Sunday 31 December 2023

The Don's Glory

Last year I said enthusiastically 2023 will be the year me and my love chat and start learning about Judaism and working for world peace. I didn't mean WILL as set in stone, no two ways about it. I meant it will be IF she is wise and uses her freewill to choose it. So when she started showing a lack of faith, I changed the wording from will to hope it will. Even so, in a way, we did do all those things, my love and me. Except it wasn't just one love, it was two. So El made that merry hope of mine twice true. Let's hope our love and studies continue this year. Even more so

Look at the screenshot. In the same post that I said I hope we get together, I also quoted Habakkuk 2:14 which says "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea."

Now the Guided Prayer of the Day has a very similar quote today, now that 2023 is over, and it's the first day of 2024

This is a sign, my friends, that the Lord was with me then and is with me now. Last year I said the two of us, Stella and me, were free to get together. Now I'm still free but for two girls, not just one, as Stella lacked faith. So girls, if you have faith and know what's good and wise, get with me. May everybody follow and support us too, and work with us for world peace, under the guidance of the Don

Merry 24

It was a great first year, girls. The three of us together

First it was me and Stella, learning about each other and our destiny and the ancient scrolls and prophecy and all that jazz

Then when Stella had no faith, El brought Elly in to replace her. She chatted to me about signs and stuff. I loved it. Then she ran away

I hope she comes back soon. She gets me. Glad someone in this mad world does

Stella is on a different wave, but that's fine. I'll relish the challenge of making it work with her

I want you both in different ways

Now all three of us knows what destiny has foretold. An optional destiny. If you ladies choose to accept, of course. You have freewill. I hope you both believe now in the Don. So follow him with me. If you do, you'll get his blessing. If you don't, you won't. It's nothing really to do with me. It's between you and he, your Maker

Saturday 30 December 2023

The Gryphon

The Gryphon is after me now. He wants revenge. But El said he will save me. "How will you save me, El?" I asked. "Inspire a letter to Gryphon I will, exonerating you." So this is the letter El inspired for you from me, dear Gryphon

I always liked gryphons, and I like you, Gryph. We can be friends if you like. But you must stop dating my fiancée. I know I have two fiancées. But El says you shouldn't make love to anyone you're not married to

El has nicknamed you the Gryphon. Do you like that name? I do. El does everything for a reason. A gryphon is an animal. Animals belong in this dark universe. If you act like one in life, you'll be reborn as one after death. The holy way is for rising above your lower animal nature on angel wings. Your inner angel is virtuous and heavenly. It belongs in heaven. Pick virtue and act like an angel. Then you will go to heaven after death

I'm sorry if I seemed vengeful, Mr Gryph. I'm not a vengeful person. Never have been, never will be. But I realise now I made it seem that way. Made it seem like I was harbouring vengeance, but really it was just an act. I'm just an imitator, see? Like an actor in a film. Or presenter on a stage:

"Ladies and gentlemen. We have some exceptional excitement for you tonight! From the wild tundras of the frozen north, a vicious, queen-eating predator from whom no one is safe! The Gryphon!"

It's just showmanship. Like in WWE. I didn't mean to cause you any upset, sir. I just get carried away by the show, you know. I love to wow and entertain. I used to do it with my teachers in school. Make harmless fun of them

The sign said what it said. El knew how it would look. So I just played along with what El wanted. But I did also make sure to be clear he didn't want anyone to actually do what was in the pic. He just wanted us to have some fun with it is all, as we all worked out what it meant

Acting happens automatically with me. It's my nature. I'm an emotional sponge and mimic. I soak up whatever vibes are floating around, and put them into words for folks to give catharsis

It's part of the soul doctor treatment process to lift the shadows from everyone's spirits. Not just you, Mr. Gryph, but all the shadows in the souls of our audience as well. We're serving them all with this show

I assumed you would be wise enough to see that we were giving the audience catharsis, and be happy to play along, like two actors chosen to improvise a performance for the audience off the cuff. Forgive my mistake if you had no idea. It's natural to me, so I do it unthinkingly, with no ill intention, and just assume everyone will understand

So without a care, I may adopt an evil demeanour, say cruel sounding things in heartless tones, and don't think anyone will think it's real

Stupidly. Naïvely. Even now. After all I've learned. All my past mistakes. I still do it instinctively. Unthinkingly. Never dreaming folks will think it's really me. That I'm really evil

All I think is it will entertain and wow them like a movie. As that is all I am at heart. A storyteller. An actor. I intuitively imitate and mimic other people's ideas. It's the same thing I did in the past and folks misunderstood

I am an actor. But I dunno if it's coz I never joined the theatre or went to theatre school and learned properly. Or if it's the autism that makes me socially inept. But for some reason I always forget I'm not on stage

I often do random skits out in the street still. Misty tells me off as I'm walking along shouting, singing and waving my arms, or saying random stuff to people I see. She says they're confused or upset or looking at me funny. But I can never see it

Today we went out and she was telling me about how she saw someone dancing, and she did this little short burst dance in front of everyone. I said hey, you said not to do that in public. She said it's alright in a short burst, as people will know she's just telling me about something, but I do it for too long, or to people I'm not talking to, and it confuses them

Aha! Finally the penny is dropping. I understand now. After all these years. As I was already thinking about writing this letter to you. El made Mist do a funny dance on this day, which is rare for her, so as to teach me this lesson, and share it with you

I realised also this morning that it's the same thing I've been doing yet again with this viking situation. I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I didn't see the error of my ways until now

Maybe you don't see the error of loving out of wedlock either. It's legal. You both consent. She propositioned you first. I know all that. You're not doing anything no one else would. But that don't make it morally right either

How old are you? Have you still not learnt morals? If not, please be understanding how slow I am at learning when not to start doing random performances. People will say they can't believe I don't know not to shout and dance in public. But obviously I don't know, or I wouldn't do it, would I

Likewise you must not know love out of wedlock is morally wrong, or you wouldn't do it, would you. So we're both in need of forgiveness here. We both did something wrong, see?

Even today I was having to hold myself back from shouting stuff out excitedly and dancing walking along. But I am learning. I act odd ways completely harmlessly, thinking people will know I mean no harm. But I see now I'm the only one who knows. They're not watching a movie, and aren't at a theatre, so aren't expecting random impulse automated acting

In my mind we're just play acting on a movie set. My stupid mind. It thinks that but no one else is thinking it. So no one can understand what I'm saying or why. It makes me so sad to think of this. I'm so lonely because of it

Now I've written this, I've told you what I'm thinking and what I'm like. So can you understand me now? Accept me as one of the gang? Love me openly like you love Stella? Tell your friends good things about me? Make excuses for me? "Oh he's just like this and this because of this, but he's cool. He's sweet and kind. We know him. We know what he's like."

That's what I want from you all more than anything. Your love and trust. In return I will try my best not to confuse you with my uncalled for drama skits

You know, Mr. Gryphon, El loves doing things on special dates. It's New Year's Eve tomorrow. So let's make these things our new year's resolutions. You don't sleep around anymore, I don't play act anymore

I know it may be as tough for you as it is for me. As people are slow learners. But El wants us at least to try. So whaddya say? I think you should add me and I'll add you back, like Stella added Elly, as I like you. I just want you to stop dating one of my fiancées is all, as that is what El has asked you to do, and I am a follower of El. So please join me on the holy way, and we will walk it and teach the world together

Friday 29 December 2023

Not What It Looks Like

It looks like I bullied the Grif. But that's not me. I'm not a bully. I didn't bully. I don't enjoy bullying. I'm kind. It SEEMED like bullying. But things often aren't as they seem

Why did it seem like bullying? Well. Main reason is. I filmed the whole sign description in one day. But as long vids won't upload, I broke it into bits. At first I thought I could post it all in December. Now there's at least another month's worth of vids about it

If I had just said it all in one go, like I usually do, you wouldn't think it's bullying, as you'd see the conclusion and realise what I meant. But because it was in segments, it kept you all wondering, and you filled in the blanks yourselves and got the wrong idea

I don't even know if that's why I'm shadowbanned, as no one has said. Maybe it's some other reason or a system glitch. But as this is the reason I can think of, El is inspiring me to write about it today to teach you all this stuff

It wasn't my plan to post the sign vids in a series. It was essential as the long vid wouldn't upload. So I guessed El wanted it in segments, and I realised it was probably easier to understand that way. However it also made your minds wander too much and it seems to have resulted in all this panic, confusion and shadowban. Sigh

I can imagine gossipers saying look he threatens violent things. But I'm not. The sign looks violent. It depicts a violent scene from a sci fi work of fiction. That's not my doing. Heaven sent that, not me, and many times I said the sign does not say to do anything violent. So if that's what people are saying, they've got it wrong

Stella's dragon vid was also violent. But likewise I said it didn't mean to do violence to anyone. It's just a sign from heaven telling her and the grif to stop sinning and start listening to the signs from heaven

Heaven is not pleased with their sins. It does not condone their sins. It does not approve of their behaviour. Heaven punishes all sins, but forgives those who change their ways. That's all I'm telling you. I know it's not nice to hear. But would a doctor not bother telling you about your test results just because it's not nice to hear?

I'm just a soul doctor trying to cure sin from people's souls under the guidance of heaven. So as you can see, my intentions have been good throughout, and folks have just misunderstood because things aren't often what they seem

This also goes to show that other things people say about me aren't what they seem either. So you see, this is all part of El's plan to teach the world about prophets, sin, virtue and everything

So let's give thanks to El for teaching us these lessons today, and all try to be less sinful from now on, shall we? Then we can all go to heaven together. Grif and Stella included. That's what I'm here for. To lead you all to heaven

Soul Doctor

I dunno why I was shadowbanned. I think partly it's because I was reading signs. Partly because people get scared the signs are against them, so wanna shut me up. Like they don't wanna hear bad news from a doctor. They're so terrified they won't even go to the doctor. That's what's happening here. I'm a doctor of the soul, and you know something's wrong, and you're scared to face it in case it means something bad. Don't worry my poor sweet innocent ones. Your soul is immortal. So the worst thing is you have to get reborn. Anyway it's probably not as bad as you think. El is very forgiving

If you truly feel sorry for your sins and try your best to change your ways and follow El from now on and believe in him and read the holy words of his prophets and learn about him and pray and praise him every day, he will save you from rebirth. He will let you go to purgatory where you can purge your sins before going to heaven. Or if you're really good on Earth, he'll let you go straight to heaven

Before you die there's plenty of time to change your ways, so don't be afraid. Even if you don't change your ways, and then you die, death still is not the end. Those living who still remember you can still pray for you and offer up their own virtues and good deeds to save your soul. Even if that is not enough, you'll just get another life of misery like this one, and another chance to change

Folks were confused about the viking sign. At first they thought it was pro death penalty. Then they thought it was bullying. But really it was neither. I have a lot more to say yet about the sign. You'll see it's all good in the end. If you can bear to listen. That's the trouble with me. My mind always thinks ten steps ahead. So I say stuff what has a good intention ten steps down the line, but folks just hear step one, think that's it and overreact. Happens all the time. I always mean well. But folks who don't know me don't see what I mean

Funny as today's second devotional on YouVersion, by Nicky Gumbel, is unusually long. Longer than you might want to bother reading. It's a sign because I just got shadowbanned because of people not watching all the viking vids so misinterpreting the meaning. That's why I decided to deliver the viking sign in many parts. So it was easier for everyone to digest in segments rather than all at once. That and because long videos don't upload to TikTok easily

Everyone sins. Grif is no different. El just chose his regular everyday sin that everyone does as an example. He also chose to slay Stella's dragons. It's not something that should make you feel like there's no hope. It is a blessing to you from heaven. It gives you hope. The signs are meant for everyone who sees them. They're there to give all of you hope. Both the signs mean the same thing. El wants us to stop acting like animals and going to war, and instead start acting like saints and listening to the holy teachings of the church. It is something you all can do and have time to do and will be good for you, so don't worry

I don't know if it's Grif or the goss group who complained and got me shadowbanned. But whoever it is, you've got the wrong idea about prophecy. It's just like a spiritual health warning. Like saying don't smoke cigarettes. Don't drink too much alcohol or your body will get sick. Don't sin or your soul will get sick. So you should be thankful for everything I tell you. It's for your own and everyone's spiritual health

You guys really have no need to be against me at all. All I am is a messenger. You think I'm speaking my own ideas, but really I'm speaking God's ideas which he gives me using a combination of signs and inspiration. So these aren't really my words, they're God's. So by silencing me, all you will do is clog your own ears up. As you won't be able to hear what God is saying anymore. He will still punish everyone for all their sins like he's always done. You just won't know about it. Nothing will change in the cosmos if I stop speaking. All that will happen is you won't be able to hear what's going on anymore

If you were wise you would treat me like a doctor. I'm a doctor of the soul. Just like a medical doctor, I'm not here to hurt anyone. But I may have to clean dirt out of wounds, cut out unhealthy tumours, or deal with diseases and viruses. I know all about sin sicknesses and how to deal with them, just like a doctor knows all about sicknesses of the body

I never said anything bad about the Grif. All I did was read the sign heaven sent - remember that heaven sent the sign, not me - and give the Grif advice on what to do to please heaven

There's nothing bad at all about anything I've said or done. Except that sin itself is bad. But if a doctor cuts out a tumour, you don't blame him for the tumour being there, do you? So you shouldn't blame me for the sin or the viking sign. Neither come from me. The sin comes from the Grif and the sign comes from heaven. I'm just the middleman, the messenger. It's no use shooting the messenger, because the message and the sender of the message remain unchanged. In the same way, shooting a doctor won't get rid of a disease

Dealing with sin is a tricky and rather mucky business. It's also uncomfortable. Like going for a doctor exam. You may feel exposed, vulnerable, uncomfortable. It may even be painful. But you must remember, the doctor knows what he's doing, so you trust him

You all know to trust doctors, so you let them do what they gotta do. But you don't know or trust prophets. You think they're madmen, but they're not. They're doctors of the soul

What happens is you see me talking about sin and panic. Like you would panic if you didn't know what a doctor was and he pulled out needles, scalpels, facemasks and diagrams of surgeries. You know that's all good stuff, even though it's disgusting and horrible. It's exactly like me when I talk about signs and sins. You guys are panicking. Trying to hush me up. Gang against me. Get me shadowbanned. Warn everyone about me. None of you know I'm just a doctor of the soul and I'm here for your own good. Yes, even you members of the gossip group who get freaked out by the stuff I say. You're just like people who don't wanna go to the dentist or the doctor because it's uncomfy

As I have to deal with sin, I often say things people don't like or don't wanna hear. Sometimes if something I say is too horrifying, I later reword it to make it easier to hear. Or simpler to understand because I've been vague. Or if it's confusing because I'm just hypothesising rather than speaking actual facts, I may later edit it to clarify what I was trying to say. So it's always good to reread what I say later, as I may change bits that sound too horrible or confusing. It sounds horrible, like what a doctor says sounds horrible. But don't be horrified, as it's good for you really. The ones who make the biggest noise about it are really the ones most afraid of going to the doctor. But don't worry. I'm here to help

Even the sinners who dream and wish for war, murder and genocide. I'm here also to cure you, not to damn or punish you. So if you have had those wishes like sicknesses in your soul, don't be afraid. I'm here to make you better

But just like a cigarette box warns of lung cancer, so I warn that all sin is bad for your spiritual, mental and social health. It don't mean I'm against you or hate you or seek revenge. Far from it. As those things are sins as well

The verse of the day says "The Lord gives strength to those who are weary." (Isaiah 40:29)

I am weary. Weary of trying to cure people who get angry at me for doing my job. They're like frightened wild animals biting the vet there to rescue them from the oil and wire they're entangled in, which is what sin is like

I grow weary of keeping on writing this blog when no one adds likes. Same with the holy book on Wattpad. Even my vids don't get many likes or views. I have to take a day off from Wattpad today because of this shadowban. It's all very tiring

If I was doing it all just for me, I woulda given up ages ago. If it was my idea, I never woulda gone back on social media at all. I'd still be a quiet monk. Yet here I am, not because of my idea, my will or my strength, but El's. He gives strength to those who grow weary doing his will

Every good deed and job in the world is tiring. It makes you weary. Including parenthood. Some folks give up, but good parents keep at it

The ref (Isaiah 40:29) means pregnancy is a big deal and painful but also the biggest blessing for parents. So it's worth a bit of pain for something so big

Don't mistake it for the pleasures of sin. God don't like sin. He don't promote it. He frowns on it. Sins are temptations that lead you away from God, heaven and destiny

Stella said she has nerves so should use them. But don't listen to Stella. She wouldn't make a good soul doctor with advice like that. Just because you can and enjoy it, don't mean you should. People enjoy drugs and murder as well. But we all know they're not good

Thursday 28 December 2023

The Lovers

New Tarot Card Just Dropped

I knew the cards were an ancient art

But this goes back further than I thought!

Could be a new symbol for peace, if the stories are true. Even if they weren't in love, and were just fighting, could it still be true, some way, somehow?

Look at it like this. If they evolved into me and you and we make peace, the stories are true

Love triumphs in the end

Monday 25 December 2023

Baby Names

"After Mary's baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

The angel said to call Mary's baby Jesus. As the name means "he saves us from our sins." As it was his destiny to save people from their sins

That got me thinking. What's our babies' destinies? What do their names mean?

Luca means bringer of light. So he is destined to lead the sunray project

Lailah means night. Her destiny is to stand for the dark side of the world, the subtle cats, the quiet ones, the passive ones, the underdogs, the voiceless, the natives, ensuring equality for all. May also be a sign of any dark times caused by Stella's curses. Like Lailah is mourning for the sorrow Stella caused the world by rejecting her destiny

The speaker of the day has the same name as Luca, Luke. Luke and his brother Joel's band is called "For King and Country." That is what Luca will be born for. As an heir to the holy country

Joel and Luke have had 11 number one songs to date. This is a reminder both Luca and Lailah will work for world peace

Luke and Joel's vid is 59 seconds long. It reminds us these kids have a big destiny, and will make lots of big waves in the world for world peace

We don't know the names yet of Lailah's siblings. One will be king and lead the sunray transition. The third is yet a mystery

Joel mentions Gabriel. Gabi will be Luca's sister. It means God is her strength. It foretells she will focus on religion, while Luca will focus on politics. They can work together as a team

The devotional today agrees with all this. It says God decides all our birth times and names before we're born. Look:

If we pay attention to the signs and practice the virtues, including prayer, we can find out what purpose God has for us in life. Follow him on the holy way of destiny. But those who aren't virtuous and don't pray or pay attention don't find their purpose or follow their destiny. They go astray

I wrote of thorns Wednesday. It was dark and everyone was sad. Yesterday I said the light returns and there'll be peace for all. Now today's devotional says the same things, look:

It means if Stella gets with me and has Luca, her curse will be lifted, and she won't play any part in creating the sort of apocalyptic style thorn scene painted in The Longest Night

Else Lailah, being named night, may, so the signs seem to say, see the longest night of doom. Not caused by her, but by Stella's lack of faith. Lailah will have to endure it and make peace in that world

Elly will help me make world peace. But her nuclear sign warns that somehow, war may be made because Stella did not accept her destiny with me. Elly won't make war. But her and our daughter have the signs of nuclear night, showing there may be war if Stella don't take the throne. By no fault of mine or Elly's. We will still work for world peace whatever happens

If Stella don't accept her destiny and somehow plays a part in causing a war, it will result in a thousand rebirths of misery for her, as she was warned time and again. If however she accepts, she will go to heaven. If both girls accept, both will go. If neither do, neither will. If both do, I have jobs for both. I can work with both as friends, wedding just one. I'll care for both, seeing both are honoured for their virtues

By the way, I snapped my reel pics at random. But when I added the song after, I had you both in mind. Want to spend those times with either one of you for life. Just chat and we'll go out on some dates. Like the verse says, 121. If either of you want this destiny with me, it's what we gotta do. Start building our life romantically. Ready to be a family. The door will stay open to you both for three years. Then I gotta engage one of you lucky gals. Which makes me twice as lucky!

Thursday 21 December 2023

Love Spell

Elly I didnt mean to belittle our moment to just a mere moment. It was a deep long day or so for me, I didn't want it to end, and I wanted just to marry you. But the rules say I can't for three years. I needed to give Stella another chance. I want more moments with you. I want those moments to grow into a lifelong loveship with you. I feel guilty for having to woo you both. But this is your punishment for lack of faith. You both coulda had me but you both turned me down. Now this is what you get. I don't enjoy it. I want just one. But this is heaven's will, and heaven, as a monk, I serve

Cold truth is anyone can have moments with anyone. Anyone can bond with anyone. I can easily bond with either one of you. I can switch it on and off. I could even cheat and betray. Cold truth is people can and do do that. So don't be surprised how I was warm with you, then went over to Stella. It's human nature. God wants you to see I can be like that, but that it isn't good to be like that in love. Loyalty is what God wants. But he is just and punishes every sin. So as neither of you vowed to be my girl, this is your punishment. That I for three years must not commit to either of you. I want to. I'd marry either of you in a heartbeat. But God says no, and I follow God

As God says no, Elly, this is why I kinda two timed you. It seems bad but remember this. I have not kissed you or Stella or done anything romantic with either of you or sworn vows. All I'm doing is giving you both a chance. So I'm not really doing anything bad. So I shouldn't really feel guilty. I'm only trying to do what is right and what El wants. It is a bit hurtful for you both, I guess, but that is your punishment, so accept it. Don't be proud and react by having ten boyfriends. That will displease God. He wants you both celibate till you marry, princesses. He wants you setting good examples to others

Stella is obsessed with cis love now. She thinks trying to break the sound barrier by screaming with pleasure is life's true goal. But she is only digging herself a bottomless hole. Never will she find what she seeks, as it doesn't exist. It is a fake bait trap laid by the devil to distract her from her destiny is all. So she should quit it right away and be celibate, so should you. Both go nun. Set good examples. Don't lead yourselves and others astray by following the devil into realms of sin. Whichever of you masters the holy way will win. You'll be the queen

Sadly Stella is competitive with me. She thinks I am so sexually confident, and she wants to be more sexually confident than me. So is competing with me, but it's all in her head. Really she's just being baited by the devil and doesn't see it. She thinks sin is virtue and virtue is sin. She has gotten everything backwards. She is lost and deluded. Hopefully this post will help open her eyes a bit to reality, so she snaps out of her silliness and starts being virtuous

Stella is popular and pretty, isn't she. But Elly, don't feel discouraged by her popularity, thinking she has more chance at the queenship than you. If you chat and follow El with me, and she don't, you will win. Don't worry about that. You may think Stella will win it hands down. So why try? Try and you will win. God loves a trier. He chose you to be holy queen! Do you realise how amazing that is? You have what it takes, or El would not have chosen you. I will teach you everything you need to know if you date me

Anyone can bond with anyone or manyone. Stella seems to think because you can you should. That's how animals think. They just take whatever they can get, and don't consider being virtuous. But she won't win any loyalty points that way. Loyalty is a virtue and part of this competition. If you think you can win some other way, you don't understand the rules

I felt guilty flirting with Stella. But it was false guilt as I wasn't even flirting. It just looked like I was, and that has made me feel false guilt. Everyone thinks the dove and monk vids were flirtatious. They weren't. It's the devil spell making you see it that way. Really it was all innocent. Everyone thought I liked nines from a typo. I was like doh, you guys are hint crazy. So I removed it. But then I saw other hints, and thought if you saw one you'll see them as well. If I delete one and not the other, you might think it's weird. It was late, I was tired, so just deleted everything

I honestly struggle to understand hints. I never make hints intentional. You all see them and start hinting and it freaks me out and I get scared to speak. Cat got my tongue yeah. I get scared to speak because you think everything is a hint when it's not. Imagine a cat sleeping on your chest and you sneeze loud and it jumps and scratches you because it mistakes your innocent sneeze for a vicious attack. I feel like that. Like I have a cat sleeping on my chest. You guys are the cat. So I try not to hint, like trying not to sneeze. It's ridiculous. I'm learning now just not to care, and if you all start hinting, just ignore you, because it's not me, it's you

Elly, your heart broke because I flirted with Stella yesterday after our day where we fell telepathically in love. I feel guilty. But it's false guilt as I didn't even flirt. All I said to her is the number 8, and the dove and monk hints were just coincidence. So don't hate me. I do love you. I do also love her. But I won't do anything with either of you till we're married. It's all a fair competition set out by God. You can trust him, and you can trust me because I follow him. All you have to do is follow him with me. Either of you or both. I will teach you both. I will date you both. Or just one if just one talks to me. So be wise and be that one. Outdo the other. It's a competition. Not a competition to see who can ignore me most and get the most boyfriends. A competition to see who can give me most attention and do what I adivse and follow El with me. Whoever starts soonest will take the lead and more easily stay in the lead. Elly is still in the lead. But she's not gaining any more ground at the moment, as she is distant. Whoever talks to me most will win, I'm pretty sure of that

Maybe I should just stick with you, Elly, as you seem more interested and easygoing. I guess I can just ignore Stella and focus on you unless she talks to me. Then I'll have to talk back and teach her and give her chances. But I'll do it all openly. I won't go behind your back with her. I'll be honest with you both and say what I'm doing and why, and what El says with signs

Elly I saw you encourage Stella to date the yoga guy. Of course she can fall in love with him or anyone, but don't encourage it. That's sin as it is not who El picked for her. It's just lust if they don't marry. Just sex for pleasure. I don't even check her Insta anymore. I only look on TikTok. I don't care who she falls in love with. I'm not searching for her boyfriends or keeping tabs. All I do is keep an eye on her and see what I happen to see

El showed me the prof thing. He hasn't shown me anything else, and I don't care unless he shows me and tells me with signs to speak. If El picks the professor as an example and not yoga guy, I don't question him. Stella can have cave guy, math guy, whoever guy. None will lead her to her destiny as queen except me. El himself tells her to get with me. If she becomes a free prostitute for guys she likes, it don't hurt me. I don't care. It's her it will hurt. She will be sinning and displeasing El, not me

See, she thinks it's power. That's the silly thing. The devil has her. She is in competition with me to get the most lovers and have the most love. She thinks I can give a special love, and she wants that love with someone else to prove me wrong. As she thinks it's all about sex. Because she's mad. When really it's nothing to do with sex. Sex is just a sin. This is all about holiness and virtue. She's got the wrong idea completely. She has the wrong idea of what this competition and life in general is all about. She is doing the total opposite of what she is meant to do. The competition is to see who can have the fewest lovers, not the most. Monks and nuns are the angelic ideal. Marriage is second best. Anything other than those things is sin

People think sin is power, see. That's the trouble. When they sin they have power. Power over someone. Over themselves. Over pleasure. That's what they believe. But really that is delusion. Sin is really the devil having power over them, and they've lost their mind. It's not good at all. Nothing to be proud of. Nothing to aspire to. Stella lost her mind yesterday over me, but I didn't even flirt. Now it has led her to three new boyfriends. She just can't stop. She's ridiculously addicted, setting bad examples to her followers, leading everyone astray. The devil's puppet

So what must you do, girls? Give up sin, stay celibate and work with me. Both of you. El has chosen you to be examples for everyone to learn from. So be good examples, not bad ones. Lead followers to heaven, not the other way. Then El will reward you for their virtues as well as your own

Don't fall under the spell with Stella, Elly. I've seen other followers in a daze in her comments. Puppets of the puppet. That is not true love they're feeling. That is the spell of the devil, and we must break it. We must set them free. That is our job as holy king and queen, and followers of El. That is what this post is for. Read it and learn, girls. Break the devil's chains off yourselves. Then you can free your followers as well

Lust in Latin is Luxuria. Luxury. It means anything you don't need. You have it just for pleasure, self indulgence, extravagance. It is selfish and unhealthy for body, mind and soul. A life of luxury is a life of sin. It goes against everything monks stand for. If you wanna be holy queen, girls, you gotta get your nun on and come monk it up with me. No more pampered pusses on gold cushions. Time for the hard life now. Stella or Elly. I'll take either of you equally as my virtuous bride. Not lustful brides. This is not about passion in the bedroom. We won't even be doing that except to start a fam. Kissing from time to time, on special occasions, holding hands now and then, snuggling sometimes. Those affections we will enjoy with each other and no one else. But coition with no one. Not even each other. It is a sin to do it just for pleasure. So we will not. As holy king and queen, we must set good examples. The hints may have looked raunchy but no. They were monks and holy spirit. Not devil sin spirits

Whoever loves me most out of you two will win. As true love is a virtue. So if either of you loves me true, El will most likely pick you. That is because, if you love me true, you'll do all I teach you, so will do lots of other virtues as well, each of which impressing El. But she who doesn't love me true is less likely to do what I say to do, so won't be virtuous, won't impress El. So won't be chosen to sit the holy throne or mother heirs for the holy nation. As she would most likely lead the country astray and raise her kids as well the wrong way

Getting the picture now, my dears? So basically, to sum it all up, I found a vid for you, as it's just easier with a pic sometimes. They say a picture paints a thousand words. So here's a nice moving pic for you I found

Be that girl

Secret Sinners

Stella flirted with me yesterday, then hints she don't need me as she has more than one boyfriend. She thinks that's wealth. Having more than one. But really it is sin. She thinks if I was a real prophet, I'd know all her secret boyfriends, and be warning them as well as the prof. So she don't believe. But that's not how these visions work. Candace today said what I said yesterday. Proof El sees the future and inspires my words. Truth is El smites ALL sinners. Even her secret boyfriends. But I can only warn the ones he picks to be examples for the rest, like her and the prof. The rest who sin in secret think no one knows. I don't know so cannot warn them. But El knows and will smite them in due time. The ones I warn are lucky. They get personal advice. Everyone else has to work it out for themselves

Wednesday 20 December 2023

The Holy Name

Last night I was thinking of my ladies. Should I still be chasing both, or just one? I had a moment with Elly. Then saw Stella looking glum. So spoke to her, as El has chosen both of them. But felt a pang of guilt. Am I doing the right thing, Don? I prayed. I was praying this when midnight chimed. So I looked at the new verse, knowing El would provide an answer:

"Celebrate and worship his holy name with all your heart." (1 Chronicles 16:10)

Yes! Right away I thought, Elly has been chosen. She has shown more warmth and faith. Now I must love her with all my heart. So I started writing her a letter. Bubbling with excitement. About how El had given her his name, not Stella...

Not... stELla. St El La. St Ella???? By holy heavenly Christ above! El gave his name to you as well 😲...

..."Celebrate and worship his holy NAME with all your heart." (1 Chronicles 16:10)...

😲... El... You are the Lord! So Stella and Elly. You both have the name and blessing of the Lord. Unbelievable. See?

Yet the ref says, though one of you is indeed the lucky 16 birthday present I was born for. I can only have one of you, and the choice is not even mine. It's yours and El's. You both must flaunt your virtues. El, who named you, will pick the winner. If you're both good, he will honour you both somehow. But I'm only allowed one of you. It's what the ref tells us today. The word Chronicles denotes time. So El wants us all going steady 7s at this, at following him. Plus one of you as my eventual wife, and queen of his holy nation

The verse says celebrate his name. I can celebrate as I get a wife named after him! I also get to date you both, if you're willing, and spend time with two amazing ladies! Maybe we'll do some threesome dates as well. No love of course, just friends till engagement day. Then we can move on to holding hands.

The verse also says worship his holy name. As both of you are called El, it means either of you can be my wife, and I can worship you. So you will be my goddess in human form. The Spirit of El will live within you, and you will even carry his name. The Bible says treat people as well as you would treat God, because God lives in everyone. Especially your wife. So you get to be my goddess. I will worship you by staying loyal and treating you to a wonderful life.

Finally the verse says with all my heart. We know the most important command is love God with all your heart. That includes everything God gives you in life, including your wife. So I will devote my full attention to you. But for now I have to give equal attention to both, assuming you both give me equal attention. Naturally if one is more attentive, she'll get more attention in return.

Todays verse reminds me of a favourite hymn. Plus it gives me a chance to talk about monks. One of my passions. I'm a monk by trade. So if you wanna live with me, we'll have a ball doing monk stuff. Look, this is the sort of thing monks get upto in their spare time:

Fancy a bit of that with me? Come visit. Itta be a date. More than a date, the start of a whole new life. The servants of El. We'll probably have more fun than monks, mind you. But then monks have more fun than you think! I don't suppose you're very musical, Elly, but that's fine. It means El has chosen you for different reasons. I can play vid games with you instead, and I'm sure you can singalong sometimes, even if quietly. You're both named after El now, so live up to the names he's given you, and train to be princesses of IsraEL. Two potential queens he's chosen, both with his name and the name of the Holy Land, splendid! Can you not see heaven at work here, ladies? Have faith and follow the signs with me. With heaven on your side, you don't need to worry about anything anymore. We'll lead the whole world to peace. Such is heaven's desire.

Sunday 17 December 2023


The signs said to call our kid Lilly. Didn’t think it sounded like Lilith. Now Elly is embarrassed. That's your punishment for cursing Luca see? Lilly is not named after Lilith though. Lilly means pure of heart. Which I hope she is. Alternately we could say Lilly is short for Lailah. An angel name. If everyone thinks she's like Lilith, we'll raise her religious, showing Lilith turned good as our daughter. Maybe El just gave us Lilly to lead us to this conclusion. Maybe Lailah is the name. What you reckon? It's Hebrew. That's good

Friday 15 December 2023

Beauty Queen

Okay Stella say she embarrassed as she is naturally beautiful and no one else is. To her I say. Who said this was a beauty contest? Virtue contest dear. Sweet Stella. God loves virtue. This is for holy queen. Not beauty queen. Read the job description next time, will you?

Thursday 14 December 2023


My friend this morning said to me he feels bad some guys are four inchers. Like they're not as much man as everyone else

I said dude don't believe that. It's a lie told to you by the devil

Everyone is thinking wrong about love

The devil has everyone hypnotised by a cloud of lust

Everyone falsely believing sex is for pleasure

Falsely believing for pleasure is natural and normal. It's not. It is a sin

Love is for bonding with your one true love and creating babies. Nothing else

Sex for pleasure causes misery, anxiety, rivalry in society

It's not healthy for you or the community

Even self love. Pleasure with the hand, a device pics or movies

It's not healthy for you. Preoccupies. Wastes your time. Makes you anxious. Disrespectful. Addicted to pleasure. Like a drug addict. A love junkie

You might say it's natural. Animals do it

If animals mindlessly do any sex for pleasure - necrophilia in crows, homo love in giraffes, masturbating monkeys, polygamy in lions - it is not something humans should be looking upto

Is that what you want to be like? An animal? Or a civilised human being? Even better a graduate of angel college on your way to heaven?

Humans are the rulers, stewards and gardeners of the world. We are civilized. Above the animals. So should not act like animals. If we do a good job on earth, we get to go to heaven after

Contraception is the great confuser. Since pills and condoms came out, it has spread false beliefs to everyone about sex. They think it's natural and normal to have sex just for pleasure, with no pregnancy involved. It has turned the world into sex addicts. Everyone with a dirty mind. Obsessed with sex. It's insane

Pretty folks and guys with size are more sexually attractive. So can easy get more partners. Other folks satisfy the same urges with pics and films. Either way the sin is the same. It is lust. Unhealthy

Folks are fooled into thinking watching blue movies or having multiple lovers is healthy and normal. They do not realise they are sinning every day and failing to serve the kingdom of heaven

Guys are obsessed with size, but size don't matter. It's the excitement of being with a new person. Gotta keep that excitement alive by doing new stuff with each other. It don't need to be sexual. Most excitement you feel is just spending time with them, the chemistry. Romance. The actual coition can sometimes be an anticlimax, it can kill that romance you have

When a pretty person has that anticlimax, they may blame their partner, so look for someone they believe will be better. But it never really is better. Not that much. It's the same old thing, just with someone different

Even the best most amazing love is not that much different to the worst rubbish love. Real love is romantic. That's what people really want. The actual deed can be achieved with devices or your own hand. That's not real love, is it. It's fake love

Dating is just combining that urge you can do with your own hand with a romantic courtship ritual. When you do it with someone, the joyful novelty wears off. So folks today think they may as well just look for someone else. It creates a culture of disloyalty and sin. A bad unhealthy culture that doesn't follow the holy way of heaven

But we can bring loyalty back by keeping romance alive with one couple. Couples make love every day and get bored with each other

At most it should be once a week with your partner. Once a month is better. Once a season even better. Once a year the best. Or just to get a girl pregnant ideal

So try lowering your lovemaking frequency to improve romance and loyalty between you and your partner. Doing it too often makes you get bored and look elsewhere

As a guy you gotta keep fit and try to make sure you pleasure her before yourself. Else she won't be satisfied

As a leader I gotta show folks what's right. That's why I'll stay celibate till married. Even when married we won't make love more than once a week. Likely less. Unless my wife is ravenous

I will show her the joy of a celibate life so she don't feel so ravenous. She will see you can be happier without it, if she don't already know

Instead of lust we will play games, watch films read books work on projects, go out together do fun stuff and wear wedding rings, so everyone knows we're a family, and our purpose is to live together, look after each other, raise kids and we're not available to do that with anyone else

Everyone thinks marriage is for sexual pleasure. So they think if they're not getting sexual pleasure, they married the wrong person, or could do better, or may as well forget marriage and just sleep around

Those are all wrong and sinful thoughts. Marriage is all about having a partner to love and care for, who will likewise love and care for you, who you will raise kids with in a happy healthy loving home. It is nothing to do with sexual pleasure

The ideal way is not to love for pleasure at all. I'm celibate and happy. So when my wife joins me, we could just be celibate together. Till conception day. Then itta just be for pregnancy

Temple Guild members and leaders should follow this monogamous method. It is the most virtuous way. My wife and I won't deserve leadership if we don't set good examples. For general folk it is more optional. But still advised

Angels don't have genitals like animals. They don't make love. They sometimes take physical forms. Yet sex is forbidden for them

Sex for pleasure is forbidden by heaven, a sin. Something an angel can lose its wings for. So if we wanna be angels in heaven, we won't get there by making love to our wives for pleasure, using pills or condoms for contraception

So I don't wanna hear more fuss about girth or length. 5 inch girth. 9 inch length. Wow. No. That's just lust. It don't matter. Stuff got smaller in nature because a big one isn't necessary to do the job. In fact the guy with the smallest thing is most evolved. How's that?

The guy with the smallest thing is most angelic, as angels don't have genitals. Also the gal who has least romantic pleasure is most angelic

It don't matter if you got a thick 9 or a slender 4. Using it for pleasure is a sin. Like a guy with big muscles vs a skinny little guy. We know it's a sin for the muscle guy to bully or take by force. So why should a pretty guy take another guy's gal with sexual magnetism? Only to dump her later for another

He can do it as it's not illegal. But bring marriage back and it could even be made illegal by law. Adultery. If not by law, it is still a sin to God, and he will punish the spirits of those who commit it

The faithful won't cheat anyway. For the rest human laws could suffice. Else folk may not realise there's anything wrong with sleeping around

Today folks think just because it's consensual it's not a sin. But you can consent to getting drunk, smoking cigarettes taking drugs overeating, being greedy and spiteful as well. All legal yet all sins

You do all those things, you won't be a nice person, and God won't want you in heaven, even though human law says it's alright. Getting to heaven is the real goal. Heaven on earth and heaven in the afterlife

So I propose a new competition. The guy and gal to feel the LEAST sexual stimulation is the winner. They're the purest. The most angelic. Most pleasing to heaven

If like me you already made love out of wedlock or with more than one or with yourself, you will know it's rubbish and has not satisfied you, has not made you happy. You still want more because it never satisfies, and even when you have it, it don't make you truly happy, does it

So all of us gotta give it up now, alright? No more of it. It is vile dirty disgusting sin. It makes God feel sick and mad at us. He will never let us go to heaven in that filthy state. We will get reborn as humans or animals. We're not fit or worthy for heaven while lust lives within us

So let's do away with lust today, and let's help each other stay lustfree as a community. These are our rules. The rules we live by. No sex for pleasure. Then never will we worry about size or jealousy, outdoing our friends or cheating ever again

Nor ever will we waste our precious time on earth worrying about and chasing after fruitless sexual pleasure instead of serving God and his kingdom with virtuous deeds

God will be so pleased with us then, he'll let us all go to heaven. This is the holy way I propose to you. It's how I live, and how I want my followers to live too. All 1458 of you

If women and men now have equal rights, and muscle men and skinny men have equal rights as well, so too should 9 inchers and 4 inchers. The right to one wife only. One girlfriend only. No love before marriage. The best way to achieve that is outlaw contraception, polyamory and pornagraphy. It is despicable stuff. Stuff of the devil. It causes social sickness

Now hold on a minute. If I try to impose this on people as a strict law, folks may not like it. So instead I'll say y'all just go do what you want. But I will set an example by abiding by these rules myself, and the Temple Guild will promote them. In the multiversity no governors can just make up and impose laws on anyone. All must be voted for by everyone, so don't worry

Maybe one day the whole world will see sense and vote loyalty in as a law. But for now you are free. Just know your life don't have to be the anxious sex fest it is right now. There is a better, higher peaceful way of celibacy, and it is the way me and my queen will be living every day. Follow us if you want to walk the holy way to heaven

If we make solemn vows to the Lord, we should make every effort to resist temptation and seduction. If there is a person who seduces, who treats the sin of lust like a virtue, like it is fine or not a sin, and we cannot resist their allure, we should not talk to them anymore

We should be honest with our spouse and the community and the Lord in prayer. Say we feel tempted so want to call the friendship off, and recommend others avoid that person if they are promiscuous

But if even two people who are ex lovers both truly believe in God and swear the vows, they can most likely be trusted to stay loyal to their new spouses, even in each other's presence

If we all believe in and follow the Lord and swear vows, we will all support each other to stay celibate, and also not to sin in any way. This will be a religious community. It's what I want from me and my followers, as we are Temple Guild members. For the rest of society, it may not be so essential to be like that. But certainly it will be required of my wife and closest followers

So if either of my lovely ladies want this destiny with me, that's what it's gonna be. Celibacy. This is a serious job as religious leaders of the holy nation. We have to be models of virtue. We can't be using love for pleasure or trying to outcompete other couples or each other in that manner

All lust is the cloud spell of sin cast over us and the world by the devil. We must break it and lead all our followers likewise through it. That is part of our task as holy king and queen. We must fight the devil and break the spells he has cast over this poor, cursed world. We will set everyone's spirits free and lead them to heaven, if they choose to follow. This is our calling

First thing this morn, my friend got me thinking of and writing all this down, inspired by the spirit of the Lord. Then I checked the verse of the day, to see if it mentioned love or size or loyalty, and what did it say?

"If you love me, you will do what I have said, and my Father will love you. I will also love you and show you what I am like." (John 14:21)

See? It's all in today's verse. It shows the spirit inspired all of this. So is what heaven wants you to hear today

Do we love Jesus? Yeah, like an awesome big brother. Someone to look up to. You try to be like those you look up to. So we will naturally do what he says, and he says be loyal in love

If we do all he says including being loyal, the verse of today says he and God will love us. That means they'll be pleased with us, bless us and let us go to heaven

Jesus said "If you love me, you will do what I have said, and my Father will love you. I will also love you and show you what I am like." (John 14:21)

What Jesus is like is loyal, and he don't care about size. He himself was celibate, but said if you marry, you should be loyal

Look at the ref. It's all connected. 14:21 is the very comfortable holy way. It means loyalty between any man and any woman. A husband should not be picked based on height, size or muscle mass

He should be picked based on how he behaves, if he keeps himself clean, goes to work every day, has a good personality good behaviour, is virtuous loyal dependable, kind

Any man out there. Make yourself like that, and you will be a good husband and father. The size of you or your wife don't matter at all

Hosanna Wong author of You're More Than You've Been Told wholeheartedly agrees, I'm sure. God sent her today to match this blogpost for you. Or is it that he inspired this post to match her speech? It's both really. Even the vid length says one happy couple for pregnancy. It's the holy way. All masterfully orchestrated by the Lord divine for this specific day

Wednesday 13 December 2023

The Promised Land

Some folks said my light was too bright. Fair enough. In some ways they're right. Even Elly said it once. Too much light makes a desert

Sometimes it's just the morning light. Like flipping a switch in the dark and you squint. Then you get used to it. Light is a good thing. But not too much

I was in my sunny element. Forgot about the clouds. Neither of my loves is speaking. Both are silent. I forgot them mostly. Just saw the light and wrote the light and thought of nothing else

Wasn't thinking of hints. Never naturally do. I'm frank you see. If you saw any hints, it was just bad luck

Goes to show how unlucky I am. I was born with God's blessing but also bad luck. God made it like this so I'd write all this stuff

I always put my foot in it. Say the wrong thing. But never mean anything by it. It's just bad luck

I always mean well. I'm all for good times. Making folk feel good. Entertaining. Wowing. Relaxing. Amusing. All good feelings. It's my natural way

It's Wed 13 today. Shows I never realise my bad luck till after. Also means the lucky girl to marry me will marry my bad luck as well

But she'll also get my heavenly blessings. So there's good and bad in everything, you know. Maybe she'll even be my good luck charm. They do say bad luck runs out, don't they. So who wants to be my lucky lady then?

Both of them are cloudy. I like clouds and so does El. He picked them both. I like them both. He's not dark or light like us. He's the perfect balance of both

If it was up to me, I'd pick a sunny gal. Seems logical. But El picked me two ice queens, and he's a god. So let's forget logic

Well, he didn't just pick them for me. He picked them to be queens of a holy land, and mothers of heirs

So clearly he don't like sunny people more. He likes all sorts. His world is diverse. I like cloudy people. Respect them. Just the way God made them. They have good and bad points, like sunny folk have

For El to give me a shadowy wife, I feel honoured. Shadowy as they are, I love them both. I think they're both amazing. Ain't that strange? I should only like blondes. I do like blondes. But I also like them. So attraction is weird

I feel attracted to both, and God picked them both. So I trust his taste. I don't feel repulsed by either. Though they have their bad points as well, I'm sure. I can put up with it. Just like they gotta put up with me. Thatta be fun

I'm looking forward to getting to know their shadows. Building a life that includes sun and shadow. Seeing what personalities our kids have. Giving them a life that suits them. Just like God gives us all lives to suit our tastes

I won't be selfish and expect the kid to like what I like. That's what friends are for. They will make their own friends. I just gotta teach them to be royal and virtuous for all cultures, not selfishly dark or light

Verse 5 today says: "The ocean is the Lord's because he made it, and with his own hands he formed the dry land."

In other words he made everything, including sun and clouds, shady and sunny people, and loves us all. The fact he showed this verse today shows he knew we'd have a sun and cloud question today

Verses 8 to 11 give us an interesting warning: "Don't be stubborn and rebel as your ancestors did. For forty years they questioned God, even though they saw the miracles he did. Then God got tired of them and said, “You never show good sense, and you don't understand what I want you to do.” In his anger, God told them, “You will never enter the promised land.”

Stella has been doubting for a year. Elly for a month. Everyone else out there, probably doubting as well. You're like the Israelites. You can't go to heaven by hanging back and doubting. God wants you to step forth into the light with faith and follow him. Follow me, support me and worship him, ignoring doubts and doubters

Then I will lead you to the land of promise. The New Earth. A whole world of promise this time. Utopia for all. When you follow others will follow you. So you will lead others, and we'll all walk together. To heaven on earth, and heaven after death

Elly said she wonders why giving Stella a burn also burns me. The reason is if either is my wife, it affects me. If Elly is my wife, I don't want her to say unkind stuff. It will reflect on us both. Make us both look unkind

If Stella is my wife, I don't want Elly to say bad stuff about her. It will reflect on me as well

I wasn't calling you antichrist, Elly. I spoke of it just because the chapter did. I also called God El, so it wasn't against you or her

Anyone can follow christ or antichrist. If you say some antichrist stuff, it don't mean you're damned. Just means you haven't seen the light yet. Just gotta start saying nicer stuff is all

I won't say anything against you, Elly. You're chosen by El. He even gave you his name. I'll honour that for life, if we marry or not. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better in the next three years, so get chatting to me, alright?

Sunday 10 December 2023


Sometimes you go through hell for the one you love
Sometimes the one you love puts you through hell
Sometimes with their issues
Sometimes with incendiary comments

Sometimes they be cussing and cursing and lighting fires up under you
Sometimes they be dropping you in the flames
But you go through it all together
Because that is love

So be careful with your curses, Elly dear
She is the Lord's chosen
You mustn't curse the Lord's chosen
Only the Lord can curse
A human laid curse is a sin

If I'm your future hubby
You laying curses gonna light fires under me
So watch where you putting them hotplates dear
The lesson here is don't be too fiery
Don't play with fire
Don't try to burn folks
You know like that 70s show?

Don't try to burn folks
As you might burn yourself
Or burn the one you love
This is the lesson that you must learn
If you play with fire then you gonna get burn
So mind your fire Elly dear
I love your fire
Just be careful where you light it
As your hubby I gotta go through all your fires with you

See what you did to me yesterday?
How dangerous your fire is?
This is a caution from El
In future be sweeter with those words
We only say what El says
He has not forsaken Stella
So we mustn't say she's cursed completely
She has been cursed several times but isn't damned
Easy mistake to make, don't worry
So you gotta be nicer from now on
To impress El and I
Speaking nice is a virtue
Hurling unwarranted curses is a sin

Why is the prof's viking sign a curse though while my hell one is not?
There's lots of reasons
The simple one is the prof has sinned while I have followed El
Also because El rescued me today with the verse but did not rescue the prof after his curse
Other reasons can be found by looking at the context of the signs and how other signs match
I'll go into all that with the viking vids
Gotta read signs in context to get the true meanings
Just chat to me first in future
If you don't wanna say the wrong thing
This is what master El desires
Virtue from his followers
You set fire in my path
But El rescued me today by clearing the way and leading me over the river

I will be your hubby
If El chooses you
If you impress him
The choice is not mine
El chooses the queen of his holy people, not me
He chooses based on virtue
It was Stella
Then it was you
You both have his blessing
But due to lack of faith, it's a competition now
You have to prove yourselves to El now with virtues
So no more setting fires alright?
That goes for all you girls
You can all set fires under your hubbies with your words
If that hubby is me or someone else
This is the lesson of the day, from the Lord, our Leader, the god we follow, El

Clear the Way

My new love posted a hotplate
Then I walked through hell
It seems like a curse at first
But it's actually a lesson. Look

First of all it confirms what I said. No love before marriage for any of you girls. The marriage is what's important. Not the love. We must marry for true love, not passion

The lesson also is this
Everybody goes through hell
Even with the ones they love
But sometimes you gotta go through hell to get to heaven
Or through the valley of darkness to reach the heavenly pasture
Just like it says in Psalm 23:4

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." (Psalm 23:4)

23:4 means the two of us my love, are free to follow the Lord. So walk with me

Don't fear the holy way
Though lead you right through hell it may
Heaven awaits you when you make it through

We know it's a good meaning. As the answers of the day say this:

Also the verse says: "Clear a path. Make a straight road for the Lord." (Isaiah 40:3)

See? The Lord walks a straight path and we follow him. Notice also in my vid, hell don't finish me. I keep going to heaven. So follow me

In this context Isaiah 40:3 means my future wife going through the hells of labour, giving life to 3 babies for me and the Lord. For all of them will serve the Lord. Clear the way for the Lord. As it is he who leads us. He we follow

I'm pleased with Elly as she has shown faith. I'll be even more pleased if she adds me. That will show more faith. Keep on showing faith Elly. Walk the holy way with me

Stella has shown some faith lately as well. Credit where it's due. It's been tougher for her to show faith it seems. So I'm proud of her. But Elly has shown more faith from the start. So she is in the lead. But Stella has been with me longer. So it's a tough battle. To win it's who shows the most faith. For it is God we follow to the throne. Faith is everything. Faith and love

So Stella show more faith by adding me first. Then you can catch up to Elly. God is forgiving if we change our ways and show faith

If you both add me, itta be tough competition. You'll both hafta keep showing your faith each day to me and God, by chatting to me, being virtuous and following the signs. If just one girl adds me, itta be easy. So be that girl

The best chance is adding and being nice to me daily. You gotta be nice to be my wife. So get some practice in, alright?

Engagement day is three years away. A lot could happen from now to then. So nothing is certain

If you're nice and don't win, the Lord will still be pleased. So will bless you in other ways. Plus we'll stay friends for life. So it's a good idea

If it was upto me, I'd wed whoever speaks next. But I'm a foolish impulsive human and know nothing. The Lord said three years, so we gotta honour that as his followers

Friday 1 December 2023

Princess Wars

Everyone, I need your forgiveness

I have a constant ADHD itch. Please forgive my erratic behaviour

I have a range of repetitive autistic stims. Please forgive my annoying habits

I have an impulsive urge to say words over and over on repeat called echolalia. Please forgive the silly things I say

I have a natural mirroring instinct to imitate people and movies. Please forgive any silly gestures I make. Silly things I have said and done week after week since I was a kid. All my life I've had these conditions

I have a lack of social mind reading skills, and am surprisingly naïve to things folks may find obvious. Described sometimes as mind blindness or social cue blindness. So please forgive me for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or not saying the right thing at the right time

Elly & Stella. Please forgive me for every silly thing I've ever said. Including saying you can both be my wives last night

Either of you can marry me. Which one will it be? Decide for yourselves. I have asked you both to marry me. Both offers stay on the table. God has picked you both. That's everything to me. So I'll accept whoever takes the offer and swears vows to me first

Please forgive me also for every silly or annoying thing I may say as we live together in love. I will be the best hubby I can for you. Give you everything your heart desires. Make you the happiest girl in the world. Love you with all I am. Share everything I have with you, whichever one of you it is

You're both great girls. I look forward to playing vid games with Elly, making music with Stella, and watching Star Trek with you both. Either of you can make me happy. The signs say you're both a perfect match

You're both so different. It would be a very different loveship with one than the other. You both intrigue me. I have feelings for you both. Yet I can only marry, fall in love and raise a fam with one. So says the sacred law

So please forgive me for everything silly I've ever done. We all make mistakes don't we. I'm no different. Just know I'm sorry. Please forgive me also for everything wrong I'll ever do. Know I'll try my best to do no wrong and make amends if I do

"If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you." (Matthew 6:14)

So please forgive me now and forever. For every silly thing I've done and will ever do. Then we can move on from our old lives to something new with each other. I'm looking forward to it. To either one of you amazing ladies, I will give my all

Just add and chat to me and we'll bond every day. The competition ain't over till one of you swears vows to me. So feel free both to add me. We can even have group chats. Go on dates without love. Just to meet each other. Maybe God will give us an engagement day deadline by which we have to decide. As for now it's nebulous

If just one adds me, it will be an easy choice. If both I'll make sure you're both honoured and respected. I won't dump either of you suddenly. I'll make sure you both know what's going on and where we stand

If I form bonds with you both, and you both wanna wed me equally, you can discuss it with each other and me. If we still can't decide, the Lord will send us a sign when the time is right. He is good. You're both his daughters and he loves you. If you both obey by adding me, he will make sure you're both looked after and happy with the result of it all. He will find the remaining girl a different hubby, or give her a new calling that will make her happy. So trust the Lord. He led all of us here and will keep leading us if we follow him

The girl who adds me first will have the longest time to bond with me, and the most chance of getting picked by God for engagement, as she will be most in his favour. The engagement sign could appear anytime. Even tomorrow. So it's best to add me soon to have the best chance. Bonding now will prevent other life events leading you away from me, the monarchy and destiny as well. So it's best to add me soon for both reasons. Either one or both of you. He will make sure you're both looked after, and I'm sure will award the throne to the one who is most virtuous from today onwards. So please him by adding me. Then keep pleasing by following him with me every day. That's what's required of the holy queen. So the holy princess must get her practice in. I look forward to hearing from either one of you or both


Yesterday I got the idea that me and both love matches could live together as a team, working for world peace

But today I thought it through and realised. If we was all just friends, maybe it could work. But a three way love would be complex at best

I'd have to spend equal time with both alone and together. So it would either use up more time. Or mean I couldn't spend us much time as I would with one wife. Also I'd have to make sure I never favoured one wife over the other

Then what of raising the kids? Two mothers teaching the kids might conflict with their methods. Resentments could grow and be passed on to the kids. It would be more difficult to manage a relationship like that

Then what of succession? The children of both could fight each other for the crown. We would have to teach them all it's the most suitable who should lead. So we'll decide their order of succession based on suitability. Which one picks up all the lessons best

Also we'll teach them serving God and the people is what's most important. That's why we must let the most suitable one lead, and not just try to grab power impulsively on instinct

Then there is the hearts of the people to consider. As role models, we'd be teaching folks polygamy is the best way. That could make everyone's lovelives more complex and competitive than they are already

Everyone naturally wants more than one wife or husband. Because people are selfish, and attraction is natural. As natural as the birds and bees

But we gotta think of equality. If it's alright for men to have two wives, equality tells us a woman can have two husbands. I don't want my wife to have two husbands. So I don't suppose she really wants me to have two wives either

If all three of us feel this way, chances are most other folks will feel the same. So it looks like monogamy is winning

But what if I marry one and just stay friends with the other? That could work. If my wife trusts me. God did pick all three of us after all

If my wife don't trust me, we could just keep the friendship long distance. If it still bothered her, even talking online, I'd have to respect her objections

This is also why there should be no love before marriage. As I could date both and love both. Then we could never all be friends. As we couldn't trust our feelings for each other

But if we only love after marriage, we all know where we stand. I'm with one of them only for life and that's it. The other girl could never be anything more than a friend. Else I would break vows made to God, society and my wife, for which there would be more than one kind of hell to pay

So what's polygamy all about anyway? Lions do it. They have a lot of wives. But lions are animals. They know no better

They call me the lion of Judah, as that is a nickname for the king of Jews. Yet Judah himself had just one wife. Plus three kids. In Genesis 38. Yet he was unfaithful to his wife, so God punished him for that

That's why I won't be unfaithful to mine. Gotta learn from the mistakes of the past. That's part of what Bible stories are for

Judah's dad Jacob had four wives. That didn't work out well either. As the twelve tribes of his twelve sons all ended up fighting each other. This is why the Jews prefer monogamy today. As king of the Jews, monogamy is the most obvious choice for me

As the Bible is our main religious text, we should always look to that for answers. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. One man. One woman. In Eden. So that's the ideal model of marriage we should look at. The way God intended

Even their sons fought though. But that was not God's intention. It's because their sons were not born or raised in Eden. As their parents got kicked out and cursed for eating the fruit of evil. I guess they didn't have good parenting guidebooks to read either. So hopefully we'll do a better job of teaching our kids to live at peace with each other. As these are more enlightened times. More heavenly than times of old. Closer to heaven on earth. Which is what the world will be like in the future

The speaker today Dallas Jenkins is the maker of the Chosen series, and wears a 5 & 2 teeshirt. I mentioned my matches being chosen in last night's vid, and wrote about the 2 of them in the description. So it's a sign what I said was inspired. My matches are chosen. But what are they chosen for? A two way or three way marriage?

First let's work out what his teeshirt means. 5 & 2 refers to the 5 loaves and 2 fish Jesus used to feed 5000 people. But Jesus was celibate, and lust is a sin. So straight away we can see it don't relate to that

In Christianity the fish is a symbol of following Jesus. Of swimming the opposite way to everyone else. Of being caught in heaven's net, dying to this world and being transformed into an angel in heaven

So the two fish in this case mean one happy married couple who walk the holy way. So what's the 5 loaves? The community. As a married couple is part of the community. They gotta set good examples to everyone. Me and mine even more as we will teach and guide many with the work we do. So the five loaves is a sign of ministry. We have to minister to the five. Lead them the right way on the life path. The way that leads to heaven

Dallas himself is happily married. So he and his wife are a pair of fish that set good examples to all the unmarried people out there. Including us. His vid length hints that the message is for the 5. And the 2 means two way forgiveness. We gotta forgive other people, then God will forgive us and let us go to heaven

What made me think of polygamy then? Lots of things. First of all my two love matches added each other. So I was thinking could this work? As I was thinking that, two gentle windgusts blew late at night. Can't remember exactly when. I was tired. But there was a 2 in the number, and I knew it was telling me just to consider polygamy

Next day I remembered the mahdi sign. Jews call me moshi. Muslims call me mahdi. Muhammad had eleven wives, and in Islam it is permitted to have more than one. That's all I knew. So based on that I thought maybe

Then God made me get confused by thinking Elly and Stella unfollowed each other. So I put my bio for Elly only. When I realised the next night, I thought I had been harsh on Stella. So that along with everything else inspired me suddenly late last night to mention polygamy. I was basically saying hey, both you gals is welcome. While it's true I like both gals, now I've slept on it and thought about it, I can see it would be unadvisable to have two wives, for many reasons

I looked up polygamy in Islam and it's usually only rich folks. Even in Arabia where Mecca is. Understandable as a rich guy can afford to keep two families. Marriage was originally a business deal. So a rich guy naturally gets more wives. Yet we wanna do away with the rich and poor class divide, don't we. So again it seems one wife is the ideal

God set all this up on purpose. He sent me signs to make me consider polygamy, mention it late last night and confuse everyone. So that I'd have to write this post about it today. Sorry for confusing you all. Especially my two matches. Today's verse is about forgiveness. So I must ask your forgiveness today. God loves it when we forgive. So has given you this chance to follow his instruction today. You can earn spirit dollars from this. As it is doing what God has asked

"If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you." (Matthew 6:14)

I now realise monogamy is the righteous way. It's all in today's numbers, look. 6 (that's me) 1 (only me, not two hubbies) 4 (for) 5 (the people, that's all of you, sharing this blog with all of you) & 2 (I'm for you and also for monogamy which makes a happy couple between just two people)

It also means monogamy should be the standard for the five. The ideal is everyone should couple up if they're gonna love at all. It's the virtuous way. Yet 5 is an odd number. It shows there will always be some who choose celibacy instead, monks and nuns. Or who disobey and choose lust. But the general rule for the 5 is to couple up, like the two cooked fish Jesus used to feed the community

Each married couple can feed the spirit of the community by contributing healthy relationships and good works. The two cooked fish means be in a thoroughly cooked relationship with one other person. Thoroughly cooked means committed to a lifelong working partnership, most likely raising children as well. Rather than in a half baked relationship, no bun in the oven, no orphan adoptions or no work commitments

My comment last night goes against everything I been preaching, don't it. One heart, one love. True love or no love. So I guess it confused you. I'm sorry. But don't worry. It confused me as well

Plus I just found out it's illegal in our countries. So definitely need some forgiveness today. We could have an open relationship legally. But that would still be lust and disloyalty. So sinful. God would not approve, as he only likes virtuous stuff. So monogamy it is

It is the most obvious way really isn't it. We only have one body don't we. That's a pretty clear sign we should only have one partner. If pregnancy is involved, a loyal partnership is what's best for the kids. It also sets good examples to the community. Contraception confuses the issue. It means you can make love without getting pregnant. But it's not natural is it, and going against nature is a sign it's not what God intended

So to be completely virtuous, you shouldn't even make love to your wife just for fun. It's only for making babies really. Nothing else. It could technically be used for bonding. But using a sinful pleasure of the flesh to bond isn't the wisest choice. It's like bonding by getting drunk together. There's better ways to bond than that

I don't expect everyone to never drink or make love again. But as role models of virtue, my wife and I should set good examples. We can bond just by holding hands, hugging, kissing, spending time together like we spend with no one else. It don't have to be coition

In the film clip at the end of the devo, the priest says they gotta follow the law of Moses. Then Jesus says he IS the law of Moses. It basically means prophets are allowed to make new laws and edit old ones, as they get their instructions from God in heaven. God makes laws to fit the time we live in. As times change our laws likewise need to change. With no prophet, folks stick to the laws written by the last prophet. But when a new prophet is sent, new laws can be given, and old laws updated or rephrased

That will be part of my job as a prophet as the years go by, and today I have concluded that monogamy is the virtuous ideal for all loving relationships. But the law of freewill or liberty means folks don't have to follow holy laws if they don't want. Yet they will lose spirit dollars if they don't

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...