Friday 1 December 2023


Yesterday I got the idea that me and both love matches could live together as a team, working for world peace

But today I thought it through and realised. If we was all just friends, maybe it could work. But a three way love would be complex at best

I'd have to spend equal time with both alone and together. So it would either use up more time. Or mean I couldn't spend us much time as I would with one wife. Also I'd have to make sure I never favoured one wife over the other

Then what of raising the kids? Two mothers teaching the kids might conflict with their methods. Resentments could grow and be passed on to the kids. It would be more difficult to manage a relationship like that

Then what of succession? The children of both could fight each other for the crown. We would have to teach them all it's the most suitable who should lead. So we'll decide their order of succession based on suitability. Which one picks up all the lessons best

Also we'll teach them serving God and the people is what's most important. That's why we must let the most suitable one lead, and not just try to grab power impulsively on instinct

Then there is the hearts of the people to consider. As role models, we'd be teaching folks polygamy is the best way. That could make everyone's lovelives more complex and competitive than they are already

Everyone naturally wants more than one wife or husband. Because people are selfish, and attraction is natural. As natural as the birds and bees

But we gotta think of equality. If it's alright for men to have two wives, equality tells us a woman can have two husbands. I don't want my wife to have two husbands. So I don't suppose she really wants me to have two wives either

If all three of us feel this way, chances are most other folks will feel the same. So it looks like monogamy is winning

But what if I marry one and just stay friends with the other? That could work. If my wife trusts me. God did pick all three of us after all

If my wife don't trust me, we could just keep the friendship long distance. If it still bothered her, even talking online, I'd have to respect her objections

This is also why there should be no love before marriage. As I could date both and love both. Then we could never all be friends. As we couldn't trust our feelings for each other

But if we only love after marriage, we all know where we stand. I'm with one of them only for life and that's it. The other girl could never be anything more than a friend. Else I would break vows made to God, society and my wife, for which there would be more than one kind of hell to pay

So what's polygamy all about anyway? Lions do it. They have a lot of wives. But lions are animals. They know no better

They call me the lion of Judah, as that is a nickname for the king of Jews. Yet Judah himself had just one wife. Plus three kids. In Genesis 38. Yet he was unfaithful to his wife, so God punished him for that

That's why I won't be unfaithful to mine. Gotta learn from the mistakes of the past. That's part of what Bible stories are for

Judah's dad Jacob had four wives. That didn't work out well either. As the twelve tribes of his twelve sons all ended up fighting each other. This is why the Jews prefer monogamy today. As king of the Jews, monogamy is the most obvious choice for me

As the Bible is our main religious text, we should always look to that for answers. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. One man. One woman. In Eden. So that's the ideal model of marriage we should look at. The way God intended

Even their sons fought though. But that was not God's intention. It's because their sons were not born or raised in Eden. As their parents got kicked out and cursed for eating the fruit of evil. I guess they didn't have good parenting guidebooks to read either. So hopefully we'll do a better job of teaching our kids to live at peace with each other. As these are more enlightened times. More heavenly than times of old. Closer to heaven on earth. Which is what the world will be like in the future

The speaker today Dallas Jenkins is the maker of the Chosen series, and wears a 5 & 2 teeshirt. I mentioned my matches being chosen in last night's vid, and wrote about the 2 of them in the description. So it's a sign what I said was inspired. My matches are chosen. But what are they chosen for? A two way or three way marriage?

First let's work out what his teeshirt means. 5 & 2 refers to the 5 loaves and 2 fish Jesus used to feed 5000 people. But Jesus was celibate, and lust is a sin. So straight away we can see it don't relate to that

In Christianity the fish is a symbol of following Jesus. Of swimming the opposite way to everyone else. Of being caught in heaven's net, dying to this world and being transformed into an angel in heaven

So the two fish in this case mean one happy married couple who walk the holy way. So what's the 5 loaves? The community. As a married couple is part of the community. They gotta set good examples to everyone. Me and mine even more as we will teach and guide many with the work we do. So the five loaves is a sign of ministry. We have to minister to the five. Lead them the right way on the life path. The way that leads to heaven

Dallas himself is happily married. So he and his wife are a pair of fish that set good examples to all the unmarried people out there. Including us. His vid length hints that the message is for the 5. And the 2 means two way forgiveness. We gotta forgive other people, then God will forgive us and let us go to heaven

What made me think of polygamy then? Lots of things. First of all my two love matches added each other. So I was thinking could this work? As I was thinking that, two gentle windgusts blew late at night. Can't remember exactly when. I was tired. But there was a 2 in the number, and I knew it was telling me just to consider polygamy

Next day I remembered the mahdi sign. Jews call me moshi. Muslims call me mahdi. Muhammad had eleven wives, and in Islam it is permitted to have more than one. That's all I knew. So based on that I thought maybe

Then God made me get confused by thinking Elly and Stella unfollowed each other. So I put my bio for Elly only. When I realised the next night, I thought I had been harsh on Stella. So that along with everything else inspired me suddenly late last night to mention polygamy. I was basically saying hey, both you gals is welcome. While it's true I like both gals, now I've slept on it and thought about it, I can see it would be unadvisable to have two wives, for many reasons

I looked up polygamy in Islam and it's usually only rich folks. Even in Arabia where Mecca is. Understandable as a rich guy can afford to keep two families. Marriage was originally a business deal. So a rich guy naturally gets more wives. Yet we wanna do away with the rich and poor class divide, don't we. So again it seems one wife is the ideal

God set all this up on purpose. He sent me signs to make me consider polygamy, mention it late last night and confuse everyone. So that I'd have to write this post about it today. Sorry for confusing you all. Especially my two matches. Today's verse is about forgiveness. So I must ask your forgiveness today. God loves it when we forgive. So has given you this chance to follow his instruction today. You can earn spirit dollars from this. As it is doing what God has asked

"If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you." (Matthew 6:14)

I now realise monogamy is the righteous way. It's all in today's numbers, look. 6 (that's me) 1 (only me, not two hubbies) 4 (for) 5 (the people, that's all of you, sharing this blog with all of you) & 2 (I'm for you and also for monogamy which makes a happy couple between just two people)

It also means monogamy should be the standard for the five. The ideal is everyone should couple up if they're gonna love at all. It's the virtuous way. Yet 5 is an odd number. It shows there will always be some who choose celibacy instead, monks and nuns. Or who disobey and choose lust. But the general rule for the 5 is to couple up, like the two cooked fish Jesus used to feed the community

Each married couple can feed the spirit of the community by contributing healthy relationships and good works. The two cooked fish means be in a thoroughly cooked relationship with one other person. Thoroughly cooked means committed to a lifelong working partnership, most likely raising children as well. Rather than in a half baked relationship, no bun in the oven, no orphan adoptions or no work commitments

My comment last night goes against everything I been preaching, don't it. One heart, one love. True love or no love. So I guess it confused you. I'm sorry. But don't worry. It confused me as well

Plus I just found out it's illegal in our countries. So definitely need some forgiveness today. We could have an open relationship legally. But that would still be lust and disloyalty. So sinful. God would not approve, as he only likes virtuous stuff. So monogamy it is

It is the most obvious way really isn't it. We only have one body don't we. That's a pretty clear sign we should only have one partner. If pregnancy is involved, a loyal partnership is what's best for the kids. It also sets good examples to the community. Contraception confuses the issue. It means you can make love without getting pregnant. But it's not natural is it, and going against nature is a sign it's not what God intended

So to be completely virtuous, you shouldn't even make love to your wife just for fun. It's only for making babies really. Nothing else. It could technically be used for bonding. But using a sinful pleasure of the flesh to bond isn't the wisest choice. It's like bonding by getting drunk together. There's better ways to bond than that

I don't expect everyone to never drink or make love again. But as role models of virtue, my wife and I should set good examples. We can bond just by holding hands, hugging, kissing, spending time together like we spend with no one else. It don't have to be coition

In the film clip at the end of the devo, the priest says they gotta follow the law of Moses. Then Jesus says he IS the law of Moses. It basically means prophets are allowed to make new laws and edit old ones, as they get their instructions from God in heaven. God makes laws to fit the time we live in. As times change our laws likewise need to change. With no prophet, folks stick to the laws written by the last prophet. But when a new prophet is sent, new laws can be given, and old laws updated or rephrased

That will be part of my job as a prophet as the years go by, and today I have concluded that monogamy is the virtuous ideal for all loving relationships. But the law of freewill or liberty means folks don't have to follow holy laws if they don't want. Yet they will lose spirit dollars if they don't

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...