Thursday 18 January 2024

Spirit Farmers

Yesterday I said you gotta devote your life to being queen and work hard at it every day. Today's verse is about farmers and if they work hard or not. It's also a metaphor for working for heaven's kingdom

Your talents faith and virtues are your good seeds. Your self indulgent sins and disobedience are your bad seeds. Your choices and efforts is you planting those seeds. Where you choose to plant them counts as well

Don't plant sins in poor soil or your field will rot. Plant your talents and virtues in good soil. Good soil is the field God tells you to work in. Bad soil is the field you choose yourself

The field you choose may yield lots of friends likes and money. But if it disobeys heaven it will never lead you there. You must instead give up your own way of life. Be a humble little worker for heaven and accept whatever heaven gives you. Heaven will give you everything you need

God is telling both you girls to get in the heavenly field with me. I will teach you how to sow your seeds here to help create heaven on earth

The verse says a few seeds or a lot. A few would be adding me and chatting once a month. A lot would be adding me and chatting every day

"So Remember this saying “A few seeds make a small harvest but a lot of seeds make a big harvest.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Look at the ref. This time you girls are my two Corinthians. My two nines. Not because you're nine feet tall. But because your presence in my life as my wife will make a big impact. You will be my lifelong partner and the matriarch of my progeny and that's huge for any man

All three of us will be lifelong friends. Hey you know what the number 6 means? Hard work. So it fits perfectly with this verse. It is gonna be a lotta hard work. So give your all to it. Your everything. Your level nine scale effort

Last night I said the gang situation was suddenly revealed to us by heaven. Now today's speaker Will Coleman is from a church called Chazown which means revelation from heaven

Also the devotional has 11 paragraphs same as my post. It's a sign what Don El wants you to do. Plant seeds of peace in the fields of heaven with me. So give me your add and time today and don't just give. Give lavishly. Make talking to me your first priority. Every day. The more you put into our relationship as friends and monarchs and followers of heaven the more you will get out of it

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...