Tuesday 16 January 2024

The Art of Prophecy

Just had a thought. I said Stella was in her garden bent double. I didn't mean that literally. She might have been. I was just saying she must be feeling agony like Jesus. I can't see her with magic powers. I assumed folks would guess it was metaphorical. I was joking about the deadly vipers and her running to the garden for safety, which wouldn't give her much safety at all. I wasn't saying it was a specific vision from God. It was still the word of God because it is what God wanted you to hear. But it was presented with my own elements to make it more fun and exciting to read. The key thing to realise is I did not get that agony idea from a sign God sent me. That's just how I thought Stella would be feeling. So I wrote that for something fun to read. It is not the same as the predicitions I make based on signs. Prophecy is an art form. It's not just about cold, mathematical predictions. Sometimes El gives us specific dates. But a lot of the time it's just the ambiguous language of metaphor and story. God speaks to us with that language because he don't wanna reveal too much. He likes to give us glimpses but keep us guessing. That's why we gotta have faith and keep following every day. We don't just get one sign and that's it. God keeps speaking every day, and we have to gradually unfurl the story he tells us and put the puzzle he gives us together. El made me say that intentionally inaccurate metaphorical thing yesterday so doubts may be raised in Stella's mind. I don't know if Stella did have doubts, or if she realised it was just metaphor. But God sent me Jeremiah 29 to read today about false prophets, and he knew that even if Stella didn't doubt, I would wonder if maybe she did doubt. So I would feel inspired to write this explanation. It means this explanation is inspired by God and is one of the things he wants you to read today

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...