Thursday 11 January 2024

Cats & Dogs

I thought Stella would love my vid, but she just went lesbian

Yesterday she said she wants my babies. Why a sudden change?

She think the girls will treat her nicer than I? I'll treat you sweet Stella, don't worry. When you get to know me, you'll like me better

The verse today says all I want is to live in his house, see how wonderful he is, pray in his temple, serve the Don

This is what you must want as well, as queen. Lay aside all your other plans, and devote your life to serving El who picked and named you. I'll teach you how. Everything you need to know. All you gotta do is follow me. So push that button

We gotta lotta training to do to be royal. So we should start today. Itta be a lotta fun, so don't worry. Just chat and we'll start this amazing journey

In three years we'll be engaged and never look back. We'll be different people. A proper couple serving heaven

We're kinda natural enemies, I know. We make each other cringe. Just don't like each other sometimes. Don't seem to have much in common, like cats and dogs

Yet the signs from heaven led us together, and we do have some stuff in common. So we'll focus on that and let heaven lead us into this

Think how many people in the world are natural enemies. Heaven led us together for four reasons:

1. Friendship. Heaven wants us to be friends. To get over our natural antipathies, find out what we've got in common. That alone will help make world peace, as we can share our relationship secrets

2. Love. So we can be in love. Just like anyone else. Have someone special for us. Not just free love, holy matrimony, working for the kingdom of heaven on earth

3. Leadership. Heaven wants us to use the gifts it gave us to lead Israel and the world to world peace

4. Babies. Our babies will be catdogs. Vital cogs in the revolution. They'll have aspects of us both so can lead both kinds through the sunray transition

So we gotta be friends to make world peace, Stel. Build a really odd loveship to make world peace. Then we can go to heaven as angels when we die

Else I'll marry Elly. She gets me. Itta be easygoing. But it might not make as much world peace as with you. So you might cause war by saying no

It's easy to believe. I mean I'm trying to make world peace. So if you don't help me you could cause war. I mean that's quite obvious really, isn't it

You've seen enough signs now haven't you? Have faith then and chat to me. Remember you're not doing this for your own choice or pleasure. You're doing it for heaven and to make world peace

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...