Wednesday 17 January 2024

Gang Peace

So we got a bit of a gang war situation on our hands now. None of us saw that on the horizon, did we. It has been suddenly revealed to us by heaven. Two powerful gangs. The bikers and mafia. You can both do damage, but don't. Follow El and make peace instead

Yesterday we realised the bikers could hit the first chosen. Today we realised the mafia could hit the second. Now we gotta realise neither needs to happen. Neither is a good idea. Either one will lead to war. Both queens can live in peace. The holy queen job is not a job to get rich and live a life of luxury. It is a job to make world peace. It will take a lifetime of hard work and dedication

So there's no need to seek it like a gold rush or treasure hunt. It's not a way to get rich quick and live on the beach sipping cocktails, like a bank robbery or something. It's actually a career that you will devote your life to and work hard at every single day for all your days

This is only the second year. Already we have a gangwar situation. WW3 is predicted eventually potentially. Starting to seem more possible now isn't it? People. Our people. Our followers. They can easily jump to war. Can easily be led into war. But that is not our job. We're here to lead the world to peace. That starts with our own people

We got two queens now. A biker queen and a mafia queen. So the mafia is involved in this now even if Elly becomes queen. Stella will still be the first chosen and connected to all this. She and her people can still work with us and support the Israeli monarchy for world peace

So there is no need for war. We can lead our people and all the world to peace. All we gotta do to do that is follow Don El's daily commands. He is with us every day. He is our leader and our guide. This gang tension has been caused by both you girls NOT following the signs from heaven with me. Why don't you follow them? You're probably scared of what people will think. But really you shouldn't be afraid of what people think. You should only be afraid of what heaven thinks

Heaven's opinion is the only one that matters, because people don't know anything compared to heaven. Their minds are dark and their views are one-sided. We're here to lead them. As queen you must lead the people. You must show them what's right and wrong. Don't let them lead you. Or you're a shepherdess who follows her sheep. The sheep must follow their shepherdess. So don't listen to their doubts anymore if that's what's holding you back. Instead step up and be their leader. Show them what faith is. Show them by following me, heaven's chosen prophet and learn how to be a prophetess yourself. I will teach you

You both had a bit of a shock now realising you both got gangs after you. But don't worry. It'll all be alright. All you gotta do to have both mafia and bikers living at peace with each other is follow El. Start by adding and having a nice peaceful chat as friends with me

This will be your first peace mission. Maintain the Biker Mafia peace by following El with me now. Then in future you will understand how to make Israel Palestine peace and later world peace. So will our children and our followers and so will all the world

It all starts with you two girls here today. All you need is the faith to lead your sheep. To add me and not worry what anyone says. Just to worry what heaven tells you to do each day. That is all that matters

You both follow each other. That's great. All you need now is the faith to follow me. We will all live in peace together. The three of us and our people. Because we follow El and El is the god of peace

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...