Tuesday 27 August 2024

Love is the Answer

Ladies and gents. You've seen it yourselves. I asked for a sign and heaven sent one. Proving everything I said was inspired and true

I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. El does play tricks. He played a trick on me. He led me wrong. Made us lose our faith

I told you he would lead us through it though and he did

If you thought all of religion was rubbish because I got the readings wrong. You should think all religion is true because of this sign

Especially so as this sign says the word all

I asked the Lord just yesterday if ALL of it was true. I then asked eleven questions for heaven to answer. Now what does heaven say today? ALL the law. It means the law Moses wrote. But that really is the law of heaven

I'm saying the same things Moses said. Just in a new way. With new details. Leaving out some of the older details now outdated. Which were just for the ancients instead of modern folks

So when the verse says all the law it is the same as saying all eleven questions I asked yesterday. It says the answer to all of them is love. So let's look at them and see if that's the case

I was speaking of husbands wives kings queens and heirs yesterday. Family in other words

We know the answer to family is love

Stella showed how much she loved me yesterday by calling me a cackling goose. Thanks for that dear

Elly showed love for me by saying look it's fine to like all different vidgame characters. As she does as well and so do so many people. She even drives around with them in her car and no one gives a hoot. Thanks for vouching for me like that Ell

Stella is the total opposite of me and our heirs will be different to us both. It's easy to love similar folks as much as you love yourself. But not so easy to love folks who's different

So me and Stella gotta learn to love each other and our heirs. The Bible says by loving folks who's different we earn extra soul dollars. So we know it is what heaven wants

Love is the answer to those first questions. What about the rest? How to break curses? True love's kiss of course. Everyone knows that don't they?

Why does heaven speak prophecies through me and give us destiny and send us signs instead of just leaving the world to misery?

It loves us all is why. Every one alive or in the spirit realms it loves. That's why it pays us soul dollars when we're good

Love is the law the kingdom of heaven rules by. It's likewise how I'll rule as a little puppet king on earth. Heaven's plaything. As I'm just part of heaven's kingdom. All I do is follow heaven

All saints and angels in heaven are loving beings. That's why they're choosing to incarnate as the prophesied heirs of the holy land throne through Stella. Saint Luke and Angel Gabriel

Incarnating as heaven loves us. So let's be thankful and welcome them to earth by accepting this destiny. They'll lead us to the new earth. The heaven on earth where all who believe will reincarnate to live forever

So all eleven questions were answered with love. Love is the answer to them all. Heaven answered my prayer. So let's have faith and follow heaven

Heaven is with us and all of it is true. Everything I've taught you. This is all what heaven wants. Heaven is all knowing

Nothing is wiser than following heaven. So make no more delay. After two years at last my dears follow me today

There's a lotta work we gotta do. Learn Hebrew. Arabic. Do all sorts of training. The world awaits and time ticks away. So let's get this amazing royal show for the world stage underway

Not just to get an amazing new life for yourselves here with me. But to thank and honour your maker Don El. Serve the kingdom of heaven and the world

Jeff Henderson says the same thing in the vid of the day. Take action. Show your support for someone who needs you. It's a message from heaven and heaven is all knowing

So don't worry about anything my dears. Throw caution to the wind and do as heaven says and it'll all work out. With heaven everything always does. So follow heaven with me today

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...