Saturday 30 December 2023

The Gryphon

The Gryphon is after me now. He wants revenge. But El said he will save me. "How will you save me, El?" I asked. "Inspire a letter to Gryphon I will, exonerating you." So this is the letter El inspired for you from me, dear Gryphon

I always liked gryphons, and I like you, Gryph. We can be friends if you like. But you must stop dating my fiancée. I know I have two fiancées. But El says you shouldn't make love to anyone you're not married to

El has nicknamed you the Gryphon. Do you like that name? I do. El does everything for a reason. A gryphon is an animal. Animals belong in this dark universe. If you act like one in life, you'll be reborn as one after death. The holy way is for rising above your lower animal nature on angel wings. Your inner angel is virtuous and heavenly. It belongs in heaven. Pick virtue and act like an angel. Then you will go to heaven after death

I'm sorry if I seemed vengeful, Mr Gryph. I'm not a vengeful person. Never have been, never will be. But I realise now I made it seem that way. Made it seem like I was harbouring vengeance, but really it was just an act. I'm just an imitator, see? Like an actor in a film. Or presenter on a stage:

"Ladies and gentlemen. We have some exceptional excitement for you tonight! From the wild tundras of the frozen north, a vicious, queen-eating predator from whom no one is safe! The Gryphon!"

It's just showmanship. Like in WWE. I didn't mean to cause you any upset, sir. I just get carried away by the show, you know. I love to wow and entertain. I used to do it with my teachers in school. Make harmless fun of them

The sign said what it said. El knew how it would look. So I just played along with what El wanted. But I did also make sure to be clear he didn't want anyone to actually do what was in the pic. He just wanted us to have some fun with it is all, as we all worked out what it meant

Acting happens automatically with me. It's my nature. I'm an emotional sponge and mimic. I soak up whatever vibes are floating around, and put them into words for folks to give catharsis

It's part of the soul doctor treatment process to lift the shadows from everyone's spirits. Not just you, Mr. Gryph, but all the shadows in the souls of our audience as well. We're serving them all with this show

I assumed you would be wise enough to see that we were giving the audience catharsis, and be happy to play along, like two actors chosen to improvise a performance for the audience off the cuff. Forgive my mistake if you had no idea. It's natural to me, so I do it unthinkingly, with no ill intention, and just assume everyone will understand

So without a care, I may adopt an evil demeanour, say cruel sounding things in heartless tones, and don't think anyone will think it's real

Stupidly. Naïvely. Even now. After all I've learned. All my past mistakes. I still do it instinctively. Unthinkingly. Never dreaming folks will think it's really me. That I'm really evil

All I think is it will entertain and wow them like a movie. As that is all I am at heart. A storyteller. An actor. I intuitively imitate and mimic other people's ideas. It's the same thing I did in the past and folks misunderstood

I am an actor. But I dunno if it's coz I never joined the theatre or went to theatre school and learned properly. Or if it's the autism that makes me socially inept. But for some reason I always forget I'm not on stage

I often do random skits out in the street still. Misty tells me off as I'm walking along shouting, singing and waving my arms, or saying random stuff to people I see. She says they're confused or upset or looking at me funny. But I can never see it

Today we went out and she was telling me about how she saw someone dancing, and she did this little short burst dance in front of everyone. I said hey, you said not to do that in public. She said it's alright in a short burst, as people will know she's just telling me about something, but I do it for too long, or to people I'm not talking to, and it confuses them

Aha! Finally the penny is dropping. I understand now. After all these years. As I was already thinking about writing this letter to you. El made Mist do a funny dance on this day, which is rare for her, so as to teach me this lesson, and share it with you

I realised also this morning that it's the same thing I've been doing yet again with this viking situation. I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I didn't see the error of my ways until now

Maybe you don't see the error of loving out of wedlock either. It's legal. You both consent. She propositioned you first. I know all that. You're not doing anything no one else would. But that don't make it morally right either

How old are you? Have you still not learnt morals? If not, please be understanding how slow I am at learning when not to start doing random performances. People will say they can't believe I don't know not to shout and dance in public. But obviously I don't know, or I wouldn't do it, would I

Likewise you must not know love out of wedlock is morally wrong, or you wouldn't do it, would you. So we're both in need of forgiveness here. We both did something wrong, see?

Even today I was having to hold myself back from shouting stuff out excitedly and dancing walking along. But I am learning. I act odd ways completely harmlessly, thinking people will know I mean no harm. But I see now I'm the only one who knows. They're not watching a movie, and aren't at a theatre, so aren't expecting random impulse automated acting

In my mind we're just play acting on a movie set. My stupid mind. It thinks that but no one else is thinking it. So no one can understand what I'm saying or why. It makes me so sad to think of this. I'm so lonely because of it

Now I've written this, I've told you what I'm thinking and what I'm like. So can you understand me now? Accept me as one of the gang? Love me openly like you love Stella? Tell your friends good things about me? Make excuses for me? "Oh he's just like this and this because of this, but he's cool. He's sweet and kind. We know him. We know what he's like."

That's what I want from you all more than anything. Your love and trust. In return I will try my best not to confuse you with my uncalled for drama skits

You know, Mr. Gryphon, El loves doing things on special dates. It's New Year's Eve tomorrow. So let's make these things our new year's resolutions. You don't sleep around anymore, I don't play act anymore

I know it may be as tough for you as it is for me. As people are slow learners. But El wants us at least to try. So whaddya say? I think you should add me and I'll add you back, like Stella added Elly, as I like you. I just want you to stop dating one of my fiancées is all, as that is what El has asked you to do, and I am a follower of El. So please join me on the holy way, and we will walk it and teach the world together

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...