Friday 14 June 2024


Elly my lovely lady. John Comer in today's YouVersion vid of the day talks about a China plate collection. Just like your top follow. The China is holy. Uranium is holy. See the connection? Both belong to God. This sign comes the day after Stella rejected me again

See what it's saying? It is warning her what will happen if she keeps on. You will take her place. That is if you have faith. Show her what it means to be queen by following me like old times

If she ignores us both, you will be queen and she will not. If she adds me as well, you'll be a chosen and blessed member of team world peace. So you've nothing to lose. Let's be allies in the quest for world peace

We can make peace without her I'm sure. The Sunray Project and Don El's blessing is all we need. So let's just follow him by reading his signs and doing as they say

You're my second chosen queen. My first rejected me yesterday. You have a uranium collection. Today's vid has a China collection and celebrates the sabbath. The sign is clear. Celebrate the sabbath with me, my dear

I love you as a friend and potential bride. So get on my friend list already! I'll make efforts to be less intense with the convos this time. Take things at a more comfy pace. That is unless you're chicken?

More signs. Stella is after some new nine guy. Mr Comer (does that sound like coma?) has nine arrows on his company symbol - Practicing the Way

It means Stella will have bigger success walking the Way with me than dating the other guy. It's also a warning getting with the other guy would be bad for her, like radiation

The signs say getting with him would mean her current level of wellness is her max level of wellness, and her wellness levels will drop thereafter. Like someone with radiation sickness. I'm not saying straight away necessarily, but at some point before her time

She says she thinks the other guy is prettier than me. She's not wrong but there's more to life than looks. The most important thing is not looks but following heaven

You're my second chosen, Elly. I don't have as much to say about you as Stella, because Stella talks a lot more than you. But I do like you and you excite me. So let's be friends even if Stella is too blind to see getting with me is the right thing to do

Stella I'm worried about you. All these warning signs. How long will you ignore them? Remember the story of Moses and Pharaoh

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...