Thursday 25 January 2024

More than Good Enough

Elly I feel like you think I think you're not good enough. First of all don't worry what I think. Just worry what El thinks. You're his daughter. He created you named you and chose you for me. His is the only opinion you should care about. Not mine

Anyway I don't think you're not good enough. Everyone is good at different things. Everyone has different intelligence types

My mum is not academic at all. So you're a lot more academic than her. But my mum is a great person. She's kind caring virtuous loyal honest and hardworking. She has faith in El and reads the Bible every day. If my mum has all that I'm sure you have a lot of great things about you as well. Academic intelligence don't mean anything

I'm academic but not perfect. I'm wise and a good mimic but I struggle with lots of things as an autistic person. My mum helps me and you'd be a huge help for me as well I'm sure. I could teach you so much and share a lot of wonderful things with you and I'm sure there's a massive amount you can do for me as well

Stuff Stella probably couldn't do because she is also autistic. A double autistic couple could have quite a lot of issues. So if you're not autistic then your down to earth practicality would be a huge help to me and also when our genes combine they'll make sure our kids have some more down to earth skills about them instead of being so intellectualistic

So whatever El has chosen you for I'm all for it. I'm really interested in you as a person. I like how you look. I liked how you spoke to me. All I want from you is more time. Put time in with me every day so we can bond for the rest of our lives

I'd be so proud to call you mine. If you win this competition I'll have no regrets. It's not my choice it's El's. He inspired this letter for you to read. If you respond to it and respond to me and bond with me more than Stella does you're sure to win. And I'll be delighted to have a wife as awesome as you

I'm not fussy with women. But I think you'd be good enough even for a fussy person. So I'll be utterly thrilled with you. I'm thrilled with my mum and she don't even play vidgames with me. So I'm sure me and you will have a great relationship

I really want a relationship with you. Honestly. Truly. For all my days I want you to be the one. The one for me. The one I marry. The one who mothers my kids. Let's invest a lot of time in each other and grow as a couple

It's Friday today. Fridays are named after the Norse goddess of marriage and prophecy. El has prophesied you're destined to marry me. So it's a great day to start our loveship. Show some faith and chat to me my love

El inspired this letter just before midnight. I then asked him in prayer "Lord what do you want me to do? Send the letter today or save it for another day?"

Then I saw the verse. It said: "The Lord stood beside Samuel and called out as he had done before “Samuel! Samuel!” “I'm listening” Samuel answered. “What do you want me to do?” (1 Samuel 3:10)

Straightaway I realised El was talking to me. But what about? Check the ref. 1 Samuel. 1 prophet. That's me. 3:10 reminds me of having three kids and a loyal loving loveship with you. I saw that and instantly knew El wanted me to send you this letter today. So I lept studying the daily devotional and adding more to this letter

So I'm reminded last night and today of you Elly and the family we're destined to have. I'm really excited about getting to know you. The Lord is talking to you through me and through the signs. Will you ignore like so many do? Or be a good servant of El and answer him like Samuel did?

El wants you to chat and marry me. To take Stella's place as she is too faithless. Show her how to follow El all the way to the holy throne. Then maybe she'll have more faith in her next life and we can watch her from heaven to see if she does or if she stays lost

There's still a chance for Stella till you and me get engaged. But if you follow El and she don't there's no way she can win. Don't put faith in her intelligence or yours. Just put faith in El the maker of the world. Whoever has the most faith will win the throne. Faith alone wins it. Write it on your wall. It's true

The speaker of the day is Bronwyn Lea. Her name means blessed breast. A name both heavenly and motherly. Her surname means lush meadow again denoting fertility. So it adds to the message El is sending you today. To start dating the future dad of your kids

Bronwyn is from Propel Women. They propel or encourage women to follow the Lord. So El is calling you through Bronwyn to follow him today. So let Bronwyn be a sign for you on this day of your calling that he wants you to be propelled into his service with me

Let's serve him as a loving loyal couple and a team. You'll be the best thing in my life by far. I want to share everything I have with you and make you mine. My best friend and my one true love

The verse ref and vid length both have a 3 reminding me of you and your blessing from El. Together we'll have 3 kids just like El said and we'll live the happiest life with serving El all our days. Then get to go to heaven after to live with him and the saints and angels

Itta be so much fun. I really can't wait to get started with you. So just feel free to add me dear. You'll make my day my week my year my life my future wife

Forget Stella. If she don't talk to me I'll forget her. If you both talk to me itta be a competition. Not to be won by who is most cleverest. Only to be won by who is most faithful. El is the cleverest. The only way to win is follow him. That's why faith alone wins the throne. We must have faith in his all knowing wisdom. Not in ourselves or each other

If you both chat and show equal faith then by the end of the three years you'll both be different people and El will reveal which one of you wins and what other good things he has planned for you both in his service

But if you chat and Stella don't you will for certain win. So take what's yours Queen Elly before Stella does. I don't care more about one of you than the other. My life is devoted to serving El. All I care is you serve him as well. It's all about him. Not our own choices and desires. He knows best. We know nothing. All we do is follow him. So have faith answer your call and follow him with me today

Samuel was chosen by El as a boy like me. Our kids have been chosen even before they're born. Do you see how amazing that is? So have faith. El will speak to them like he spoke to me and Samuel and like he's speaking to you now

So set them a good example and show our kids how to follow heaven. We can then both teach them how when they're young and they'll make great princes and princesses for the holy kingdom

I really look forward to meeting them someday. Their souls are in heaven now waiting to incarnate. But first and most of all I look forward to meeting you their mum. So chat to me let's meet and fall in love. Itta be the best thing ever to happen to both of us

Read through the YouVersion devotional today. Listen to what El has to say and make today the day you add me forever. Never to unfollow me again. Today will be the first day of our lifelong loveship serving heaven

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...