Tuesday 16 January 2024

True Love

A lot of folks have said to me they don't think it's fair I've shown Elly no love. Why am I loving Stella so much?

I said I don't love her by choice. I like her because she's chosen and think her skills can be put to good use for world peace

I like Elly more in some ways. I think she'd make a better companion. I wanna play vid ganes with her have fun. I barely understand what Stella's on about half the time. When she cracks a joke, I scratch my head. Elly would be a lot more fun to be with, I think. She seems better for the holy side lf things. She has more spiritual sense. But I'm trying to pick which one would be best for the people and world peace

Thing is. At first I tried treating the girls equal. But then I saw Elly seemed pressured to compete with Stella, and I felt sorry for her. If she don't have the same talents, it's like putting a lightweight in with a heavyweight, not a fair match

So to take the pressure off Elly, I basically just said look, Stella is a heavyweight champ so we need her. She is the first chosen. Elly is the stand in. I did that to take pressure off Elly inititally

But then I started thinking, you know maybe El picked Stella first for the same reason. Maybe she is more suitable

Then again maybe Elly is younger and just not out of her shell enough yet. Maybe she has more to give. With my training she may get better than Stella. She already seems to have more spiritual intuition than her. I think she'll always be better than Stella in that sense

Elly also has the native connection which is great. But I'm kinda native myself. A sort of native European. A dog person. I feel more in tune with the tribal nature people than the robot science people

So I'm thinking me and Stella could reach more people. How will me and Elly minister to the science cats? Elly is scientific but the cats all seem to say she's not a cat. She's more like a mage maybe

Elly is a lot like me but Stella is completely different. So I think she could minister to those science types more easily. That's my main reason for favouring her over Elly. I'm thinking of world peace

But God picked Elly. So if me and Elly both train the holy way and follow God, I'm sure God will give us everything we need to make world peace

But then Elly's nuke signs and Lailah being night, the opposite of Luca's light worries me. That is another big reason I started favouring Stella. I really don't wanna do anything that could contribute towards WW3

However since then Elly has taken her nuke signs down, and we got a sign yesterday saying one of her kids will be the Krista. So why am I still worried?

It's because Stella got war curses. The Rabbi Curse threatened to destroy her cities. The Punch curse is already partly received. But this is a godpunch. It may connect more than once, or in several stages. The punch curse features a song about war. So that is also worrying

There have been other signs as well pointing to war at Stella's disobedience. So these have really disturbed me and is one of the main forces behind me favouring her. As I have had no other signs to say otherwise

Elly taking her nuke signs down indicates her good intentions, which is wonderful. I really love that. But that alone may not be enough. The Lord will send us more signs to let us know when he's ready

Until he sends a new sign or lets me see new meanings in old signs, I'll have to assume as I have already been assuming, that Stella is the first choice

Thinking about it now though. Would God put WW3 down to the choice of one girl? I don't know. All I can do is read the signs God sends me

As for my personal feelings. To be honest the secret is I'm highly susceptible to attention. Elly double blocked me, sent her friend after me, and made less hints and videos

Stella has done none of those things recently, so that also contributed to my favour shifting toward her

Reality is if Elly adds and chats and plays vid games with me, I'll start being more interested in her than Stella

So it's really down to what attentions the girls give me. They can sway me one way or the other. Thats how to win me

Besides that they gotta win El's approval, and they do that by being virtuous. Then El will let me know who to favour with signs

So it's all those factors at play. My personal opinions have nothing to do with it. I'd just pick a blond religious girl. But because El picked these two shadowy beauties, they're the only ones who's getting my attention

El knew folks might think this today. So he sent the verse as a thing for me to say. God's word is dynamic. It can apply to men, women or the gods. By reading the verse a certain way, it is God's way of giving me words to tell the girls. This is the more traditional version of the verse, look

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

Jeremiah is me the prophet. 29 is the two girls as they're the two biggest connections I'll ever make with anyone. But 13 reminds us I can only make a 3 is family with one of them. The one who seeks me and God with all her heart

Without realising it this is exactly what I just wrote in this letter. Whichever of the girls seeks me with all their heart is the one who will win my heart. Other than that it's down to their virtues and pleasing Don El

One can be queen and one can be an ally to the throne. Which is which is down to them. Or both can be neither. It's all down to their deeds and choices over the next three years

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...