Sunday 14 January 2024


I told you God set it all up on purpose, didn't I. Today's new verse confirms it. I didn't plan to write last night's post. I wrote it on sudden inspiration because you got scared of the water. So it was all part of his plan

Yesterday I said don't be afraid of bad luck. Now today's verse says you won't be afraid

Well it says I but I'm just changing the pronouns, you know

"I trust you to save me, Lord God, and I won't be afraid. My power and my strength come from you, and you have saved me.” (Isaiah 12:2)

I told you to trust God and his plan and me because us as a couple is part of his plan, he will always be with us, and I will always look after you

Now today's verse says I trust you, Lord God. Trusting me is part of trusting God as he sent me to you as someone to marry

The verse says you trust him to save you. It also says he saved you already. As we know you were frightened at the water yesterday and needed saving. Did God abandon you? No he sent me to save you. He inspired me to write you a letter to save you. So it was him really. He saved you through me. Today's verse confirms it. It says he saved you

It also says my power and strength come from God. I told you yesterday, don't have faith in your own swimming skills, have faith in God. It's the same concept. All of these matches are signs of God's orchestration, so have faith

Now look at the ref. Isaiah 12:2. Isaiah skunds like I say ah. Ah is what you say when surprised or scared or in pain or sometimes in pleasure. The ref tells us two things

1. It reminds us God saved me from the water. So he wants you now to have faith he will save you from it too. He knows the sea gets everyone indiscriminately. Even innocent people like you and me. It drowns sinners and saints equally. God has picked us to be saints because we have good hearts so will care for our subjects and rule them wisely and faithfully, following God who is righteous. He would not pick us if we were unworthy for the task. So have faith in God's decision. He don't make mistakes. He knows everything about you. Every thought you've ever thought. Every deed you've ever done, and he decrees you're worthy to be the holy queen of his holy people. That's why I have no qualms about wedding you. If God picked you, I don't ask questions. So don't be afraid of the water. It's only fear. You can swim like anyone else, and I will teach you how

2. Then, as the ref says, we won't be 1s anymore. Not free radicals going all about the place. We'll be a 2. A couple. We won't be single anymore. For the rest of our days we'll be an item. That's what God wants

Just like the couples we saw in my latest vid. God sent them as signs to show we will be close and happy together. Totally comfy. Not just throwaway booty calls but family, permanent and dependable

The speaker of the day is Kirk Franklin. His name means church, like the church in my vid yesterday. A sign my choice of location was divinely inspired

Also I said I wasn't hinting at the water being bad luck. I was just speaking with glee. In other words I was being frank, like Kirk's surname

So God orchestrated all three events - Kirk speaking, my vid and my blogpost - all to match as a sign of divine inspiration and orchestration

Kirk has a light that looks like the sun. Not sure if you seen the vid yet or not but either way, what you said shows faith. Was it just faith or inspiration as well? Let me know. If inspired it means what you said is true. The sun is God's indeed, like everything

As you also know, our banner will be the sun. Plus we'll be working on the sunray project. So it's another sign for you to give me your heart

Sunday is the holy day for Christians, and the first day of the new Jewish week. So it's a double fine day to heart me for both religions

14 Janus means loyalty for the new year and new relationship with me. So it's a nice date. Janus holds the key to new beginnings and is a god of time. So Jan is a great month to start a new relationship

After the bad luck storm yesterday, climb into this boat in the calm sea now, and we'll sail on together. There will be more storms on the journey, but this time we'll both be ready with faith

Don El will be the star that guides us, and the wind in our sails. We will trust him more than our sailing skills. That's faith

So as we can see, God saved you yesterday. After God saves you, what should you do? Forget and go back to living your life your way? What Kirk calls "spiritual amnesia." Or express thanks and devote your life to your saviour? The next few verses after the verse of today give us a clue:

"With great joy, you people will get water from the well of victory. At that time you will say, “Our Lord, we are thankful, and we worship only you. We will tell the nations how glorious you are and what you have done. Because of your wonderful deeds we will sing your praises everywhere on earth.” (Isaiah 12:3‭-‬5)

So Stella that's what you gotta do, as I've asked you before. Not to fear the water anymore. To thank God. To worship him. To tell the world our love story. How he brought us together and chose us and keeps leading us every day. To sing his praises for everyone to hear

I'm not saying you gotta do all those things today, of course. Just they're the sorts of things you and I will do together over the months, years and decades of our loveship, alright?

So let's get started today. You can start by hearting my water vid. I will heart one of yours. We'll carry on from there. I won't comment till you comment, or add till you add. But might send a private message your way

The devotional says we should remember Bible verses as they remind us God is with us. Four stand out that remind me of Elly:

Elly, you've been real patient and a real good sport throughout all of this. God sent you partly as a warning sign for Stella, partly as a backup plan for queen if Stella has no faith. Stella is showing signs of faith now though, and I think she might just send that heart soon. Even if we get a sign to move our loveship to exclusive before the three year engagement day, these four verses are for you. They say four things:

1. God will never forget about you

2. Even though I can only have one wife

3. You and your future fam, whether with me or someone else, will still be loved by God and successful if you follow him

4. God has more plans for you for the future. So have faith and follow him. As long as you follow him and be virtuous and kind and ethical and righteous, God will make you happy and successful in life

As an idea of what the ref numbers mean in general for you, 1 is loyalty in love as well as to God and his holy way of virtue, 3 is family and freedom, 4 can just mean for, 6 can mean hard work, as God made the world in 6 days. 8 means pregnancy or fruitfulness, productiveness. 9 means big or important events, whether just personally for you or socially

So just have faith and follow God and walk his way of virtue. Then if not me, he will send you someone else to love and have a fam and work with, and make you happy and successful in love and life. The way of virtue includes being ethical in business and a good sport in competition. So putting Stella down in any way is not the way to win. It won't win you any points in God's good books either. I know you haven't put her down lately, but you did once, so I'm just saying this as a reminder for you. All you gotta do is as you have been doing lately, being a good sport. You even took your nuke signs down when I said they were a sign of war if Stella says no to me. You did it to show you don't have any intention of starting WW3. That's wonderful. I was really pleased when I saw you'd taken them down. God will certainly be pleased with you about it as well. So please carry on being a good sport. Then God will reward you with happiness and success, in this life and the next

I don't know what plans God has for you. Your chemistry intrigues me. So maybe he'll even have me you and Stella working together on projects in the future. You can definitely help spread the sunray project in future, and you can still minister to the natives, and we will be allies, even if Stella becomes queen. So keep the faith. Trust God and look forward to the future

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...