Thursday 14 December 2023


My friend this morning said to me he feels bad some guys are four inchers. Like they're not as much man as everyone else

I said dude don't believe that. It's a lie told to you by the devil

Everyone is thinking wrong about love

The devil has everyone hypnotised by a cloud of lust

Everyone falsely believing sex is for pleasure

Falsely believing for pleasure is natural and normal. It's not. It is a sin

Love is for bonding with your one true love and creating babies. Nothing else

Sex for pleasure causes misery, anxiety, rivalry in society

It's not healthy for you or the community

Even self love. Pleasure with the hand, a device pics or movies

It's not healthy for you. Preoccupies. Wastes your time. Makes you anxious. Disrespectful. Addicted to pleasure. Like a drug addict. A love junkie

You might say it's natural. Animals do it

If animals mindlessly do any sex for pleasure - necrophilia in crows, homo love in giraffes, masturbating monkeys, polygamy in lions - it is not something humans should be looking upto

Is that what you want to be like? An animal? Or a civilised human being? Even better a graduate of angel college on your way to heaven?

Humans are the rulers, stewards and gardeners of the world. We are civilized. Above the animals. So should not act like animals. If we do a good job on earth, we get to go to heaven after

Contraception is the great confuser. Since pills and condoms came out, it has spread false beliefs to everyone about sex. They think it's natural and normal to have sex just for pleasure, with no pregnancy involved. It has turned the world into sex addicts. Everyone with a dirty mind. Obsessed with sex. It's insane

Pretty folks and guys with size are more sexually attractive. So can easy get more partners. Other folks satisfy the same urges with pics and films. Either way the sin is the same. It is lust. Unhealthy

Folks are fooled into thinking watching blue movies or having multiple lovers is healthy and normal. They do not realise they are sinning every day and failing to serve the kingdom of heaven

Guys are obsessed with size, but size don't matter. It's the excitement of being with a new person. Gotta keep that excitement alive by doing new stuff with each other. It don't need to be sexual. Most excitement you feel is just spending time with them, the chemistry. Romance. The actual coition can sometimes be an anticlimax, it can kill that romance you have

When a pretty person has that anticlimax, they may blame their partner, so look for someone they believe will be better. But it never really is better. Not that much. It's the same old thing, just with someone different

Even the best most amazing love is not that much different to the worst rubbish love. Real love is romantic. That's what people really want. The actual deed can be achieved with devices or your own hand. That's not real love, is it. It's fake love

Dating is just combining that urge you can do with your own hand with a romantic courtship ritual. When you do it with someone, the joyful novelty wears off. So folks today think they may as well just look for someone else. It creates a culture of disloyalty and sin. A bad unhealthy culture that doesn't follow the holy way of heaven

But we can bring loyalty back by keeping romance alive with one couple. Couples make love every day and get bored with each other

At most it should be once a week with your partner. Once a month is better. Once a season even better. Once a year the best. Or just to get a girl pregnant ideal

So try lowering your lovemaking frequency to improve romance and loyalty between you and your partner. Doing it too often makes you get bored and look elsewhere

As a guy you gotta keep fit and try to make sure you pleasure her before yourself. Else she won't be satisfied

As a leader I gotta show folks what's right. That's why I'll stay celibate till married. Even when married we won't make love more than once a week. Likely less. Unless my wife is ravenous

I will show her the joy of a celibate life so she don't feel so ravenous. She will see you can be happier without it, if she don't already know

Instead of lust we will play games, watch films read books work on projects, go out together do fun stuff and wear wedding rings, so everyone knows we're a family, and our purpose is to live together, look after each other, raise kids and we're not available to do that with anyone else

Everyone thinks marriage is for sexual pleasure. So they think if they're not getting sexual pleasure, they married the wrong person, or could do better, or may as well forget marriage and just sleep around

Those are all wrong and sinful thoughts. Marriage is all about having a partner to love and care for, who will likewise love and care for you, who you will raise kids with in a happy healthy loving home. It is nothing to do with sexual pleasure

The ideal way is not to love for pleasure at all. I'm celibate and happy. So when my wife joins me, we could just be celibate together. Till conception day. Then itta just be for pregnancy

Temple Guild members and leaders should follow this monogamous method. It is the most virtuous way. My wife and I won't deserve leadership if we don't set good examples. For general folk it is more optional. But still advised

Angels don't have genitals like animals. They don't make love. They sometimes take physical forms. Yet sex is forbidden for them

Sex for pleasure is forbidden by heaven, a sin. Something an angel can lose its wings for. So if we wanna be angels in heaven, we won't get there by making love to our wives for pleasure, using pills or condoms for contraception

So I don't wanna hear more fuss about girth or length. 5 inch girth. 9 inch length. Wow. No. That's just lust. It don't matter. Stuff got smaller in nature because a big one isn't necessary to do the job. In fact the guy with the smallest thing is most evolved. How's that?

The guy with the smallest thing is most angelic, as angels don't have genitals. Also the gal who has least romantic pleasure is most angelic

It don't matter if you got a thick 9 or a slender 4. Using it for pleasure is a sin. Like a guy with big muscles vs a skinny little guy. We know it's a sin for the muscle guy to bully or take by force. So why should a pretty guy take another guy's gal with sexual magnetism? Only to dump her later for another

He can do it as it's not illegal. But bring marriage back and it could even be made illegal by law. Adultery. If not by law, it is still a sin to God, and he will punish the spirits of those who commit it

The faithful won't cheat anyway. For the rest human laws could suffice. Else folk may not realise there's anything wrong with sleeping around

Today folks think just because it's consensual it's not a sin. But you can consent to getting drunk, smoking cigarettes taking drugs overeating, being greedy and spiteful as well. All legal yet all sins

You do all those things, you won't be a nice person, and God won't want you in heaven, even though human law says it's alright. Getting to heaven is the real goal. Heaven on earth and heaven in the afterlife

So I propose a new competition. The guy and gal to feel the LEAST sexual stimulation is the winner. They're the purest. The most angelic. Most pleasing to heaven

If like me you already made love out of wedlock or with more than one or with yourself, you will know it's rubbish and has not satisfied you, has not made you happy. You still want more because it never satisfies, and even when you have it, it don't make you truly happy, does it

So all of us gotta give it up now, alright? No more of it. It is vile dirty disgusting sin. It makes God feel sick and mad at us. He will never let us go to heaven in that filthy state. We will get reborn as humans or animals. We're not fit or worthy for heaven while lust lives within us

So let's do away with lust today, and let's help each other stay lustfree as a community. These are our rules. The rules we live by. No sex for pleasure. Then never will we worry about size or jealousy, outdoing our friends or cheating ever again

Nor ever will we waste our precious time on earth worrying about and chasing after fruitless sexual pleasure instead of serving God and his kingdom with virtuous deeds

God will be so pleased with us then, he'll let us all go to heaven. This is the holy way I propose to you. It's how I live, and how I want my followers to live too. All 1458 of you

If women and men now have equal rights, and muscle men and skinny men have equal rights as well, so too should 9 inchers and 4 inchers. The right to one wife only. One girlfriend only. No love before marriage. The best way to achieve that is outlaw contraception, polyamory and pornagraphy. It is despicable stuff. Stuff of the devil. It causes social sickness

Now hold on a minute. If I try to impose this on people as a strict law, folks may not like it. So instead I'll say y'all just go do what you want. But I will set an example by abiding by these rules myself, and the Temple Guild will promote them. In the multiversity no governors can just make up and impose laws on anyone. All must be voted for by everyone, so don't worry

Maybe one day the whole world will see sense and vote loyalty in as a law. But for now you are free. Just know your life don't have to be the anxious sex fest it is right now. There is a better, higher peaceful way of celibacy, and it is the way me and my queen will be living every day. Follow us if you want to walk the holy way to heaven

If we make solemn vows to the Lord, we should make every effort to resist temptation and seduction. If there is a person who seduces, who treats the sin of lust like a virtue, like it is fine or not a sin, and we cannot resist their allure, we should not talk to them anymore

We should be honest with our spouse and the community and the Lord in prayer. Say we feel tempted so want to call the friendship off, and recommend others avoid that person if they are promiscuous

But if even two people who are ex lovers both truly believe in God and swear the vows, they can most likely be trusted to stay loyal to their new spouses, even in each other's presence

If we all believe in and follow the Lord and swear vows, we will all support each other to stay celibate, and also not to sin in any way. This will be a religious community. It's what I want from me and my followers, as we are Temple Guild members. For the rest of society, it may not be so essential to be like that. But certainly it will be required of my wife and closest followers

So if either of my lovely ladies want this destiny with me, that's what it's gonna be. Celibacy. This is a serious job as religious leaders of the holy nation. We have to be models of virtue. We can't be using love for pleasure or trying to outcompete other couples or each other in that manner

All lust is the cloud spell of sin cast over us and the world by the devil. We must break it and lead all our followers likewise through it. That is part of our task as holy king and queen. We must fight the devil and break the spells he has cast over this poor, cursed world. We will set everyone's spirits free and lead them to heaven, if they choose to follow. This is our calling

First thing this morn, my friend got me thinking of and writing all this down, inspired by the spirit of the Lord. Then I checked the verse of the day, to see if it mentioned love or size or loyalty, and what did it say?

"If you love me, you will do what I have said, and my Father will love you. I will also love you and show you what I am like." (John 14:21)

See? It's all in today's verse. It shows the spirit inspired all of this. So is what heaven wants you to hear today

Do we love Jesus? Yeah, like an awesome big brother. Someone to look up to. You try to be like those you look up to. So we will naturally do what he says, and he says be loyal in love

If we do all he says including being loyal, the verse of today says he and God will love us. That means they'll be pleased with us, bless us and let us go to heaven

Jesus said "If you love me, you will do what I have said, and my Father will love you. I will also love you and show you what I am like." (John 14:21)

What Jesus is like is loyal, and he don't care about size. He himself was celibate, but said if you marry, you should be loyal

Look at the ref. It's all connected. 14:21 is the very comfortable holy way. It means loyalty between any man and any woman. A husband should not be picked based on height, size or muscle mass

He should be picked based on how he behaves, if he keeps himself clean, goes to work every day, has a good personality good behaviour, is virtuous loyal dependable, kind

Any man out there. Make yourself like that, and you will be a good husband and father. The size of you or your wife don't matter at all

Hosanna Wong author of You're More Than You've Been Told wholeheartedly agrees, I'm sure. God sent her today to match this blogpost for you. Or is it that he inspired this post to match her speech? It's both really. Even the vid length says one happy couple for pregnancy. It's the holy way. All masterfully orchestrated by the Lord divine for this specific day

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Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...