Monday 29 January 2024

Israel Needs Her Queen

Stella liked an anti Israel speech vid today by a female politician. The politician's speech against Israel is judgemental. But the verse today says, judge not or so shall ye be judged. So careful Stella. Do not support a politician but disobey the Lord. Just add me and we'll talk. That politician is saying what she thinks is right, and El the god of Israel will forgive her when she sees the light

The devotional says:

Meditate on today's verse and devotional my love. It is heaven speaking to you. It don't want you to be judgemental like that politician, it wants you to make peace

It seems you're saying I'm a lesbian now as well? I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Is everyone who has slept with a woman a lesbian? Is that the new way of the world? I don't know. I just follow heaven and so should you, chosen Israeli queen. Lead your nation to peace. Don't send them to the slaughter. If they're making war it is because they don't have a wise noble queen to lead them. Did you think of that? So don't sit back but step up to the call of heaven with me

I'm sensing general hostility from you Stella. Is it because the verse today says:

"Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you. God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them." (Matthew 7:1‭-‬2)

Do you now think I condemened you in yesterday's vid? Actually if you read the devotional it says today's verse can be easily misunderstood. Have a look at the devotional to understand the true meaning of the verse

After reading that can you see I have actually judged you fairly? I'm not saying you're a worse person than me. I'm saying everyone sins, even me and you. So if I can change and stop sinning my dear, then so can you, and a holy queen of Israel truly must. Or she is not a holy queen at all

You can be a holy queen and I will teach you how. So just chat to me and everything will work out. I will help you work through all your issues and be your lifelong friend if not more. So you've got nothing to lose by adding me and everything to gain

If you're still nervous of going public, just chat to me in private. I won't tell anyone if you don't. Not because I don't want people to know. Just to respect your comfort and privacy. Then maybe when you feel more confident and comfy with me, you will decide to go public at a later date. But I will leave that choice entirely in your hands

I really want to work with you Stella to make world peace. I promise you talking to me will be nothing but good for you. I know because it is heaven's will

Not sure if the screams distubred you yesterday. After the first scream I said don't listen to the devil. The second scream by the devil was at the name of heaven. So if you follow heaven with me you have nothing to fear. It takes a lot of courage to follow heaven. But have faith. Heaven will not let you down. Did it let you down after your sun comment? No it didn't. So my dear have faith

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...