Wednesday 17 January 2024

The Wrong Kind of Love

I told Stella not to be cruel but she was cruel again. Maybe it's out of competition or guilt for her cheating or self defence from feeling like she can't handle me easily or overwhelmed by destiny or all of it

I can understand why she would lash out, but it don't make the deed any less cruel or unpleasant. It's times like this Elly shines. I can see how much lovelier than Stella she is

I'm sorry I relegated you to second place, Elly. I thought it's what the signs were saying to do. Second chosen. Second place. I'm scared of starting WW3 as well. I thought if Stella marries me itta never happen. So I put all my focus on her

Yet she has betrayed me again. So I see now it's not up to me. It's up to her. I can't make her love me. So I'm not gonna try anymore. I'm gonna give you both an equal chance

You don't need to feel too insulted Elly. I said me and Stel could go exclusive, but I said the same to you before didn't I. So I've offered her nothing I haven't offered you. And both times I was following signs. Yet you lacked faith as well, so Stella was given her chance again. Not by me but by signs sent from El, who named you both

I keep getting signs for both of you, and the princess wars competition said three years. So I gotta be less impulsive. I can't offer it exclusively to either one of you again until engagement day. That's now an official rule

More signs have appeared for both of you today. A sign equally for both of you. This confirms you're both equal in Don El's eyes

The sign is today's speaker Bonny Andrews has 3 sons. One of them is Levi. The name of the tribe from whom me and Elly got the priestly blessing. Another is Luke, the name of the son I'm meant to have with Stella. So God is saying this promise applies to both girls if they love and follow the Don with me

Bonny mentions having a short term spiritual memory, and this is part of the sign. Because I forgot about the priestly blessing till now. I was so eager for Stella to join me and stop WW3 that I forgot how many signs and blessings Elly has got from God. Sorry about that Elly. It was a genuine mistake. I won't make it again. I will remember you're equal to Stella from now on

Stella is so popular she's like a readymade queen. She just seemed like the best choice at the time. But ignoring my opinion and looking at the signs, God is reminding me today that he himself chose you and I should remember that

It is easy to forget about the things God does for us and the signs he sends. Yet we should never forget. We should remind each other every day, so we remember. So write them down and read them every morning, ladies. Or stick them on your wall so you don't forget. To win this competition you have to stay focused on following the Don. Remembering his old signs and following his new ones is part of that

The verse of the day is spoken by Moses to the Israelites to prepare them to enter the promised land. That is the land we'll one day enter if accepted as king and queen. Another sign today's verse relates to us

The ref reminds me I should help keep the promise to Elly and show love for her, because El chose her and has commanded me to bond with and one day maybe marry her. She's why I'm writing this letter

Yesterday I called Elly a 9 on my life event scale, a big thing in my life, so the ref 7:9 means give time to her. Give her the full three year period same as Stella

Today's verse says we must follow El's commands to win. Well it just so happens today El has revealed a new command for us from heaven

I said I would love Stella as a hubby. But really it's a sin to do it for pleasure, and the new playlist tells us Don El does NOT want us to do that kind of love. This is a command from heaven proven with signs

So ladies with me it's gonna be a celibate loveship except for getting preggers. We can't be making love for pleasure, even as hubby and wife. It's wrong. It's a sin. El has spoken. We must obey. As holy king and queen we must set the example. Else we're not worthy

This also means you should both stay celibate until we get married. Then all we'll do is kiss when married, like the church says we can, except on conception day

So it's an official commandment of our religion now. No one has to follow it. Everyone has free will. But those who want to please the Don and go to heaven should do their best to follow it. As leaders it's our duty to set good examples by following it ourselves

I won't favour Stella again, Elly. The Don has shown me it was a mistake to favour her, as both of you are chosen equally. It's all about how virtuous you guys are

It's really between you and the Don who becomes queen. It's not my choice. I'm only a foolish impulsive human and would make the wrong choice

El will choose which of you will be queen with signs when the time is right. I'm just lucky to get either of you amazing and beautiful ladies. Stella is more popular but Elly is warmer and kinder. One of those things is not better than the other. They're both good

So Stella you have to work on being warmer and not lustful. So I guess Elly that means you gotta work on being more popular

The verse says we gotta do what El says if we want him to keep his promises to us. What he has said is we gotta chat and work together and for one of you to marry me three years from now

I'm willing and doing what I can. So ladies it's really up to you. You gotta make the choice to follow El by adding and chatting to me. Else he will make me king for following, and neither of you will be queen

So reread this letter and meditate on everything it says. Then have faith in El and make the choice to do as he says by adding me. Then I'll add you back

I would be honoured equally by the presence of both of you. Not because you're famous or warmhearted and kind, but because you're chosen by the god of the world to be my bride, a match made in heaven for me, literally. Isn't that amazing? So meditate on that as well and add me

Stella struggles with spiritual vision. Elly struggles with confidence talking on cam. So those are things you gotta work on. I can help you both if you add me

Hey Elly Stella said today is the day she first went viral. So maybe it's a sign, as her shirt is the same colour of the mint green blessing me and you got remember, last time she rejected me, the day you were chosen. So have faith and do as El has asked you to do. Add me and let's give Stella a run for her money

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...