Saturday 27 January 2024

☢ War Signs ☢

I been thinking about the war signs and realised something. Maybe they're not about Stella. Maybe they're just to confirm the Sunray Project is what will make world peace

So when Stella got all the curses laid on her for not helping me, maybe it's just to show studying dino bones is not the way to make world peace. There's nothing wrong with studying dino bones. It's just the sunray project is more important right now, and she could help

As she had no faith, Elly was chosen to replace her. So Stella isn't essential. It means Elly is a true replacement. Not second best. Just different. She can help me make peace in her own way. If Elly also lacks faith maybe El will pick me someone new. Or he may prefer me to stay single. I don't mind either way. I just trust El

The girls have just been invited optionally to help me. If they help me heaven will bless them. If they don't it won't. So it's not about Stella or Elly. It's about the sunray project

Elly came with the nuke signs as a reminder for Stella that not helping me is not the way to world peace. Also as a sign Elly needs to change her own focus. To change her main focus from nuclear chemistry to helping me with the project

Both girls have a science and both are being told to make science a secondary priority and focus on working with me

Elly was good and showed faith by taking the signs down. That was pleasing to me and El. Even though they can just mean radiation generally they're not thought of as a peace sign. So taking them down was a goodwill gesture of peace. I'm proud of her for that

I'll be happy to have a fam with either of the girls. It's just up to them if they wanna have faith and follow heaven. So it's not my choice or responsibility what they do. My task is just telling them what the signs say so they can make their own choices. El orchestrated these signs so we would know working together is part of heaven's plan to make world peace

I just thought to myself, does orchestrate have the letter h in it? Lemme look that up. Autofill says: orchestral manoeuvres in the dark? What's this? A band? Song check. First song. Enola Gay? What's that about? The name of the WW2 atom bomb? Just as I'm writing about stopping WW3? It's a new sign guys!

Lemme see the lyrics. "Ah-ha, words can't describe the feeling." Wow. It's definitely a sign. Just look at the verse of the day. It says the same thing

"In certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words." (Romans 8:26) Same as the song. So let's give it a listen now. Add it to your playlists and remember it as it's heaven's way of speaking to us

The match of lyric and verse is a sign me writing this letter to you is inspired by heaven so is the word of heaven. That means the other details around the sign can help us tell a complete story of what the sign means

Look at the ref. Romans 8:26. Rome was an empire. The ref is saying we must start a new world peace empire by having kids and raising them to work for peace. That is what 6 means. As God worked for six days to make the world. So our kids have destinies to work for world peace

Also Elly isn't great with words. The spirit is saying don't worry Elly, El will give you the words you need. He gives me enough words for both of us anyway

The spirit has inspired a lot of letters from me today. Are these letters helping to put your thoughts and feelings into words for you? Then that is more proof these words are inspired by the Spirit, as the verse says the Spirit can express what you cannot express alone. So I hope it gives you the faith to add me and work with me Elly. As it is heaven's will it means heaven will look after you and you don't need to worry about anything else in life. All you gotta focus on 100% is working with me. Heaven will sort out the rest for you

Stella could still be the one. But I see other options now. She could completely ignore heaven and earn no spirit dollars. Put me first and earn most spirit dollars. Or she can just help us as a friend and marry the zoo guy. If she is loyal to him and also helps the Sunray Project by promoting it, chatting to me and helping me and maybe reading my words in her vids and stuff like that, she will help make peace and please El so will go to heaven. But not with as high rank or as many spirit dollars as if she had had faith right away or if she puts me first now

So Elly if you want more rank and spirit dollars. Or Stella you as well. The best thing to do is add me today and start working with me for world peace. Either of you can still be queen. But both of you can help in numerous ways I can teach you all about

Now let's finish reading the sign. Think of WW2 how horrible it was and all the people who died. We don't want WW3 do we. So we have to stop it before it happens and it's easy to stop. Just follow Don El. He has already given me the sunray vision and has promised to lead me to world peace eventually, when the time is right. He has now offered you two ladies tickets to hop on board this world peace ship with me and earn heavenly rewards. So welcome. You know. Just add me and have faith

The sign mentions the word Gay and also talks about a foreign nation. People go to war against groups they have differences with. Straights vs gays. Locals vs foreigners. We must stop all these wars from occurring and erupting into a new world war. It's easy to do with the sunray project. Because that's what the project is designed for. It is designed by heaven to be a cure for war

The project will spread rays of peace understanding equality kindness and forgiveness all round the world dissolving any desire for new war or revenge for past wars. So ladies help me spread the light

This new global equality social system is here to replace the current competitive capitalist pyramid one. For where there is competition for control of resources, war is close behind. Competition is only good in friendly sports games. It's bad when it's for vital resources and land. Those things must be shared to all equally to prevent war, and that is what the sunray project will ensure

The plane enola gay dropped the little boy bomb on Hiroshima. Like the lyrics say: "Enola Gay. Is mother proud of little boy today? Ah-ha, this kiss you give. It's never ever going to fade away."

They're right it won't. It will go down in the history books forever as a tragedy and tale of what NOT to do. But the sunray project will spread peace forgiveness understanding and wealth equality removing the need for retalitions or future wars of any sort so everyone in the world can live in peace and harmony forever

The second WW2 atom bomb was dropped by a plane called Bockscar on Nagasaki with an ID Victor Number of 77. That's El's number. This is no coincidence or mistake. El knows exactly what he's doing. It means El is always the victor and has the final say in war

The 77 is a clear sign WW2 was part of El's plan. El is the Lord of Armies, Elohim Tzevaot. He controls all armies in the world. No army can go to war without his permission

That don't mean to say war is morally right. Or that El likes war. What it means is El can and will use war as a punishment for mankind's sins. It don't mean Japan was more sinful than US. As it could just be a setup for a worse future revenge. What it means is both sides were sinful as both suffered in the war and continue to suffer from the after effects today

But also both sides have made peace out of it since and it has encouraged people never to repeat the tragedy. So good has come out of it. The 77 is there to let us know Don El is in control of all the world's nukes and can use them at will. But also to let us know he is also in charge of all the wonderful friendly relationships that have blossomed between US and Japan since

El is Lord of Armies but his desire is peace. That is why he sends the sunray project and this sign to show that the project is his way and heavenly plan to prevent new war. In fact to end war altogether forever creating peace on earth for all

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...