Saturday 13 January 2024

Test of Faith

I wrote you that vid last night and planned to film it for you today. I read today's chapter after and it said:

"A river and its streams bring joy to the city, which is the sacred home of God Most High. God is in that city." (Psalm 46:4‭-‬5)

So I found a river spot with a church in the background and just filmed in glee

I didn't think of how the unlucky 13 might make you worried to go on a boat today. Now you think I've been inconsiderate

But guess what. It was just bad luck! Story of my life. I'm so unlucky. Clumsy really. Clumsy as a cow. Always put my foot in it. A social oaf. Sorry delicate footed cat. You tread so lightly you must think I'm a buffoon

Just hop on my back and I'll carry you over this spot of bad luck. That's the good thing about me. I put my foot in it but plod on through

How embarrassing I would take you on a boat on an unlucky day. But hey you know, this is actually a test of faith. For both of us

You have to have faith in me, that I am on your side, and am not trying to give you bad luck

You also have to have faith in God. He knows what day it is. He knows he gave us the sign yesterday and made you want to speak to me. He knew I would make this blunder of offering you a boat ride on an unlucky day when cats are afraid of water

I'm a dog. Water is home to me. I didn’t think anything of it. God knew I wouldn't think. He knew you'd feel frightened at the water's edge. He knew I'd feel sorry for you and write you this

See, he wants us to trust each other. We're gonna be hubby and wife. He chose us to be together. So he orchestrated this difficult start. He wants us both to know there will be bad luck, but we will support each other through it, and more importantly, God will be with us there as well, and we have to keep following him, even through the bad luck

The verse today is Psalm 46:1. It's a winning verse. It tells us how to win. It says God is ALWAYS there for us, even on bad luck days

The only stipulation is we must choose to have faith in him and follow him

The sign yesterday told you he is with me. Signs have also said you're meant to be my wife and queen of Israel. So he is with you as well. He even gave you his name, like Jacob. So have faith. When you add me, he will be with us both as a couple, and we will follow him together

Choosing to add me on an unlucky day is the biggest leap of faith. If you can follow God on an unlucky day, you can follow him anytime. So this will be a great hurdle to get over. Once we're over it, it'll be plain sailing relatively

What you have to remember with God is nothing is a mistake. God set all of this up on purpose as a test of faith. Do you think he wants the queen of his holy nation to have no faith? You gotta have more faith than all your subjects. All the people will look up to you as a role model of faith in tough times. There's gonna be a lotta bad luck, but we have to get through it all with faith. So let's start as we mean to go on, as a couple that's not afraid to face bad luck

God set all this up on purpose especially as a test of faith. Especially so I'd have to have faith and write you this. Especially so you'd have to have faith and read it and take the leap of faith into my loving arms where I will love and protect you and God will be with us

God wants you to show your faith to everyone today by having more faith in him than in bad luck. Who do you have more faith in? The number 13? A river? Your swimming skills? Or the creator of the world who orchestrates all events and has chosen you to be queen of his holy nation, promised you my hand in marriage, and promised to guide you all the way to the throne with me? This is just a stepping stone. A stumbling block to trip us up and test us. We have to pass by using it as a stepping stone to keep walking the path God wants us to walk

We must trust everything that has happened today, your call request, my blundering video, your tears at the riverside, my letter of apology, and you reading this, is all part of his plan and test for us. Now you gotta show him your faith by listening to this letter and leaping to my page with a lovely heart for my video

Have faith in God. God knows everything. He knows life is unlucky. He knows we will face a lot of bad luck, and wants us to start our journey together on a bad luck day, so once we face this day and leap with faith, we know we can face anything together in future as a couple

Remember the verse of the day. It says ALWAYS. God is showing you he will be there for you even at unlucky times. So show him your faith by being there for him. By doing as he says. When God says leap, leap. He is saying leap today. Have faith he won't let you down. He will let you ride this boat with me without even getting splashed by the river

I'll be your companion on the road and you'll be mine. We'll follow him together all our lives, and do everything he asks of us. He has asked us to make world peace. Yesterday I wrote about world peace. Now look at verse 9 of today's chapter:

"God brings wars to an end all over the world. He breaks the arrows, shatters the spears, and burns the shields." (Psalm 46:9)

This is a sign what I wrote yesterday was indeed inspired, and I wrote it with you in mind, as queen. He knows I had you in mind. He knows he chose you. He knows he wants us to have a lotta faith. He knows this is a test of faith. All you gotta do to pass that test is follow today's commands and signs

"God is our mighty fortress, always ready to help in times of trouble." Psalm 46:1)

That's the winning verse. To win, just remember, God is ALWAYS there for us, even when everything seems to have gone wrong, and bad luck rains down, and the ship is sinking, and all seems lost and doomed, God is there for us

He's here for us right now in this unlucky situation on an unlucky day. So let's show him we're there for him as well. We will do as he says always. He wants us together today. Wants us to stand together and support each other through all bad luck situations in future

He wants us to be a couple now. We're gonna be together. We're gonna be a team, a family forever. I'm stoked about it. So just send me a heart and don't worry about anything. I will always look after you, stand up for and support you. You're gonna be my wife and the mother of my kids and even more than that, my queen. God is with you. I am with you. All you gotta do is be with us. So send me that heart

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...