Friday 19 January 2024

Peace Queens

Both girls are feeling worried. They think one might put the other down to be queen. Don't worry. The holy throne can't be won like that. If anything happened to one of you, the other could not accept the queenship. As they would have won it unfairly

So it's actually in both your interests to be friends and work together. If you can't make peace with each other, you won't make peace with the world will you? So show us how peaceful you can be

You heard about the gangwar and felt worried. Like your queenship might cause a new war. Don't worry. It won't. Only not running for queen could cause it. Only not following your destiny. That is what the signs have said. Also following your destiny will make peace not war. So try not to worry

Stella said she's worried she disobeyed early on. Now she thinks it's too late and she's doomed. Don't worry Stella. Heaven is patient. It gives you chances

You have curses for not following already but you're not doomed. By following now you will avoid any further curses and get your other curses lifted. So don't worry

Even Elly is a bit cursed for not following right away. As she had the throne to herself. Now you may still win fair and square by being virtuous and kind to her and everyone. So you're both in the same boat

If you both follow heaven with me you'll both get blessed in many ways. The queenship is not what's most important. Following heaven is what's most important

The gangwar and WW3 threats have been revealed to us, but it's not your fault. What you gotta understand girls is there is already war. So when we run for leadership we gonna face threats of war all over the place

That is why we're here. We gotta make peace with all the war people. So don't be worried by the fact there's war people everywhere. That is our mission. To make peace with them

They won't start a war just because we're friends. They will just watch us closely to make sure we're really on the side of peace

So we will show we mean no harm and will make peace for them. Heaven will guide us to peace for everyone. So just have faith and follow heaven with me

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...