Friday 26 January 2024

Watching the World Burn

Elly's friend told me. Elly don't wanna get with me. In fact she's scared to get with me. As if she does. The world will burn. More than her heart is burning now. And that's a lot

But that's not how it is. Elly getting with me won't burn the world. No. Stella failing to lend a helping hand. To put her efforts in. May burn the world. But Elly stepping in where Stella fails will help stop what's left of the world going completely to hell

So Stella will burn the world. Not Elly. After Stella is finished. Elly will send the whole world to hell if she don't get with me either. So it's not as bad as you guys think. Hope that sets your minds at ease a bit

I'm kinda exaggerating here a bit for fun. Seriously though I dunno when itta happen. Could be tomorrow. Or when we're all old and grey and dead. But eventually it will and itta be their fault for not helping me make a world peace dynasty. Maybe just being friends will be enough. But I think it's about our heirs as well. Not just us

It may seem unfair that someone has to do something they don't want. But it isn't really. Everyone has to do stuff they don't want. Plus wedding me isn't the worst thing in the world. I'm a nice guy and have things in common with them. So they should feel lucky also and proud to serve the Don in this way

I don't exactly wanna marry or be a dad either. I'd rather just play video games honestly. What a chore to raise a fam. But save the world or simply to serve Don El is a higher calling that leads souls to heaven. So is more important than my personal wishes

I do feel sorry for the girls. But so many girls become mums. I think they can handle it if they try. That said. Maybe El will send a third bride to save the world from them both. I can't see the future. I'm just saying what the signs have said so far

If El has to send a third bride though. He'll have to punish both girls for not helping me first. Just as much as they deserve. He is perfectly fair and judicious. You can trust his judgements. Yes. Trust El. Have faith in El for everything

Remember he rules the spirit realm. Not just earth. So he could punish them in this world or the next or both. You never know how or when El will do stuff. Only that he will do what he says eventually. Some way. Somehow

So don't take it too personal girls. You're just examples for the rest. El punishes all sins and sinners. Only forgiving those who repent and change their ways. So don't feel like you're the only ones who will get punished. He punishes everyone. You're the lucky ones as you get to know before it happens. So have a chance to change your ways and teach your followers to do the same

All El wants everyone to do is follow him instead of their own way of life. As he is an all knowing future seeing god. He knows best and wants what's best for everyone

That's all life really is. It's following El on the path of peace and happiness that leads to heaven. Or taking the rollercoaster of joy and woe that leads to rebirth. Freewill is simply a choice between those options

By the way. Stella thinks I'm mad at her going to the zoo. I'm not. I just wanted to show Elly I appreciate her. That's why I wrote the letter. To show her she's not just second best. She will be my number one gal and one true love if she dates me. I really like her

Stella nothing has changed between us. It's really not about you and me. It's about you and El. Will you obey him or not? I obey him so don't care. I have no personal feelings. My only feelings are for the Don. As he always steers me right. So serving him always makes me feel good. Itta make you and Elly feel good as well. Instead of chasing silly romances like some zoo creatures. But whatever

Elly if you show Stella how it's done and be my wife. Maybe she will be my friend and help. As she is your friend already. Then you'll save the world and get a higher rank than her in heaven. So getting with me is really a great idea

If you get with me first and stay with me and follow El every day with me. I can't see how Stella can win. Even if she follows close behind. You will stay in the lead. So let's get going

For following close behind. El will be pleased with Stella and bless her. I loved when she called the sun his own ringlight. More of that sort of thing every day please Stel to honour the Don who named you and is calling you to serve his kingdom of heaven on earth

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...