Saturday 29 June 2024

Romance Renunciation

Heaven reminded me last night with a dream and a sign that though everyone indulges it lust is not a virtue. It's a sin. Even with your wife. I knew this all along and told you about it before. But in order to win my queen I was inspired to write about sexual pleasure as heaven knows it is what women seek. So it had to be addressed first. If I had just barged in condemning it right away no one would understand. But now heaven has let us have the idea for a couple years it is time to explain why it is not heavenly

Before now the idea has led us all to mess around with the idea that lust and sexual prowess are important. Heaven let us keep hold of the idea for so long because it wanted us to feel the competitive spirit and realise it is not a good thing. Now heaven is inspiring me to tell you about it officially

Sexual prowess is just an animal instinct. It is to be dominant over females and rival males by showing your virility through tempting the biggest amount of sexual partners with the largest amount of pleasure

Such behaviour is not virtuous. It is rather embarrassingly how animals act. As followers of the new religion heaven wants us to be more virtuous than that. Especially me and my queen as we must set good examples

So I gotta tell you now. Size or looks or pleasure should not be factors in selecting your marriage partner. All it does is encourage competition and competition is not heaven's way. I know it seems like all is fair in love and war. But that is not heaven's way. Heaven wants humankind living together all as brothers and sisters rather than as competitive rivals

So there should be no competition for size or looks or pleasure sexually. Really that's just survival of the fittest gone crazy. It's natural selection overused. It is all nature's way. The natural way. The animal way. Nature over nurture

So me and my queen gotta set a good example by refraining from it and telling you the truth - engaging in love for pleasure won't earn you spirit dollars from heaven - even with your spouse

This means I will never make love to my wife for any length of time for pleasure. Itta be just once on Conception Day for the naturally short time it takes. We will do it with thanks to heaven for the gift of procreation. So it will be a ritual with good intentions and not for pleasure. Itta be pleasant for us both but not for pleasure

Heaven knows lust is rife in the world. Heaven also knows the world is confused about what is lust and what is love. So heaven inspired me to write about it before in order to reveal to everyone what it is. If we didn't know what lust was then we wouldn't know what is right and wrong in love

Now thanks to what heaven inspired me to write and hint at all this time we know lust is about having the most gorgeous lover who can last the longest time. But heaven now wants us to know that is like picking a guy with the biggest muscles. It is just natural selection. It's not the holy way

There's nothing wrong with big muscles. But using them to shove little guys around is a sin. They should only be used to lift heavy weights

So heaven don't want natural selection or sexual pleasure anymore. It is the old way for animals. Heaven runs by supernatural selection and virtuous love. You can still go for the natural selection stuff. I won't outlaw it but I won't lie. It won't earn you spirit dollars

Like in my soul train vid the other day where I gestured lewdly. I was showing off for my queen which was a shameful thing to do. As if I'm fitter and more virile than other men so my wife should pick me. Heaven wants me to tell you today that is not heaven's way

No man or woman should feel inferior based on such things. From now on we of the holy way should pick one spouse confirmed by signs to procreate with and not sleep with for pleasure

As a sign of this new law revealed - well it has always been the law. Always heaven's way. But as a sign of heaven reminding us of it and instructing us in it today - I'll remove the soul train vid. I may repost it later with the lewd bit removed. The lewd bit is the way animals act and is not condoned by heaven

As king and queen of virtue and the holy land it is our duty to set a good example for you by never loving just for pleasure ourselves. Heaven has kindly told us this today before me and my queen ever met. This way we know never to indulge the sin as a couple and set bad examples for everyone

People can still engage in love for pleasure. I'm not gonna impose that law. But love for pleasure won't earn you spirit dollars. If you chase that kind of love it will give you spirit debt for the sin of lust that will lessen your rewards in heaven. It will also reduce your inner peace on earth and may even prevent you from being able to go to heaven at all. That's the holy law sadly

So now my queens you know what sort of romance to look forward to with me. Spending time together as best friends and a family. Living basically celibately. We can hug and kiss once married as a way of being uniquely intimate with each other more than with any other person. We can hold hands to show we're a couple. But mustn't indulge in sex for pleasure ever

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...