Friday 29 December 2023

Not What It Looks Like

It looks like I bullied the Grif. But that's not me. I'm not a bully. I didn't bully. I don't enjoy bullying. I'm kind. It SEEMED like bullying. But things often aren't as they seem

Why did it seem like bullying? Well. Main reason is. I filmed the whole sign description in one day. But as long vids won't upload, I broke it into bits. At first I thought I could post it all in December. Now there's at least another month's worth of vids about it

If I had just said it all in one go, like I usually do, you wouldn't think it's bullying, as you'd see the conclusion and realise what I meant. But because it was in segments, it kept you all wondering, and you filled in the blanks yourselves and got the wrong idea

I don't even know if that's why I'm shadowbanned, as no one has said. Maybe it's some other reason or a system glitch. But as this is the reason I can think of, El is inspiring me to write about it today to teach you all this stuff

It wasn't my plan to post the sign vids in a series. It was essential as the long vid wouldn't upload. So I guessed El wanted it in segments, and I realised it was probably easier to understand that way. However it also made your minds wander too much and it seems to have resulted in all this panic, confusion and shadowban. Sigh

I can imagine gossipers saying look he threatens violent things. But I'm not. The sign looks violent. It depicts a violent scene from a sci fi work of fiction. That's not my doing. Heaven sent that, not me, and many times I said the sign does not say to do anything violent. So if that's what people are saying, they've got it wrong

Stella's dragon vid was also violent. But likewise I said it didn't mean to do violence to anyone. It's just a sign from heaven telling her and the grif to stop sinning and start listening to the signs from heaven

Heaven is not pleased with their sins. It does not condone their sins. It does not approve of their behaviour. Heaven punishes all sins, but forgives those who change their ways. That's all I'm telling you. I know it's not nice to hear. But would a doctor not bother telling you about your test results just because it's not nice to hear?

I'm just a soul doctor trying to cure sin from people's souls under the guidance of heaven. So as you can see, my intentions have been good throughout, and folks have just misunderstood because things aren't often what they seem

This also goes to show that other things people say about me aren't what they seem either. So you see, this is all part of El's plan to teach the world about prophets, sin, virtue and everything

So let's give thanks to El for teaching us these lessons today, and all try to be less sinful from now on, shall we? Then we can all go to heaven together. Grif and Stella included. That's what I'm here for. To lead you all to heaven

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...