Thursday 21 December 2023

Love Spell

Elly I didnt mean to belittle our moment to just a mere moment. It was a deep long day or so for me, I didn't want it to end, and I wanted just to marry you. But the rules say I can't for three years. I needed to give Stella another chance. I want more moments with you. I want those moments to grow into a lifelong loveship with you. I feel guilty for having to woo you both. But this is your punishment for lack of faith. You both coulda had me but you both turned me down. Now this is what you get. I don't enjoy it. I want just one. But this is heaven's will, and heaven, as a monk, I serve

Cold truth is anyone can have moments with anyone. Anyone can bond with anyone. I can easily bond with either one of you. I can switch it on and off. I could even cheat and betray. Cold truth is people can and do do that. So don't be surprised how I was warm with you, then went over to Stella. It's human nature. God wants you to see I can be like that, but that it isn't good to be like that in love. Loyalty is what God wants. But he is just and punishes every sin. So as neither of you vowed to be my girl, this is your punishment. That I for three years must not commit to either of you. I want to. I'd marry either of you in a heartbeat. But God says no, and I follow God

As God says no, Elly, this is why I kinda two timed you. It seems bad but remember this. I have not kissed you or Stella or done anything romantic with either of you or sworn vows. All I'm doing is giving you both a chance. So I'm not really doing anything bad. So I shouldn't really feel guilty. I'm only trying to do what is right and what El wants. It is a bit hurtful for you both, I guess, but that is your punishment, so accept it. Don't be proud and react by having ten boyfriends. That will displease God. He wants you both celibate till you marry, princesses. He wants you setting good examples to others

Stella is obsessed with cis love now. She thinks trying to break the sound barrier by screaming with pleasure is life's true goal. But she is only digging herself a bottomless hole. Never will she find what she seeks, as it doesn't exist. It is a fake bait trap laid by the devil to distract her from her destiny is all. So she should quit it right away and be celibate, so should you. Both go nun. Set good examples. Don't lead yourselves and others astray by following the devil into realms of sin. Whichever of you masters the holy way will win. You'll be the queen

Sadly Stella is competitive with me. She thinks I am so sexually confident, and she wants to be more sexually confident than me. So is competing with me, but it's all in her head. Really she's just being baited by the devil and doesn't see it. She thinks sin is virtue and virtue is sin. She has gotten everything backwards. She is lost and deluded. Hopefully this post will help open her eyes a bit to reality, so she snaps out of her silliness and starts being virtuous

Stella is popular and pretty, isn't she. But Elly, don't feel discouraged by her popularity, thinking she has more chance at the queenship than you. If you chat and follow El with me, and she don't, you will win. Don't worry about that. You may think Stella will win it hands down. So why try? Try and you will win. God loves a trier. He chose you to be holy queen! Do you realise how amazing that is? You have what it takes, or El would not have chosen you. I will teach you everything you need to know if you date me

Anyone can bond with anyone or manyone. Stella seems to think because you can you should. That's how animals think. They just take whatever they can get, and don't consider being virtuous. But she won't win any loyalty points that way. Loyalty is a virtue and part of this competition. If you think you can win some other way, you don't understand the rules

I felt guilty flirting with Stella. But it was false guilt as I wasn't even flirting. It just looked like I was, and that has made me feel false guilt. Everyone thinks the dove and monk vids were flirtatious. They weren't. It's the devil spell making you see it that way. Really it was all innocent. Everyone thought I liked nines from a typo. I was like doh, you guys are hint crazy. So I removed it. But then I saw other hints, and thought if you saw one you'll see them as well. If I delete one and not the other, you might think it's weird. It was late, I was tired, so just deleted everything

I honestly struggle to understand hints. I never make hints intentional. You all see them and start hinting and it freaks me out and I get scared to speak. Cat got my tongue yeah. I get scared to speak because you think everything is a hint when it's not. Imagine a cat sleeping on your chest and you sneeze loud and it jumps and scratches you because it mistakes your innocent sneeze for a vicious attack. I feel like that. Like I have a cat sleeping on my chest. You guys are the cat. So I try not to hint, like trying not to sneeze. It's ridiculous. I'm learning now just not to care, and if you all start hinting, just ignore you, because it's not me, it's you

Elly, your heart broke because I flirted with Stella yesterday after our day where we fell telepathically in love. I feel guilty. But it's false guilt as I didn't even flirt. All I said to her is the number 8, and the dove and monk hints were just coincidence. So don't hate me. I do love you. I do also love her. But I won't do anything with either of you till we're married. It's all a fair competition set out by God. You can trust him, and you can trust me because I follow him. All you have to do is follow him with me. Either of you or both. I will teach you both. I will date you both. Or just one if just one talks to me. So be wise and be that one. Outdo the other. It's a competition. Not a competition to see who can ignore me most and get the most boyfriends. A competition to see who can give me most attention and do what I adivse and follow El with me. Whoever starts soonest will take the lead and more easily stay in the lead. Elly is still in the lead. But she's not gaining any more ground at the moment, as she is distant. Whoever talks to me most will win, I'm pretty sure of that

Maybe I should just stick with you, Elly, as you seem more interested and easygoing. I guess I can just ignore Stella and focus on you unless she talks to me. Then I'll have to talk back and teach her and give her chances. But I'll do it all openly. I won't go behind your back with her. I'll be honest with you both and say what I'm doing and why, and what El says with signs

Elly I saw you encourage Stella to date the yoga guy. Of course she can fall in love with him or anyone, but don't encourage it. That's sin as it is not who El picked for her. It's just lust if they don't marry. Just sex for pleasure. I don't even check her Insta anymore. I only look on TikTok. I don't care who she falls in love with. I'm not searching for her boyfriends or keeping tabs. All I do is keep an eye on her and see what I happen to see

El showed me the prof thing. He hasn't shown me anything else, and I don't care unless he shows me and tells me with signs to speak. If El picks the professor as an example and not yoga guy, I don't question him. Stella can have cave guy, math guy, whoever guy. None will lead her to her destiny as queen except me. El himself tells her to get with me. If she becomes a free prostitute for guys she likes, it don't hurt me. I don't care. It's her it will hurt. She will be sinning and displeasing El, not me

See, she thinks it's power. That's the silly thing. The devil has her. She is in competition with me to get the most lovers and have the most love. She thinks I can give a special love, and she wants that love with someone else to prove me wrong. As she thinks it's all about sex. Because she's mad. When really it's nothing to do with sex. Sex is just a sin. This is all about holiness and virtue. She's got the wrong idea completely. She has the wrong idea of what this competition and life in general is all about. She is doing the total opposite of what she is meant to do. The competition is to see who can have the fewest lovers, not the most. Monks and nuns are the angelic ideal. Marriage is second best. Anything other than those things is sin

People think sin is power, see. That's the trouble. When they sin they have power. Power over someone. Over themselves. Over pleasure. That's what they believe. But really that is delusion. Sin is really the devil having power over them, and they've lost their mind. It's not good at all. Nothing to be proud of. Nothing to aspire to. Stella lost her mind yesterday over me, but I didn't even flirt. Now it has led her to three new boyfriends. She just can't stop. She's ridiculously addicted, setting bad examples to her followers, leading everyone astray. The devil's puppet

So what must you do, girls? Give up sin, stay celibate and work with me. Both of you. El has chosen you to be examples for everyone to learn from. So be good examples, not bad ones. Lead followers to heaven, not the other way. Then El will reward you for their virtues as well as your own

Don't fall under the spell with Stella, Elly. I've seen other followers in a daze in her comments. Puppets of the puppet. That is not true love they're feeling. That is the spell of the devil, and we must break it. We must set them free. That is our job as holy king and queen, and followers of El. That is what this post is for. Read it and learn, girls. Break the devil's chains off yourselves. Then you can free your followers as well

Lust in Latin is Luxuria. Luxury. It means anything you don't need. You have it just for pleasure, self indulgence, extravagance. It is selfish and unhealthy for body, mind and soul. A life of luxury is a life of sin. It goes against everything monks stand for. If you wanna be holy queen, girls, you gotta get your nun on and come monk it up with me. No more pampered pusses on gold cushions. Time for the hard life now. Stella or Elly. I'll take either of you equally as my virtuous bride. Not lustful brides. This is not about passion in the bedroom. We won't even be doing that except to start a fam. Kissing from time to time, on special occasions, holding hands now and then, snuggling sometimes. Those affections we will enjoy with each other and no one else. But coition with no one. Not even each other. It is a sin to do it just for pleasure. So we will not. As holy king and queen, we must set good examples. The hints may have looked raunchy but no. They were monks and holy spirit. Not devil sin spirits

Whoever loves me most out of you two will win. As true love is a virtue. So if either of you loves me true, El will most likely pick you. That is because, if you love me true, you'll do all I teach you, so will do lots of other virtues as well, each of which impressing El. But she who doesn't love me true is less likely to do what I say to do, so won't be virtuous, won't impress El. So won't be chosen to sit the holy throne or mother heirs for the holy nation. As she would most likely lead the country astray and raise her kids as well the wrong way

Getting the picture now, my dears? So basically, to sum it all up, I found a vid for you, as it's just easier with a pic sometimes. They say a picture paints a thousand words. So here's a nice moving pic for you I found

Be that girl

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Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...