Monday 29 January 2024

Israel Needs Her Queen

Stella liked an anti Israel speech vid today by a female politician. The politician's speech against Israel is judgemental. But the verse today says, judge not or so shall ye be judged. So careful Stella. Do not support a politician but disobey the Lord. Just add me and we'll talk. That politician is saying what she thinks is right, and El the god of Israel will forgive her when she sees the light

The devotional says:

Meditate on today's verse and devotional my love. It is heaven speaking to you. It don't want you to be judgemental like that politician, it wants you to make peace

It seems you're saying I'm a lesbian now as well? I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Is everyone who has slept with a woman a lesbian? Is that the new way of the world? I don't know. I just follow heaven and so should you, chosen Israeli queen. Lead your nation to peace. Don't send them to the slaughter. If they're making war it is because they don't have a wise noble queen to lead them. Did you think of that? So don't sit back but step up to the call of heaven with me

I'm sensing general hostility from you Stella. Is it because the verse today says:

"Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you. God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them." (Matthew 7:1‭-‬2)

Do you now think I condemened you in yesterday's vid? Actually if you read the devotional it says today's verse can be easily misunderstood. Have a look at the devotional to understand the true meaning of the verse

After reading that can you see I have actually judged you fairly? I'm not saying you're a worse person than me. I'm saying everyone sins, even me and you. So if I can change and stop sinning my dear, then so can you, and a holy queen of Israel truly must. Or she is not a holy queen at all

You can be a holy queen and I will teach you how. So just chat to me and everything will work out. I will help you work through all your issues and be your lifelong friend if not more. So you've got nothing to lose by adding me and everything to gain

If you're still nervous of going public, just chat to me in private. I won't tell anyone if you don't. Not because I don't want people to know. Just to respect your comfort and privacy. Then maybe when you feel more confident and comfy with me, you will decide to go public at a later date. But I will leave that choice entirely in your hands

I really want to work with you Stella to make world peace. I promise you talking to me will be nothing but good for you. I know because it is heaven's will

Not sure if the screams distubred you yesterday. After the first scream I said don't listen to the devil. The second scream by the devil was at the name of heaven. So if you follow heaven with me you have nothing to fear. It takes a lot of courage to follow heaven. But have faith. Heaven will not let you down. Did it let you down after your sun comment? No it didn't. So my dear have faith

Saturday 27 January 2024

☢ War Signs ☢

I been thinking about the war signs and realised something. Maybe they're not about Stella. Maybe they're just to confirm the Sunray Project is what will make world peace

So when Stella got all the curses laid on her for not helping me, maybe it's just to show studying dino bones is not the way to make world peace. There's nothing wrong with studying dino bones. It's just the sunray project is more important right now, and she could help

As she had no faith, Elly was chosen to replace her. So Stella isn't essential. It means Elly is a true replacement. Not second best. Just different. She can help me make peace in her own way. If Elly also lacks faith maybe El will pick me someone new. Or he may prefer me to stay single. I don't mind either way. I just trust El

The girls have just been invited optionally to help me. If they help me heaven will bless them. If they don't it won't. So it's not about Stella or Elly. It's about the sunray project

Elly came with the nuke signs as a reminder for Stella that not helping me is not the way to world peace. Also as a sign Elly needs to change her own focus. To change her main focus from nuclear chemistry to helping me with the project

Both girls have a science and both are being told to make science a secondary priority and focus on working with me

Elly was good and showed faith by taking the signs down. That was pleasing to me and El. Even though they can just mean radiation generally they're not thought of as a peace sign. So taking them down was a goodwill gesture of peace. I'm proud of her for that

I'll be happy to have a fam with either of the girls. It's just up to them if they wanna have faith and follow heaven. So it's not my choice or responsibility what they do. My task is just telling them what the signs say so they can make their own choices. El orchestrated these signs so we would know working together is part of heaven's plan to make world peace

I just thought to myself, does orchestrate have the letter h in it? Lemme look that up. Autofill says: orchestral manoeuvres in the dark? What's this? A band? Song check. First song. Enola Gay? What's that about? The name of the WW2 atom bomb? Just as I'm writing about stopping WW3? It's a new sign guys!

Lemme see the lyrics. "Ah-ha, words can't describe the feeling." Wow. It's definitely a sign. Just look at the verse of the day. It says the same thing

"In certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words." (Romans 8:26) Same as the song. So let's give it a listen now. Add it to your playlists and remember it as it's heaven's way of speaking to us

The match of lyric and verse is a sign me writing this letter to you is inspired by heaven so is the word of heaven. That means the other details around the sign can help us tell a complete story of what the sign means

Look at the ref. Romans 8:26. Rome was an empire. The ref is saying we must start a new world peace empire by having kids and raising them to work for peace. That is what 6 means. As God worked for six days to make the world. So our kids have destinies to work for world peace

Also Elly isn't great with words. The spirit is saying don't worry Elly, El will give you the words you need. He gives me enough words for both of us anyway

The spirit has inspired a lot of letters from me today. Are these letters helping to put your thoughts and feelings into words for you? Then that is more proof these words are inspired by the Spirit, as the verse says the Spirit can express what you cannot express alone. So I hope it gives you the faith to add me and work with me Elly. As it is heaven's will it means heaven will look after you and you don't need to worry about anything else in life. All you gotta focus on 100% is working with me. Heaven will sort out the rest for you

Stella could still be the one. But I see other options now. She could completely ignore heaven and earn no spirit dollars. Put me first and earn most spirit dollars. Or she can just help us as a friend and marry the zoo guy. If she is loyal to him and also helps the Sunray Project by promoting it, chatting to me and helping me and maybe reading my words in her vids and stuff like that, she will help make peace and please El so will go to heaven. But not with as high rank or as many spirit dollars as if she had had faith right away or if she puts me first now

So Elly if you want more rank and spirit dollars. Or Stella you as well. The best thing to do is add me today and start working with me for world peace. Either of you can still be queen. But both of you can help in numerous ways I can teach you all about

Now let's finish reading the sign. Think of WW2 how horrible it was and all the people who died. We don't want WW3 do we. So we have to stop it before it happens and it's easy to stop. Just follow Don El. He has already given me the sunray vision and has promised to lead me to world peace eventually, when the time is right. He has now offered you two ladies tickets to hop on board this world peace ship with me and earn heavenly rewards. So welcome. You know. Just add me and have faith

The sign mentions the word Gay and also talks about a foreign nation. People go to war against groups they have differences with. Straights vs gays. Locals vs foreigners. We must stop all these wars from occurring and erupting into a new world war. It's easy to do with the sunray project. Because that's what the project is designed for. It is designed by heaven to be a cure for war

The project will spread rays of peace understanding equality kindness and forgiveness all round the world dissolving any desire for new war or revenge for past wars. So ladies help me spread the light

This new global equality social system is here to replace the current competitive capitalist pyramid one. For where there is competition for control of resources, war is close behind. Competition is only good in friendly sports games. It's bad when it's for vital resources and land. Those things must be shared to all equally to prevent war, and that is what the sunray project will ensure

The plane enola gay dropped the little boy bomb on Hiroshima. Like the lyrics say: "Enola Gay. Is mother proud of little boy today? Ah-ha, this kiss you give. It's never ever going to fade away."

They're right it won't. It will go down in the history books forever as a tragedy and tale of what NOT to do. But the sunray project will spread peace forgiveness understanding and wealth equality removing the need for retalitions or future wars of any sort so everyone in the world can live in peace and harmony forever

The second WW2 atom bomb was dropped by a plane called Bockscar on Nagasaki with an ID Victor Number of 77. That's El's number. This is no coincidence or mistake. El knows exactly what he's doing. It means El is always the victor and has the final say in war

The 77 is a clear sign WW2 was part of El's plan. El is the Lord of Armies, Elohim Tzevaot. He controls all armies in the world. No army can go to war without his permission

That don't mean to say war is morally right. Or that El likes war. What it means is El can and will use war as a punishment for mankind's sins. It don't mean Japan was more sinful than US. As it could just be a setup for a worse future revenge. What it means is both sides were sinful as both suffered in the war and continue to suffer from the after effects today

But also both sides have made peace out of it since and it has encouraged people never to repeat the tragedy. So good has come out of it. The 77 is there to let us know Don El is in control of all the world's nukes and can use them at will. But also to let us know he is also in charge of all the wonderful friendly relationships that have blossomed between US and Japan since

El is Lord of Armies but his desire is peace. That is why he sends the sunray project and this sign to show that the project is his way and heavenly plan to prevent new war. In fact to end war altogether forever creating peace on earth for all


Elly said she's scared of the dark. She don't wanna give birth to a world of gloom. Let me tell you Elly. Night is Lailah. But it's better than hellfire! Sleepy night. Cool shade. Sweet dreams. Lailah is an angel name remember. Plus there's two more we don't know of yet. Maybe they'll will be so shiny they need Lailah to balance them out. So let's not fear the night but embrace it and our love

Friday 26 January 2024

Watching the World Burn

Elly's friend told me. Elly don't wanna get with me. In fact she's scared to get with me. As if she does. The world will burn. More than her heart is burning now. And that's a lot

But that's not how it is. Elly getting with me won't burn the world. No. Stella failing to lend a helping hand. To put her efforts in. May burn the world. But Elly stepping in where Stella fails will help stop what's left of the world going completely to hell

So Stella will burn the world. Not Elly. After Stella is finished. Elly will send the whole world to hell if she don't get with me either. So it's not as bad as you guys think. Hope that sets your minds at ease a bit

I'm kinda exaggerating here a bit for fun. Seriously though I dunno when itta happen. Could be tomorrow. Or when we're all old and grey and dead. But eventually it will and itta be their fault for not helping me make a world peace dynasty. Maybe just being friends will be enough. But I think it's about our heirs as well. Not just us

It may seem unfair that someone has to do something they don't want. But it isn't really. Everyone has to do stuff they don't want. Plus wedding me isn't the worst thing in the world. I'm a nice guy and have things in common with them. So they should feel lucky also and proud to serve the Don in this way

I don't exactly wanna marry or be a dad either. I'd rather just play video games honestly. What a chore to raise a fam. But save the world or simply to serve Don El is a higher calling that leads souls to heaven. So is more important than my personal wishes

I do feel sorry for the girls. But so many girls become mums. I think they can handle it if they try. That said. Maybe El will send a third bride to save the world from them both. I can't see the future. I'm just saying what the signs have said so far

If El has to send a third bride though. He'll have to punish both girls for not helping me first. Just as much as they deserve. He is perfectly fair and judicious. You can trust his judgements. Yes. Trust El. Have faith in El for everything

Remember he rules the spirit realm. Not just earth. So he could punish them in this world or the next or both. You never know how or when El will do stuff. Only that he will do what he says eventually. Some way. Somehow

So don't take it too personal girls. You're just examples for the rest. El punishes all sins and sinners. Only forgiving those who repent and change their ways. So don't feel like you're the only ones who will get punished. He punishes everyone. You're the lucky ones as you get to know before it happens. So have a chance to change your ways and teach your followers to do the same

All El wants everyone to do is follow him instead of their own way of life. As he is an all knowing future seeing god. He knows best and wants what's best for everyone

That's all life really is. It's following El on the path of peace and happiness that leads to heaven. Or taking the rollercoaster of joy and woe that leads to rebirth. Freewill is simply a choice between those options

By the way. Stella thinks I'm mad at her going to the zoo. I'm not. I just wanted to show Elly I appreciate her. That's why I wrote the letter. To show her she's not just second best. She will be my number one gal and one true love if she dates me. I really like her

Stella nothing has changed between us. It's really not about you and me. It's about you and El. Will you obey him or not? I obey him so don't care. I have no personal feelings. My only feelings are for the Don. As he always steers me right. So serving him always makes me feel good. Itta make you and Elly feel good as well. Instead of chasing silly romances like some zoo creatures. But whatever

Elly if you show Stella how it's done and be my wife. Maybe she will be my friend and help. As she is your friend already. Then you'll save the world and get a higher rank than her in heaven. So getting with me is really a great idea

If you get with me first and stay with me and follow El every day with me. I can't see how Stella can win. Even if she follows close behind. You will stay in the lead. So let's get going

For following close behind. El will be pleased with Stella and bless her. I loved when she called the sun his own ringlight. More of that sort of thing every day please Stel to honour the Don who named you and is calling you to serve his kingdom of heaven on earth

Thursday 25 January 2024

More than Good Enough

Elly I feel like you think I think you're not good enough. First of all don't worry what I think. Just worry what El thinks. You're his daughter. He created you named you and chose you for me. His is the only opinion you should care about. Not mine

Anyway I don't think you're not good enough. Everyone is good at different things. Everyone has different intelligence types

My mum is not academic at all. So you're a lot more academic than her. But my mum is a great person. She's kind caring virtuous loyal honest and hardworking. She has faith in El and reads the Bible every day. If my mum has all that I'm sure you have a lot of great things about you as well. Academic intelligence don't mean anything

I'm academic but not perfect. I'm wise and a good mimic but I struggle with lots of things as an autistic person. My mum helps me and you'd be a huge help for me as well I'm sure. I could teach you so much and share a lot of wonderful things with you and I'm sure there's a massive amount you can do for me as well

Stuff Stella probably couldn't do because she is also autistic. A double autistic couple could have quite a lot of issues. So if you're not autistic then your down to earth practicality would be a huge help to me and also when our genes combine they'll make sure our kids have some more down to earth skills about them instead of being so intellectualistic

So whatever El has chosen you for I'm all for it. I'm really interested in you as a person. I like how you look. I liked how you spoke to me. All I want from you is more time. Put time in with me every day so we can bond for the rest of our lives

I'd be so proud to call you mine. If you win this competition I'll have no regrets. It's not my choice it's El's. He inspired this letter for you to read. If you respond to it and respond to me and bond with me more than Stella does you're sure to win. And I'll be delighted to have a wife as awesome as you

I'm not fussy with women. But I think you'd be good enough even for a fussy person. So I'll be utterly thrilled with you. I'm thrilled with my mum and she don't even play vidgames with me. So I'm sure me and you will have a great relationship

I really want a relationship with you. Honestly. Truly. For all my days I want you to be the one. The one for me. The one I marry. The one who mothers my kids. Let's invest a lot of time in each other and grow as a couple

It's Friday today. Fridays are named after the Norse goddess of marriage and prophecy. El has prophesied you're destined to marry me. So it's a great day to start our loveship. Show some faith and chat to me my love

El inspired this letter just before midnight. I then asked him in prayer "Lord what do you want me to do? Send the letter today or save it for another day?"

Then I saw the verse. It said: "The Lord stood beside Samuel and called out as he had done before “Samuel! Samuel!” “I'm listening” Samuel answered. “What do you want me to do?” (1 Samuel 3:10)

Straightaway I realised El was talking to me. But what about? Check the ref. 1 Samuel. 1 prophet. That's me. 3:10 reminds me of having three kids and a loyal loving loveship with you. I saw that and instantly knew El wanted me to send you this letter today. So I lept studying the daily devotional and adding more to this letter

So I'm reminded last night and today of you Elly and the family we're destined to have. I'm really excited about getting to know you. The Lord is talking to you through me and through the signs. Will you ignore like so many do? Or be a good servant of El and answer him like Samuel did?

El wants you to chat and marry me. To take Stella's place as she is too faithless. Show her how to follow El all the way to the holy throne. Then maybe she'll have more faith in her next life and we can watch her from heaven to see if she does or if she stays lost

There's still a chance for Stella till you and me get engaged. But if you follow El and she don't there's no way she can win. Don't put faith in her intelligence or yours. Just put faith in El the maker of the world. Whoever has the most faith will win the throne. Faith alone wins it. Write it on your wall. It's true

The speaker of the day is Bronwyn Lea. Her name means blessed breast. A name both heavenly and motherly. Her surname means lush meadow again denoting fertility. So it adds to the message El is sending you today. To start dating the future dad of your kids

Bronwyn is from Propel Women. They propel or encourage women to follow the Lord. So El is calling you through Bronwyn to follow him today. So let Bronwyn be a sign for you on this day of your calling that he wants you to be propelled into his service with me

Let's serve him as a loving loyal couple and a team. You'll be the best thing in my life by far. I want to share everything I have with you and make you mine. My best friend and my one true love

The verse ref and vid length both have a 3 reminding me of you and your blessing from El. Together we'll have 3 kids just like El said and we'll live the happiest life with serving El all our days. Then get to go to heaven after to live with him and the saints and angels

Itta be so much fun. I really can't wait to get started with you. So just feel free to add me dear. You'll make my day my week my year my life my future wife

Forget Stella. If she don't talk to me I'll forget her. If you both talk to me itta be a competition. Not to be won by who is most cleverest. Only to be won by who is most faithful. El is the cleverest. The only way to win is follow him. That's why faith alone wins the throne. We must have faith in his all knowing wisdom. Not in ourselves or each other

If you both chat and show equal faith then by the end of the three years you'll both be different people and El will reveal which one of you wins and what other good things he has planned for you both in his service

But if you chat and Stella don't you will for certain win. So take what's yours Queen Elly before Stella does. I don't care more about one of you than the other. My life is devoted to serving El. All I care is you serve him as well. It's all about him. Not our own choices and desires. He knows best. We know nothing. All we do is follow him. So have faith answer your call and follow him with me today

Samuel was chosen by El as a boy like me. Our kids have been chosen even before they're born. Do you see how amazing that is? So have faith. El will speak to them like he spoke to me and Samuel and like he's speaking to you now

So set them a good example and show our kids how to follow heaven. We can then both teach them how when they're young and they'll make great princes and princesses for the holy kingdom

I really look forward to meeting them someday. Their souls are in heaven now waiting to incarnate. But first and most of all I look forward to meeting you their mum. So chat to me let's meet and fall in love. Itta be the best thing ever to happen to both of us

Read through the YouVersion devotional today. Listen to what El has to say and make today the day you add me forever. Never to unfollow me again. Today will be the first day of our lifelong loveship serving heaven

Friday 19 January 2024


Last night I dreamt of you. First thing this morn I thought of you. Now there's no one there to see. I'll be depressed all day and my life will be duller without you. I want you in my life forever. As a friend if not my wife. As a wife if not my friend. I love you equally to Stella. It's true. You're so different to each other. Yet both so perfect for me


Stella said we're both the same species. Now she thinks I'm saying I'm different. We're different in some ways but some ways the same. Heaven picked us so we must be a good match. I wasn't saying we're different. I didn't have much time last night. I filmed that vid before my new format. It was in my drafts and just thought it was relevant. I didn't think what it might mean in hint language. I said yesterday we may get less views following heaven but views don't matter. Then you got less views. So just have faith. Views aren't what's important. Following heaven is

Stella and Elly are different. Yet they're both perfect matches for me. Heaven says so and I trust heaven. It shows we don't have just one person we can match with. There's options. Heaven wants all three of us to be friends and work with each other for peace now and for one of you to wed me someday. So I'm just excited about the whole thing. It's brilliant. You girls should follow heaven with me. Then you'll be excited as well and not worry about anything

Peace Queens

Both girls are feeling worried. They think one might put the other down to be queen. Don't worry. The holy throne can't be won like that. If anything happened to one of you, the other could not accept the queenship. As they would have won it unfairly

So it's actually in both your interests to be friends and work together. If you can't make peace with each other, you won't make peace with the world will you? So show us how peaceful you can be

You heard about the gangwar and felt worried. Like your queenship might cause a new war. Don't worry. It won't. Only not running for queen could cause it. Only not following your destiny. That is what the signs have said. Also following your destiny will make peace not war. So try not to worry

Stella said she's worried she disobeyed early on. Now she thinks it's too late and she's doomed. Don't worry Stella. Heaven is patient. It gives you chances

You have curses for not following already but you're not doomed. By following now you will avoid any further curses and get your other curses lifted. So don't worry

Even Elly is a bit cursed for not following right away. As she had the throne to herself. Now you may still win fair and square by being virtuous and kind to her and everyone. So you're both in the same boat

If you both follow heaven with me you'll both get blessed in many ways. The queenship is not what's most important. Following heaven is what's most important

The gangwar and WW3 threats have been revealed to us, but it's not your fault. What you gotta understand girls is there is already war. So when we run for leadership we gonna face threats of war all over the place

That is why we're here. We gotta make peace with all the war people. So don't be worried by the fact there's war people everywhere. That is our mission. To make peace with them

They won't start a war just because we're friends. They will just watch us closely to make sure we're really on the side of peace

So we will show we mean no harm and will make peace for them. Heaven will guide us to peace for everyone. So just have faith and follow heaven with me

Thursday 18 January 2024

Zombie Apocalypse

My love's friend said is it okay to create zombie apocalypse irl pls? I said it's fun in games and films. We can sit with soda popcorn and enjoy. It gives catharsis. But irl no. It would be less fun. It would go from killing spree glee to misery quite quick. Plus God would be mad lol. You'd go to hell and stuff. If you like central heating electric lights xbox warm bed running water and food stores you will love heaven and hate irl apocalypse. I say try sleeping on the streets for a night see if you change your mind. I dig your apocalypse pic and vids they're cool

Spirit Farmers

Yesterday I said you gotta devote your life to being queen and work hard at it every day. Today's verse is about farmers and if they work hard or not. It's also a metaphor for working for heaven's kingdom

Your talents faith and virtues are your good seeds. Your self indulgent sins and disobedience are your bad seeds. Your choices and efforts is you planting those seeds. Where you choose to plant them counts as well

Don't plant sins in poor soil or your field will rot. Plant your talents and virtues in good soil. Good soil is the field God tells you to work in. Bad soil is the field you choose yourself

The field you choose may yield lots of friends likes and money. But if it disobeys heaven it will never lead you there. You must instead give up your own way of life. Be a humble little worker for heaven and accept whatever heaven gives you. Heaven will give you everything you need

God is telling both you girls to get in the heavenly field with me. I will teach you how to sow your seeds here to help create heaven on earth

The verse says a few seeds or a lot. A few would be adding me and chatting once a month. A lot would be adding me and chatting every day

"So Remember this saying “A few seeds make a small harvest but a lot of seeds make a big harvest.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Look at the ref. This time you girls are my two Corinthians. My two nines. Not because you're nine feet tall. But because your presence in my life as my wife will make a big impact. You will be my lifelong partner and the matriarch of my progeny and that's huge for any man

All three of us will be lifelong friends. Hey you know what the number 6 means? Hard work. So it fits perfectly with this verse. It is gonna be a lotta hard work. So give your all to it. Your everything. Your level nine scale effort

Last night I said the gang situation was suddenly revealed to us by heaven. Now today's speaker Will Coleman is from a church called Chazown which means revelation from heaven

Also the devotional has 11 paragraphs same as my post. It's a sign what Don El wants you to do. Plant seeds of peace in the fields of heaven with me. So give me your add and time today and don't just give. Give lavishly. Make talking to me your first priority. Every day. The more you put into our relationship as friends and monarchs and followers of heaven the more you will get out of it

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Gang Peace

So we got a bit of a gang war situation on our hands now. None of us saw that on the horizon, did we. It has been suddenly revealed to us by heaven. Two powerful gangs. The bikers and mafia. You can both do damage, but don't. Follow El and make peace instead

Yesterday we realised the bikers could hit the first chosen. Today we realised the mafia could hit the second. Now we gotta realise neither needs to happen. Neither is a good idea. Either one will lead to war. Both queens can live in peace. The holy queen job is not a job to get rich and live a life of luxury. It is a job to make world peace. It will take a lifetime of hard work and dedication

So there's no need to seek it like a gold rush or treasure hunt. It's not a way to get rich quick and live on the beach sipping cocktails, like a bank robbery or something. It's actually a career that you will devote your life to and work hard at every single day for all your days

This is only the second year. Already we have a gangwar situation. WW3 is predicted eventually potentially. Starting to seem more possible now isn't it? People. Our people. Our followers. They can easily jump to war. Can easily be led into war. But that is not our job. We're here to lead the world to peace. That starts with our own people

We got two queens now. A biker queen and a mafia queen. So the mafia is involved in this now even if Elly becomes queen. Stella will still be the first chosen and connected to all this. She and her people can still work with us and support the Israeli monarchy for world peace

So there is no need for war. We can lead our people and all the world to peace. All we gotta do to do that is follow Don El's daily commands. He is with us every day. He is our leader and our guide. This gang tension has been caused by both you girls NOT following the signs from heaven with me. Why don't you follow them? You're probably scared of what people will think. But really you shouldn't be afraid of what people think. You should only be afraid of what heaven thinks

Heaven's opinion is the only one that matters, because people don't know anything compared to heaven. Their minds are dark and their views are one-sided. We're here to lead them. As queen you must lead the people. You must show them what's right and wrong. Don't let them lead you. Or you're a shepherdess who follows her sheep. The sheep must follow their shepherdess. So don't listen to their doubts anymore if that's what's holding you back. Instead step up and be their leader. Show them what faith is. Show them by following me, heaven's chosen prophet and learn how to be a prophetess yourself. I will teach you

You both had a bit of a shock now realising you both got gangs after you. But don't worry. It'll all be alright. All you gotta do to have both mafia and bikers living at peace with each other is follow El. Start by adding and having a nice peaceful chat as friends with me

This will be your first peace mission. Maintain the Biker Mafia peace by following El with me now. Then in future you will understand how to make Israel Palestine peace and later world peace. So will our children and our followers and so will all the world

It all starts with you two girls here today. All you need is the faith to lead your sheep. To add me and not worry what anyone says. Just to worry what heaven tells you to do each day. That is all that matters

You both follow each other. That's great. All you need now is the faith to follow me. We will all live in peace together. The three of us and our people. Because we follow El and El is the god of peace

The Wrong Kind of Love

I told Stella not to be cruel but she was cruel again. Maybe it's out of competition or guilt for her cheating or self defence from feeling like she can't handle me easily or overwhelmed by destiny or all of it

I can understand why she would lash out, but it don't make the deed any less cruel or unpleasant. It's times like this Elly shines. I can see how much lovelier than Stella she is

I'm sorry I relegated you to second place, Elly. I thought it's what the signs were saying to do. Second chosen. Second place. I'm scared of starting WW3 as well. I thought if Stella marries me itta never happen. So I put all my focus on her

Yet she has betrayed me again. So I see now it's not up to me. It's up to her. I can't make her love me. So I'm not gonna try anymore. I'm gonna give you both an equal chance

You don't need to feel too insulted Elly. I said me and Stel could go exclusive, but I said the same to you before didn't I. So I've offered her nothing I haven't offered you. And both times I was following signs. Yet you lacked faith as well, so Stella was given her chance again. Not by me but by signs sent from El, who named you both

I keep getting signs for both of you, and the princess wars competition said three years. So I gotta be less impulsive. I can't offer it exclusively to either one of you again until engagement day. That's now an official rule

More signs have appeared for both of you today. A sign equally for both of you. This confirms you're both equal in Don El's eyes

The sign is today's speaker Bonny Andrews has 3 sons. One of them is Levi. The name of the tribe from whom me and Elly got the priestly blessing. Another is Luke, the name of the son I'm meant to have with Stella. So God is saying this promise applies to both girls if they love and follow the Don with me

Bonny mentions having a short term spiritual memory, and this is part of the sign. Because I forgot about the priestly blessing till now. I was so eager for Stella to join me and stop WW3 that I forgot how many signs and blessings Elly has got from God. Sorry about that Elly. It was a genuine mistake. I won't make it again. I will remember you're equal to Stella from now on

Stella is so popular she's like a readymade queen. She just seemed like the best choice at the time. But ignoring my opinion and looking at the signs, God is reminding me today that he himself chose you and I should remember that

It is easy to forget about the things God does for us and the signs he sends. Yet we should never forget. We should remind each other every day, so we remember. So write them down and read them every morning, ladies. Or stick them on your wall so you don't forget. To win this competition you have to stay focused on following the Don. Remembering his old signs and following his new ones is part of that

The verse of the day is spoken by Moses to the Israelites to prepare them to enter the promised land. That is the land we'll one day enter if accepted as king and queen. Another sign today's verse relates to us

The ref reminds me I should help keep the promise to Elly and show love for her, because El chose her and has commanded me to bond with and one day maybe marry her. She's why I'm writing this letter

Yesterday I called Elly a 9 on my life event scale, a big thing in my life, so the ref 7:9 means give time to her. Give her the full three year period same as Stella

Today's verse says we must follow El's commands to win. Well it just so happens today El has revealed a new command for us from heaven

I said I would love Stella as a hubby. But really it's a sin to do it for pleasure, and the new playlist tells us Don El does NOT want us to do that kind of love. This is a command from heaven proven with signs

So ladies with me it's gonna be a celibate loveship except for getting preggers. We can't be making love for pleasure, even as hubby and wife. It's wrong. It's a sin. El has spoken. We must obey. As holy king and queen we must set the example. Else we're not worthy

This also means you should both stay celibate until we get married. Then all we'll do is kiss when married, like the church says we can, except on conception day

So it's an official commandment of our religion now. No one has to follow it. Everyone has free will. But those who want to please the Don and go to heaven should do their best to follow it. As leaders it's our duty to set good examples by following it ourselves

I won't favour Stella again, Elly. The Don has shown me it was a mistake to favour her, as both of you are chosen equally. It's all about how virtuous you guys are

It's really between you and the Don who becomes queen. It's not my choice. I'm only a foolish impulsive human and would make the wrong choice

El will choose which of you will be queen with signs when the time is right. I'm just lucky to get either of you amazing and beautiful ladies. Stella is more popular but Elly is warmer and kinder. One of those things is not better than the other. They're both good

So Stella you have to work on being warmer and not lustful. So I guess Elly that means you gotta work on being more popular

The verse says we gotta do what El says if we want him to keep his promises to us. What he has said is we gotta chat and work together and for one of you to marry me three years from now

I'm willing and doing what I can. So ladies it's really up to you. You gotta make the choice to follow El by adding and chatting to me. Else he will make me king for following, and neither of you will be queen

So reread this letter and meditate on everything it says. Then have faith in El and make the choice to do as he says by adding me. Then I'll add you back

I would be honoured equally by the presence of both of you. Not because you're famous or warmhearted and kind, but because you're chosen by the god of the world to be my bride, a match made in heaven for me, literally. Isn't that amazing? So meditate on that as well and add me

Stella struggles with spiritual vision. Elly struggles with confidence talking on cam. So those are things you gotta work on. I can help you both if you add me

Hey Elly Stella said today is the day she first went viral. So maybe it's a sign, as her shirt is the same colour of the mint green blessing me and you got remember, last time she rejected me, the day you were chosen. So have faith and do as El has asked you to do. Add me and let's give Stella a run for her money

Tuesday 16 January 2024

The Deep Love of Heaven

I seen what's happened. Stel saw the vid of the short guy wiggling his hips. Then the tall guy sitting on the beach, and decided she wants a boyfriend like that instead

Well Stel. First of all I can sit on a beach with you no problem. Second if all you want is a guy to sit on the beach you're thinking wrong about dating

That guy may be tall, but even he said nobody loves no one. There's a clue for you. It says there's no satisfaction in a long one. So you don't need to worry

Where then can satisfaction be found? In heaven. Nowhere else. So follow heaven with me. When you follow it, it bathes you in the glow. We'll bathe in it together. I'll show you how. Everything we do will be joyful. Heaven makes it so

By the way I didn’t pick those songs, El did. I wasn't thinking of love. All I was thinking was save you from assassins. I couldn't sleep. I worked on it all day. I was working out what God was saying. It's hard work. You can help me. Would be fun to have someone to talk to about it actually than reading signs alone

El knew I would miss the hints and you would think it was me trying to tell you I won't love you. He musta wanted me to know it's what you want, and for me to write this to reassure you. You're in safe hands with me love. So get over here. Elly you're welcome as well. So add me and we'll chat. I love you both. We should all work together to save the world

The Art of Prophecy

Just had a thought. I said Stella was in her garden bent double. I didn't mean that literally. She might have been. I was just saying she must be feeling agony like Jesus. I can't see her with magic powers. I assumed folks would guess it was metaphorical. I was joking about the deadly vipers and her running to the garden for safety, which wouldn't give her much safety at all. I wasn't saying it was a specific vision from God. It was still the word of God because it is what God wanted you to hear. But it was presented with my own elements to make it more fun and exciting to read. The key thing to realise is I did not get that agony idea from a sign God sent me. That's just how I thought Stella would be feeling. So I wrote that for something fun to read. It is not the same as the predicitions I make based on signs. Prophecy is an art form. It's not just about cold, mathematical predictions. Sometimes El gives us specific dates. But a lot of the time it's just the ambiguous language of metaphor and story. God speaks to us with that language because he don't wanna reveal too much. He likes to give us glimpses but keep us guessing. That's why we gotta have faith and keep following every day. We don't just get one sign and that's it. God keeps speaking every day, and we have to gradually unfurl the story he tells us and put the puzzle he gives us together. El made me say that intentionally inaccurate metaphorical thing yesterday so doubts may be raised in Stella's mind. I don't know if Stella did have doubts, or if she realised it was just metaphor. But God sent me Jeremiah 29 to read today about false prophets, and he knew that even if Stella didn't doubt, I would wonder if maybe she did doubt. So I would feel inspired to write this explanation. It means this explanation is inspired by God and is one of the things he wants you to read today

True Love

A lot of folks have said to me they don't think it's fair I've shown Elly no love. Why am I loving Stella so much?

I said I don't love her by choice. I like her because she's chosen and think her skills can be put to good use for world peace

I like Elly more in some ways. I think she'd make a better companion. I wanna play vid ganes with her have fun. I barely understand what Stella's on about half the time. When she cracks a joke, I scratch my head. Elly would be a lot more fun to be with, I think. She seems better for the holy side lf things. She has more spiritual sense. But I'm trying to pick which one would be best for the people and world peace

Thing is. At first I tried treating the girls equal. But then I saw Elly seemed pressured to compete with Stella, and I felt sorry for her. If she don't have the same talents, it's like putting a lightweight in with a heavyweight, not a fair match

So to take the pressure off Elly, I basically just said look, Stella is a heavyweight champ so we need her. She is the first chosen. Elly is the stand in. I did that to take pressure off Elly inititally

But then I started thinking, you know maybe El picked Stella first for the same reason. Maybe she is more suitable

Then again maybe Elly is younger and just not out of her shell enough yet. Maybe she has more to give. With my training she may get better than Stella. She already seems to have more spiritual intuition than her. I think she'll always be better than Stella in that sense

Elly also has the native connection which is great. But I'm kinda native myself. A sort of native European. A dog person. I feel more in tune with the tribal nature people than the robot science people

So I'm thinking me and Stella could reach more people. How will me and Elly minister to the science cats? Elly is scientific but the cats all seem to say she's not a cat. She's more like a mage maybe

Elly is a lot like me but Stella is completely different. So I think she could minister to those science types more easily. That's my main reason for favouring her over Elly. I'm thinking of world peace

But God picked Elly. So if me and Elly both train the holy way and follow God, I'm sure God will give us everything we need to make world peace

But then Elly's nuke signs and Lailah being night, the opposite of Luca's light worries me. That is another big reason I started favouring Stella. I really don't wanna do anything that could contribute towards WW3

However since then Elly has taken her nuke signs down, and we got a sign yesterday saying one of her kids will be the Krista. So why am I still worried?

It's because Stella got war curses. The Rabbi Curse threatened to destroy her cities. The Punch curse is already partly received. But this is a godpunch. It may connect more than once, or in several stages. The punch curse features a song about war. So that is also worrying

There have been other signs as well pointing to war at Stella's disobedience. So these have really disturbed me and is one of the main forces behind me favouring her. As I have had no other signs to say otherwise

Elly taking her nuke signs down indicates her good intentions, which is wonderful. I really love that. But that alone may not be enough. The Lord will send us more signs to let us know when he's ready

Until he sends a new sign or lets me see new meanings in old signs, I'll have to assume as I have already been assuming, that Stella is the first choice

Thinking about it now though. Would God put WW3 down to the choice of one girl? I don't know. All I can do is read the signs God sends me

As for my personal feelings. To be honest the secret is I'm highly susceptible to attention. Elly double blocked me, sent her friend after me, and made less hints and videos

Stella has done none of those things recently, so that also contributed to my favour shifting toward her

Reality is if Elly adds and chats and plays vid games with me, I'll start being more interested in her than Stella

So it's really down to what attentions the girls give me. They can sway me one way or the other. Thats how to win me

Besides that they gotta win El's approval, and they do that by being virtuous. Then El will let me know who to favour with signs

So it's all those factors at play. My personal opinions have nothing to do with it. I'd just pick a blond religious girl. But because El picked these two shadowy beauties, they're the only ones who's getting my attention

El knew folks might think this today. So he sent the verse as a thing for me to say. God's word is dynamic. It can apply to men, women or the gods. By reading the verse a certain way, it is God's way of giving me words to tell the girls. This is the more traditional version of the verse, look

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

Jeremiah is me the prophet. 29 is the two girls as they're the two biggest connections I'll ever make with anyone. But 13 reminds us I can only make a 3 is family with one of them. The one who seeks me and God with all her heart

Without realising it this is exactly what I just wrote in this letter. Whichever of the girls seeks me with all their heart is the one who will win my heart. Other than that it's down to their virtues and pleasing Don El

One can be queen and one can be an ally to the throne. Which is which is down to them. Or both can be neither. It's all down to their deeds and choices over the next three years
Stella, you're such a hinter. You think I was hinting yesterday, don't you, saying I won't love you. No dear. I was just reading the signs is all. I'm frank. I don't speak in hints normally. Everything in that letter should be taken in the simplest sense. No double meanings intended. As your hubby it will be my duty to provide for all your needs, don't worry

Monday 15 January 2024

Agony in the Garden

Yesterday I said Elly shouldn't put Stella down to win the throne. I thought I was being subtle. Then deadly viper assassination squad members started jumping out all over the place. Stella had to run to the safety of her garden. Sat sobbing at her summer table

I didn't expect that much of a reaction, guys. I felt bad for Stella. But I knew it was the result of a curse she had ignored. But what curse and why? I took a stroll to clear my mind. I walked in a store, a song was playing from 85. Year after I was born

I knew it was a sign. I felt really bad. I wondered if it was really over for Stella. It got my attention anyhow. I knew God was speaking to me. That song was followed by another which came out when I was 18

Future huh? So she does have a future. Or is this one about Elly? Or both? Maybe it means what we do with our lives will have rippling effects for the future

The first song said nothing lasts forever. The second song says I been to the future and saw everything. You know God can see the future. He knows what happens in the year 3000. So maybe he was saying it's over for Stella and he knows it? I walked out of that shop scratching my head, wondering what Stella had done

A heavy rain shower came pouring down all over me. Took shelter beneath a tree. I knew it was how the girls were feeling. Drenched with tears. Now tears were running down my face too. I knew God was saying this affects me as well as them. I ran to the next shop. A third song was playing. Soundtrack from God for the day:

That's the song Brother Reed played me after Stella rode the Gryphon. I felt the hurt again. The fracture in my heart still sore. How she betrayed me publicly like that. How she selfishly and shamelessly sought her own lust and didn't care about me, her chosen love

I realised that is why God was punishing her with the assassin threat. Did she really deserve to die for it though? I felt sympathy for her. She didn't know the signs were real. Is it really the end for her now? God knows all. I cannot judge. Vengeance is the Lord's

There was no need for rain by when I got back home. My own sorrow was enough. I never dreamed I'd lose someone like her. But what a wicked thing to do. Is God gonna end her for that offence? Has she done something worse I don't know about?

I prayed the Agony prayer. Like Jesus in the Garden. I knew it must be how Stella was feeling now as well. Jesus prays to Allfather El in heaven, and asks his friends to stay and pray with him. So I prayed for Stella, as I guess she don't know the prayer herself. Here it is in song form. Very sad:

Father, if it is possible, please save Stella from assassins, and let her be my queen. Inspire a letter so I can save her. But if, Father, it is not possible to save her, if her sin is too great and she must be condemned, or if she must die innocently like Jesus, Thy Will be done

With that the clock struck midnight and I saw the new verse of the day

"Do good instead of evil and try to live at peace." (Psalm 34:14)

Do good. Not evil. Try to live at peace

My prayer was answered! Thank you, Jesus! You have had mercy on her! I knew then she was innocent. Her sin was committed unknowingly. She did not know heaven was real or sleeping round was wrong. God forgives her. So I forgive her. The holy spirit started swirling round my soul, and I started writing this letter. It's taken all day. A day to save a soul

One of the deadly viper assassins mentioned the punch curse video. She could be sitting taking lunch. The news will hit her like a punch. I realised then I had sent the bad news to her yesterday lunchtime, at 13:11. She probably was at lunch

Then I saw the sun in that video, right after she commented about the sun. A sign. That confirmed it. The assassin threat is indeed the news that has hit her like a punch. Given her agony in the garden, like Jesus

So sad. I thought the sun sign was good. I thought God would be pleased. She has shown faith! But God cursed right when she started to show faith. How cruel. Cruel like the wicked thing she did. Vengeance is the Lord's

So what does this mean? What is her punishment? I realised then Elly is her punishment. Her punch. As she was unfaithful to me and God, she now has a rival for the holy throne

When Elly first got chosen, Stella went quiet for two weeks, not knowing what to say. So that alone was quite a punch. Now the realization Elly is second in line to the throne, the punch has landed. This is serious now. The stakes are raised. It means Satan, the devil, will tempt the deadly vipers to think of assassination to give Elly the throne. Stella must be suffering now at the realization. Just like the Krista's Agony in the Garden

The Lord has smote the first chosen with a deadly curse. That pain she's feeling. It's like a punch. A punch from a venomous viper. It bends her double. She's sick and dizzy. Has she suffered enough? To strike a woman so low? She knows now what's at stake. She knows there is a second chosen, so assassins will consider their mark

But remember, assassins. Assassination is temptation. Temptation from the devil to sin. It is not a holy thing. It's an evil thing. An act of war, not peace. To strike like a viper. An animal. It will lead you to hell, not heaven. You'll be reborn a snake instead of an angel for that sin. So will you listen to the devil? Or follow the day's command from Don El?

"Do good instead of evil and try to live at peace." (Psalm 34:14)

Assassination is not a holy thing holy. Yet this is the holy throne we're talking about. You can't win it with unholy deeds. El won't a low a devil queen to sit on it

Elly is not a devilish person. She is named after the Lord of heaven. So we know she is worthy. But if she inherits the throne through an evil act, and accepts it, she will be indebted to the devil, a devil queen, and El will not allow it. She will be deemed unworthy

So if Stella perishes under suspicious circumstances, Elly should not accept the throne. If she does, and it turns out it was assassination, Elly will be cursed, just like Stella is cursed now. Likewise the commiters of the murder would be cursed. So it's really a bad idea

No one who commits an intentional murder will go to heaven. Especially the murder of an innocent person. The punishment will be worse for a holy queen. For such a queen can save many souls. So anyone who prevents her doing so will be held accountable for the suffering of all those souls. To pay off that much debt will take many lifetimes of misery. Thousands of lives and deaths. One for every soul that wasn't saved. An endless hell

Meanwhile, Stella, if innocent, will go to heaven or at least purgatory, where she will look down with sorrow on the assassin, from a world of joy. As Elly is a native, all this talk has reminded me of Mayans M.C. Stella has the Mayans after her now!

But be warned, guys. Tempting as it is to take the holy queen out, remember it is a devilish thing to do, and there will be backlash in this life and the next

Firstly you'll have the cops after you. Secondly, as Stella is a cat, you'll have the cats after you. Thirdly, without Stella working on the sunray project, wider scale conflict may later arise, for which you'll get part of the spiritual blame. So more afterlife suffering. Fourthly you have this sign from God himself. Season 5 is the final season of Mayans, and the trailer says the leader is setting himself up to be crucified. So anyone who assassinates Stella for Elly's sake will be setting themselves up

Remember this job is for holy queen. No queen who deals in assassination or thrones of blood is suitable. Only virtue makes a queen suitable. Both have been chosen by El, so both are virtuous. However, we know Stella has sinned many times by lacking faith and cheating on her match made in heaven. That is why she is now cursed with this assassination threat. But Elly having not sinned remains as yet uncursed

The threat alone is punishment enough. I'm sure she will think on her sins and change her ways now if she is wise. She's been in agony about it all day, I'm sure. She has had to face her mortality, and consider fleeing the country. She has been punched like the curse said. That is enough. I'm sure she will be scarred by it emotionally forever. So let's give her some air now

If she keeps lacking faith and cheating though, eventually she will lose this love competition to Elly, fair and square, when the three years are over

Stella is the first chosen. It is her destiny to be holy queen. It would be hers alone. But because of her sin and lack of faith, she now has a rival and has experienced the agony of a curse

So how does the punch and curse feel, Stella? Ready now to obey the Lord who rules the sun? Don't do it for you. Do it for the people. All those souls you can save as holy queen

God has saved you yet again today by inspiring this letter. Now how will you thank him? Don't ignore him. Pretend he isn't there. Fall to your knees in prayer and thank him

Don't feel silly. He knows who you are. He can see you. He knows your name. He knows what's going on. He knows this situation you're in. He can hear every thought you think. Everything you say to him in prayer, he will hear. If you say good things, he will be pleased. So please him by saying thanks and promising to obey him from now on. Remember what he wants you to do? Give me your heart. That long-awaited heart now overdue

If you'd had faith the first day we met, none of your curses woulda happened. So have faith now before more curses are laid, and the curses already laid are sprung, each with worse consequences than the last

Don't let yourself get spiritual amnesia. Remember what the other curses said. Eventually there'll be nothing I can do to save you

You may feel too scared to like me now. As you've seen how dangerous God is. You may want to keep away from him where it's safe. But the truth is, nowhere is safe from God except under his wing, and you can only get there by obeying him. He's not a tyrant. He's just like a parent bird who wants to keep you under his wing. Going any way except the way he tells you is not a good idea

So give me your heart as instructed. Then you will be under God's protection. As you will be doing his will. So no more curses will be laid on you. The ones already on you will be lifted, and your holy queen training will begin

All this talk of assassination. Now guess what? God has sent us another sign to let us know this threat and curse and saving letter is all his doing

What sign has he sent? Guess who's birthday it is today? Martin Luther King Junior. He was a religious guy working for peace. He was 5 months younger than I am now when he was assassinated at age 39 by an ex con called James Ray

Ray says he was framed by a man who could've been an agent working for an anti communist group. The group would mistakenly have viewed King as an enemy of capitalism. It was during the Cold War Era when Americans were skeptical of communists and saw them as enemies

It is natural for people to run to the gun if they sense anything amiss. So if we run for power, we gotta run the gauntlet as well. We gotta make sure we do everything right, for the good of all. Or someone may run to the gun. Though hopefully not pull the trigger

Martin's name and age are also a big hint for us from heaven. King, age 39. It hints at me. The sign is saying I too am under threat of assassination, just as Stella is and Elly will be if we run for royalty

We will be under scrutiny. Everyone will be watching us. Looking up to us. If we do anything bad, anything unrighteous, it will trouble our followers. It will demoralise them, and followers don't like to be demoralised

If we demoralise them they will run for the gun. So we have to show them at all times we are for them. We're leading them to a good place. We're steering them right, looking out for them, have their best interests in mind. Else they will run for the gun

Notice how Martin is also called Junior. This is another sign for us, my loves. It means us and our son, our junior king, will all potentially step into the firing line if we step out of line. So it's paramount we raise them right, to follow El and serve all the people of the world, not favoring one group over another. Only then can we lead the world to peace. Else we'll just lead it to war

If we can lead for the good of all, hopefully no one will find any reason to pull triggers. So we can keep leading folks all the way to our old age and dying day

Many prophets and leaders have been assassinated in the past. Jesus had to die and many martyrs, including Martin, all of whom are in heaven now. It had to happen, as Marley says in Redemption Song "to fulfil the book" as this world is cursed

Now Stella my cursed bride, we must work together to lift the curses of the world and bring peace. Now you have felt the sting of a curse, hopefully you will have more compassion on the cursed world and wish to lift the curses laid over it on everyone

A curse we've been chosen to help lift is the curse of war. Assassinations are acts of war. So if we lead all the world to peace, hopefully assassinations, like war itself, will become a thing of the past. A thing of the history books rather than something modern

After all, if people assassinate the ones leading them to peace, they won't find peace themselves. So we have to make sure we're leading everyone to peace. We have to use our big hearts to care for everyone. Natives and Palestinians, Muslims and Jews, everyone in the world

God is peaceful, and heaven is a peaceful place. So God wants us all to live in peace and go to heaven. We will go to heaven if we live in peace, and we will live in peace if we follow him. He will lead us to make peace on earth. Peace on earth will allow us all, as a species, the whole human race, everyone alive, all ethnic groups and individuals, to build heaven on earth, a place where everyone can live in a utopian society and explore the galaxy

Anyone who helps build the utopia then dies, will go to heaven and have the choice to be reborn in the utopia they helped build

So it's something great to look forward to and be part of, no matter who you are or what skills you have. Just supporting me and Stella with likes and comments will spur the revolution along

You will be part of it, and God will be pleased with you for helping. So he will reward you in heaven. Try also to follow the way of virtue as you follow us on this world peace journey

The Sunray Project is a new form of global communism, but is not an enemy of capitalism. It's just a replacement. An update. We just gotta install the new version and we're good to go. It won't cause any trouble

So the governments of the world as well as all the people have just gotta have a bit of patience with us while we do the work heaven has sent us to do

El has sent more signs for Elly today as well. The speaker is Erica Campbell. One of her kids is called Krista. You already know Luca is destined to be the next Krista. Yet Erica has three kids like Elly will. So the sign is saying one of Elly's three will be the Krista. The leader of the sunray project and world peace revolution, instead of Luca. As long as Elly is virtuous and takes the throne fair and square

Do you want Elly's son to be king instead of yours, Stella? El sent another sign for Elly as well: Today's devotional talks about reconciliation and says she is thoroughly equipped to be a minister of reconciliation

Yesterday I said she can minister to the natives, which is a form of reconciliation. So we know this sign is about her. That's two new signs heaven has sent to say Elly has everything it takes to be queen. So Stella if you want this. If you want me and the destiny chosen for you, you gotta take it, or Elly will

I know you're more famous than Elly. Right now at least, and you're the first chosen. But don't let that go to your head. Else you're like the underachiever. The smart kid at school who gets bored in lessons, becomes a dropout and makes nothing of her life

This is a new scholarship being offered to you. A scholarship to use your talents to be a holy queen. It's a serious offer. So you should take it seriously by hearting me today

If you keep holding back and dropping out, Elly will eventually overtake and show you how it's done. Show you how someone less impressive can steal and do your job. Someone who has the effort and getup and go you don't have

Elly don't have your talents. But the signs say she has everything needed to do the job. She may not do it as well as you could. You're the star Stella, the prodigy, the first chosen. But if you don't take life seriously, complete the training and give your life to the job for which you're chosen, you won't do it well. You won't do it at all. Then Elly will do it better than you. She will prove to be the better woman

If you don't engage me by Advent 2026, I will engage Elly, swear vows to her, stay faithful to her, and give her your job, make her queen of Israel, as God has commanded me. God makes these promises and he keeps them. His promise to Elly is he will make her queen if you turn down the offer

So take this offer and not halfheartedly. Give it your all. Knock the balls God throws you out of the park. Knock them into outer space where the stars are. Live up to your name. Be the best holy queen this planet has ever seen. Use all your talents to make world peace and follow the signs with me

You can't see a deer as it is hidden in the forest. But if you follow the signs it leaves - footprints, the chewed stems of plants, tufts of hair - you will find its place of rest. You will see it and its family

So it is with angels, hidden behind the veil of spacetime. You cannot see them, but you can see their signs, and if you follow them, they'll lead you to heaven eventually

So follow them with me. We will follow them together as instructed, and lead the world there with us. It is our calling as the chosen ones of this age

Don't sit back now and think, "three years is forever, I'll just take my time." As you're under curses. If you don't accept this offer today, another curse could be sprung tomorrow. If not tomorrow, we don't know when. It could be anytime. So play it safe and follow heaven today

Don't feel embarrassed by being scared of heaven. Be embarrassed by not being scared of heaven. Only a fool would not be scared of heaven. For heaven is not a deer or a tiger, it is something else

So don't be a fool. Don't let all your followers be following a fool. Be wise and let them follow someone wise who'll steer them right. Someone who'll lead them to paradise. Someone who'll set good examples of how to follow heaven

Else Elly will do it for you. She may not do as good a job. But heaven will reward her. She will go to heaven and be blessed. Her soul will grow more vibrant than yours. She will look down on you, a pitiful creature of the forest, striving for survival, destined for rebirth. Elly will live high in heaven, as a being made of light with wings, working in the angel labs, immortal and eternal

No one can take that from her except her own freewill to disobey heaven. If you become queen as requested, Stella, you will go to heaven. If Elly don't become queen, yet is a good sport and ally, doing what heaven asks of her, serving as a minister to the natives, she will go to heaven just the same as if she were holy queen. As will everyone who follows heaven's holy way. So let's lead them all. Let's lead as many souls to heaven as we can. As that is what heaven has asked us of us. So heaven will reward us

Sunday 14 January 2024


I told you God set it all up on purpose, didn't I. Today's new verse confirms it. I didn't plan to write last night's post. I wrote it on sudden inspiration because you got scared of the water. So it was all part of his plan

Yesterday I said don't be afraid of bad luck. Now today's verse says you won't be afraid

Well it says I but I'm just changing the pronouns, you know

"I trust you to save me, Lord God, and I won't be afraid. My power and my strength come from you, and you have saved me.” (Isaiah 12:2)

I told you to trust God and his plan and me because us as a couple is part of his plan, he will always be with us, and I will always look after you

Now today's verse says I trust you, Lord God. Trusting me is part of trusting God as he sent me to you as someone to marry

The verse says you trust him to save you. It also says he saved you already. As we know you were frightened at the water yesterday and needed saving. Did God abandon you? No he sent me to save you. He inspired me to write you a letter to save you. So it was him really. He saved you through me. Today's verse confirms it. It says he saved you

It also says my power and strength come from God. I told you yesterday, don't have faith in your own swimming skills, have faith in God. It's the same concept. All of these matches are signs of God's orchestration, so have faith

Now look at the ref. Isaiah 12:2. Isaiah skunds like I say ah. Ah is what you say when surprised or scared or in pain or sometimes in pleasure. The ref tells us two things

1. It reminds us God saved me from the water. So he wants you now to have faith he will save you from it too. He knows the sea gets everyone indiscriminately. Even innocent people like you and me. It drowns sinners and saints equally. God has picked us to be saints because we have good hearts so will care for our subjects and rule them wisely and faithfully, following God who is righteous. He would not pick us if we were unworthy for the task. So have faith in God's decision. He don't make mistakes. He knows everything about you. Every thought you've ever thought. Every deed you've ever done, and he decrees you're worthy to be the holy queen of his holy people. That's why I have no qualms about wedding you. If God picked you, I don't ask questions. So don't be afraid of the water. It's only fear. You can swim like anyone else, and I will teach you how

2. Then, as the ref says, we won't be 1s anymore. Not free radicals going all about the place. We'll be a 2. A couple. We won't be single anymore. For the rest of our days we'll be an item. That's what God wants

Just like the couples we saw in my latest vid. God sent them as signs to show we will be close and happy together. Totally comfy. Not just throwaway booty calls but family, permanent and dependable

The speaker of the day is Kirk Franklin. His name means church, like the church in my vid yesterday. A sign my choice of location was divinely inspired

Also I said I wasn't hinting at the water being bad luck. I was just speaking with glee. In other words I was being frank, like Kirk's surname

So God orchestrated all three events - Kirk speaking, my vid and my blogpost - all to match as a sign of divine inspiration and orchestration

Kirk has a light that looks like the sun. Not sure if you seen the vid yet or not but either way, what you said shows faith. Was it just faith or inspiration as well? Let me know. If inspired it means what you said is true. The sun is God's indeed, like everything

As you also know, our banner will be the sun. Plus we'll be working on the sunray project. So it's another sign for you to give me your heart

Sunday is the holy day for Christians, and the first day of the new Jewish week. So it's a double fine day to heart me for both religions

14 Janus means loyalty for the new year and new relationship with me. So it's a nice date. Janus holds the key to new beginnings and is a god of time. So Jan is a great month to start a new relationship

After the bad luck storm yesterday, climb into this boat in the calm sea now, and we'll sail on together. There will be more storms on the journey, but this time we'll both be ready with faith

Don El will be the star that guides us, and the wind in our sails. We will trust him more than our sailing skills. That's faith

So as we can see, God saved you yesterday. After God saves you, what should you do? Forget and go back to living your life your way? What Kirk calls "spiritual amnesia." Or express thanks and devote your life to your saviour? The next few verses after the verse of today give us a clue:

"With great joy, you people will get water from the well of victory. At that time you will say, “Our Lord, we are thankful, and we worship only you. We will tell the nations how glorious you are and what you have done. Because of your wonderful deeds we will sing your praises everywhere on earth.” (Isaiah 12:3‭-‬5)

So Stella that's what you gotta do, as I've asked you before. Not to fear the water anymore. To thank God. To worship him. To tell the world our love story. How he brought us together and chose us and keeps leading us every day. To sing his praises for everyone to hear

I'm not saying you gotta do all those things today, of course. Just they're the sorts of things you and I will do together over the months, years and decades of our loveship, alright?

So let's get started today. You can start by hearting my water vid. I will heart one of yours. We'll carry on from there. I won't comment till you comment, or add till you add. But might send a private message your way

The devotional says we should remember Bible verses as they remind us God is with us. Four stand out that remind me of Elly:

Elly, you've been real patient and a real good sport throughout all of this. God sent you partly as a warning sign for Stella, partly as a backup plan for queen if Stella has no faith. Stella is showing signs of faith now though, and I think she might just send that heart soon. Even if we get a sign to move our loveship to exclusive before the three year engagement day, these four verses are for you. They say four things:

1. God will never forget about you

2. Even though I can only have one wife

3. You and your future fam, whether with me or someone else, will still be loved by God and successful if you follow him

4. God has more plans for you for the future. So have faith and follow him. As long as you follow him and be virtuous and kind and ethical and righteous, God will make you happy and successful in life

As an idea of what the ref numbers mean in general for you, 1 is loyalty in love as well as to God and his holy way of virtue, 3 is family and freedom, 4 can just mean for, 6 can mean hard work, as God made the world in 6 days. 8 means pregnancy or fruitfulness, productiveness. 9 means big or important events, whether just personally for you or socially

So just have faith and follow God and walk his way of virtue. Then if not me, he will send you someone else to love and have a fam and work with, and make you happy and successful in love and life. The way of virtue includes being ethical in business and a good sport in competition. So putting Stella down in any way is not the way to win. It won't win you any points in God's good books either. I know you haven't put her down lately, but you did once, so I'm just saying this as a reminder for you. All you gotta do is as you have been doing lately, being a good sport. You even took your nuke signs down when I said they were a sign of war if Stella says no to me. You did it to show you don't have any intention of starting WW3. That's wonderful. I was really pleased when I saw you'd taken them down. God will certainly be pleased with you about it as well. So please carry on being a good sport. Then God will reward you with happiness and success, in this life and the next

I don't know what plans God has for you. Your chemistry intrigues me. So maybe he'll even have me you and Stella working together on projects in the future. You can definitely help spread the sunray project in future, and you can still minister to the natives, and we will be allies, even if Stella becomes queen. So keep the faith. Trust God and look forward to the future

Saturday 13 January 2024

Test of Faith

I wrote you that vid last night and planned to film it for you today. I read today's chapter after and it said:

"A river and its streams bring joy to the city, which is the sacred home of God Most High. God is in that city." (Psalm 46:4‭-‬5)

So I found a river spot with a church in the background and just filmed in glee

I didn't think of how the unlucky 13 might make you worried to go on a boat today. Now you think I've been inconsiderate

But guess what. It was just bad luck! Story of my life. I'm so unlucky. Clumsy really. Clumsy as a cow. Always put my foot in it. A social oaf. Sorry delicate footed cat. You tread so lightly you must think I'm a buffoon

Just hop on my back and I'll carry you over this spot of bad luck. That's the good thing about me. I put my foot in it but plod on through

How embarrassing I would take you on a boat on an unlucky day. But hey you know, this is actually a test of faith. For both of us

You have to have faith in me, that I am on your side, and am not trying to give you bad luck

You also have to have faith in God. He knows what day it is. He knows he gave us the sign yesterday and made you want to speak to me. He knew I would make this blunder of offering you a boat ride on an unlucky day when cats are afraid of water

I'm a dog. Water is home to me. I didn’t think anything of it. God knew I wouldn't think. He knew you'd feel frightened at the water's edge. He knew I'd feel sorry for you and write you this

See, he wants us to trust each other. We're gonna be hubby and wife. He chose us to be together. So he orchestrated this difficult start. He wants us both to know there will be bad luck, but we will support each other through it, and more importantly, God will be with us there as well, and we have to keep following him, even through the bad luck

The verse today is Psalm 46:1. It's a winning verse. It tells us how to win. It says God is ALWAYS there for us, even on bad luck days

The only stipulation is we must choose to have faith in him and follow him

The sign yesterday told you he is with me. Signs have also said you're meant to be my wife and queen of Israel. So he is with you as well. He even gave you his name, like Jacob. So have faith. When you add me, he will be with us both as a couple, and we will follow him together

Choosing to add me on an unlucky day is the biggest leap of faith. If you can follow God on an unlucky day, you can follow him anytime. So this will be a great hurdle to get over. Once we're over it, it'll be plain sailing relatively

What you have to remember with God is nothing is a mistake. God set all of this up on purpose as a test of faith. Do you think he wants the queen of his holy nation to have no faith? You gotta have more faith than all your subjects. All the people will look up to you as a role model of faith in tough times. There's gonna be a lotta bad luck, but we have to get through it all with faith. So let's start as we mean to go on, as a couple that's not afraid to face bad luck

God set all this up on purpose especially as a test of faith. Especially so I'd have to have faith and write you this. Especially so you'd have to have faith and read it and take the leap of faith into my loving arms where I will love and protect you and God will be with us

God wants you to show your faith to everyone today by having more faith in him than in bad luck. Who do you have more faith in? The number 13? A river? Your swimming skills? Or the creator of the world who orchestrates all events and has chosen you to be queen of his holy nation, promised you my hand in marriage, and promised to guide you all the way to the throne with me? This is just a stepping stone. A stumbling block to trip us up and test us. We have to pass by using it as a stepping stone to keep walking the path God wants us to walk

We must trust everything that has happened today, your call request, my blundering video, your tears at the riverside, my letter of apology, and you reading this, is all part of his plan and test for us. Now you gotta show him your faith by listening to this letter and leaping to my page with a lovely heart for my video

Have faith in God. God knows everything. He knows life is unlucky. He knows we will face a lot of bad luck, and wants us to start our journey together on a bad luck day, so once we face this day and leap with faith, we know we can face anything together in future as a couple

Remember the verse of the day. It says ALWAYS. God is showing you he will be there for you even at unlucky times. So show him your faith by being there for him. By doing as he says. When God says leap, leap. He is saying leap today. Have faith he won't let you down. He will let you ride this boat with me without even getting splashed by the river

I'll be your companion on the road and you'll be mine. We'll follow him together all our lives, and do everything he asks of us. He has asked us to make world peace. Yesterday I wrote about world peace. Now look at verse 9 of today's chapter:

"God brings wars to an end all over the world. He breaks the arrows, shatters the spears, and burns the shields." (Psalm 46:9)

This is a sign what I wrote yesterday was indeed inspired, and I wrote it with you in mind, as queen. He knows I had you in mind. He knows he chose you. He knows he wants us to have a lotta faith. He knows this is a test of faith. All you gotta do to pass that test is follow today's commands and signs

"God is our mighty fortress, always ready to help in times of trouble." Psalm 46:1)

That's the winning verse. To win, just remember, God is ALWAYS there for us, even when everything seems to have gone wrong, and bad luck rains down, and the ship is sinking, and all seems lost and doomed, God is there for us

He's here for us right now in this unlucky situation on an unlucky day. So let's show him we're there for him as well. We will do as he says always. He wants us together today. Wants us to stand together and support each other through all bad luck situations in future

He wants us to be a couple now. We're gonna be together. We're gonna be a team, a family forever. I'm stoked about it. So just send me a heart and don't worry about anything. I will always look after you, stand up for and support you. You're gonna be my wife and the mother of my kids and even more than that, my queen. God is with you. I am with you. All you gotta do is be with us. So send me that heart

Friday 12 January 2024

My friend said he feels sad coz he can't spin so his kids won't spin either. I said dude, don't worry about what you can't do. Focus on what you can do and pass that on to your kids. Everyone's good at different things

Thursday 11 January 2024

Cats & Dogs

I thought Stella would love my vid, but she just went lesbian

Yesterday she said she wants my babies. Why a sudden change?

She think the girls will treat her nicer than I? I'll treat you sweet Stella, don't worry. When you get to know me, you'll like me better

The verse today says all I want is to live in his house, see how wonderful he is, pray in his temple, serve the Don

This is what you must want as well, as queen. Lay aside all your other plans, and devote your life to serving El who picked and named you. I'll teach you how. Everything you need to know. All you gotta do is follow me. So push that button

We gotta lotta training to do to be royal. So we should start today. Itta be a lotta fun, so don't worry. Just chat and we'll start this amazing journey

In three years we'll be engaged and never look back. We'll be different people. A proper couple serving heaven

We're kinda natural enemies, I know. We make each other cringe. Just don't like each other sometimes. Don't seem to have much in common, like cats and dogs

Yet the signs from heaven led us together, and we do have some stuff in common. So we'll focus on that and let heaven lead us into this

Think how many people in the world are natural enemies. Heaven led us together for four reasons:

1. Friendship. Heaven wants us to be friends. To get over our natural antipathies, find out what we've got in common. That alone will help make world peace, as we can share our relationship secrets

2. Love. So we can be in love. Just like anyone else. Have someone special for us. Not just free love, holy matrimony, working for the kingdom of heaven on earth

3. Leadership. Heaven wants us to use the gifts it gave us to lead Israel and the world to world peace

4. Babies. Our babies will be catdogs. Vital cogs in the revolution. They'll have aspects of us both so can lead both kinds through the sunray transition

So we gotta be friends to make world peace, Stel. Build a really odd loveship to make world peace. Then we can go to heaven as angels when we die

Else I'll marry Elly. She gets me. Itta be easygoing. But it might not make as much world peace as with you. So you might cause war by saying no

It's easy to believe. I mean I'm trying to make world peace. So if you don't help me you could cause war. I mean that's quite obvious really, isn't it

You've seen enough signs now haven't you? Have faith then and chat to me. Remember you're not doing this for your own choice or pleasure. You're doing it for heaven and to make world peace

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...