Wednesday 19 June 2024

Unhappy Girl

Come on Stella. Everyone's worried about ya. Is a little one to one chat really gonna killya? Ya might be pleasantly surprised. You do wanna save the world and live a dream life with the perfect guy for you don't ya?

This has all been picked for you by heaven. Everyone there is a total angel. So have a little faith. Itta be so much better than anything else you could pick. Else Elly's gonna snap it up ya know. I don't mind. She says nice things about me

Thank you loads Elly. Our love will be so true. I wanna happy home and fam with you. Itta be easy living like with Mist. I wish it could start today. You can visit if you like anytime. So just add me

But Stella you're first chosen. So you gotta get first dibs. If I don't give you first dibs, heaven will smite me for disobeying and being selfish by picking the second chosen first. I don't wanna see you go the wrong way in life Stella. This is the right way here with me. Nothing will work out better for you. So there's really no need to pretend I don't exist. Everyone is confused as to why. What's the worst that can happen?

If you help me save the world I'm sure they'll forgive you for ignoring me this long. So have a little faith and do what heaven has been asking for so many months now

You've seen the signs. Nothing bad will happen if you do what heaven wants. I will walk the holy way with you. I will teach you how to have faith. Then you will have as much faith as me and can share it with the world

What's the matter dear? I feel like you're chained up by fear and confusion so can't move. Your freedom is right here. Just walk through the open cell door and get on my horse. I'll carry you to my country house. I'm a messenger of heaven sent to rescue you. Look at today's verse. It's for you

"You were in serious trouble, but you prayed to the LORD, and he rescued you. He brought you out of the deepest darkness and broke your chains." (‭Psalm 107:13-14)

He sent me to save you from your unkucky 13 bad luck. All those signs. What bad luck. Follow heaven with me and it'll all disappear. Then as a lovely little king and queen we'll bring peace to the world

Ain't it just the best story ever written? Only heaven could write it, and it's all about you. To star in it all you gotta do is have faith and step into it

I'm waiting here for you. Add me tonight and the hardest part will be over. Then you can relax and look forward to the rest of your life with me and our new fam

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...