Monday 15 January 2024

Agony in the Garden

Yesterday I said Elly shouldn't put Stella down to win the throne. I thought I was being subtle. Then deadly viper assassination squad members started jumping out all over the place. Stella had to run to the safety of her garden. Sat sobbing at her summer table

I didn't expect that much of a reaction, guys. I felt bad for Stella. But I knew it was the result of a curse she had ignored. But what curse and why? I took a stroll to clear my mind. I walked in a store, a song was playing from 85. Year after I was born

I knew it was a sign. I felt really bad. I wondered if it was really over for Stella. It got my attention anyhow. I knew God was speaking to me. That song was followed by another which came out when I was 18

Future huh? So she does have a future. Or is this one about Elly? Or both? Maybe it means what we do with our lives will have rippling effects for the future

The first song said nothing lasts forever. The second song says I been to the future and saw everything. You know God can see the future. He knows what happens in the year 3000. So maybe he was saying it's over for Stella and he knows it? I walked out of that shop scratching my head, wondering what Stella had done

A heavy rain shower came pouring down all over me. Took shelter beneath a tree. I knew it was how the girls were feeling. Drenched with tears. Now tears were running down my face too. I knew God was saying this affects me as well as them. I ran to the next shop. A third song was playing. Soundtrack from God for the day:

That's the song Brother Reed played me after Stella rode the Gryphon. I felt the hurt again. The fracture in my heart still sore. How she betrayed me publicly like that. How she selfishly and shamelessly sought her own lust and didn't care about me, her chosen love

I realised that is why God was punishing her with the assassin threat. Did she really deserve to die for it though? I felt sympathy for her. She didn't know the signs were real. Is it really the end for her now? God knows all. I cannot judge. Vengeance is the Lord's

There was no need for rain by when I got back home. My own sorrow was enough. I never dreamed I'd lose someone like her. But what a wicked thing to do. Is God gonna end her for that offence? Has she done something worse I don't know about?

I prayed the Agony prayer. Like Jesus in the Garden. I knew it must be how Stella was feeling now as well. Jesus prays to Allfather El in heaven, and asks his friends to stay and pray with him. So I prayed for Stella, as I guess she don't know the prayer herself. Here it is in song form. Very sad:

Father, if it is possible, please save Stella from assassins, and let her be my queen. Inspire a letter so I can save her. But if, Father, it is not possible to save her, if her sin is too great and she must be condemned, or if she must die innocently like Jesus, Thy Will be done

With that the clock struck midnight and I saw the new verse of the day

"Do good instead of evil and try to live at peace." (Psalm 34:14)

Do good. Not evil. Try to live at peace

My prayer was answered! Thank you, Jesus! You have had mercy on her! I knew then she was innocent. Her sin was committed unknowingly. She did not know heaven was real or sleeping round was wrong. God forgives her. So I forgive her. The holy spirit started swirling round my soul, and I started writing this letter. It's taken all day. A day to save a soul

One of the deadly viper assassins mentioned the punch curse video. She could be sitting taking lunch. The news will hit her like a punch. I realised then I had sent the bad news to her yesterday lunchtime, at 13:11. She probably was at lunch

Then I saw the sun in that video, right after she commented about the sun. A sign. That confirmed it. The assassin threat is indeed the news that has hit her like a punch. Given her agony in the garden, like Jesus

So sad. I thought the sun sign was good. I thought God would be pleased. She has shown faith! But God cursed right when she started to show faith. How cruel. Cruel like the wicked thing she did. Vengeance is the Lord's

So what does this mean? What is her punishment? I realised then Elly is her punishment. Her punch. As she was unfaithful to me and God, she now has a rival for the holy throne

When Elly first got chosen, Stella went quiet for two weeks, not knowing what to say. So that alone was quite a punch. Now the realization Elly is second in line to the throne, the punch has landed. This is serious now. The stakes are raised. It means Satan, the devil, will tempt the deadly vipers to think of assassination to give Elly the throne. Stella must be suffering now at the realization. Just like the Krista's Agony in the Garden

The Lord has smote the first chosen with a deadly curse. That pain she's feeling. It's like a punch. A punch from a venomous viper. It bends her double. She's sick and dizzy. Has she suffered enough? To strike a woman so low? She knows now what's at stake. She knows there is a second chosen, so assassins will consider their mark

But remember, assassins. Assassination is temptation. Temptation from the devil to sin. It is not a holy thing. It's an evil thing. An act of war, not peace. To strike like a viper. An animal. It will lead you to hell, not heaven. You'll be reborn a snake instead of an angel for that sin. So will you listen to the devil? Or follow the day's command from Don El?

"Do good instead of evil and try to live at peace." (Psalm 34:14)

Assassination is not a holy thing holy. Yet this is the holy throne we're talking about. You can't win it with unholy deeds. El won't a low a devil queen to sit on it

Elly is not a devilish person. She is named after the Lord of heaven. So we know she is worthy. But if she inherits the throne through an evil act, and accepts it, she will be indebted to the devil, a devil queen, and El will not allow it. She will be deemed unworthy

So if Stella perishes under suspicious circumstances, Elly should not accept the throne. If she does, and it turns out it was assassination, Elly will be cursed, just like Stella is cursed now. Likewise the commiters of the murder would be cursed. So it's really a bad idea

No one who commits an intentional murder will go to heaven. Especially the murder of an innocent person. The punishment will be worse for a holy queen. For such a queen can save many souls. So anyone who prevents her doing so will be held accountable for the suffering of all those souls. To pay off that much debt will take many lifetimes of misery. Thousands of lives and deaths. One for every soul that wasn't saved. An endless hell

Meanwhile, Stella, if innocent, will go to heaven or at least purgatory, where she will look down with sorrow on the assassin, from a world of joy. As Elly is a native, all this talk has reminded me of Mayans M.C. Stella has the Mayans after her now!

But be warned, guys. Tempting as it is to take the holy queen out, remember it is a devilish thing to do, and there will be backlash in this life and the next

Firstly you'll have the cops after you. Secondly, as Stella is a cat, you'll have the cats after you. Thirdly, without Stella working on the sunray project, wider scale conflict may later arise, for which you'll get part of the spiritual blame. So more afterlife suffering. Fourthly you have this sign from God himself. Season 5 is the final season of Mayans, and the trailer says the leader is setting himself up to be crucified. So anyone who assassinates Stella for Elly's sake will be setting themselves up

Remember this job is for holy queen. No queen who deals in assassination or thrones of blood is suitable. Only virtue makes a queen suitable. Both have been chosen by El, so both are virtuous. However, we know Stella has sinned many times by lacking faith and cheating on her match made in heaven. That is why she is now cursed with this assassination threat. But Elly having not sinned remains as yet uncursed

The threat alone is punishment enough. I'm sure she will think on her sins and change her ways now if she is wise. She's been in agony about it all day, I'm sure. She has had to face her mortality, and consider fleeing the country. She has been punched like the curse said. That is enough. I'm sure she will be scarred by it emotionally forever. So let's give her some air now

If she keeps lacking faith and cheating though, eventually she will lose this love competition to Elly, fair and square, when the three years are over

Stella is the first chosen. It is her destiny to be holy queen. It would be hers alone. But because of her sin and lack of faith, she now has a rival and has experienced the agony of a curse

So how does the punch and curse feel, Stella? Ready now to obey the Lord who rules the sun? Don't do it for you. Do it for the people. All those souls you can save as holy queen

God has saved you yet again today by inspiring this letter. Now how will you thank him? Don't ignore him. Pretend he isn't there. Fall to your knees in prayer and thank him

Don't feel silly. He knows who you are. He can see you. He knows your name. He knows what's going on. He knows this situation you're in. He can hear every thought you think. Everything you say to him in prayer, he will hear. If you say good things, he will be pleased. So please him by saying thanks and promising to obey him from now on. Remember what he wants you to do? Give me your heart. That long-awaited heart now overdue

If you'd had faith the first day we met, none of your curses woulda happened. So have faith now before more curses are laid, and the curses already laid are sprung, each with worse consequences than the last

Don't let yourself get spiritual amnesia. Remember what the other curses said. Eventually there'll be nothing I can do to save you

You may feel too scared to like me now. As you've seen how dangerous God is. You may want to keep away from him where it's safe. But the truth is, nowhere is safe from God except under his wing, and you can only get there by obeying him. He's not a tyrant. He's just like a parent bird who wants to keep you under his wing. Going any way except the way he tells you is not a good idea

So give me your heart as instructed. Then you will be under God's protection. As you will be doing his will. So no more curses will be laid on you. The ones already on you will be lifted, and your holy queen training will begin

All this talk of assassination. Now guess what? God has sent us another sign to let us know this threat and curse and saving letter is all his doing

What sign has he sent? Guess who's birthday it is today? Martin Luther King Junior. He was a religious guy working for peace. He was 5 months younger than I am now when he was assassinated at age 39 by an ex con called James Ray

Ray says he was framed by a man who could've been an agent working for an anti communist group. The group would mistakenly have viewed King as an enemy of capitalism. It was during the Cold War Era when Americans were skeptical of communists and saw them as enemies

It is natural for people to run to the gun if they sense anything amiss. So if we run for power, we gotta run the gauntlet as well. We gotta make sure we do everything right, for the good of all. Or someone may run to the gun. Though hopefully not pull the trigger

Martin's name and age are also a big hint for us from heaven. King, age 39. It hints at me. The sign is saying I too am under threat of assassination, just as Stella is and Elly will be if we run for royalty

We will be under scrutiny. Everyone will be watching us. Looking up to us. If we do anything bad, anything unrighteous, it will trouble our followers. It will demoralise them, and followers don't like to be demoralised

If we demoralise them they will run for the gun. So we have to show them at all times we are for them. We're leading them to a good place. We're steering them right, looking out for them, have their best interests in mind. Else they will run for the gun

Notice how Martin is also called Junior. This is another sign for us, my loves. It means us and our son, our junior king, will all potentially step into the firing line if we step out of line. So it's paramount we raise them right, to follow El and serve all the people of the world, not favoring one group over another. Only then can we lead the world to peace. Else we'll just lead it to war

If we can lead for the good of all, hopefully no one will find any reason to pull triggers. So we can keep leading folks all the way to our old age and dying day

Many prophets and leaders have been assassinated in the past. Jesus had to die and many martyrs, including Martin, all of whom are in heaven now. It had to happen, as Marley says in Redemption Song "to fulfil the book" as this world is cursed

Now Stella my cursed bride, we must work together to lift the curses of the world and bring peace. Now you have felt the sting of a curse, hopefully you will have more compassion on the cursed world and wish to lift the curses laid over it on everyone

A curse we've been chosen to help lift is the curse of war. Assassinations are acts of war. So if we lead all the world to peace, hopefully assassinations, like war itself, will become a thing of the past. A thing of the history books rather than something modern

After all, if people assassinate the ones leading them to peace, they won't find peace themselves. So we have to make sure we're leading everyone to peace. We have to use our big hearts to care for everyone. Natives and Palestinians, Muslims and Jews, everyone in the world

God is peaceful, and heaven is a peaceful place. So God wants us all to live in peace and go to heaven. We will go to heaven if we live in peace, and we will live in peace if we follow him. He will lead us to make peace on earth. Peace on earth will allow us all, as a species, the whole human race, everyone alive, all ethnic groups and individuals, to build heaven on earth, a place where everyone can live in a utopian society and explore the galaxy

Anyone who helps build the utopia then dies, will go to heaven and have the choice to be reborn in the utopia they helped build

So it's something great to look forward to and be part of, no matter who you are or what skills you have. Just supporting me and Stella with likes and comments will spur the revolution along

You will be part of it, and God will be pleased with you for helping. So he will reward you in heaven. Try also to follow the way of virtue as you follow us on this world peace journey

The Sunray Project is a new form of global communism, but is not an enemy of capitalism. It's just a replacement. An update. We just gotta install the new version and we're good to go. It won't cause any trouble

So the governments of the world as well as all the people have just gotta have a bit of patience with us while we do the work heaven has sent us to do

El has sent more signs for Elly today as well. The speaker is Erica Campbell. One of her kids is called Krista. You already know Luca is destined to be the next Krista. Yet Erica has three kids like Elly will. So the sign is saying one of Elly's three will be the Krista. The leader of the sunray project and world peace revolution, instead of Luca. As long as Elly is virtuous and takes the throne fair and square

Do you want Elly's son to be king instead of yours, Stella? El sent another sign for Elly as well: Today's devotional talks about reconciliation and says she is thoroughly equipped to be a minister of reconciliation

Yesterday I said she can minister to the natives, which is a form of reconciliation. So we know this sign is about her. That's two new signs heaven has sent to say Elly has everything it takes to be queen. So Stella if you want this. If you want me and the destiny chosen for you, you gotta take it, or Elly will

I know you're more famous than Elly. Right now at least, and you're the first chosen. But don't let that go to your head. Else you're like the underachiever. The smart kid at school who gets bored in lessons, becomes a dropout and makes nothing of her life

This is a new scholarship being offered to you. A scholarship to use your talents to be a holy queen. It's a serious offer. So you should take it seriously by hearting me today

If you keep holding back and dropping out, Elly will eventually overtake and show you how it's done. Show you how someone less impressive can steal and do your job. Someone who has the effort and getup and go you don't have

Elly don't have your talents. But the signs say she has everything needed to do the job. She may not do it as well as you could. You're the star Stella, the prodigy, the first chosen. But if you don't take life seriously, complete the training and give your life to the job for which you're chosen, you won't do it well. You won't do it at all. Then Elly will do it better than you. She will prove to be the better woman

If you don't engage me by Advent 2026, I will engage Elly, swear vows to her, stay faithful to her, and give her your job, make her queen of Israel, as God has commanded me. God makes these promises and he keeps them. His promise to Elly is he will make her queen if you turn down the offer

So take this offer and not halfheartedly. Give it your all. Knock the balls God throws you out of the park. Knock them into outer space where the stars are. Live up to your name. Be the best holy queen this planet has ever seen. Use all your talents to make world peace and follow the signs with me

You can't see a deer as it is hidden in the forest. But if you follow the signs it leaves - footprints, the chewed stems of plants, tufts of hair - you will find its place of rest. You will see it and its family

So it is with angels, hidden behind the veil of spacetime. You cannot see them, but you can see their signs, and if you follow them, they'll lead you to heaven eventually

So follow them with me. We will follow them together as instructed, and lead the world there with us. It is our calling as the chosen ones of this age

Don't sit back now and think, "three years is forever, I'll just take my time." As you're under curses. If you don't accept this offer today, another curse could be sprung tomorrow. If not tomorrow, we don't know when. It could be anytime. So play it safe and follow heaven today

Don't feel embarrassed by being scared of heaven. Be embarrassed by not being scared of heaven. Only a fool would not be scared of heaven. For heaven is not a deer or a tiger, it is something else

So don't be a fool. Don't let all your followers be following a fool. Be wise and let them follow someone wise who'll steer them right. Someone who'll lead them to paradise. Someone who'll set good examples of how to follow heaven

Else Elly will do it for you. She may not do as good a job. But heaven will reward her. She will go to heaven and be blessed. Her soul will grow more vibrant than yours. She will look down on you, a pitiful creature of the forest, striving for survival, destined for rebirth. Elly will live high in heaven, as a being made of light with wings, working in the angel labs, immortal and eternal

No one can take that from her except her own freewill to disobey heaven. If you become queen as requested, Stella, you will go to heaven. If Elly don't become queen, yet is a good sport and ally, doing what heaven asks of her, serving as a minister to the natives, she will go to heaven just the same as if she were holy queen. As will everyone who follows heaven's holy way. So let's lead them all. Let's lead as many souls to heaven as we can. As that is what heaven has asked us of us. So heaven will reward us

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...