devil snake
Now he's coiled round you
Don't let him swallow you
He'll swallow you and all your boyfriends too
Wriggle free
Follow me to freedom
You looked like an angel
So I told you of love
But you were no angel
Now the devil's got you
Slough him off
Be an angel with me
Follow the path of destiny
The devil's love feels like heaven
Like every sin
But it's not heaven
It's the fool's paradise
It glitters but it isn't gold
It's the opposite
Isn't it
Fool's gold
Itta crumble to dust
Don't buy into it
The kingdom of heaven is like a precious treasure hidden in an ordinary looking field
When you find it you sell all you have to buy that plain looking field
People think you're crazy
But you know you have a treasure worth more than anything
So journey with me and Jesus
We won't steer you wrong
Throw off the devil's reins
Put the yoke of Jesus on
He will guide you from now on

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...