Wednesday 13 December 2023

The Promised Land

Some folks said my light was too bright. Fair enough. In some ways they're right. Even Elly said it once. Too much light makes a desert

Sometimes it's just the morning light. Like flipping a switch in the dark and you squint. Then you get used to it. Light is a good thing. But not too much

I was in my sunny element. Forgot about the clouds. Neither of my loves is speaking. Both are silent. I forgot them mostly. Just saw the light and wrote the light and thought of nothing else

Wasn't thinking of hints. Never naturally do. I'm frank you see. If you saw any hints, it was just bad luck

Goes to show how unlucky I am. I was born with God's blessing but also bad luck. God made it like this so I'd write all this stuff

I always put my foot in it. Say the wrong thing. But never mean anything by it. It's just bad luck

I always mean well. I'm all for good times. Making folk feel good. Entertaining. Wowing. Relaxing. Amusing. All good feelings. It's my natural way

It's Wed 13 today. Shows I never realise my bad luck till after. Also means the lucky girl to marry me will marry my bad luck as well

But she'll also get my heavenly blessings. So there's good and bad in everything, you know. Maybe she'll even be my good luck charm. They do say bad luck runs out, don't they. So who wants to be my lucky lady then?

Both of them are cloudy. I like clouds and so does El. He picked them both. I like them both. He's not dark or light like us. He's the perfect balance of both

If it was up to me, I'd pick a sunny gal. Seems logical. But El picked me two ice queens, and he's a god. So let's forget logic

Well, he didn't just pick them for me. He picked them to be queens of a holy land, and mothers of heirs

So clearly he don't like sunny people more. He likes all sorts. His world is diverse. I like cloudy people. Respect them. Just the way God made them. They have good and bad points, like sunny folk have

For El to give me a shadowy wife, I feel honoured. Shadowy as they are, I love them both. I think they're both amazing. Ain't that strange? I should only like blondes. I do like blondes. But I also like them. So attraction is weird

I feel attracted to both, and God picked them both. So I trust his taste. I don't feel repulsed by either. Though they have their bad points as well, I'm sure. I can put up with it. Just like they gotta put up with me. Thatta be fun

I'm looking forward to getting to know their shadows. Building a life that includes sun and shadow. Seeing what personalities our kids have. Giving them a life that suits them. Just like God gives us all lives to suit our tastes

I won't be selfish and expect the kid to like what I like. That's what friends are for. They will make their own friends. I just gotta teach them to be royal and virtuous for all cultures, not selfishly dark or light

Verse 5 today says: "The ocean is the Lord's because he made it, and with his own hands he formed the dry land."

In other words he made everything, including sun and clouds, shady and sunny people, and loves us all. The fact he showed this verse today shows he knew we'd have a sun and cloud question today

Verses 8 to 11 give us an interesting warning: "Don't be stubborn and rebel as your ancestors did. For forty years they questioned God, even though they saw the miracles he did. Then God got tired of them and said, “You never show good sense, and you don't understand what I want you to do.” In his anger, God told them, “You will never enter the promised land.”

Stella has been doubting for a year. Elly for a month. Everyone else out there, probably doubting as well. You're like the Israelites. You can't go to heaven by hanging back and doubting. God wants you to step forth into the light with faith and follow him. Follow me, support me and worship him, ignoring doubts and doubters

Then I will lead you to the land of promise. The New Earth. A whole world of promise this time. Utopia for all. When you follow others will follow you. So you will lead others, and we'll all walk together. To heaven on earth, and heaven after death

Elly said she wonders why giving Stella a burn also burns me. The reason is if either is my wife, it affects me. If Elly is my wife, I don't want her to say unkind stuff. It will reflect on us both. Make us both look unkind

If Stella is my wife, I don't want Elly to say bad stuff about her. It will reflect on me as well

I wasn't calling you antichrist, Elly. I spoke of it just because the chapter did. I also called God El, so it wasn't against you or her

Anyone can follow christ or antichrist. If you say some antichrist stuff, it don't mean you're damned. Just means you haven't seen the light yet. Just gotta start saying nicer stuff is all

I won't say anything against you, Elly. You're chosen by El. He even gave you his name. I'll honour that for life, if we marry or not. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better in the next three years, so get chatting to me, alright?

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...