Friday 1 December 2023

Princess Wars

Everyone, I need your forgiveness

I have a constant ADHD itch. Please forgive my erratic behaviour

I have a range of repetitive autistic stims. Please forgive my annoying habits

I have an impulsive urge to say words over and over on repeat called echolalia. Please forgive the silly things I say

I have a natural mirroring instinct to imitate people and movies. Please forgive any silly gestures I make. Silly things I have said and done week after week since I was a kid. All my life I've had these conditions

I have a lack of social mind reading skills, and am surprisingly naïve to things folks may find obvious. Described sometimes as mind blindness or social cue blindness. So please forgive me for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or not saying the right thing at the right time

Elly & Stella. Please forgive me for every silly thing I've ever said. Including saying you can both be my wives last night

Either of you can marry me. Which one will it be? Decide for yourselves. I have asked you both to marry me. Both offers stay on the table. God has picked you both. That's everything to me. So I'll accept whoever takes the offer and swears vows to me first

Please forgive me also for every silly or annoying thing I may say as we live together in love. I will be the best hubby I can for you. Give you everything your heart desires. Make you the happiest girl in the world. Love you with all I am. Share everything I have with you, whichever one of you it is

You're both great girls. I look forward to playing vid games with Elly, making music with Stella, and watching Star Trek with you both. Either of you can make me happy. The signs say you're both a perfect match

You're both so different. It would be a very different loveship with one than the other. You both intrigue me. I have feelings for you both. Yet I can only marry, fall in love and raise a fam with one. So says the sacred law

So please forgive me for everything silly I've ever done. We all make mistakes don't we. I'm no different. Just know I'm sorry. Please forgive me also for everything wrong I'll ever do. Know I'll try my best to do no wrong and make amends if I do

"If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you." (Matthew 6:14)

So please forgive me now and forever. For every silly thing I've done and will ever do. Then we can move on from our old lives to something new with each other. I'm looking forward to it. To either one of you amazing ladies, I will give my all

Just add and chat to me and we'll bond every day. The competition ain't over till one of you swears vows to me. So feel free both to add me. We can even have group chats. Go on dates without love. Just to meet each other. Maybe God will give us an engagement day deadline by which we have to decide. As for now it's nebulous

If just one adds me, it will be an easy choice. If both I'll make sure you're both honoured and respected. I won't dump either of you suddenly. I'll make sure you both know what's going on and where we stand

If I form bonds with you both, and you both wanna wed me equally, you can discuss it with each other and me. If we still can't decide, the Lord will send us a sign when the time is right. He is good. You're both his daughters and he loves you. If you both obey by adding me, he will make sure you're both looked after and happy with the result of it all. He will find the remaining girl a different hubby, or give her a new calling that will make her happy. So trust the Lord. He led all of us here and will keep leading us if we follow him

The girl who adds me first will have the longest time to bond with me, and the most chance of getting picked by God for engagement, as she will be most in his favour. The engagement sign could appear anytime. Even tomorrow. So it's best to add me soon to have the best chance. Bonding now will prevent other life events leading you away from me, the monarchy and destiny as well. So it's best to add me soon for both reasons. Either one or both of you. He will make sure you're both looked after, and I'm sure will award the throne to the one who is most virtuous from today onwards. So please him by adding me. Then keep pleasing by following him with me every day. That's what's required of the holy queen. So the holy princess must get her practice in. I look forward to hearing from either one of you or both

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...