Sunday 10 December 2023


Sometimes you go through hell for the one you love
Sometimes the one you love puts you through hell
Sometimes with their issues
Sometimes with incendiary comments

Sometimes they be cussing and cursing and lighting fires up under you
Sometimes they be dropping you in the flames
But you go through it all together
Because that is love

So be careful with your curses, Elly dear
She is the Lord's chosen
You mustn't curse the Lord's chosen
Only the Lord can curse
A human laid curse is a sin

If I'm your future hubby
You laying curses gonna light fires under me
So watch where you putting them hotplates dear
The lesson here is don't be too fiery
Don't play with fire
Don't try to burn folks
You know like that 70s show?

Don't try to burn folks
As you might burn yourself
Or burn the one you love
This is the lesson that you must learn
If you play with fire then you gonna get burn
So mind your fire Elly dear
I love your fire
Just be careful where you light it
As your hubby I gotta go through all your fires with you

See what you did to me yesterday?
How dangerous your fire is?
This is a caution from El
In future be sweeter with those words
We only say what El says
He has not forsaken Stella
So we mustn't say she's cursed completely
She has been cursed several times but isn't damned
Easy mistake to make, don't worry
So you gotta be nicer from now on
To impress El and I
Speaking nice is a virtue
Hurling unwarranted curses is a sin

Why is the prof's viking sign a curse though while my hell one is not?
There's lots of reasons
The simple one is the prof has sinned while I have followed El
Also because El rescued me today with the verse but did not rescue the prof after his curse
Other reasons can be found by looking at the context of the signs and how other signs match
I'll go into all that with the viking vids
Gotta read signs in context to get the true meanings
Just chat to me first in future
If you don't wanna say the wrong thing
This is what master El desires
Virtue from his followers
You set fire in my path
But El rescued me today by clearing the way and leading me over the river

I will be your hubby
If El chooses you
If you impress him
The choice is not mine
El chooses the queen of his holy people, not me
He chooses based on virtue
It was Stella
Then it was you
You both have his blessing
But due to lack of faith, it's a competition now
You have to prove yourselves to El now with virtues
So no more setting fires alright?
That goes for all you girls
You can all set fires under your hubbies with your words
If that hubby is me or someone else
This is the lesson of the day, from the Lord, our Leader, the god we follow, El

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...