Friday 29 December 2023

Soul Doctor

I dunno why I was shadowbanned. I think partly it's because I was reading signs. Partly because people get scared the signs are against them, so wanna shut me up. Like they don't wanna hear bad news from a doctor. They're so terrified they won't even go to the doctor. That's what's happening here. I'm a doctor of the soul, and you know something's wrong, and you're scared to face it in case it means something bad. Don't worry my poor sweet innocent ones. Your soul is immortal. So the worst thing is you have to get reborn. Anyway it's probably not as bad as you think. El is very forgiving

If you truly feel sorry for your sins and try your best to change your ways and follow El from now on and believe in him and read the holy words of his prophets and learn about him and pray and praise him every day, he will save you from rebirth. He will let you go to purgatory where you can purge your sins before going to heaven. Or if you're really good on Earth, he'll let you go straight to heaven

Before you die there's plenty of time to change your ways, so don't be afraid. Even if you don't change your ways, and then you die, death still is not the end. Those living who still remember you can still pray for you and offer up their own virtues and good deeds to save your soul. Even if that is not enough, you'll just get another life of misery like this one, and another chance to change

Folks were confused about the viking sign. At first they thought it was pro death penalty. Then they thought it was bullying. But really it was neither. I have a lot more to say yet about the sign. You'll see it's all good in the end. If you can bear to listen. That's the trouble with me. My mind always thinks ten steps ahead. So I say stuff what has a good intention ten steps down the line, but folks just hear step one, think that's it and overreact. Happens all the time. I always mean well. But folks who don't know me don't see what I mean

Funny as today's second devotional on YouVersion, by Nicky Gumbel, is unusually long. Longer than you might want to bother reading. It's a sign because I just got shadowbanned because of people not watching all the viking vids so misinterpreting the meaning. That's why I decided to deliver the viking sign in many parts. So it was easier for everyone to digest in segments rather than all at once. That and because long videos don't upload to TikTok easily

Everyone sins. Grif is no different. El just chose his regular everyday sin that everyone does as an example. He also chose to slay Stella's dragons. It's not something that should make you feel like there's no hope. It is a blessing to you from heaven. It gives you hope. The signs are meant for everyone who sees them. They're there to give all of you hope. Both the signs mean the same thing. El wants us to stop acting like animals and going to war, and instead start acting like saints and listening to the holy teachings of the church. It is something you all can do and have time to do and will be good for you, so don't worry

I don't know if it's Grif or the goss group who complained and got me shadowbanned. But whoever it is, you've got the wrong idea about prophecy. It's just like a spiritual health warning. Like saying don't smoke cigarettes. Don't drink too much alcohol or your body will get sick. Don't sin or your soul will get sick. So you should be thankful for everything I tell you. It's for your own and everyone's spiritual health

You guys really have no need to be against me at all. All I am is a messenger. You think I'm speaking my own ideas, but really I'm speaking God's ideas which he gives me using a combination of signs and inspiration. So these aren't really my words, they're God's. So by silencing me, all you will do is clog your own ears up. As you won't be able to hear what God is saying anymore. He will still punish everyone for all their sins like he's always done. You just won't know about it. Nothing will change in the cosmos if I stop speaking. All that will happen is you won't be able to hear what's going on anymore

If you were wise you would treat me like a doctor. I'm a doctor of the soul. Just like a medical doctor, I'm not here to hurt anyone. But I may have to clean dirt out of wounds, cut out unhealthy tumours, or deal with diseases and viruses. I know all about sin sicknesses and how to deal with them, just like a doctor knows all about sicknesses of the body

I never said anything bad about the Grif. All I did was read the sign heaven sent - remember that heaven sent the sign, not me - and give the Grif advice on what to do to please heaven

There's nothing bad at all about anything I've said or done. Except that sin itself is bad. But if a doctor cuts out a tumour, you don't blame him for the tumour being there, do you? So you shouldn't blame me for the sin or the viking sign. Neither come from me. The sin comes from the Grif and the sign comes from heaven. I'm just the middleman, the messenger. It's no use shooting the messenger, because the message and the sender of the message remain unchanged. In the same way, shooting a doctor won't get rid of a disease

Dealing with sin is a tricky and rather mucky business. It's also uncomfortable. Like going for a doctor exam. You may feel exposed, vulnerable, uncomfortable. It may even be painful. But you must remember, the doctor knows what he's doing, so you trust him

You all know to trust doctors, so you let them do what they gotta do. But you don't know or trust prophets. You think they're madmen, but they're not. They're doctors of the soul

What happens is you see me talking about sin and panic. Like you would panic if you didn't know what a doctor was and he pulled out needles, scalpels, facemasks and diagrams of surgeries. You know that's all good stuff, even though it's disgusting and horrible. It's exactly like me when I talk about signs and sins. You guys are panicking. Trying to hush me up. Gang against me. Get me shadowbanned. Warn everyone about me. None of you know I'm just a doctor of the soul and I'm here for your own good. Yes, even you members of the gossip group who get freaked out by the stuff I say. You're just like people who don't wanna go to the dentist or the doctor because it's uncomfy

As I have to deal with sin, I often say things people don't like or don't wanna hear. Sometimes if something I say is too horrifying, I later reword it to make it easier to hear. Or simpler to understand because I've been vague. Or if it's confusing because I'm just hypothesising rather than speaking actual facts, I may later edit it to clarify what I was trying to say. So it's always good to reread what I say later, as I may change bits that sound too horrible or confusing. It sounds horrible, like what a doctor says sounds horrible. But don't be horrified, as it's good for you really. The ones who make the biggest noise about it are really the ones most afraid of going to the doctor. But don't worry. I'm here to help

Even the sinners who dream and wish for war, murder and genocide. I'm here also to cure you, not to damn or punish you. So if you have had those wishes like sicknesses in your soul, don't be afraid. I'm here to make you better

But just like a cigarette box warns of lung cancer, so I warn that all sin is bad for your spiritual, mental and social health. It don't mean I'm against you or hate you or seek revenge. Far from it. As those things are sins as well

The verse of the day says "The Lord gives strength to those who are weary." (Isaiah 40:29)

I am weary. Weary of trying to cure people who get angry at me for doing my job. They're like frightened wild animals biting the vet there to rescue them from the oil and wire they're entangled in, which is what sin is like

I grow weary of keeping on writing this blog when no one adds likes. Same with the holy book on Wattpad. Even my vids don't get many likes or views. I have to take a day off from Wattpad today because of this shadowban. It's all very tiring

If I was doing it all just for me, I woulda given up ages ago. If it was my idea, I never woulda gone back on social media at all. I'd still be a quiet monk. Yet here I am, not because of my idea, my will or my strength, but El's. He gives strength to those who grow weary doing his will

Every good deed and job in the world is tiring. It makes you weary. Including parenthood. Some folks give up, but good parents keep at it

The ref (Isaiah 40:29) means pregnancy is a big deal and painful but also the biggest blessing for parents. So it's worth a bit of pain for something so big

Don't mistake it for the pleasures of sin. God don't like sin. He don't promote it. He frowns on it. Sins are temptations that lead you away from God, heaven and destiny

Stella said she has nerves so should use them. But don't listen to Stella. She wouldn't make a good soul doctor with advice like that. Just because you can and enjoy it, don't mean you should. People enjoy drugs and murder as well. But we all know they're not good

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...