Saturday 31 August 2024


Everyone knows I was a drug addict. I was never a womaniser. I had friends who used to openly talk about womanising and I imitated their language and listened to and sang their songs. But all I ever was is a druggy and a foody

Thursday 29 August 2024

Kingdom Ranks

Hey guys don't worry. I said contraceptive sex breaks God's law. It does but don't worry. It don't mean you're especially bad. Or badder than anyone else. The Bible says EVERYONE is a sinner. So I wasn't getting at anyone in particular. I was really just talking to Stella

She is meant to be queen of the holy land. That's something really special. She will be a role model for the world. So it means she can't just sin casually like everyone else. She has to set good examples. So she can't be arranging random booty calls instead of standing by her hubby. Who just happens to be holy land king. That's all I was trying to say. So don't worry

It's like the story in Luke 18. "An important man asked Jesus, “Good Teacher, what must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus said, “Everyone's a sinner. But you know the commandments heaven sent: ‘Be faithful in marriage. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not tell lies about others. Respect your father and mother.’ ” He told Jesus, “I have obeyed all these commandments since I was a young man.” When Jesus heard this, he said, “There's still more things you can do if you want to be perfect. Like go sell everything you own! Give the money to the poor. Then come and be my follower. Then you will have even more riches in heaven.” When the man heard this, he was sad, because he had a lot of money. It gave him a good life and he didn't want to give it up. Jesus saw how sad the man was. So he said, “It's terribly hard for rich people to get into God's kingdom! In fact, it would be easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to walk through heaven's gate.” When the crowd heard this, they asked, “If it's that hard how can anyone be saved?”
Jesus replied, “There are some things people cannot do, but God can do anything. He will purify your soul and let you through the pearly gates if you have faith and follow him.” Peter said, “Remember, we left everything to be your followers!”
Jesus answered, “You can be sure that anyone who gives up their old home or job or family in order to serve God's kingdom will be given much more in this life. And in the future heaven on earth they will have eternal life.”

So what does this story mean? Basically everyone's a sinner. But anyone who has faith can go to heaven. Even so there's different jobs in the kingdom and different levels of holiness. A priest has to be holier than a layperson. A bishop holier than a priest. A monk holier than a bishop. A king or queen holier than a monk. They're the top rank in heaven's kingdom on earth. Only saints angels and gods are above them. So they have to be the holiest people on earth

That is why Stella as holy queen must come walk the way with me and become holy as can be. Why she mustn't run off to any more cons or date other guys or gals. Why she must stay and train every day with me and do only what I tell her from now on. If she can't do so she can't be holy queen. It's as simple as that really. She will lose her right to the holy throne

See now Stella? You can't live two lives. You can't live your own life and be holy queen. You gotta live one life or the other. Like Jesus said "You can't serve two masters." So no more running free. Get over here and train with me or lose your right to be holy queen. You can't be queen if you don't do the training. So no more going your own way now Stella. It's my way or the highway

Here Be Dragons

Stella alright so you want the big ol nerd or someone similar at dragon con because you think it's the ultimate pleasure and you need it to be happy in this world but you're wrong. So wrong

I know what you're thinking. You're beautiful and attractive so deserve to indulge that beauty to get lots of beautiful and attractive lovers. It's just so obvious and logical. But sadly no it's the son of lust. It is your main test in life and heaven has warned you countless times now that it will be your downfall if you fail the test. To pass the test you gotta renounce lust and take your place as queen. To fail you gotta be a queen of lust

You wanna be queen of the holy land and save the world? We gotta lotta work and training to do. You got a dragon curse and a sickness curse. Now you wanna chase the sickness nerd at a dragon con? You must be crazy. Heaven set this temptation up for you and you have to resist it. It's part of your queen training

I know what else you're thinking. Why not just this once with the cute guy? What's the harm? Truth is itta never just be once. Once is not enough. In fact every day is not enough. It is a fire unquenchable. You would have to marry him and love him every day to try to quench the fire. But you couldn't quench it ever. It'd burn you both up. Then you'd both sink on the sea of dreams in the afterworld

You think it's the ultimate pleasure that will give you supreme happiness. But it's not. The only place supreme joy can be found is in following heaven every day along the way and going there in the afterlife. So follow it with me. Anything else you seek or find in this world will fall short of the joy you'll have here with me. I promise you that. So forget it all. Leave it all behind. Take my hand and your place as first chosen and never look back

I know what you must be thinking. Why can't you just be free to have your pleasure with whoever? Contraception is really to blame. It has given folks the ability to have sexual pleasure without getting preggers. Any kind of sex that don't produce pregnancy is a sin as it is just for pleasure. It is not what El made sex for. As queen of IsraEL with EL in your name it is your duty to honour El by respecting his sexual law. If you don't you have no right to that name or title

Knowing this. Just once is a sin enough to curse you with poor health and lose your crown. You should not be going to dragon con. You should be coming here. You shouldn't be going anywhere heaven doesn't send you. I told you we have work to do. You're just ignoring heaven and your destiny. Ignore it and it will ignore you

God has sent Elly to take your place. If you go to dragon con and meet the big ol nerd you fancy. Or any other guy who happens to be there. Or you just go looking. Then Elly has the right to take your place as first chosen. This is what the spirit is inspiring me to say. So go. Go to dragon con. Elly you come here and take your rightful place as the new first chosen

Don't worry you're not musical. Heaven chose you. That's all the credentials you need. You will live with me and train to be queen and Stella will no longer be any part of it if she chooses the dragon con over queen camp. This is your chance Elly. When Stella goes to dragon con you come here and she is out. Full stop

Stella if you wanna keep your place as first chosen you cancel your ticket to dragon con and come here instead

Elly we want and need you here as well as godmother and stand in if she comes but tries to go to more unauthorised cons in future. Each time you can step into her shoes as first chosen. It's what you're here for. You have to keep the first chosen on track and help us raise the kids or take her place. It's your duty as second chosen

I do love you Elly and will honour you as first chosen from now as much as I have honoured Stella till now. It is heaven's will so don't worry. I fancy and like you as a person. You're perfect for me just as Stella is. Both are matches made in heaven confirmed with signs. Rather than random lust matches

Stella I do love and want you. I will honour you as my wife and first chosen queen. But if you go to dragon con Elly can rightfully step in to take your place

I'm offering you a home here Stella. But if you're home a phobic then go run wild I don't care. I'll give everything that was ever yours to Elly and gladly so. I don't want no unfaithful cheater for a wife anyhow. I want you if you're gonna be faithful. If not good riddance to you. Those are my personal feelings on top of heaven's decree

You're mine and I claim you as my wife for life. If you don't accept my claim you're writing yourself out of your destiny as queen and have no one to blame but yourself

You have to be faithful to El and me his prophet and the holy land throne and our royal house and family. Then he will lift all your curses and you will live a blissful life in this world and the next. Else he will lay curse after curse on you and you will descend into misery. This is the word of the Lord sent from heaven through me. Take it seriously and let it be the only thing you take this weekend or anyday for the rest of your days

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Love is the Answer

Ladies and gents. You've seen it yourselves. I asked for a sign and heaven sent one. Proving everything I said was inspired and true

I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. El does play tricks. He played a trick on me. He led me wrong. Made us lose our faith

I told you he would lead us through it though and he did

If you thought all of religion was rubbish because I got the readings wrong. You should think all religion is true because of this sign

Especially so as this sign says the word all

I asked the Lord just yesterday if ALL of it was true. I then asked eleven questions for heaven to answer. Now what does heaven say today? ALL the law. It means the law Moses wrote. But that really is the law of heaven

I'm saying the same things Moses said. Just in a new way. With new details. Leaving out some of the older details now outdated. Which were just for the ancients instead of modern folks

So when the verse says all the law it is the same as saying all eleven questions I asked yesterday. It says the answer to all of them is love. So let's look at them and see if that's the case

I was speaking of husbands wives kings queens and heirs yesterday. Family in other words

We know the answer to family is love

Stella showed how much she loved me yesterday by calling me a cackling goose. Thanks for that dear

Elly showed love for me by saying look it's fine to like all different vidgame characters. As she does as well and so do so many people. She even drives around with them in her car and no one gives a hoot. Thanks for vouching for me like that Ell

Stella is the total opposite of me and our heirs will be different to us both. It's easy to love similar folks as much as you love yourself. But not so easy to love folks who's different

So me and Stella gotta learn to love each other and our heirs. The Bible says by loving folks who's different we earn extra soul dollars. So we know it is what heaven wants

Love is the answer to those first questions. What about the rest? How to break curses? True love's kiss of course. Everyone knows that don't they?

Why does heaven speak prophecies through me and give us destiny and send us signs instead of just leaving the world to misery?

It loves us all is why. Every one alive or in the spirit realms it loves. That's why it pays us soul dollars when we're good

Love is the law the kingdom of heaven rules by. It's likewise how I'll rule as a little puppet king on earth. Heaven's plaything. As I'm just part of heaven's kingdom. All I do is follow heaven

All saints and angels in heaven are loving beings. That's why they're choosing to incarnate as the prophesied heirs of the holy land throne through Stella. Saint Luke and Angel Gabriel

Incarnating as heaven loves us. So let's be thankful and welcome them to earth by accepting this destiny. They'll lead us to the new earth. The heaven on earth where all who believe will reincarnate to live forever

So all eleven questions were answered with love. Love is the answer to them all. Heaven answered my prayer. So let's have faith and follow heaven

Heaven is with us and all of it is true. Everything I've taught you. This is all what heaven wants. Heaven is all knowing

Nothing is wiser than following heaven. So make no more delay. After two years at last my dears follow me today

There's a lotta work we gotta do. Learn Hebrew. Arabic. Do all sorts of training. The world awaits and time ticks away. So let's get this amazing royal show for the world stage underway

Not just to get an amazing new life for yourselves here with me. But to thank and honour your maker Don El. Serve the kingdom of heaven and the world

Jeff Henderson says the same thing in the vid of the day. Take action. Show your support for someone who needs you. It's a message from heaven and heaven is all knowing

So don't worry about anything my dears. Throw caution to the wind and do as heaven says and it'll all work out. With heaven everything always does. So follow heaven with me today

Sunday 25 August 2024

Faithful like the Maker

Yesterday I said God is a trickster but always has good intentions and don't abandon us at tough times. Today's chap says imitate him and speaks of husbands and wives

Means we gotta stand by each other even though I'm just a trick victim. Means Israel should make me king just because I'm chosen and willing. Even though I'm just a plaything to El. I can still be a decent king and will follow him

He may trick us all. As a nation and a world. But we'll stay with each other anyway. Through it all. Knowing we're in the same boat. Little human trick victims subject to divine will. Also that El will stay with us. Despite our weaknesses. Despite the tricks. Life is not perfect but we must carry on

Don El. You've given us all faith in you then whipped it all away in a day. Now we're lost sheep looking for hope. We know the verse from the ancient scroll. "The Lord gives and takes away." Please give us back what you took. Our faith. So we may follow you again

I your chosen prophet speak for all us here today. I'll follow you anyway. You know that. But will these lost ones follow me now? We accept that you Don El are the master of dreams visions and signs. You took all our faith away in an instant. We're nothing without you. Please give us back our faith by telling us the answer to all our burning questions

The curses. The prophecies. The destiny. The signs. The way that leads to heaven. Earning soul dollars. The queens. The kingship. The kingdom of heaven on earth. The prophesied heirs to lead us there. The incarnation of heavenly souls

Is all of it true? Should me my queens and our followers all follow you this dream and destiny set out for us by all the heavenly signs you sent? Or is it all delusion and should we give up hope? Please send us a sign to let us know all of it is true. So that we may have faith and follow you. Amen

Faith Test

Was it all delusion? If these recent things were rubbish is all of it? The kingship. The queens. The curses. The prophecies. In fact all of religion?

These questions are called doubts and are natural. El wrote them into reality to make it easy for us to lose faith and tough to keep it

If he just made everything go right all the time we wouldn't need faith. He makes stuff go wrong on purpose

The natural thing to do now is go wild. If religion is fake there's no curses or rules. I'm free to sin as much as I like

No need to write or pray or train or make world peace. None of it matters. All that matters is I have fun and enjoy my life. So it's drunken parties and Xbox every day for me now

I knew dreams could be from horn or ivory. I said to El if I post them and they're wrong folks will lose faith. I said El you've tricked and steered me wrong before. Maybe I shouldn't bother

He said when I steered you wrong did I abandon or stay with you? Did I not lead you into the error then out the other side for a reason?

Will you only follow me when I bless and steer you right? Or through the rough patches and dark valleys as well?

Don't give up on me. I know the way. It may not be the way you wanna go. Or the way that looks right. It may be the stupidest seeming way. But go anyway if it's what I say

Now I gave you some things stuff will you cling to them and run away with them? Run away with your crown and your queens? Better not risk following the Lord anymore. You might lose them

Or will you take this wild risk and keep doing as I say even if it means you lose your crown and credibility?

Yes Lord I said. I will. You led me here and will lead me there. I can't be king without your guidance. If I could it wouldn't be worth it as I'd just do it wrong

I'd rather be poor with you than rich alone. You told me this stuff same as everything you told me before

It's crazy to post but I'll post it because it's what you said to me

That's my job. To say what you say to me. I could play it safe or follow you. Every day I'll follow you

So I followed El and he tricked me like I thought he might. As I was more scared to not follow El than to keep my credibility

Forget my credibility. Following El is all that matters. He plays tricks all the time anway. It's what he's like. So don't lose faith

Remember when he made an Elly lookalike appear on cam just as I spoke about triplets? Even I thought it was her. So have faith. El is a tricker

Or when he told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? Then at the last minute said nah just joking. He might do that with me and the kingship as well

He sent me dreams of those places and people and I wrote the details. But the goldfish one was wrong. Were the others? I don't know

Heaven told me to say all of it. So maybe they're all wrong. But if they are it don't mean the kingship stuff is. Just that he may not always give me accurate visions about everything

The reason he does things like this is to remind us he is the one on control. Not us. The moment I start thinking I'm the one in control is the moment I become just a regular ruler who follows the wisdom of the world instead of heaven

That's the trouble with heaven and dreams. They're not physical things set in stone. Heaven don't always follow the laws of time space and logic. Plus dreams have different interpretations. They may be visions of maybes rather than definites

El wants you to know he is in control of the kingship. Not me. I'm just a seer. I see what he shows me in dreams. I write what he says under inspiration. He confirms it was inspired with signs

So don't write any of it off. We never know God's plans. Heaven tests people's faith all the time. So don't be surprised when things seem to go completely wrong. It's part of his plan and a way to test our faith

Yesterday the verse said he blesses folks who suffer for doing right and lets them go to heaven. It's right to follow El. Even if he seems to be steering us wrong. Even if we suffer for following him

He steered Abraham wrong with Isaac. But Abraham did right by following El anyway. By following what El told him to do he suffered great emotional turmoil

Yesterday daytime I wanted to wear a jacket. But he whispered in my ear to go out without one. I felt cold and uncomfy all day. So I was suffering for doing right. Suffering for following his guidance

When I got outside I felt cold straight away. But it was a test of faith. Would I complain go back home and put a warm jacket on? Or listen to the whisper and stay true to heaven's guidance?

He said I wouldn't need my phone either. So I left it at home. Then I realised I couldn't check the socials. So I felt anxious all day that the visions were wrong and folks would lose faith. But I couldn't check to see. That anxiety was also me suffering for doing right. Suffering for following heaven's advice

Anyone with any sense would think following heaven is stupid if it leads you wrong half the time. But God invented stupidity so it isn't always a bad thing. So follow even stupidly with faith

Today again the verse says even if you suffer as a Christian keep the faith. Christ himself suffered. So sometimes El makes us suffer for doing right

Today I'm suffering the shame and humiliation of speaking wrong visions. Maybe El has finished with me. Maybe I'll lose the crown forever. It don't feel good

But this is where Christ has led me and what he has told me to do. So I'm suffering for being a Christian. A follower of Christ. Just like the verse says

The fact the verse is saying what is going on means El knew all this would happen way before it did. Because the verse is telling the story as it's happening each day. I suffered the cold weather and the cold reception of my fake visions

The Bible says El won't lead you halfway then abandon you. He'll lead you all the way and finish the work he starts. As long as we keep following him all the way. All our lives. Then to heaven. Generation after generation

How many times has he inspired my words then shown the same concepts in the next day's devotional? So let's see what tomorrow's says. Maybe he'll prove all these words I'm saying are true

Saturday 24 August 2024


Now I'm embarrassed. Well that's a good thing. I know it seems stupid. But this is what God wanted
He is the one who told me to say what I said. What he wants may not make sense to us. We are just mortals
How can we know the mind of God?
His ways are a mystery to us
All we can do is follow him
Even when he plays tricks on me I follow him
Which he often does. It's not the first time
He's the boss
Not me
I could only be king if he let me
Even if I was he could take my crown in an instant
Like when he took everything from Job
Job said
“We bring nothing at birth;
we take nothing with us at death.
The Lord gives us all we have and takes it all away again whenever he so chooses. So we can't complain."
After all it's just a day. Not the end of all or my campaign. Necessarily
If my prophecies were true would I take credit?
No it would be God's power not mine
So if my prophecies are false am I to blame?
I didn't make them up
They're what he told me to say
He's a masterful trickster
Though all his tricks have a good intention
Even if we can't see what it is right now
So we must keep having faith
Even when he tricks us
Or takes all we have like Job
Maybe tomorrow he will put true prophecies in my mouth
Maybe not
I don't know
I can't see the future
Only he can. Our lord and master
We can just watch in awe and praise him for his miracles
Follow him wherever he may lead us
Or not and go our own way

Monday 19 August 2024

Throne Wars

Wait? You already posted? Wow I'm slow tonight. You wanna live in peace as well? That's great. All that's left to do is add me and we'll get to business


Did you post that right after my letter? Or was it synchronicty?

Either way it was the right thing to do. To follow my advice or just show Stella kindness

See how sweet she is now Stella? So you don't gotta worry. She's gonna be like your tutor or lady in waiting. Your sister at the monastery and godmother to our kids. Literally as heaven sent her

How lucky you are princess Stella to have this other princess to help you so

Heaven gives you everything doesn't it. See how kind heaven is now?

It has made all the arrangements for you to be queen. All you gotta do is have faith and follow

So first chosen your next step is a friendly vid in response to sister Elly's kindness. The world awaits

Sunday 18 August 2024

Competing Queens

Stella has shown the bitterness of a cat drinking coffee this morn by calling Elly a dinosaur and saying she can live forever without us. Well that's not very nice is it? Why so bitter?

I think it's because she's as scared of Elly as the neighbourhood cats are of Fido the Pitbull who lives in the garden down the street

Understandable. Elly treats explosions and killing sprees like fun and games. Why would Stella even set foot in the same house as her? Let alone live with her?

Don't worry dear. The barks of dogs tend to be worse than their bites. Plus it's a well known fact the two species can live in the same house quite peacefully

I gotta be your responsible owner. Look after you both. Make sure you don't fight

That can be quite easily achieved as there is a rule I forgot to mention yesterday

If either of the trainee queens bites the other. Now it could be physically or mentally. By attempting to smear their reputation for example. That queen will lose her claim

The only way to win the throne is if you both agree to be good lifelong friends with each other. It cannot be won by putting each other down. In fact that is the way to lose the throne

Even after one wins the throne. The other will profit from staying on good terms and not going to the papers about that one drunken night the other is now so ashamed of

If the two of you do get into any bickering or quibbles. I as the good owner will help you both see each other's points of view and make peace

If I was to gang up with one queen against the other so she won by disqualification I would lose my right to be king. It is my job to train and look after you both equally

That means if one has a bad day or a bad month and bites the other I gotta step in to simmer the situation and help you both find a peaceful resolution

I'm a soul doctor remember. So don't worry. There's no trouble you two can make for yourselves or each other that I can't help you peacefully resolve

So Elly I want you to be nice to Stella from now on. No more explosions or barking to frighten her please. Show her you're willing to treat her nice

If you can't show her then sadly you will lose your right to train here. Part of your job is to support the first chosen in every way possible

Likewise it's part of Stella's job to support you. As queen candidates your destinies are now entwined for life. What happens to one will affect the other. So you must look after each other

So that's the next phase you girls. Show each other how nice you can be to each other online. Then we can talk about some equally nice real world living arrangements

Queen Camp

Don't worry Stella you're still first chosen. If you turn me down I'll still need a wife. God picked Elly and she's perfect for me same as you

You're not in competition with each other. There is just a job offer. You take it if you want. If not Elly wins. She is your replacement

No one is in the lead as you both ain't speaking. Both add me today. Do everything I say and Stella will win in the end. But Elly will get awesome training and not lose out

We will live as a team of monks here. I'll be your boss. The abbot. You'll be novices learning the way. All you gotta do is all I say. I'm a good boss. Don't worry

I won't steer you wrong or say do anything that isn't good. God has picked me as boss because I have everyone's best interests at heart. Just like he does

So all you gotta do is have faith and follow me. Do all the things I say. Obey my dears obey. Obeying is good. Obeying is a virtue

You don't gotta show off to see who's best. Just gotta follow and do as I say to do. Then Stella will win. There is no way Elly can win if you both do as you're told. But if only Elly does then Stella will lose by no fault of anyone but herself

I want world peace but can't choose who wins. I need a world peace queen. If Stella is bad she will be no good so won't make peace even if she is queen

So it's no use me favouring or picking her just because she is Stella. She was the only chosen queen at first. But because of lack of faith she now has a replacement for if she still don't obey. Obeying is the important thing. The most important virtue

An obedient Elly can help the world more than a disobedient Stella. So don't expect me to favour Stella just because she is first chosen

My job is to treat you both equal till engagement day and let win whoever obeys most willingly. To be obedient it's not an acrobatics or creativity contest. You can fail and mess up and be rubbish it's fine. Only requirement is try your best to do all I say each and every day

You both try your bests and Elly is amazing and Stella is rubbish Stella will win so don't worry. If you're both rubbish Stella will win. If just Elly is rubbish she will still get great training and be happy

It's not about how good or rubbish you are. Just that you walk the way and do as instructed. I'll teach you. I'm your boss. Like any job all you do is obey the boss. It's not a difficult thing

You're coming here to learn the way and part of it is simply to obey. So let's start right now. Right away do this thing I say. Both add me online today

We'll discuss living arrangements and all live here together as a fam. Four of us as monks. Me as the abbot. You two in training

You won't be competing against each other. You'll be helping and supporting each other. We will be a family and a team

If only Elly adds me and lives here she will win. If Elly comes first and Stella follows a bit after then Stella will still win

Elly that may make you feel a bit like a stepping stone for Stella but don't worry. It's good to be a stepping stone. It's helpful

Jesus washed Peter's feet. So be proud to support the first chosen as a kind of stepping stone. Spurring Stella on to do the job she was chosen for is a good deed and heaven will be pleased

By encouraging Stella just by doing the training she is supposed to be doing. You will be playing your part to help save the world

Encouraging the first chosen is good. So even if you come first and don't win you did a good thing. You will get amazing training out of it and be a much loved and respected member of team world peace

So you got nothing to lose and everything to gain by training here. Even if part of the reason is just to encourage Stella. She is the first chosen so we gotta encourage her to take the queenship alright? If she don't though you will take it as you're her replacement chosen by heaven

So no pressure on either of you to outdo each other. All you gotta do is train here together and heaven will assign you both jobs in team world peace

That's how it's gotta be now Elly is involved. Heaven wants you both living here for the next two years till engagement day

After that I gotta stop treating you as candidates. I will focus on just one for the queen training. The other can stay here as a monk for life if she wishes though

If Stella does as she is told then Elly you will stay our friend for life and be a team world peace member and Stella will be queen. Even if you come first and encourage her then she follows

Even so I recommend you both follow and move here at the same time. Just Stella could come but I actually think all of us here would be better for the queen training

You're both involved now and Stella having declined at first is a contingency covered by God's plan. Now he wants you both here so let's all just embrace it and train

Stella don't think first chosen is a licence to laze. You're not so important you can just not bother and still win. If Elly trains but you don't she will become heaven's first choice by merit of her efforts and virtues

If you wanna win and join team world peace become queen and play your part in saving the world you gotta make the effort

If only Elly does then you will lose. If there's war because you lost itta be your fault. Me and Elly will do our bests to make world peace with or without you

Elly will make the perfect queen and is your genuine replacement. So I will train love and respect her the same as you. Heaven has picked you both after all

So don't expect me to treat her like she don't matter. Till engagement day she's as much my queen as you. After that only one of you will be my love. The other just a friend

So Elly be a good trainee and add me today. Encourage Stella as well. Your job is to encourage her to be queen. If she refuses despite your encouraging you'll be queen

It's a simple and easy game to play. Not a bitter competition in any way. Just be my employees. My trainee monks. Doing as I the abbot say

You don't gotta wait for Elly Stella. Show your faith by adding me today. You should as first chosen and queen. Inspire your subjects

Encourage Elly as well. Your replacement and supporter. She will help you train. You're both invited. Both welcome. Both picked by heaven. Called here to train. So let's all do it. The world and the kingdom of heaven await

Saturday 3 August 2024


Lobster is like my favourite food! I never had it but seen it in films and always thought wow that's the best food. Such a good food not kosher? How ironic. I thought it's a good food to include in a story. What you guys think it is? A guy called phallic lord had a lobster pic and spoke to me. So I could see he was relating lobster to something rude. But did I write anything lewd? Is the chapter lewd at all? Why pick stuff outta context then and make it lewd when it's not? Another said they really excited because verse 14 said share what you got. That was another facepalm moment for me. I didn't think anything of it. But since you mention it yeah. You should give what you got. Size don't matter. It's just for making babies. Me and my queen will just make babies and live as a loyal fam. Whichever queen it is makes no difference to me. So forget all the rude stuff and just focus on the virtuous things. Today's verse says it best for you. As El speaks your language better than me. So let El do the talking today. ‭Psalms 20:7 "Some people trust the power of chariots or horses but we trust you LORD God."

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...